Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1903, p. 1

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The Era give more home news than any two other papers North York combined and is acknowledge to be the Leading Taper if NOETH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER mi the liberty to know to to to ccndcsco above other liberty AG No paper cent outside of North York unless paid in advance No 25 copies etch Ice Ore am -AND- BETTER THAN EVER -AT- Our fiiYort are the pure concentrated fruit syrups made from the beat Theyre rich and heavy Just seem to roll out the I It would ho much cheaper to ayrapa that saw fruit I made from But our Soda reputation wasnt built on Ice cornea as teat perfection possible and wo Intend to there BROUGHT Dye Works Agent Express Co Light Cartage and baggage handled with despatch Telephone No I li or of clco to It I7 We h Kf JX without fa IcUahaUnt MARION MARION and Solicitor The Era is rat I f Ideal County Weekly It Newmarket Ont Friday July Our Toronto Letter I TERMS per annum if paid In advance The dispute over the deviation of and Aurora Electric Railway at the Western terminus was before Judge Winchester this week but decision not reached A lifeshe portrait of Chief Justice Moss now adorns the Gallery of judges in Hall Dr is in the city tins week arranging lor a visit to Canada on August of the party ov fifty prominent Englishmen members of tie Parliament and others who are coming to study trade and industrial conditions in this country before dealing with the problem in the British House The party will be in Toronto during the Industrial Exhibition Rev Principal is making very satisfactory progress towards recovery A burglar caj lured at the store of Rice Lewis Co last week named Gordon has a long retard of crimes registered up against him A coroners jury in the recent in vestigation into the cause of death of Mrs Mary Kelley condemned the street car fender as practically use less and yet if anyone of them had been asked for a practical illustra tion of something better he would be The ground recently purchased for the Asylum is being cleared of buildings and it will be Welled and utilized for- the benefit of the In- mates until the further extension of buildings becomes necessary- express on the carried a large crowd of Americans to and on Satur day Geo accidentally jostled off a sail boat during Friday last as a stiff breeze was blowing at the time his companions were un able to right about in time to save him A dingy was upset just off the Is land Club House on Friday throwing two young ladies and a gentleman in to the water but fortunately they were rescued by the caretaker Kingston Old Boys will go down to the Limestone City on to celebrate A new chapel recently finished at the Mercer Reformatory was dedi cated last week Mr presided Hon Mr was present on the occasion Speeches made The steamer White Star vajued at was at her dock at the foot of York Street early on Saturday morning She had only teen put in commission and was largely owned by people f A prisoner at Central Prison by the name Chas who was serving a term and had only been behind the bars for three months escaped from the institution on Friday by digging a hole through stone will Toronto Conservatives have decided to hold a picnic some lime in August Wonder will My Dear be among the invito speakers Tho collected over two dozen dogs in their wagon on Friday morning without tags attach ed to collars and were pro ceeding with them to the pound A mischievous wag riding a bicycle rode up i behind and opened the door of the wagon box at the back and the dogs were out and scampering in all directions the dogcatchers were aware of it Caretaker Wise High Park died on Saturday last Mrs Wise died a few weeks ago and her husbands death Is attributed to hands on the steamers plying between this city and Niagara and went out on on but wanted to get hack again when learned the law Some were restated others were sent oft with a polite Intimation that other had got their places On Saturday morning a drop a letter en College Street con taining a cheque tor pay able bank Fortunately It was picked up by an honest man by the name of Haycock and handed to Its owner During the heated days Wednes day and Thursday of week no leas than fifty hogs succumbed Is a total loss to the pork packing In dustry of the city Tom Hall Aurora burglar Is in a complaining mood because he was shot without warning but be to be oblivious of the fact that he burglarized the shop in which he waa shot without wtnin i It pays to the The Canadian Railway Hail Service 1 Mail is Sorted I Written by W serandson of Mrs David Newmarket running in the line from Chatham to of Few outside those actively en gaged in the work have any of the methods of handling the mail matter in the railway postal cars or with the amount of labor connected with this handling j The railway mail service is a con necting link between Different post offices carrying mail from the office of posting to tbe office of de livery each car serving all the places on the line of railway ever which it runs The amount of mail mat- ter in these days is enormous and to handle this properly hundreds ot cars are in use in which are em ployed a small army of clerks In each car are at least two clerks The senior man is clerk in charge His duties are to handle tet ters and see that all work is proper- performed The clerk sorts papers handles ail the bags clears the station letter On commencing a trip neces sary letter bills and facing slips are prepared When the mails are re ceived the lock bags are first opened and the packages of registered letters secured These are checked off date stamped entered on the proper bilk and a receipt signed for them Then the ordinary letters which are re ceived in packages are sorted into a case containing a separate com partment for each office on the line and for all other roads and offices for which a sufficient is re ceived Any errors received are noted on the back of the slip accompanying the package in which they were found The slip is then dated stamped and initialled by the clerk receiving and sent in to the superintendent This keeps the ser vice as efficient as possible The bags are hung with tops open rom hooks on a rack of horizontal bars It is interesting to watch a clerk sorting papers at a rack holding anywhere from twenty to fifty bags He works rapidly using both hands and the way he tosses from one lag to an other never missing is remark able The letter clerk works with the same ease and speed clearing a table in an short time it uncommon thing to start from a terminal point with twenty or more large bags to sort To handle these on a rapidlymoving train before reaching the next sta tion speedy work is absolutely As each station is readied Its mail is placed in a separate bag and despatched The nag the office is received and the con tents sorted Every nail received or despatched is accompanied by a letter hill made out by the clerk or the postmaster despatching The possession this shows the proper receipt of the mail Letters always carried in lock bags are tied in packages each with a printed facing slip on the top showing its destina tion the date stamp and initials of the clerk despatching The pa pers arc sent in sacks with printed labels appearing in a slide on the drawcord At junction points mails transferred from one car to an other At catch stations where trains do not stop the bag is thrown off and that received is caught from an overhead crane by- an iron arm extended from the car door The amount of work on a run is determin ed by the length of it Size of offices it and the frequency with winch this service is performed In bur postal service the importance of railway clerks be ti mated The amount of intelligence here displayed is quite above the Is bo a of nearly four thousand post offices showing the railway serving these and also the time of arrival and departure of the stages serving the country dis tricts In addition to this he must be of the Canadian Postal Guide the reguli- concerning government postal clerks and must have an Intimate train connections He is examined on this once a year on his showing are based his chance of promotion The high percentage taken year on these exams speaks well for the efficiency of the service The life of a railway mall clerk is ere bard work- mental strain and constant exposure to dan ger In spite of this there is dis played a great fascination and even love for the work Many cases have occurred of heroic devotion to duty to protect the mails and especially precious Registers in time of ac cident He is a modest unassum ing fellow who pursues the even ten or of his way and makes but little show He wades through great quantities of work in short time hav ing few mistakes counted against him Of him it may be truly said that his absence would be felt For the Era Trade with the West in a Critical Condition The Fruit Division Ottawa gives out the following statement Numer ous requests have been received from Manitoba and the North West for Ontario fruit of the best quality put up in neat and attract ive packages of the sort that Western dealers prefer to handle There are immense possibilities in the Western trade for the Ontario fruit growers but methods of packing shipping will have to be adopt ed at once or the whole of this great and growing business will be captured by the Americans Fruit Inspector of Winnipeg writes that matters have come to a critical stage and that Onta rio now makes a determined bid for the trade the market will be occu pied almost exclusively by fruit from California Oregon and In the case apples even Kansas and Missouri ate likely to be strong competitors According to Mr the packages wanted in tho Winnipeg market ire the follow ing Apples the box Pears the halfbox holding twenty pounds of wrapped fruit- loaches and Plums the crate holding four boxes similar to those used California and which are veil known in all Canadian markets It is very important that Ontario shippers should realize the critical stage at which this trade has arrived and that they- should make a united effort to capture the Western market hot only perfecting the details their own of the business but by taking up the matter of transpor tation with the express and railwav companies in order to secure pos sible a better and quicker service to Winnipeg At present Is fre quently by express from Toronto to Winnipeg Smiths Falls via Montreal to con nect with road from to hums longer than ft would be if sent via North Hay and consequently it does not arrive in Winnipeg in the test condition If the carrying com panies can convinced- that Ontario growers arc prepared to maintain a steady shipment of fruit in modern packages and not merely to send West the that the Hast not want put up in all sorts antiquat ed shapes there is little doubt that adequate service will be provided at a rate which will compare favorably with that now enjoyed by Oregon and California slippers CATARRH IS A GERM WISKASK Science armed with tho mksoscope established it a fact and this conclusion renders obsolete the prac tice of treating Asthma Catarrh and by stomach drugging sprays snuffs etc Such treatments are an Iter failure because they cannot penetrate the delicate pas sages the nose and bronchial tubes where the of catarrh have their stronghold is certain remedy It is in haled by the mouth and after spread ing through all the respiratory tern Is exhaled thru the nostrils Catarrhozone the heals t inflamed tissues clears the head and throat in two minutes and cures a few hours Nothing is so effect ive pleasant and sample M Catarrh- ozone Two months treatment Small size or Poison Co Kingston Orrt For the Era Sugar Beet Cultivation a Success in Waterloo Co The Ontario Sugar Company Lim ited made a wise choice location when it decided to build its factory at Berlin the County Town of Wat erloo County which has a typical soil for growing sugar beets feeds stock chiefly beef cattle extensively and is farmed by Germans who are characterized by their indus try economical habits and close ap plication to duty None except the actually experienc ed realize the tremendous task rest ing upon company and farmer alike the first year of the establishment of the beet sugar industry The in dustry cannot begin in a small way but must launch out the first year for its lour to six thousand acres Thus is occasioned the pressure thru unprepared land lack of sufficient labor inexperience large acreages loaded upon the enterprising few almost During this experimental stage the industry has to endure annoyance and the injury of prejudiced crit ic the wilful enemy the jealous the idle talker the wise uninformed and the injudicious incor rect press references which even the leading papers sometimes circulate Such parties gloat over unfavorable reports or disparaging remarks com ing it may be somcune whose land being out of condition occasion ed much labor and yielded small re turns Tie Toronto Daily Star of June and the Globe of the fol lowing day and other papers it may be have circulated the following injurious and misleading article A number of clerks of rural munici palities in making returns to the Bureau of Labor Indicate the wide spread desire they have for the of beet Sugar factories On the other hand the Clerk of the Township of strikes a note which shows that realization is some times different from anticipation He says During the year a large acreage of beets was cultivated lor the sugar factory at Merlin I may say that tor there is a very small acreage sown This article states that the of the Berlin Sugar Factory is less this year than it was in and further It carries the injurious infer ence that farmers who beets in were disappointed Such an in ference travelling out among the beet growers injures the in dustry as well as the farmer who reads it The fact that there were farmers who grew beets in while tteie ate over who are growing this year for the Berlin Su gar This is an increase of over growers this year over last vear Not only is the acreage of Waterloo County under cultivation beets for the Berlin factory greater this year than it was in I9u2 but the total acreage is consid erably eater than it was last The necessary evil of large acreages with a few as was the last year docs not exist this year judic ious distribution of those Ijrge acre ages among many has occasioned the Township Clerk who is the newspapers author ity for tie publication of such in correct and injurious informations and impressions In many ways the sugar beet indus try wisely and rightly managed will prove to the farmer but these benefits being confused the first with the dilliculties of were not fully icalied until the year after the of the factory Our farmers who are cultivating their beet crop clearly per- cetve increased profits in thru decreased cost of production of which innumerable Instances might be ad vance speaking the cost of thinning and cleaning is less half of amount of last year As an illustration of this fact lake the case of J Snider Berlin whose eight of fine beets cost him only out of which he paid hired help 1 and meal for ten hours work and allowed himself same For growing their second crop have es timated the cost of thinning and clean above per acre They recognize the ing value tlie beet pulp which is being fed mornings arid even ings to grassfed stock which as a rule greatly relish it Mr Alien Battler is drawing pulp regularly from the factory to bis farm and Informs me that with pulp given night and morn ing his cows that are on pasture give milk enough to feed both calves and pigs while on pasture only the same sows give milk enough to sup ply only the calves There is also says much more butter made when pulp is fed Numerous other instances of good results from ceding pulp might be given I could mention the names of scores of farmers who have fed and who know that beet is much superior as a stock food to pulped turnips Not only is there a direct bun elite derived by growing beets but in directly the farmer is benefitted thru his land becoming cleaned and im proved by the cultivation of sugar beets Take lor example grain crops following the sugar beets of on the farms of exWarden of the County of Waterloo Frank Shun Waterloo Louis Koch- Reeve of the Township Water loo Louis Schweitzer Bridgeport Simeon Berlin Daniel Berlin and many others whose judgment cannot be disputed Farmers have known for years that turnips and mangolds hard on land any amount of talking will not disabuse their minds of the idea that sugar beets are hard on and This is not the case however as of our farmers are now learning by actual experience It suits me alright I am I just tickled with my beet crop are the remarks now beard from intelligent leading farm ers whose judgment is on ex perience The sugar beet industry is success in Waterloo and will be ap preciated more and more by our country as sugar factories become established in suitable totalities A SHTJTTLKWORTII Agricultural Superintendent Tho Ontario Sugar Co Ltd Berlin Ontario The Congers of Childhood Summer is the most deadly season of the year for little ones The little life hangs by a mere thread diar rhoea infant cholera and other hot weather ailments come quickly and sometimes in a few hours extinguish a bright little life mother should be in a position to guard against or cure these troubles and there is no medicine known to medical science will- act so surely so speedily and so safely as Babys Own Tablets A box of the Tablets should be kept in every home where there are little ones and by giving an occasional Tablet hot weather ailments will be prevented and your little one will be kept well and happy Dont wait until the trouble comes that may be too late Remember that these ail ments can be prevented by keeping the stomach and bowels right Mrs A Vanderveer Port says My baby was cross restless and had diarrhoea I her Ba bys Own Tablets and they helped her almost at once think the Tablets a splendid medicine for children The Tablets are guaranteed to cure all minor ailments of little ones they contain no opiate of poisonous drug and can be given safely to a new born babe by medicine dealers or mailed at cents a box by writing to the Dr Williams MedU cine Co Mr J Martin of sold his two fine drivers to Mr Mc Millan Brandon for the handsome sum ol The farm of fifty acres belonging to the estate of the late Walter Sni der near was sold by auc tion on Saturday for Wellar was the purchaser George Rowley of the Loan Company at St Thomas was arraigned In court charged with forgery perjury and theft of His trial was fixed for July Mr John Sheridan a carter found over a thousand dollars bills under a stairway mon ey is supposed to be part the con tents of a registered con taining stolen mails In May last- Woodstock July A little boy playing with matches was re sponsible for the burning of two large barns property of John Thomp son in Blenheim yesterday All the contents together with a quantity of stock were destroyed The loss wiH be about being only insurance destroyed builds I

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