Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 10 Jul 1903, p. 3

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IT J THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY- end ether Mr iwoUsa by ferfd conditio of madeira also dread to move especially lilting or long and In wet I ted it nip t cured In laying Beam m LEGAL iOU tail to at J Trios star o Ojmca Main Street security if Birr I iter Notary Court Chopping Ac doors South of Of- flck Herbert Lennox Aurora will alao be at an Court J Bow Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora X BrriterReroriaer Block Whos Conservative speakers both on the floor or the Legislature and during election campaigns hare always been contending the trust foils herd by Dominion Government for Ontario coins not be teatcdas asset the Province or tbe reason that tke Province never could- get hold of principle On the other band Reform speakers always held that the Province could not get in terest without having capital Dur ing Sir Oliver time Hon Mr Foster when Dominion Finance Minister offered to pay off the trus in cash but the offer was declined as Sir Oliver- considered the funds Id the hands of the Dominion Govern ment at per cent interest a bet ter investment than he could make of the money Before the late ses sion of the Ontario Legislature pro rogued Premier Ross informed the House that Finance Minister Fielding had again renewed the offer previous ly made by Hon- Poster this time wit the further in timation tat he will either pay the indebtedness before the 1st January next or reduce the rate of interest from five to four per cent now looks therefore that Premier Ross will have to take money or accept a lower rate of interest The situation clearly establishes fact likewise that the Liberals were righr and the Conservatives wrong in their contention SLEEP ON OF HEADACHES AND PAINS IN THE The Sad Condition of a Bright Little Girl Until Dr Williams Pink Fills Came to Her Rescue- King Edward has signified his in tention of attending meet ing the 13th of July and will pre sent trophy to suc cessful team DENTAL A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House Guaranteed INSURANCE A Tor tfoner to Loan at Current Kates market fl fl- Ramsay Fire Infuraoce lav on Farm and Town OFitoaOrerHodaeaTIn Shop Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND dr If da IS Si 4 A 5S S as SaSS Wed nesday Saturday AtUrooa GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TABLE a ills ill Grand Pacific An Ottawa despatch to the Tote- gram gives the following particulars respecting the agreement the Grand Trunk Pacific and he Government for the Canadas second transcontinental railway Although details are not completed are sufficiently fk vanced to show the line be secured without the payment of a cash subsidy or giving away one acre land The despatch says that the Govern ment will the line from to Winnipeg and will lease to the Grand Trunk lor a term of years say Running powers will be giv en to other railway companies From Winnipeg to the Pacific Ocean the bonds of the company will be guaranteed to the extent per cent construction but not to exceed per mile on the prairie section and per mile on the mountain section A first mortgage will be taken on the road as security and a deposit will be made with Government This will be released to be expended on the construction of the last section of the line The Globes Ottawa special says that in view of the Government con structing eastern section the Grand Trunk Pacific Company have reduced their capital from to The company will deposit the Bank of Montreal For the first five years the company will pay no rental For the second five years will pay tire surplus of receipts over working expenses For the remain ing forty yon they agree to pay three cent on the cost of con struction A the directors must be resident In Canada Mr M is to he president of the and Mr vice-prep- e Aiiinng the directors will be one of Rothschilds head of the great financial Lord Wei by Sir Charles RiversWilson and Mr Arthur Smith The line will possible bo com pleted In three and a half years Sixty survey parties out already The MorrctonWlnnipeg section will be constructed by a Government com mission The are to equip It with rolling stock Canadian ma terials are to be used In the con struction far as possible Many young girts seemingly jn the best of health suddenly grow lis tress and lose strength color leaves their cheeks they become thin have little appetite and suffer from headaches and other bodily pain Such was the case of Bessie young est daughter of Mr Eaton Comer Que Speaking his and subsequent cure Mr says Up to tbe age of eleven Bessie had always enjoyed the best of health and rook great pleasure in play Sudden ly however she seemed to lose her energy for appetite failed her she grew thin and pala slept badly at and of distressing headaches the- morning We that rest would be beneficial and so kept her from school but instead of regaining her strength she grew weaker and weaker To make mat ters worse she began to suRer from pains in the side which were- almost past endurance At this stage we decided to try Dr Pink Pills After a couple of weeks the good effect this medicine was de cidedly apparent Bessie became more cheerful her step quicker her eyes brighter and she seemed more like her former self We continued giving her tlie for several weeks longer until we felt that had fully recovered her and strength I honestly believe had it not been for Dr Williams Pink Pills our daughter would not have recover ed her health and strength and I shall always have a good word to say for this medicine Dr Williams Pink Pills will cure all troubles that arise from Poverty the blood or weak nerves Among such troubles may be classed headache neuralgia erysipelas heart dyspep sia partial paralysis St Vitus dance and toe ailments that render miserable the lives so many women Be sure you get the genuine with lull name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post pad at per box or six boxes by writing direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co For tfco Era gems of the Night BY A BANKER Amongst untold myriads stars which gem the midnight sky although the majority appear to with a pure white light yet a Clarke on leave number when examined with of absence sailed for on good telescopy are found to be Chief Justice Moss has been tinted azureblue or Administrator the Gov- lion or emerald grcoo or other color during the Lieut Governors In one Southern Cross the powerful telescope reveals more than to- a inember on it floor colored stars each a great burn- Parliament the other day Sir Ifig sun whose light instead o Wlfrid taurier said the question of laminating its attendant planets with increased subsidies to the Province pure white light as- with ourselves would be considered at the proper tints everything in a vivid coloring It would receive the careful which must overpower natural hues thought of the Government- according to their corresponding com- colors instance If is announced that in to gj presents of Her late Ma- Queen Victoria President A J ia be a beautiful rose the forgetmenot Naught andthe Directors of the Toronto have a fAKl a They cart CoUCblila land after and give minutes live Impaired SwiTHOvr A RIVAL en aa wUl restore andtlteywillM of the M4bi la been notified that a number of arti cles presented to the late Lord Duff- when Cana da and when Viceroy of India will also be placed at their disposal Tor exhibition at the approaching- Exhibition in the Queen City deep orange while the- crouds would ever be a bloodred and the sea and the skies a light rosecolored hue And some the socalled double ytars are found to be frequently of two separate suns of color Eta in Perseus is composed I should Sam an me not of a great bloodred sun ami a small er luminary a bright blue Gamma It is announced that during the const ion or fee ia a next four a series Of magnificent stars one a vivid will be bold in connection with the other a lustrous gold Farmers Institutes of the Province beautiful star in the Ship is form ed of a delicate rosetinted star with for the instruction and benefit of farmers wives Sixteen young la dies embarked on the task yester day There are eight circuits and two meetings will be held at each a companion a superb flashing green extraordinary gradations color must occur on the planets attendant on these variously colored aint afraid You cant scare that way know what goblins are Theyre Dressed all in white or black They dont have wings But they can fly right through the ceilin An when They grab a feller oil tfcey fly before time to yell you dont come back no more We aint afraid goblins Sam an me I aint when Sams around an Sam says he Aint afraid goblins like to keep All night In lonesome graveyards an creeen So like a in the dark To owls that hoot an cry and dogs Some stay in garrets an old houses N you cant ell when they git you till do T H Er- Sovereign Authorized Capital it6S5- Head Toronto BRANCHES Clinton Exeter Harrow fCfDMU Marmora Albert Montreal End Monlreal Mount New market HI Sutton Onion Waterloo Zurich in Maine Bangor Me July Within a few days- Maine is likely to be in fact what it is to be a prohibi tion State Never until now has constitutional prohibition prohibited the of liquor anywhere in Maine if a saloonkeeper was willing to sub mit to arrest and a fine about twice a year Now however the judges of the Supreme Court have given no tice the possession a United States internal revenue liquor stamp will subject possessor to a jail sentence instead of a fine and all over the State hotels and restaurants last night closed their bars whole salers went out business and with in a every retailer will have quit selling point visited The subjects will double stars Let us take for brace all branches domestic science Stance the double star Beta in the There are how paMAip wmbers constellation of the Swan the one of the female schools of the the other a flaming orange and Kites and last winters series of the remarkable changes which meetings was attended by upwards o take place on any of its 20000 ladies J planets in the course a A bold attempt to beat the law and I are revolving around the blue secure squatters rights was made sun and as the hour its rising ap- Most girls are fraid goblins Sam the Toronto Street Railway Co to proaches magnificent azure disadvantage of the city and in shoot lip the horizon dyeing life aint tell you why violation municipal lights on clouds in a glorious ultramarine soon I You see Friday night last Prompt action followed by the brilliant cerculean- That graveyard way off yonder on on the part of the Mayor frustrated hied luminar itself Everything is j tSe designs of the Company For now Golden Well Sam he says Say Bill some time past the Toronto Street low hair is as green as seaweed the Sam calls me Bill- Railway Co has been negotiating red sunburnt checks of the sailor are Lets go an look for goblins So with the corporation of changed to a pretty pink arid gold I we did to for permission whereby radial coins appear as if turned to jCause paw hed told us how the railways could have entry into the But now the more distant orange-col- goblins hid city over Street Railway tracks ored sun is rising and again all is Around among the tombstones creep- city is aware however if allow- changed The blended colors give a I in sol to enter without securing a posi- green hue to everything except to jest to carry fellers on agreement its- power to such as are tinted in one of the com- afreet Railway as per Resent plementary colors which are altered up close an agreement may be vitiated Hence according to the natural law This r the importance of the Mayors prompt continues until the setting of the blue sun when the hair resumes its OF Sayings Bant Department allowed from date of Cheque may bo lasue4 It paid twice a year You are not to deposit or WIU- raw money on the or luf itr of the month may do either time Call and our little Write and wo tend one Wallace Bruce Manager BRAHOH J Stark ALBERT FOR CHEAP feet Iron Cresting without a flaw and small Iron Gates half cost price Enquire at Era Of fice Corner Lot for Sale action 9 3as IK 1 UlH Bits AT THE HOT JUST A COLD IN But if followed by another cold or exposure Is liable to buU in catarrn Unless a radical cure obtained the Throat tubes and finally lungs affected Nothing cures colds so quickly and pleasantly as catarrh- o mines for Nova Mr save Ca- Is the beat remedy I hive ever used cured Catarrh of the head and throat and I am pleased to recommend such a satis factory remedy is a safeguard against colds and catarrh H can be used while at work In the church theatre or street cars Simply inhale Catarrh- ozone and It cures Price sire cants Druggists or Co Kingston Deafness lie Cured by local applications cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by ah inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of tbe Eustachian this tube inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it Is entirely closed deaf ness is the result and unless the can be out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition hearing will be destroyed for ever nine cases out ten are caus ed by Is but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrb that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send tor cir culars free J CHENEY CO O Sold by Halls Family Pills are the best Scores Drowned in a Cloudburst Pleasure Seekers Meet Death Pennsylvania natural hue although blue eyes ate now a brilliant green and all other objects also become metamorphosed In varied manner At length both I suns have set and by artificial white light everybody reassumes his proper ln hue the golden- hair is restored to its natural beauty and the blue eyes no longer glitter wiUi an evil green Pa July A water- Surely visiting all these wonders of spout pi immense proportions struck creation will form part of the reward in vicinity Park at of those who fear and obey their be- oclock this afternoon and created a Creator and whose misdeeds flood that caused groat loss of life have been pardoned through the property It is known that at finite benefit of the Redeemers least 2fl persons lost their lives but atonement up to a late tonight only Barrio July Hubert years old while swim mihg across a small pond on his farm on the fourth concession of sank suddenly and was drown ed before his uncle who was with him could com to his rescue Alpbonse Menard formerly of Montreal was caught robbing Man- clothing store at Man He was arrested but escaped custody TO IB DAT fete it It Ha te or four bodies have been recovered On both sides of the pleasure park are high hills it being located In a ravine about a quarter of a mile wide and a mile long The gathering meant the breaking of a wall that hold five acres of water Soon after the buildings had been cleared the wa ters swept over the wall of the dam and in a momtmt a torrent of water was rushing over the entire length of feet or the dam The park buildings the merry-go- round and cither amusement places were twisted about and Ml but the dancing pavilion and lunch stand Were carried from their foundations The rain continued to fall in torrcnt it was not long before the great section of the wall gave way with a crash The beat the ravine With a roar that was heard two miles away A halfmile down at the and and the park car lines the car barns are lo cated The entrance gates to the park wore lilted and with the force a pile driver the mammoth posts Were hurled by the water against the bam was located the small waiting room and on the track was standing a car loaded with passen gers on their way from and The electric storm had rendered the power of this place useless and the motorman was unable to move the car The flood struck tbe wait- room containing probably a hun dred people A number them struggled to a point but it la believed that at least ten per sons were drowned The street car Was caught and swept into the creek MANY WOMEN ARE NOT AT- TRACTIVE because of repulsive looking warts on the hands They can be painless ly removed in one day by Putnams Corn and Wart Extractor Putnams is beat Corn and Wart cure made Try it an me We wasnt scared not much It shook its head An we we said our prayers an Sam be said gits me first you tell maw what he done Then it came we couldnt run We felt so weak and shivered so somehow- An then it twas our old white cow Chicago Record Formerly occupied by tbe old bouse Half an acre of ground a good well and pump Apply to COOK BROS Grocery and Call and try our New England Ham Just the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use only per lb Picnic Hams per lb Cottage per lb Bacon to lb Cooked Corn Beef to lb keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Price KNOWLES Postmaster in Aided Owen Sound July 5 There was lodged in Owen Sound Jail on Friday by Provincial Inspector Greer Walter one of most no torious burglars and horsethieves in tire Province at about 2 On June last McLean who keeps a hotel at Rockland was by some one pounding on his front door lie hastily dressed himself and upon opening the door was by two masked men each armed with two revolvers who demanded bis money Mr McLean stated he had none the men alter making a thorough search of the hotel and finding no mohey de parted Mr McLean communicated with the local police and they in turn communicated the facts to the department and Inspector Greer was put on the case Postmaster Confessed On Monday June Inspector Greer located Walter and Joseph about fourteen miles from and brought them to Owen Sound lleightman who is postmaster at I confessed to Inspector Greer but stated that ho had been led into the thing by turned Kings evidence pleaded not guilty whereupon Inspector Greer proceeded to enquire into his Con- SERVING SEASONABLE RE- rons record and found that he was and DELICIOUS a notorious professional horsethief ICE CREAM That on May he stole a horse and boggy from John Buckingham of the Townehip of drove to Orchard Lake DAVISON BROS Dwelling Houses Sale in Mrs Sutherland has untrue ed the undersigned to sell her on Niagara Street Newmarket are all desirable reeWeccts in condition They will be sold la block or individually or in any wit to For prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket in- Two Farms for Sale The Northeast Quarter of Lot 2 In con of North GwiU- containing acres motet less and- Lot No 6 in the Cod of North acres more or less Both Farms are in a good state of re This property will be sold at aft price on easy terms to suit puree- era For further particulars apply BENJAMIN Newmarket ft For Sale or to Bent North Will open their store on the LAKE SHORE about the FIRST OF JULi As Usual With a New Stock of Slimmer Supplies AND FRUITS House on Main Street Blacksmith Shop la good order Industrial Home of Ml Town Carting Having bought tbe carting outfit of I should be to serve tbe public on short now Terms reasonable Orders the Era Office will be promptly They solicit a continued patronage of the public on the shore as tbey were the establishing traded his horse for convenience and every one Dr Grant a and drove his now horse to- where he it to a horsedealer When confronted with record confessed to the Inspector that be was the one who did the stealing He had elect ed to be tried by a iury and not guilty but has agreed to elect to be tried summarily and plead of campers Farm for Sale One of the best farms on Yongib St bear teray for sale tended to SMITH Beat old survey Lot 2nd con awesgood buildings four well watered and Newmarket ft

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