Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1903, p. 7

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a J is THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY Q CHINA HALL a lew remarks which we know pHl Interest a great many We jobbing out many odd Hisses Mens Boys and Children r K Weeks Seois Extension Jos contemplates the erection of an addition to his Billiard Parlor this rammer Mr is a model conductor of this place of public Brer since it was opened we have never beard the first complaint of toe law being vio lated Boots and gome are not quite uptodate in but the wearing quality Is and you can buy at very inter- prices Come and see We tare Fine Lines Right prices to closest tajer Shoe The Empress Fine Shoes For Ladies please every purchaser They Fit Comfortably Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate fa price Our Oxfords for Ladies axe Forth a half more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Hisses Patent Leather Slipper lor re well worth inspecting Our Boys and Girls School are the best to be had both la wear er Quality and fine appearance We would like you to see our DIN- SETS and TOILET SETS Garden Party With favorable weather the Presby terian Garden Party on Mr Arml- Lawn this Friday evening will be a great success Provision is being made for a big- crowd and toe Bat Band from Aurora Will greatly assist in the evening one of much pleasure Day The Annual Decoration Newmar ket Cemetery will take place next Wednesday July In connection therewith appropriate addresses will be delivered speaking- to commence at pm It is hoped that our people will take the usual interest in making this service a success The refutation of Cemetery has gone abroad for excellence of maintenance and respect for the de parted we hope it may always be maintained Constant and united ef fort along this line will never be re gretted It Is one Newmarket people can take visiting with pardonable pride- Good GROCERY DEPARTMENT W food cooking Figs tor The Leading Reliable firoeer A SMITH together water and lb sugar for five minutes Remove leaves from ten good sized stalks of mint Wash them carefully chop fine then pound them to a palp Work this gradually Into a tot syrup until cool fctuin add the juice of two lemons the mint Freeze and serve with meat course nice with mutton Sarah Tyson Rorsr Frozen such as these give a zt to the appetite They are y to make cost little and are had on itort if you use a Peerless Iceland ezer One Motion dasher construction with all except revolve around stationary Motion is necessary in the not in the machine The ttV0rfl fa delicious tee M IN THREE MINUTES SOLD AT Haying has commenced crop Now get ready for the Cherry time has come again New potatoes green peas will soon be on the bill of tare The unpleasant odor that rilled the air along Street on Sunday evening indicated the presence an unwelcome visitor Some little chicks are missing The scaffolding is all removed from the Royal Hotel and the third storey looks well Chief Anderson has a gang of men putting down Asphalt walk on Eagle Strand Prospect Ave this week The first wedding at the new Meth odist Parsonage took place on Mon day evening A large pane of glass was broken at the Royal on Tuesday in removing the scaffolding The new stamps were on sale here Wednesday morning It is a very pretty stamp Pet hod 1st Wesley Day last Sabbath was duly observed by the Sunday School in the shape of a platform meeting The was assisted by the pastor and Mr- P Pearson in the opening ex ercises Interesting and valuable papers were given by Dr Richard son Mr Kitchen amd Mrs entitled respectively John Wesleys early life Wes leys Activity and Wesleys Gen erosity Mr A Coombs also gave a short address on Wesleys organizing power The hymns sung were the same as used by Wesley in his openair meetings In England The following are on the Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter ice Monte Al lan Roy Cody Brock Wilbert Cody Garnet Kirby John Morgan Lily Rhcta Mavo Harold Lush Mil dred Lulu Hill Spring Primary Ada Winnie Hill Winnie Lush Manning Maw Harold Maw Cyril Atkinson Alva Arthur Morgan Jennie and Beatrice Wesley There was a fair attendance at the regular Monday evening meeting chair being occupied by Mr McCauley till the pastor arrived It was a literary meeting the top ic being An Evening with Wesley in celebration of the two hundredth anniversary of his birth The first around Hub filT COB- TO regular Gospel Temperance meeting will be in the on Monday July at pm I addition to a good program Mr Ferguson of London wlH give an address Come and enjoy a pleas ant and profitable evening UNION STREET The regular quarterly communion will be held in the Christian church next Lords Day afternoon On Sat urday afternoon the fellowship will be held in the Christian church at Keswick at 230 alter whicfc the ordinance of baptism will be administered at the lakeside AURORA celebration of Dominion Day was a grand success Tbe Highland ers Band Concert was a great at traction and the Town was crowded with visitors Much interest was taken in the games at the Park Au rora defeated Barrie at lacrosse by to The King team won the tug of war from the Whitchurch boys and the AllComers Won the from the Sons of England It was a great day for feecream and soft drinks Over gallons of lemon ade were sold on the grounds j- SUTTON Mr James has im proved appearance of his dwelling house fa Mr It Jr is homo from Chicago Mr James Lyons English J near Virginia erecting a large and stately dwelling house The Summer Church at the Lake Shore will be opened next Sunday at Professor McLaren of Toronto- will preach He will occupy the of Church Sutton at am Sunday School at the Summer Church will be held at Mr Donald is having his dwelling house remodelled which will add greatly to its appearance convenience and comfortv Mrs Beharriels two stepsons are here at her sisters Mrs Jas Bailey Mrs Foe of is at present on a visit with her daughter Mrs Dr Rev P Itoaeh and family moved this week to his new field of Labor A Chinaman has opened a laundry in the village At this writing great numbers are going to Jacksons Point to celebrate Dominion Day Miss Kay is home from Chi cago She and her mother have taken a cottage at the lake for the summer Mr Luke Sutton was wed ded last week to Miss Nellie Taylor of vicinity We extend con gratulations Mr Jas Anderson has gone to Winnipeg for the summer Miss is offering her proper ty at Lands End for sale A large number from here took in the excursion to Gulph to view the Mod Farm and have a pleasant out ing Blanch Silver is home from her school in Calumet Mich on a visit with parents at Gowan Brae Mr John was home from to spend Dominion Day at his fathers Mr Brooks painter is very ill Faint hopes ire now entertained for his recovery Au old man a stranger here under the influence of liquor was giving practical demonstration of the lesulcs of that detestable traffic in the use of obscene and blasphemous language It is indeed pitiable to witness such scenes and is moreover a standing m The schools of Mr Powers Miss Williams Miss and Mr united on Tuesday after noon and had a bo finish the term in a suitable manner The League Lawn Party at Dr Pearsons was a great success- The weather and reputation of the league for giving a good time united and an unexpected crowd attended and all went away well pleased T KBTTLEBV Miss Love of Toronto is spending a holiday season with her Mr Chas Leadley our exrclork at tbe Post Office was in town a few days the past week looking hale and hearty He has engaged with the McDonald firm of King City and will his duties there this week Mrs L M Howard of Aurora is visiting relatives in this section this week Mr and Mrs R Wiles accompan ied by Miss Egam all of Laskay were guests of Mr last Sabbath Mrs W Proctor returned on Sabbath after a few days visit with friends In Lloydtown We regret to report the illness of Mrs mother of our new manager at the Post Office store July 1st dawned with frequent showers and no doubt many wero disappointed at the appearance of tbe early morning but never mind dont be discouraged keep yourselves in readiness for a garden party to to wramuillfcy Irtish Bull Bridget and Pat were sitting in an armchair reading an article on The Law of Compensation VJust fancy exclaimed Bridget aocordin to this whin a loses wan av is anpthr gits more developed For instance a gits more sinse hear in an touch an Shure an its quite thrue an swered Pat noticed it Whin a mon has one leg short er that the other the others longer Deadly Poison A German has discovered that the pretty flower known as the lily of the valley contains a poison of the most deadly kind Not only the flower itself but also tbe stem as well contains an appreciable quan tity of acid While injecting a decoction of lily of the valley into the ear of a guinea pig he noticed the animal succumbed immediately with all the symptoms of poisoning by hy drocyanic acid Chemical analysis of the little plant has disclosed howev er the presence of this poisonous constituent to which strange to say scientists attribute precisely the penetrating perfume of the lily of the valley The attention ol the Ger man botanist has been drawn by the fact that one of his gardeners has felt himself seized with dizziness and vomiting after having raised inadvert ently a bunch of of the valley to bis mouth the lips Of which were cracked e s fox a Week ig Consignment For aturday He Teacher What is a blotter Bobby Bobby Its something to hunt till the ink gets dry VIRTUES be held at the King Christian church on Thursday evening of next week when all the delicacies of the season will be dished up in applepie order by those invincible ladies that are always at the front in that line They have engaged the services of Kettlehy Brass Band which together with other efforts will make every body feci perfectly at home A paper Missions was read by Mrs who gave an excellent review this subject show ing the value Wesleys life to the world In general and especially to thoe who came In direct contact with his Influence thru missionaries sent out by him changing and heathens Into civilized christians in Australia New Zealand Fiji Is lands and Darkest Africa in Canada was well taken up by Jackson showing the growth from the foundation by missionaries Into the church of today Miss Sadie Richardson gave some appropriate selections on The Life Wesleys Mother and the Influence she bad on her childrens Uvea Wesley and the League was Interestingly presented by Miss Mamie Millard It was shown how the Influence of the little Sunday afternoon meetings at the rectory at grew to be such a power for the of the Lord In the world Rv Mr concluded with some Lessons from the Life of Wesley These papers were interspersed with hymns from the pen of Wesley and his ORCHARD BEACH A very fine service was conducted last Sabbath evening on the Lake Lookout in front of Mr Rannies cottage Rev P Addison taking tlte lead The service took the form largely of a Bible Class A regular service for the summer has been decided upon under the direc tion of a managing committee Cottages arc filling up fast and the boarding houses arc having new vis itors daily Col Lloyd Is doing service between the Beach and Belle with his gasoline yacht old ferry line will have to drop its price or less dollars Large additions have been made to the boarding houses of Mr VanNur man and Mr Boyd during the past winter There Is wretched service In our mall matter last week did not reach Orchard Beach till Monday The fishing has not been very good till this week The shad flies made first appearance within the past three or four days and since then have been taken by campers In considerable numbers On Tuesday one or two residents of Kes wick and Messrs Rosamond Rev Addison and Squire Jackson were all credited with suc cessful Squire was making his usual friendly calls on campers this week looking quite as bale and hearty as last year Mr is improving In health and is again around as to road improvements necessary along the lake shore So fax campers are delighted with the absence cattle on the highway Its a great comfort to anxious visitors with children in charge itself to tolerate and sus tain such a condition of things A union excursion or picnic of the Sunday Schools is talked of but as yet nothing definite decided upon A Sehool Report S No BAST Sr Mabel Giles Frank Smith Alex Eves Jr Alice Marguerite III Cole Roy Arnold Roy Rahmer Jr III Gertie Smith Emerson Black Edna Micks Tommy Cole Russell Johnny Alleyne Part Black Tab Austin Ken neth Morton Willie Herbert Black Jr Tablet Ross A Teacher S No EAST Allan Howard Leslie Young Barbara Young Ill Raymond Howard Walter Rose Sadie Burrows Vera Smith Pt II Lome Burrows John Smith Willie Young Lulu I Angus Nellie Rose Mildred Wcddel and Nellie Smith equal Annie Smith Present every day Lorn Burrows Wm Young A Irwin Teacher There is but one way I know conversing safely with all men that is not by concealing what we say or do but by saying or doing nothing that deserves to be concealed I am convinced that it is by his personal conduct that any man of ordinary power will do the greatest amount of good that is in him to do Character in matters great and small consists in a man steadfastly pursuing the things of which he feels himself capable I find the great thing in this world Is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving Tears are the sottenlng showers which cause the seed of heaven to spring up in the human heart If a man cannot attain to the length of his wishes be may have the remedy by cutting them short Thou wilt find rest from vain thou every act in as though It were thy last Humanity Is never more beautiful than when praying for forgiveness or else forgiving another True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends but in the worth and choice Life is not so short but that there always time enough for courtesy Orchard Beach Campers Lake Simcoe A small boy required to use the word hominy in a sentence pro duced the following result Hominy marbles have you Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a wheat and barley he League meetings are growLnj food adds no burden but sustains HARDWARE in attendance and interest invigorates Shut In England London June A majority of the cotton mills In South Lancashire clos ed on Saturday It is recognized that this may lead to the greatest cotton famine in Lancashire in a gen eration The situation is largely due to the multiplication of mills In recent years t 1 So many people are so plausible yet so transparent that it is really Twenty people were Injured in a railway accident near Brussels Bel gium It is Impossible that a man who Is false to his friends should be true to his country Youth enthusiasm and tender ness are like the days of spring In- no place where a man who works the stead of complaining oh my heart soil not take chances of their brief duration try to enjoy but the chances arc greatly in favor them Ruckhcrt the man who exercises common Borrowed trouble is always the burdensome I Gordon Foster was killed by an electric wire at Jordan In the Worlds tide those who know not how to swim go to the hot torn Selfreverence selfknowledge self control three alone lead life to sovereign power The slightest for sin is sufficient it it produce amendment and the present Insufficient it do not Three men fell with a scaffold at the Trent Valley Canal lilt lock at and William was killed No business will run Itself Its a good deal like courtship To be successful you must come early sit close and stay late Bute Mcmfci July Washoe smelt at Anaconda closed today and men are thrown out of work there This necessitated closing of such the amalgamated mines in Bute as send their ore t In all men are thrown out in Butte Bradford July very hot con test here today resulted in another win for the home team now stand with two straight games to their credit The play was largely on the visitors flags but by bunch ing their defence one attack alter another was warded off score stood Bradford Shamrock We know no place on earth where Just exactly the right amount warmth moisture and sunshine can be depended upon at Just the right time no place where crops will be free from all forms of man tells you he never gave his wife a cross word we listen for the rustling of his wings The shortest life is long enough if id lead to a better and the long est life is short if it do not Lieut Dan Godfrey the famous bandmaster of the Grenadier Guards died In London on Tuesday morning of paralysis State Controller Love of Texas was assassinated in his office at the Capitol by Hill a discharged employee who afterwards committed suicide- Without discretion learning is pedantry and wit impertinence vir tue itself looks like weakness the best parts only quality to be more sprightly in errors and active to his own prejudice Addison June Sandy was shot on Friday even ing about dark by CoL Stewart who mistook him for a deer The accident took place about six miles south of Sprucedale in the Township of Mc- Murrich who is still living is a farmer with a large family Geneva June A party organic J by the Zurich gymnasium to climb the Pizblas mountains near Airolo has met with disaster An avalanche of soft snow overwhelmed the party The leader slipped and a dozen men rolled down the steep side of the mountain A professor and two stu dents were killed and several others injured Five of the party are miss ing DAVISON BROS Will open their store on the LAKE SHORE about the FIRST OF JULY As Usual With a New Stock of Slimmer Supplies AND FRESH FRUITS SERVING SEASONABLE RE FRESHMENTS and DELICIOUS ICE CREAM They solicit a continued patronage of the public on the shore as they were the promoters establishing this convenience and every effort will be put forth to study the Inter ests of the campers WLES fa i Grocery and Provision I OP FAMILY CU1 OFF Appeal of Consumptive The following letter from an town to the Secretary of National Sanitarium Toron to explains What steps re quire to be taken to place a consumptive patient In the Free Consumption have a poor man who as consumption He has a wife and family of rlvs children He has been and off work for four months already only source of Income the family has been out off I think ths father would be better if he had care but In the bis It Is impossible to him treatment If we can place him in tha Consumption Hospital for care and treat the can manage to look after family until is re stored to health He Is around but Is vsrr wsak We publish this Utter to Illustrate how Is the for tha Free Hospital Consumptives established by National Sanitarium Association at Hue- year ago the first patient woman from was admitted Into hospital and since then ISA patients have found a home within its walls A arrest number of these are wholly to pay anything towards their maintenance whilst the average from those who pay Is than onehall the of maintenance There no endowment and Trus tees depend In making up of the large dsflolt each month on the con tribution of WJth la- numbers leaking admission is hospital should tba subscriptions continue to run short as they have been for the thra months Trustees will have no to them but to of the wards Meredith of the Association and Mr J Chairman of the Executive Com will receive for this much work Call and try our New England Ham Just the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use Q only per lb Picnic Hams per lb Cottage Hams per lb Bacon to lb Cooked Corn Beef to lb I keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction tries on Saturday at Lowest Prices KNOWLES Two Farms for Sale 1 The Northeast Quarter of Lot No in the con of North containing acres more or less and Lot No in the 5th Con ot North containing acres more or less Both of these Farms arc in a good state of repair This property will be at a low price on easy terms to suit purchas ers For further particulars apply to BENJAMIN LINSTEAD tw20 Newmarket P O For Sale or to Bent House on Main Street North of Blacksmith Shop AU In good order JAS KAVANAGH Industrial Home Town Carting Having bought the carting outfit of Mr Lepard I should be pleased to serve tbe public on short notice Terms reasonable Orders phoned to the Pra Office will bo promptly at tended to SMITH Farm for Sale One of tho best farms on Yonge St near Newmarket may be for sale See J

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