Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Jul 1903, p. 8

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J 8 JULY id -A- It HI Is a great deal harder than jumping down And yet people who have been for years running down in health expect to jump back at dice It lakes year generally to make a man a con firmed dyspeptic and he cannot expect to be cured in a few days There no of cure for other forms of stouiacli than by the Use of Dr erces Golden Medical It cures of the and other organs of digestion and nutrition and builds up the body with sound flesh and solid muscle rfcfc two yet is- write Rev sonof CJwulAU whit the doctors bought a trie trouble also cob nJ liver I mi in a dreadful condition Tried different but gotten feeble that most tut got down pound bought Golden Medical- and the Pellets and following lious When had taicn about five I felt very much and was greatly improved and weighed one and thirty eight I will say that Pierres are a Cod- send to poor Ufferiir hunianitr and I all chronic to give them fair rial and they will be Accept no substi tute for Golden Medical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the stomach Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets care biliousness and sick headache COR- V S AURORA a gold lady on BRADFORD- Messrs Art and Arch Goring Newmarket spent- the 1st Harold Garrett and Mr Cairns leave this week Sir lAntonfor Tecu- plain gold ring with lax attached was lost by Dominion Day here The Orangemen hers have complet ed arrangements for a monster Dem onstration to he held in the town park on July Linton and Mr Poole Webster have joined a surveying par ty in New Ontario and expect to amongst of Newmarket- spent the 1st in Mr and Mrs Stewart of Newmarket spent Dominion Day with Mr and Mrs Rooty Stew ard Mrs- Souks and her daughter Mrs Allan both of Newmarket were vis itors at Mr Lukes on civic holi day Mrs Murray and Mrs Murray of Newmarket and Mrs Louis of Hamilton were the guests of Mrs J Sutherland on Domin ion Day Witness i You can place all in Detachable Pneumatic Tire vUl never your hardest to punc tate to repair Yearn of Service them of almost udI- Adoption- Every wheel a repu tation is filled with then Every rider of experience on them Tires make bicycle They Increase the pleasure of wheeling and minimize the troubles Bicycling Id an with The Dunlop Tiro Co Toronto you found Coin la YEARB kk T J I jc Trade KnQln a and dwcrlotlon maj 1 probably lionj la th Scientific American dr a of any ientiflc MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in- your district The position Is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay Ail freight and packing charges are paid by us From to per month and expenses can he earned goods K P BLACKFORD Toronto Louis Wood of Niagara Kails was drowned too canal at St Catharines Sixtythree new were opened in Canada in June four were closed of six were changed The Bell Telephone Company has agreed to pay a year for the use the streets erect a build ing and in improving the service if Kingston Mr Fred gave a very inter esting address on missions- at pur Endeavor last Sabbath evening Mrs Walker had a very successful Ladies Aid on Thursday of last week The Ladies Aid of BpthelehQrch meets today Wednesday the home of Mr Sennett Miss Abby who has been spending a few days with her here left on Friday morning for Minnesota where she purposes spending her vacation Mr J ad suendini their at Mr Mr J4Mortop of Cedar Nebraska is time in thirteen years He is looking bale and hearty and time seems to have dealt lightly with him In hon or his visit there is to a targe gathering of the Mortons at Morton Park j July All Morton family whether the- relationship he near distant are invited u Tlie June was held on June the pres ident in the chair The followingjprpgraW wa reuUer ed v Duett by Mrs Rogers and Mrs Reynolds Vocal solo by Mrs Rogers Recitations by Master Roy and v Miss Afiude aiortohfl Address by How has the spread of tue Gospel flr Davidson gave a practical address- and we may we may hear him again in the dear future The program was throughout and Mr Webster for They expect to be gone until late in the fall The following persons left here on Saturday for Mr and Mrs Edward Miss Mrs Davis Mrs Mrs Mrs and Miss and Mrs Hutchison of Kv- A peculiar accident occurred Thurs day morning Mr Normans horses broke out or the pasture wandered along the Metropolitan south until they reached the bridge over the Grand Trunk which they attempted to cross One fell over the the other got its legs fast between the ties where it remained until the work car came ajong animal- was taken out Neither of the horses were injured much by their escapade On Friday afternoon a serious ac cident occurred at Messrs Sons Agricultural- Works- by which Mr Brown had left band crushed very badly He was operat ing a drop hammer in the blacksmith shop and attempted to remove a bolt under the when It tell and caught his hand mangling it fearfully He was removed to his home and after dressing the wound he was ad vised to go to the Hospital in To ronto which he did It will be some time before he will be able to resume work again On Saturday night burglars entered Richard Seasons grocery store and dwelling on the east side street in this town by forcing open the front door- After entering the store the burglary ransacked ev ery drawer in the store and succeed ed in getting about five dollars in ctiaiige which had been left in the till Hundreds of burnt matches and pieces of burned paper were found in toe shop This is sec ond or third place- that has been broken into here inside of past two weeks consequently the must be residents of the town Us and as we meet to spend evening jo your homo before going from our midst we are reminded of the faithfulness of your work both in and out of the pulpit and your willingness to help in all and all has not been pleasant sa yet we a reaping time from your faithful soWing you to accept purse as a oil token of our es teem of you may Hod not they prove better helpers than we have been You our united best wishes and prayers Signed on of Bcthei Mrs Huntley Mrs A Mrs A Mrs J Mrs fcJeanett Mrs KING CITY of King City Method ist Church a very party on Friday evening last on the lawn or Mr John McDonald The proceeds amounted to Ev erything passed- well Rev Robinson preached his fare well sermon on Sunday evening last to a full house Mr Robinson goes to while Mr W Hill Toronto comes The public School PjcniCvWas held at Wilcox Lake on the fiad The English Church are having a picnic for the in the Doctors ianejoi Friday and From Fridays Telegram Dr Kidney and Cough Lai iufi v t a i t of IK AH fa It I- 11 IM vt Powder Sold by The Roche Co Noah Snakes son of Is land while throwing a hatchet tnev station platform here on Saturday night made a slip the blade of the hatchet stuping into his leg right- beside the shin bone the wound was carefully bandaged and he took the evening tram for home at the Island On Sunday Mr Hugh Boyd met with a very painful accident He came from the west with a horse and buggy and in turning- round on Main St opposite Silvester shop the rig upset His head by some means or other got between rods of buggy top and he received an ugly scalp wound which required seven stitches to close it up On Saturday evening the members of the met at the Method- parsonage to bid goodbye to their president Mrs Geo Brown In a- few words Mrs Truman ex pressed to Mrs Brown high ap preciation the union in the great interest she had taken in their work and Iter earnest efforts In many ways to advance their good cause and as a token of their love presented her with a beautiful silver dish A very pretty home wedding took place Wednesday afternoon at the residence Mr and Sirs Simeon when their daughter Miss Laura A was united in marriage to Mr Geo Colli druggist tho cere mony being performed by the Rev J Wilmott The bride was charmingly attired in a costume of dotted muslin trimmed with silk chiffon The bride and groom are amongst popular young people and although the wed ding was kept very quiet the bride received several very handsome and costly presents among them being a very massive and valuable clock beautifully chased silver fruit basket a very pretty crescent pin ot pearls china Ac The happy couple left on the pm train north taking in the Mackinaw trip up the Boo The travelling was a navy blue skirt and white embroidered waist and fruit hat On their return they will re side in home formerly occupied by Mrs Hamilton OBrien Ave Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a readytoserve wheat and barley food adds no burden hut sustains nourishes invigorates BETHEL CORNERS social at Mrs Silas Bennetts on Tuesday night considering the in clement weather was well attended and Vail seemed to enjoy themselves Mrs is to be highly for hex devotion to the church work having provided the same by her own efforts in talent money The schools are out for midsummer vacation again and mothers are once more glad in the of school let out filrs Eliza of and her daughter Mrs J also her husband and several of her grand children were visiting a few days during Conference with her son J Mr Scott and daugh ter of Toronto are visiting at the home of their mother Mr Huntley has his barn now finished and is an ornament to the best kind Rev Roach gave his farewell at Bethel Sunday morning There- was a large congregation and a deep spir itual presence We are sorry to lose Rev Roach church has great ly profited by his earnest christian ministration The bread oast upon the waters shall return dec Yes the prayers and heartfelt sympathies of a united Bethel follow our beloved pastor These laterains have improved the grain greatly Haying has begun and seems a very light crop Mr was quite ill with an abscess under his tongue for a few days last When is the wire fence to be erect ed around tin yard A number the members and friends of Bethel Church gathered at house of their esteemed pastor Rev Roach last Wednesday and after a pleasant serial chat and after partaking of a bountiful tea provided by the ladies all gathered in the dining room where the Rev gentleman was with a well filled purse ana an address After some songs speeches fc tho half hundred wended their way home- ward Copy of address Dear and Sister We the members of tho Bethel ap pointment wishing to show our ap preciation of your faithful services SCOTTS EMULSION a to carry until It can find In ordinary loud tot A ail all tfnixiialt pi William and bis wines occu pied a very large portion of Bennisons distinguished atten tion this morning Crown Attorney Curry tastefully and temptingly arranged on the table sis bottles containing wine which was red and other colors The great question to be settled was whether William the stalwart temper ance advocate and erstwhile opponent of Hem J Davis in North York from which on a celebrated occasion he was chased by something beyond question that had a stronger odor than his precious wines at their strongest had or had not sold wines which were- above the prescribed per centage of Alcohol The issue still remains unsettled A FINE DISTINCTION The difference upon which hung the guilt or innocence of Mr was very fine and necessarily so Each side had their own analysts whose testimony favored the side for which were called The was explained by the fact that the wines analyzed were different samples The Crown endeavoured to keep the Case to the six bottles which had been purchased by the Inspectors while the defence claimed the right to sub mit analysis of other wines made from the same formulae The highest percentage of alcohol taiired in any Mr Munns wines according to the prosecutions analy sis was by weight It was sought to show that this was more intoxicating than lager beer which is in theory and practice considered In toxicating WIOiGHT OR Here another fine distinction arose Mr V01 net pointed out that lager beer ordinarily contained three per cent of but In the prosecu tion of Regal beer case it was shown to have been diluted to per cent and this action was missed by Magistrate Al though Mr BuVcrnct who was in the case at the time had notes which showed that this was a the official papers were hot In court and Mr Curry would not accept it as authentic until they were- If that was a weight percent age and an action dismissed al though per cent ex isted it follows that an action where only per cent exists must like wise be dismissed On the other hand if the 211 per cent was on a volume basis ft equals only about per cent on a basis- the conclusion from this is obvious Thus case stands until Monday MR CUSTOMERS Inspector Hastings testified that he had purchased six of wine from He sent them for analysis by Mr Inspector corroborated his brother Inspector took the stand and testified to receiving the wines The first to his place on May and tiro other on June 1th re sults of the test he submitted to the court the kernel of which was stated Would you consider it intoxicat ing Mr Curry asked To it would be and to others it would not he replied Would it intoxicate children for It being sold In grocery stores would think It would Would it be more intoxicating than lager 1 dont know MR CALLED to churciies but the and cherry wines were to aid those in foe trade generally To Mr he said the Samples supplied to inspectors were prepared from the same as the others The bottles were taken from the shelf in the sample where been standing Before going into bo had had an analysis by who declared the grape wine contain per cent alto- thinklt is intoxicating -j- would rather you would put in evidence on that point v was the re ply Mr declared an opinion of his on the alcoholic properties would be valueless as he was not a chemist He drank toe wine himself and it had no more effect on him than a drink of tea PROF ELLIS OPINION Prof Ellis was then called by the defence He had made testfl on June of tire samples front Mr and reported grape wine to con tain per cent alcohol by weight or per cent- by volume while the Tokay contained per cent by weight or by volume it was the same stuff should there be that variation in the analy sis asked the Magistrate shouldnt he replied Would ordinary lager beef have more alcohol than that Would you say that this Tokay Wine would not be intoxicating to one not in the habit of drinking asked Mr Curry No do think it A could not drink that as they would liquors because it is sweet In my opinion it would not intoxicate a child If the whole bottle was drunk at once it might be intoxicating i How about grape wine grape wine is not so strong Would the drinking this wine promote temperance was the Crown Attorneys parting question professor did not claim to be an authority on that DRANK A BOTTLE- Prof testified to having made tests of wine sent him and gave the results thereof He al so related having experimented upon some people in his office One young man drank a whole bottle of Tokav wine without apparent effect Dr A was the only other witness called His analysis showed a percentage of for the Tokav wine and for the grape wine the other being less still After argument as above stated the case was adjourned until Mon day The Case Fell Flat When court met on Monday Mr Vernet handed up an official docu ment showing that weight had been the basis in the precedent quoted The Crown had nothing offer That- being case I do not feel disposed to register a conviction said Magistrate AH rights your Worship echoed Crown Attorney It was alt over and Mr left the court wearing the smile which dont come off fsa We own a numbor of pi and Municipal purchased after thorough export ligation For people who want an absolutely sure they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as 6 per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities IV Corporation Kirg East Ont It contracted an too art tit poison liia been eradicated from the ay item At ace alumina bat 1W3 la hope no results will follow any of Sore throat In the mouth hair itchiness of the akin sore or blotches on the bod red idyapeptla atomach aexoal Indication a of the secondary at aye trust to lock Don raid with the old treatment Daniel was drowned at Al monte in an to recover a pad dle that had fallen out of his hand while boating Fanner James Ash of Whit church died last January leaving of which is in land He it to his wife and children The mining disaster at Wyoming on Tuesday killed men out of who were in the Union Pa cific Mine No The majority of tho victims are and ne groes CREAM WANTED retain of by that will cared oar NEW METHOD oroTcrWjart ud do return of the No pitch up tit euro worst cuts NEW Under Influence the brain becomes active the METHOD care a aUplmplea and the become thai and despondency disappear tho the moral become a moral physical late K Yon feel a man ffllcted to us face foil and clear energy to the body an systems are InYirorated alt drains cease The various become natural and manly cannot bo a failure Invite all the and few of chanra Iont let and fakirs rob you of yoat WE Witt CORE NO PAY Wo treat and cure NERVOUS SEXUAL WEAKNESS KUIS- SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY at BLADDER DISEASES and all peculiar to men and Cures genu- teed I Are a victim yon lost hope Are marriage lias your blood been diseased Hate Our New Method U MKli o it Treatment men All Fret sealed Wo names of and lor SHELBY ST DETROIT MICH SWEET OR SOUR Let us make your butter price we paid last year delivered at your nearest station It W worth your white to give a trial You are not put to any ex pense we the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy per cent of all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the it SWEET CREAM Special Inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having Ice who can furnish us with sweet cream delivered at nearest station A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulate state number cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO CREAM BUTTER CO St Haulers wanted Toronto NOTICE Orders lot Cleaning OutHouses In Newmarket should be left at my William was called residence 1st door north of Squires the Crown He he was a Whop on road to and manufacturer of Contracts monthly mended wine for sacramental pur- removals during the poses The latter was sold largely ii rain THE BEST MACHINE It talks I Comic Sacred and full Band or Orchestra You understand every words it speaks the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Hit which last for years The is made lu Canada A five years written vrlth each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO 4000 Sold on Easy Monthly Payments MANUFACTURED BY E BERLINER 23152319 Catherine St Montreal General Manager for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newest Kills the Bugs Feeds the Plant for Sale Comer of Huron Street Ave J Farm Sale loin acres of good clay JS the shore being and In 3rd con- and Pat la Canada For Sale DENNIS Forsyth 5 I Corf 5 acres bush In good state of brick house and farm good condition Apply J j- sl v ac5iKfe v 1

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