Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1903, p. 4

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J t 9 THE FRIDAY JULY Staffed Up the condition many tea catarrh ornieg difficulty foj bead and wonder catarrh ImpMra and bearing pollute breath derange and affecta the appetite To core catarrh treatment mart bo alterative and tools wTia 111 for months catarrh and throat Bad a bed coach end raise I had become when my a Of ad ma to try It all to take it- It baa cared haUt op Hues En noLrn caianfe ft soothe and membrane said tip wbsh Some people think more of Hon John than others He is an Independent Liberal these days Last his admirers gave him a banquet and what is better during the evening he was presented with a cheque for his services to the cause of Ireland J Robertson Barrister Public AC Street Newmarket to Loan on Farm security Surf iter Solicitor Notary Public Ornca DlrUlon Court Ontario Barristers Conveyancers 3 South of Post Of fice Newmarket T Herbert Aurora will also beat NVwmarkct on Saturdays and Court J it Co Bankers rod Ontario Bank Aurora to mi Banister Reformer Block to Loan DENTAL A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing HoU6e Satisfaction Guaranteed J A for Fire hi I Money to Loan merest at Current Bate the Office Newmarket A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Afeot Kates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Of nam Over Hodges Tin Newmarket Co TORONTO AND CO 893 lj9 da I J IM I Rate and Saturday GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Northern table to M A r jl v7 da a aaaa iassa eggs Hon has returned to Ottawa from London England he went some time ago In connection with the Alaskan boun dary dispute He was welcomed back to the Capital by a large num ber of personal and political friends at the Depot CorKceW Home Needlework is the name of a magazine published at St Johns Que at a year The July number just received is a beauty There being no other simi lar publication in Canada makes it invaluable needle workers Send for a copy and you will not be disappointed Sir has brought in a bill which effects a reduction- in the postage on newspapers and periodicals and makes important changes in the status of certain classes of employes in the postal service The reduction in postage is from onehalf to of a cent a pound or fraction of a pound It applies where the distance that newspapers or periodi cals have to does not exceed miles from the office of publication and where such or periodicals are not delivered under the free lettercarrier delivery system According to the provisions of the of the bill presented to the Provincial Legislature last week by Hon Mr granting aid to the Can ada Central Railway Sault Marie will have direct connection through the Grand Trunk and the Canada Atlantic at Scotia Junction with the central and eastern points of Ontario The line will open up a stretch of 125 miles of country in this Province The bill proposes the usual grant made during the past few years viz acres pox mile conditional on the bringing in of settlers per year for ten years The bill states that the grant is restrict ed to the miles ot road between French River and the nickel range in the Township of The bill passed on a vote of to The member for East York got a terrible drubbing in the Commons during the past week He expressed the opinion on the floor of the House that Hon Mr should his portfolio in the Dominion Cabinet because of the fact that he was Pres ident of the New Brunswick Tele phone Co Sir Wilfrid re plied charging the member for East York with making silly complaints and Hon Mr Blair stated that when Mr Maclean said that he Mr Blair was interested In and connected with the Bell Telephone Co be made a statement for which there was not the slightest authority and which was absolutely and entirely untrue Mr Maclean will likely hereafter con fine his charges to the columns of his newspaper in order to save pub lic contradiction The handsome colored cover enclos ing the July Canadian Magazine is in celebration of the hundred and twentyfifth issue of that periodical The contents are also indicative of the progress made by Canada and things Canadian The frontispiece combines pictures of Sir John A and Sir Wilfrid so as to show the similarity and corn trast of two faces Tike opening article 1 nittysix Years of Domin ion gives an admirable brief re sume of Canadian development since 1807 A Stewart describes the disaster at Frank and this Is also from excellent photo graphs Mr essay which won the prize in Sir Flemings competition la one of the features of the Issue it la entitled Journalism and the University There are short besides the- usual bright departments ft la cer tainly a most credible Issue Shaky Sufferers from- Nervous Troubles Are a State of Continuous Torture Suggestions as to how the We can be Overcome When your nerves axe shaky your selfcontrol Is shattered your to Save- was composed by Mr Ham Whiting FAVOURITES OF GREAT MEN Everyone perhaps has- his or her author and under what circumstances it was composed Take the Christ mas hymns for example Hark the Herald Angels Sing when or- One of the curious stories in this admirable volume relates to the hymn beginning O Happy Day That Fixod My Choice This was once of the royal children by tie late Queens The next day a leading Lon don paper announced that the hymn had been specially written for the occasion by Tennyson with a scath ing criticism that it the Poet is broken Sudden sounds published by Charles weslVy startle your temper irritable began Hark How all the your hands tremble there is weakness Welkin Rliie in your knees o skin is pale StaL eat C0Uld n0 lt parked you are night i P t to tired when you wake all from nervous exhaustion duegi j of my neighbors strongly urged me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and l tthen fiun he before second box was finished l f fls study and an hour the turning point for better had I finished Dr been and by the time I used a half a dozen boxes to the tea minutes Cannon prise of my friefids and neighbors Saviour Again was again enjoying good health and was composed have since been strong and well I do as but has since not know anything to equal Dr translated into nearly every Pink Pi Ik whim and The story of how Newman wrote by Dr Doddridge who died in Dolly It was first published in Williams Pink Fills is only cure in Manchester Tbey make new rich red blood They cury set to brace up jangled organist of the Manchester parish en They give health and church Mr John While energy to dull weary despondent men Shepherds Watched another carol and women Strong proof is offered was written by Tate in the case of Mrs of years ago who says For a long time my health was in a bad T state I was subject to headaches I popular Abide With Me was dizziness and nervous exhaustion My H appetite was poor and I was so He had become ly rundown I could not stand the ordered to Nice least exertion I tried several Sunday evening prior to his and consulted difTerenfc doctors he walked by the seashore but they did not help me any One to his congregation for his or pill a antlf k Jim j KtpAly Light in an orange you if wilfgive while becalmed in the Straits Sold by all Bonifacio is well ent postpaid at 50c ROCK OF AGES Hams Pink Pills when the system is run down What the pills have done for others they will do for you them a fair trial cine dealers or sent postpaid at ROCK OF AGES a box or six boxes for by ad- of Agesprobably the most dressing the Dr Williams Medicine popular hymn in the English Ian- Co written by when caught in a thunder near As the London Fatal Trolley went down in the Bay of Biscay in the passengers sang this Hamilton June As the result once translated into of a headon collision between two enthusiastic on the Hamilton Grimsby and convert and his rendering lit- Electric Railway this translated read thus afternoon one conductor was killed old stone split lor my benefit and another so badly injured that absent myself under- one of there is small hope of his recovery f fragments Two more railway employees were stories are told of the hymns rather seriously injured several -pas- Watts It is said- that he received painful cuts and NotaUthe Blood of bruises and everybody on both cars Market was more or less injured the charming hymn There of Pure Delight was suggest- ed by the view of Southampton water This 0 wight He is believed to have written We offer Oae Hundred Re- fe I are mediocre a few ward for any base of Catarrh M Jan- be cured- by Catarrh P in Co Props ffHw kaown tec and Mav him perfectly in all iMsUeaa aajactaUy ait obligations by elr fan Marvin kwSwMf Toledo to taken Inter atttflrtoUy blood and aurfacea of the Price pec bottle Sold by all rialla Family beat He took A young Irishman a private in the old Stonewall Brigade disappear ed shortly before the first battle of Bull Run July and was absent wiWiout leave for some- days On his return his comrades twitted him on being a coward and having to to run off to escape the fight abamed Pat said Run off is it I did nothing of the sort I simply obeyed gen erals orders How do you make that out Well morning of the flight the ONE OF WESLEYS suggested to Charles Wesley by a sea- bird flying to him for protection dur ing a storm It was one of the earliest that he wrote A good story is told of Keble and Dr both writers of hymns Dr was invited by Mr and tile Bishop of Salisbury to assist them with their new hymnal and for this purpose he paid a visit to parsonage On one occasion Mr Keble having to go to another room to find some papers was detained a short time On his return Dr said Why Keble I thought you told me that the Year entirely original I Yes he answered It certainly is Then how comes this and Dr placed before him the Latin of one of Kebles hymns Keble himself utterly confounded He pro tested that he had never seen or iginal After a few minutes of quiet enjoyment relieved him by own ing that he had just turned it into Latin during his HYMN FOR BRIDES The now popular wedding hymn O Perfect Love was written in by Mrs Dorothy for her marriage to be sung to the tune O Strength and Stay Sir Joseph set It to music for Hie wedding of Princess Louise of sMrs Harry and daughter from Port Huron Mich are visiting at Mr Frank Kcileys tf I I I I lie I Sow Colonel came before the regiment and Wales Cannon O says he Byes to-day- 1 want ye tother AllCreating was composed strike for home and for country andjat the request of late Duke of I struck for home Them Westminster for marriage of his what struck for the country are daughter to the Marquis of Ormonde la Greenlands Icy Mountains was written if In twenty minutes In and only A GREAT INCREASING ARMY correction be made composed of men and women that heaihen In the second verse and soul in the vain ef- savage beyond his depth while bathing overcome a lack of vigor in A most la that the reservoir at Reglna and wad replace inertia by hymns Charles Ivlgor to make good red blood that jBrttj th havc Jesus Meek and Mild In nerves must eat more he UNNECESSARY TO SUFFER wrote It for his own children but FROM B W This distreseing complaint can be It Invigorates strengthens possesses J perfectly cured by Inhaling magical health giving powers Get v rone a vegetable that de- tcdaj and make yourself talto Mr Antony Young in at stroys the germa whicT cause strong and well All reliable drug- disease la Inhaled at gists and medicine dealers playing mouth from ft pocket rone JUVENILE HYMNS t2m a Cm ft K2 THE OFFICE inhaler and after permeating the air cells la expelled aiowly through the nostrils It stops the cough makes breathing regular and the Asthma so thorough from system that ft never re turns Dont suffer from Asthma use It will cure you Large outfit Si Small size 25 cents Druggists or by mail Theres a Friend for Little A tlKusand dolUrs was stolen was written by Mr Mid lane at the safe of the Rankin Hotel a Wight near Chatham oh Saturday night and SnS7JSS porter Harry Hall la missing Eternal Light I The charming Stanley the fouryearold son of childs hymn Now the day is Ira af near Brock- Over was written in by the viiie was instantly killed by a heavy Baring Gould author of gate failing on Wm while playing in Onward Soldiers The from Co Kingston the barnyard jmagnlflcent Eternal Father Strong Deadly Vienna June Fresh disturb ances of remarkable extent axe re ported from Alter a between armed peasants and gen darmes near the village of Kulovec on Wednesday in which four persons were killed and seven otters serious ly wounded persons were arrest ed and taken to where they were placed In prison The arrival of the prisoners at caused much excitement among the inhabit ants and a crowd quickly surrounded their place of confinement with the intention of releasing themT Accord ing to unconfirmed reports received here a between mil itary and the crowd during the pro gress of which fmWMglm killed Despite the proclamation martial law at Ludbreg in conse quence of recent rioting here further disturbances have occurred and at the railway station was demolished on Friday and two rail way officials were dangerously The rioters held up the fast train for Budapest and compelled it to remain at all night The authorities at Argam have sent two battalions of infantry to Waras to maintain order The disturbances in began last Sunday when two hundred arm ed peasants entered set fire to the savings bank and destroyed several private houses Disturbances have occurred daily since the first- outbreak and the Government was compelled to repress the revolt by military force and to proclaim martial law An official report con firms the statement that nearly two hundred red peasants were arrested in three small Villages fei t and I began to for W J aaabfrta boon to I l l f f 33iaiWBffl MLfrr c w S23 A 2T PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It la to contemplate the unfortunate condition of many men of our day and generation At they feel SO at they feel and at 50 when they should be in the prime of life they are almost ready for grave The fire of youth has gone out the fountain of vitality is exhausted Premature old age No matter what produced it whether evil habits In youth later excesses or business worries the one thing for you to do is to get back the vim the vfeor vivacity of manhood Dont lose your grip on life There are yet many happy golden year for you only get help We can and will not only help you but core you to stay cured Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous and system has been our exclusive business for the past years during which time we have cured enough fallen wen to make an army OUR NBW TREATMENT will restore to you what you purifies and enriches the BLOOD strengthens the the organs checks all unnatural drains and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life treat Blood VArlaocoIo l fJe to call write for a ABB for Crossed the Rivet Yokohama June 2 A despatch from Seoul capital of reports that a military officer who has reached the Yalu River states that Russian soldiers have cross ed the river and are now stationed at two points on the side ftS1 Shifty SToaro la Detroit Cared Cars Collide Now York June While stand ing in semidarkness on the bridge over Coney Island a trolley car containing persons was smash- into splinters by a fivecar and third rail train Plunging headlong into the creek leaping the side rails of car or rolling in under them of the passengers escaped serious and of the remainder only one Policeman with a broken rib and possible internal in juries is considered in any danger fa What Some Dont Knout The following are extracts taken from letters published in an paper called the Childrens Friend They are written by prominent lifmmcn from their own experience at tire request r the paper for hints to boys and they will be equally helpful to our boys In America From Mr Halter Maxell That football however important not absolutely the chief end of life That a great part of school educa tion Is wasted because it Is not fol lowed up by hard study That a fathers advice may bo worth much tbo at football he may be worth tile That clean living and the car of the Lord are in true manliness fc i THE BEST TALKING MACHINE It I Sings Comic Sacred and Sentimental Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You can understand every words it speaks It is the greatest entertainer ever made It Usts the Hard Flat Disc which la made in Canada A five years written with each machine Write for PRICES TO 4000 Sold on Easy Monthly Payments if desired BY BERLINeR St RJJjOMVML Ganirat for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newmarket H Sovereign j i CANADA and CORPORATION TOIOMTO STREET Authorized Capital Head Toronto Paidup Capita Rcaarva Fund SAFE and Man a par IflAiaT and VkcPrwUcnt W CANADAS PREMIER COMPANY Harrow Marmora Montreal ttud Albert St Catharine Stirling Ifnlonvllle Waterloo Zurich Mis irn of was drowned at Levis in attempting to jump on a moving steamer FOR SALE CHEAP feet iron Cresting without a flaw and small Iron Gate at about half cost price Enquire at Of- Corner Lot for Sale OF Savings Bank Department allowed from may be Interest it twloo a year You are not obliged to deposit ar With draw on the or last day either any Call had it on of our Write wo will send you one Wallace Manager BRANCH W J- Stark Formerly occupied by the old store house Half an acre of ground A fiood well and pump Apply to COOK BROS Newmarket Dwelling for Sale in Sutherland has instruct- the undersigned to sell her Houstf on Niagara Street are all in conation They will sold in block or individually or In any to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor i J

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