Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1903, p. 2

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i THE NEWMARKET ERA WANTED A strong boy to handle Express at DRUG STORE LOST A Fox answering to the name of Minto strayed away frcin the mill at Suitable re- war for its return- LOST At Newmarket Picnic Riverdale Park Toronto Stick Pin rep resenting a Harp set with pearls Reward given for return to St Toronto For Sale Globe Hotel in thriving Vil lage of Hillsdale stock and Proprietor retiring from business to suit the pur chaser Apply to JOSEPH Hillsdale Teacher Wanted m For School Section No it East Duties to comment after vacation Apply stating sal ary personal application preferred to Sharon FARM FOR 8ALE acres being lot in cod of North In good state of cultivation Good including bank bam and fences in good condition Neverfailing soring of water miles from KeswicK 26 Caretakers Wanted Newmarket Public School Board requires the services of Care takers or the Model and Primary Schools at the respective salar of and 50 per annum References required Apply at once to DAVID LLOYD Sec Public School Board PEARSON I M P Pearson FirstClass Board For a few Boarders at per week Mrs A Gordon No St Good General Servant Wanted to go to the Highest wages Apply to Mrs Main St Newmarket 24 FOR CHEAP of Iron Cresting without a flaw and small Iron Gates at about half cost price Enquire at Era Of fice omen Toronto Street Toronto By Act o Parliament of Canada passed at the present lion the tame of The Canada Per- and Carta la Mort gage Corporation ha been changed to Canada Mortgage Cor poration J Herbert Mason Mtnaiin Director Cholera has broken out China The famous whaler Vega has foun dered in Melville Bay Two striking moulders arrested at on a of assaulting a man were fined and costs by the magistrate there Tbe American Seeding Machine Company whose head office Is at Springfield Ohio have selected as the location a Cana dian branch of their business The Ltopda flet According to views of Ontario Officials so far as can be ascertained the decision of tbe Privy Council in England on the appeal toe At- torneyvOenera vs Hamilton Electrical Railway Co means the Lords Day Act with certain amendments thereto passed by Ontario House since Confederation is ultra vires During past few days Deputy- AttorneyGeneral Cart- wright KC stated that Wis is the interpretation he is reluctantly forc ed to place upon tbe various grajrte tire Law Department has re ceived Of course he qualifies this interpretation by stating that it can not mean that the whole Lord Day Act is ultra vires since it dates Iron reign of Charles and is one Imperial statues adopted as part of tbe general law of Canada In brief the decision tbe Privy Council apparently means that the Federal Parliament is empow ered to amend the Lords Day Act Deputy further states that according to tbe despatch sent to the Department none ol the spe cial questions were answered Those related to the regulation of Sunday excursions the definition of the word traveller and the operating street cars on Sunday outside the city of Toronto which was exempted by the legislation of Torontos leading lawyers regard this decision of the Privy Council to mean that advocates of a more thor ough observance of toe Lords Day must seek requsite legislation from the Dominion Government Composition of County Councils At the last the Ontario Legislature the Municipal Act was amended by providing for a change in the composition of Count Councils The amendment reads as follows The council of any local muni cipality at a special meeting call ed for that purpose may by reso lution declare that it is expedient that the council of such county should be composed of the reeves of townships and and the mayors of towns not separated from the county instead A rep resentatives of the county divisions constituted under this Act and may cause a copy of such resolution duly certified clerk and Head of such coun cil under corporate seal to be deposited with the clerk of the county on or before he first day of October in any year immedi ately preceding a rear in which county councillors are to be elect under this Act In case a resolution has been duly passed and deposited with clerk of the county In any year under the preceding subsec tion by the councils of a major ity the local municipalities in county the of the coun ty shall certify the facts to the county council in signed by him and shall also or be fore the day October such year insert a notice of the passing of the resolution by a ma jority of the councils of the local municipalities of lie county in some newspaper published in the county After Hie publication of such notice it shall not be neces sary to hold an election of county councillors In such comity to nominating there for hut the county council for the following year and thereafter shall be composed of the reeves of ail townships and villages in the ionty and the mayors of towns not separated from the county for municipal purposes and the following subsections of this section shall to such county No reeve or mayor take his seat In the county council un til he has with the cleric of the county council a certificate of the township village or town clerk under his hand and the seal the Municipal Corn nation that such reeve or mayor was duly elected and has made and sub scribed declaration of office and qualification ax reeve or mayor If tbe municipal electors the County of York desire to take of this change in ttie composi tion of the County Council of York in time to take effect January preliminary steps should be taken at an early day and t is likewise up to the local town village and kblp Councils to pass necessary resolutions and We the same County Clerk as providtd by the above amendments The favored this change on the ground that It would bring the Council more In touch with the Interest of the several local munici palities and would the attending the election of County Ctun etc this connection it is quite to state that further made so instead of Sundays storm of lightning and having deputy reeves tbe rain was a terrible one The law by way of protection cu disabled larger and more heavily assessed street cars set fire to a store aud reeves duplicate l rain came down In torrents overflow votes on all of toe sewers filling cellars etc and over in proportion to Four young men were nearly drown- Municipal men of large off point on Saturday experience in the wHh- Something went the of toe yacht in which they out to politics the 0 proposed change in rost en ft County Councils be a deeded improvement to the present t n s Oar Society Column THE CASH STORE THE RELIABLE STORK AND IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT to be Cleared f r r t tfir on Max of York Street injured Saturday at the Consolidated Clock Company factory by teliing down elevator shaft His right arm was broken at the wrist in two places The affairs of Home Comers Festival have boon wound up and the accounts audited The total receipts amounted to total ex penditures This leaves a surplus of on hand Most of these occasions have a deficit for the Committee of Arrangements to pro vide for A gentleman residing on Sword St on Saturday remonstrated with some boys for playing baseball near his house A rough lad In response threw a stone struck the man in face and cut an ugly gash lie had to go to the Hospital to get it dressed Tbe police are after the rough who threw the stone and his are said to have a lively time keening him from being apprehended by tte cops The dog show at the exhibition here in September will be a special fea ture One judge comes all the wty from England Mr Glynn of London He is to judge Fox Welsh Scottish and Airedale Terriers Mr James Mortimer Toronto and Mr Lacy Boston will be the oth er two on the dog classes Miss Sadie Burns was accidentally drowned in the Hum her on Friday evening of last A big lawsuit has been entered against Co oter school books by Campbell author of works claiming royal ty asking for an injunction re straining the Co from print ing said books The capitalists who have secured an option for the site or a two million dollar steel plant at Port have filed their application for a pro vincial charier The name of the company is designated the Cor poration Canada The paidup capital is ami the re sources behind the scheme lcprcsent Mr George is the financial agent of cue concern in Toronto Although name of the proposed company is suggestive of connection with the United States steel corporation it Is declared to bo an entirely independent concern Ellis out from England was arrested on Saturday charged with vagrancy He register ed on July as the Ellis Just a Few of our many Money Saving Bargains It is needless to say that we will Bell the Balance of Our Bummer at your own price It must go to make room for our enormous Fall Pur chases Bargains in every Department I PERSONAL POINTS Mr Irwin of Winnipeg is visiting friends here Mr Howard of is home for bis holidays The Misses Try of are vte- with Miss Mr A Coombs is spending a few days in St this week Mr Gamble teller in the OB is spending his two weeks vacation at Mr Morton Sutton stagedriver spent over Sunday at Roachs Point Mrs John left tor Pres ton Springs on Tuesday for treat ment for rheumatism Mr A Via PO has been enjoying a weeks holidays in Toronto and Perth Miss Ethel Perkins nurse in a New York Hospital spending her vacation in Newmarket Miss Clara of Toronto was visiting Mrs Jacob Taylor and other friends on Sunday Mr Stewart Little left last Sat- to accept a situation in De troit with his brother George Miss Thomson and her friend Miss of Pittsburg are spending the week end in Toronto Mrs Harry Willis and two chil dren of Toronto are visiting with Mrs Manning for a few days Miss Lottie Jones bad the plea sure of a visit from her sister Miss Eunice Jones of London on Tuesday last Mr and daughter of Cleveland were tie guests Mr Bolt Hewitt on Wed nesday night Miss Svinner graduate of Newmarket High School now teach ing In Grey Co spent over Sunday witb her friend Miss Lottie Clublne Miss Porter graduate Newmar ket High School now teaching at the Canadian Soo is spending part of the vacation the borne of Mr John Sheriff and Mrs fieM of Toronto are holidaying in Coldstream Guards Clothing and Mens Mens Soft Shins for 75c Mens Tweed Suits for- Mens 1000 Serge Suits for Mens Tweed Suits worth 750 for Mens 50c Underwear for Mens 50c Flowing Ties for oots and Shoes Old young large and small can all find money saving inducements in our Shoe Department Bargains for the Children Bargains for the Ladies Bargains for the Men Dry Goods Department Ladies Fancy Lisle Thread lor Wash Collar Ladies for Summer Corsets for 50c r Prints worth for Flannelette worth for Sateen Underskirts worth 150 for 98c A number of Odd Lots of Wall Papers at about Half Price Cooked Meats with Dr and Mrs GilHour are guests of Mrs at Savcns Craig Messrs Dales and Sargent editor and manager of the Christian Van guard were in town this week ar ranging for the Bra to print their magazine in future The has it to temporarily increase its staff in the person of Mr A Musscn who was favorably or years to Aurora patrons of this popu lar financial institution Mr and Mrs It A Smith re turned from Creek Michigan whore they attended the Mr Powell brother of Mrs Smith who was accldenily killed on the railroad at Chicago Mr Henderson of Pittsburg Pa son of the late Andrew Hender son formerly of Newmarket accom panied by his wife spent Monday with friends In town on their way to for a holiday trip McDonald and his sons Messrs John and Ted together with Mrs John McDonald leHon Wednes day for Moose Jaw by way Owen Sound and Port Arthur and expect remain till the winter sets In Mr and Mrs Geo Smith of valle spent Tuesday night In Town and were calling on old friends Wed- morning They were on their way to visit friends at Maple and To ronto Junction Mr and Mrs went to Belle last week intending to spend a couple of weeks In catup but alter days Mr was taken bo bad with erysipelas in his that they had to return home for medical treatment Mr Manning played with Bradford against the lacrosse team on Thursday of last week Bradford won by a score 2 to It was a beautiful exhibition game- no roughness whatever The visitors are thorough gentlemen During a ftre in a coal barge in Halifax harbor a corps German soWiers from the warship were detailed to assist and one sail or went down into the flte in the hold clothed in asbestos and receiving his supply of air as if in a bell House Scotland with tbe GovernorGener als secretary asking The money was forwarded to hotel with the request that Mi Bailey the make sure that the Hon Mr received it The man ager had his doubts about the Eng lishman and did not pay him the remittance The man he was per sonating is an acquaintance ot Lord Charters who is on ver ge of delirium tremens was remand ed for a week Herman Winger aged about has been arrested at Hamilton on a charge of bigamy I OOo Cold Boiled Ham Jellied Veal Jellied Hocks Corn Beef oco- cans Lovely Pink Salmon for 25c lbs Tapioca for Shop Early to Avoid tie Afternoon Phone Sign of the Big hand NEWMARKET W Hall was drowned in tho Rive at Winnipeg while canoeing and John Brown at while bathing James Martin head electrician in charge ot the transforming station in Hudson Park a ot main powerhouse of the Edison Elec tric Light was shocked to death while on duty on Saturday night volts passing through his body Of China and Glassware Odd Pieces at a Bargain while they last The Cradle Near on Thursday July to Mr and Mrs J ter ADAIR At Cleveland Ohio on July to Mr and Mrs Robin Adair nee Miss of a daughter Newmarket July to Mr and Mrs a daughter stillborn THE LEADING Farniture Undertaking House -IN- Extension Tables and Conches a calls atteMM to ai John Millard If and Th Tomb Lloyd In Whitchurch on July Lloyd wife of Lloyd aged years and day Deceased has been a great sufferer from heart and kidney trouble for the past three years The funeral took place on Tuesday and was largely at tended the remains being interred at the Friends Burying Ground Pine Orchard At Industrial Home on Ju ly Patrick about years Deceased formerly resided in the Township of King and has only been la the Home a couple morlhs A subscription was taken up In New market to defray funeral expenses and the remains were interred In St Johns Cemetery on Monday GRAHAM At Bradford on Sunday July of per anaemia Thomas Gra ham aged years late of the firm of Scott A Graham Deceased was reeve Bradford fr tome years and also Division Court Clerk lie was a life long Reformer and a citizen Whitchurch on July Arthur his year Express Wagons 2 Cabs Toy Carts Croquet Sets 4 6 and Balls GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT XilBBYS JELLIED HOCKS MELROSE PATE LIBBYS IRISH STEW CORN BEEF HASH AYLMER PORK AND BEANS IN CHILLI A B BEST ENGLISH PICKLES ENGLISH PICKLES HORSESHOE SALMON CHASE PURE COFFEE read GARDEN GROWN FRESH DAILY MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Black Currants Cherries Tomatoes Onions Lettuce read Pastry In small or by Sugar by the Barrel for Preserving Central Telephone Office

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