Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 May 1903, p. 7

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M J trig NEWMARKET ERA DAY A CHINA HALL ladies Fine Shoes for Spring had the most perfect selling and from the large Ladles enquiring for The New iiotol Sarah widow Swain Still Progressing The North End Clothing Factory stalled four more sewing machines on Monday and increased the staff ac cordingly Mr Allan the manager is talking building a new factory that will his needs better than the pres ent premises The regular meeting of the Missionary Society in connection the I Methodist Church is to take place at the residence of Mrs L Jackson next Wednesday afternoon at oclock and as the election ficers is to take place a full attend ance is requested church who died a month ago left died last month the owner of ai farm cash and in other property worth besides personality She willed cash and other personalty her sister Mrs worth This estate is willed to Mrs Sarah 300 to fourteen relatives of the old 300 to Mary Pieman in various sums and to the church at besides to each of a number of persons Railcuay Dont Rush Into paint buying Go slow Make you are getting good paint a talk with A about sure Have The pending arbitration about the paint that does better work at less than any other The Empress Fine Shoes We know they give every satisfac tion to the wearer joey Fit Perfectly They Look Neat and Stylish Wear Well They are just What the Ladles want OPENED The best value Ladies Oxford at and worth it least more pair GROCERY DEPARTMENT COMB HONEY choice quality and a section STRAINED fin quality lb or In pails CHINA DEPART MENT season we are importing our Dinner and Toilet Sets direct from manufacturers and will give you lu better quality at no more cost OPENED OUR NEW TOILET SETS if Pieces tor 5200 worth DINNER NEW COMBINATION OF USEFUL PIECES Special at Only Would be value at Come and see for yourself We carry largest stock outside the city and tell at close price FirstClass Mr RiclUdson another of the Newmarket has finished his college course and in carry ing firstclass Toron to University receiving the Doctor of Dental Surgery jib S from the Dental College We are pleased to hear of the boys from New market High School taking such a high standing and our congratulations are extended Applications are made for three more water services The Sovereign Bank Lyons candy store and the waiting room store sports a hew awn ing Mr A Hunter having made a- fine job of Dr Wesleys granolithic is now putting in the front steps the Sovereign Bank The Industrial Home passe the usual accounts last Friday and gave the meat contract to Mr Kavanagh Between and teachers were in session here yesterday morning ana a good many more were expected in the afternoon Aurora and Railway which had been interrupted by the de mise of Judge came to the notice of Judge Winchester on Friday last The deviation of the line from some point between Lloyd- town and to a fixed ter minus as a House Boat We clip the following from the etang Herald Mr J E Newmarket- and whom we almost regard as a citizen at the latter place is claimed of is building a new violation of the agreement houseboat for and family to which Armstrong and others pass the summer months upon the hold to be detrimental to their in- Georgian Bay The scow upon which This is the point- in dis pute and it was arranged for Judge Winchester the lawyers in the case and others interested to visit the territory yesterday to acquire a bet ter understanding of the whole mat ter in dispute Cornice Poles In Oak Mahogany Ebony or Whit only complete at Slims Hard ware Lamps at Job Prices to clear out we want the room from to worth double The Leading Reliable RA Telephone Very Sudden Summons Mr Calvin P died rather at his residence College St Toronto on at the age of years Though he had been failing in health for some time past probably due to age Mr condition was not considered danger ous Thursday evening however hi was suddenly taken ill He lapsed into unconsciousness and passed away about twentyfour hours later Mr was born near Shar on over seventyfour years ago and thirty years ago he started a sale liquor and cigar store In Toronto About twenty years ago be went New York to live not give i his in the business in the city He returned to Toronto aboi tea years later and the business has since been wound up In his earlier days Mr was Well known as horseman He leaves a wife but no children The funeral took place on Monday the remains being interred at Newmarket Cemetery The pall bearers were Messrs J J Pearson A J McCracken John Joseph and Thos Webster Baseball Club A large and enthusiastic meeting was held irfvthe Machine Shop on Tuesday club was found to be in good in players and finances Treasurer showed a balance in the bank matter of marking out another for use Factory players only cussed and finally left to thefexV Committee to decide The election of officers resulted as follows Cane Vice John McCaffrey- tain Jas Manager Hughes Ex Com Kuan J West Owing to the fact that the Cloth ing Factory receives power from the factory to run their plant it couki not be decided whether the Saturday afternoon games would be run or not the house will be erected is now pteted It is made entirely of white oak imported by Mr Cane for- the purpose from the Southern States scow is 30 ft by it and trie white oak stringers are the full length of a splice Mr Sam built the scow and it is said to be the fin est oil the Georgian Bayj- Mr Cane intends to erect his pew house on this scow and when com pleted we expect- to see nobbiest houseboat on the bay r Double Trouble Tuesday appears to have been an oil day lot the Metropolitan Co There are two cars working on this end of- tho that generally go on the switch here just beore the oclock car goes out of Newmarket On the above evening the- atiends to tae overhead wires got first and Vacated at Regular meeting Monday ing Members all present Mr Allan manager of the Clothing Factory was heard En reference to exemption from -taxation- for a term of years in case he should build a more suitable factory Following bills passed Union Petroleum Co oil Can Gen Co by Met Co Can Gen Co Installing Packard Co supplies United Factories repairs Co repairs to pump A Thompson repairs to the Water Cart Telephone Co messages Ret Co Council Election Ret Officer Co Council Election A J Co Council Election Pay Sheet No Pay Sheet Market Com repairs F to be paid if found correct Col Lloyd asked if all public build ings had meters installed in them now The Mayor replied that meters were all here but Mr Kitchen has been so busy that for and Doyle were not yet installed Col Lloyd urged action concerning granolithic walks arid also wanted to know why- the Metropolitan people dont complete their lino The clerk was instructed to adver tise for tenders for Granolithic walks on Main St 2G 7 f Prize Long Bed Mangel in lb lots 12e Dutch Sett Onions per lb Potato Onions per lb Syrup Wine gals Maple Syrup Imp gals 100 Pineapples Strawberries Rhubarb Lettuce Onions Radishes- ananas Oranges Glasses beautify worn worried which hcouliful We I g Death of Graham On May there passed from this life one the earliest inhabitants the village Sharon in person of Rachel Huglies widow of Win Graham and daughter- Amos and Chapman and Counties Pa who came to Death of Dp The sad intelligence of the demise Dr Samuel member of the Ontario Assembly for yesterday morning was received with painful regrets in Newmarket and vicinity by a wide circle ol personal and political friends an ill ness of about months from Bfights disease he passed away at his residence on Wed nesday evening last Notwithstand ing his failing he was in at tendance at the Legislature this ses sion up to the March adjournment Dr was born of English parentage in Toronto in and two years later the family removed to Newmarket It was at the Gram mar School here that deceased was educated He studied medicine at Medical College and graduated from Queens University Kingston in He at once settled in where until his death he continued to prac tice his profession and was for many- years one of the most widely known and busiest physicians in the north country A man of broad sympa thies and kindly manner he was ev erywhere beloved and universally po pular Deceased was a Liberal in politics and was twice elected to the Ontario Legislature He belonged to the An glican church was a prominent Free Mason and a Past Master of Lodge in the end of the the mens car came The evidently misjudged the speed the car or the distance to travel his hurry to be out of the way of regular passenger car and into the car on the switch with such force that the front of the workmens car was badly wrecked and the other car not so seriously damaged fortunately nobody was hurt The same evening the feed wire broke near Richmond Hill and all on the South end of the line was suspended for three hours or more The result Was that some who expected to reach home at did not get here till alter midnight The reported- the Northern and Apples Toronto Letter and that the finally passed and instructed to have the same printed according to law The question purchasing electric installation supplies discussed and the chairman was instructed to have contracts signed before ordering The clerk was instructed to notify the Metropolitan Co to com plete the line and run the cars to the North end by the pi May or the be forfeited Mo tion carried unanimously Considerable time was occupied dis cussing the claim of from Mr Pedlar for locating the Office Special ty Co in Col Lloyd was dead opposed to any such claim as he was not em ployed by the Council as the Corporation had paid something like in this matter besides the bonus The communications were laid over for further consideration and the Council adjourned at J f Course Im Why Not lad The new rooms in the Old Court House for the County Clerk are about completed and Mr expects to move into this week The superintendent of the Broadway Tabernacle Sunday School left for Winnipeg yesterday Mr to take an important position in con nection with the but the know that when I sell a my corner big moneys worth I know he gets separator made because I sell the famous Sharpies Tubular Separator Turns easier skims cleaner lasts longer moi take up room easily cleaned than any other is and is more J PEG Sharon ALWAYS FOR BUSINESS The investigation The Roekslide Described by a Special Globe Reporter Frank April 30 I have just walked down the mass debris which came from the side of Turtle Mountain yesterday morning All boys of he could not let him that these poor without his services lc this country with the migration that took place after the War of British I The deceased was born almost years ago in the Township King on the farm now occupied by Mr David Rogers Her parents to Sharon in the earliest days of The Big Coneent Taking the place of the annual Band Concert on May given the auspices of the Cane Sick Benefit Society will bo the best ever held In Newmarket Th following wellknown artists been secured for the Donald great Bari tone whose enthusiastic reception here last December at the Library Concert warrants a crowded house Fergus Canadian Mr was the star of tee evening- He ha IAS ATKINSON NEWMARKET In her younger years and middle life she took an active part in the musical and other duties of the and for fifty years or more performed the duties of care taker of the large Meeting House arrf Temple and also had the manage ment largely- and performed a great proportion of the work in toe prepar ation of the public meals of the So ciety known as the Feasts and the was excellent This was his first appearance In Fer gus and he made many friends among the audience by his performances Miss Teresa Flanagan Soprano To ronto appeared here at one of our Concerts and her rich sweet voice captivated audience The appearance of Miss Teresa Flanagan a clover young vocalist was a sur prise to the audience her name not CO YEARS EXPERIENCE appeared in the advertise- tbe very few remaining who were con- l fi Dinners was netted with the in its Mii Possessing jj voice of rare sweetness and Herald iVt 4KU0UU j Dcamnt Ac fctgU III W VMM Is vMxM dayu So far as we can learn there are only two others living namely her sister Mrs II wid ow of John and Mrs widow of the cessation of the regular meet ings of the Society in Sharon united with the congregation the Presbyterian church Her remains were deposited in the Sharon burying ground along side her late husband and parents the latter having deceased in The funeral service took place on Wednesday afternoon being ducted by Rev McArthur of vllie and Rev of New market Very soon the generation that connects the present with the first settlement of the County will have passed- Miss Tessa MacCallum of Gait one of Canadas brightest readers whoso will be among the befit fea tures of the evening S Mearns Her Scottish selections have never been surpassed by any artist on our previous And the ever welcome Fax Comic Toronto whose reputation a humorist is unequalled Mrs J Holllngaheads accom panist No pains be spared to make this concert a great success your early Plan Hall opens- at Tuesday at Drug Store Admission 0c and choice seats a Car to Aurora concert and gave him a banquet on Tuesday night He was superintendent of for about years Burglars entered Mr I A alds residence Isabella Street on Sunday night and ransacked the place They got away with a gold watch and some silverware A number of trade union men are on strike in the line of carpenters ma sons Builders have simply down A number of the light fingered fra ternity Monday secured from the Chatelaine bag of a lady from Dixie and from the chatelaine of her companion also from Dixie The robbery took place while they were looking in the window of jewelry store Two more referendum and bribers were convicted this week A man named had a fine registered against him and in default months prison An automobile club has been form ed In the My About carriages last Monday night drew up at Queens and from there took a spin about the city They made quite a stir en route Henry Hickcox known through out this Dominion as tho father of the AO died at Buffalo this weeks The funeral took place at on Wednesday A bicycle race fa now on In he Canada Cycle ami Motor Co window Kin Street between two old linn rival Davidson and We former was slightly in the lend Thursday morning A deaf and man named Oak land rid In ft a bicycle on Queen rant the Woodbine about led souls sent into the world have nob been exaggerated one iota They may have in their fear seen an im aginary upheaval an earthquake but to them the horror was the same as if the Turtle was belching and vomiting fire smoke and scoria The imagination fails utterly to de pict the awful ruin which has clutch ed in its destructive maw the lives of eightythree of their neighbors Un der the great white sepulchre whole families arc laid The change was quick for them In mercy their lives were taken instantly One can iudgc of the great fatality only by comparison Fancy it you can any two square in city blocks Tumble to the height of the highest buildings in those blocks a mass of stone as the teamster would throw it from the dray Upon this mass throw another of sort fifty feet higher and you have an idea of What the prairie to the east of this little town looks like Then itom the wide the great Turtle comes roaring in a continuous stream huge rocks which are followed by a great cloud of white dust As I am penning the words a new roar breaks loose It is like thunder the echo and air taking it up until are a hundred that of the heaviest thunder There is no possible way of estimating the amount of rock that has fallen At no place on our journey were wo than fifty feet from the ground and often we noticed close to hun dred feet From the foot mountains to the farthermost points reached by the slide it is two and a half miles with the narrowest part two miles wide The valley is filled with pure white limestone rock and rubbed where the parts crossexamination ol Hon J before the Royal Com mission was concluded Tuesday after noon after a vigorous seige of cross- firing This event marks the ap proach of the end and when the com mission adjourned counsel undertook to consult and decide on a course with reference to the further evidence to be submitted The reply will not likely take long and there is some talk of an adjournment for several days to permit counsel to prepare arguments Mr was in the box about seven and was under crossexamination for five hours of that time Many of Mr- Blakes questions were keen and cut ting and it may be said that Mr replies were no effect ive Chancellor Boyd announced that for the present the Commission had de cided to refuse the request of Mr to inquire into- a general cam paign Mr Ritchie read some correspon dence with the Ontario Bank respect ing an inspection books which they wore unwilling to allow f The evidence- ill the case practically finished Wednesday Mr P ft Alrfoma was examined and stated that after the elections he spoke with Mr Gam- about mining and other matters Thuy discussed starting a smelter and whether tho Government would grant a subsidy Between ihe and of Juno in House the smelter and ho told Garaey that Mr was favorable to form of assistance mentioned a which could be used in connection with the smelter and said he thought he could raise to put into it In the conversation said that Mr Whitney in a speech at Sudbury showed of mining matters said that if the Boss Gov- about the end of June It was not by check but by parcel He was not sure how much he drew in Toronto He had a couple of thousand dollars in connection with some lands and as the other partner didnt show up he carried the money in his pocket Some of it wu an express order and balance S800 or from Ontario Bank The Commission adjourned until Tuesday morning when after a few matters have been disposed of Mr Blake will begin the argument for tho prosecution a eeo Manchester Mills at Auburn Ont wore burned Grocery and Provision 8 oclock Wednesday morning rolled over each other by a trolley car which was going at a high rate of speed Wheel and man wore tumbled into the fen der and when the car was stopped they were found practically uninjured monument to Governor will be unveiled on May 27th The York pioneers will take part in the proceedings Fred Itoy employed at the Bolt works Swansea whilst going about his work at the factory accidentally slipped and fell into a vat of boiling water Although im mediately rescued ho was fatally scalded rocks ranged in size from- an plo to a monster the size of an eight roomed house The flow of the great torrent destruction has levelled hills and thrown aside the river chan nel Two and onehalf miles of the main lino of the Crows Nest Rail way is covered The edge of the slide has totally destroyed the lives of eightythree people DRUGGISTS ARE AGRErSD That the surest and only Painless Corn and Wart Cure In Putnams It was tbeUst corn cure on tho mar ket and all competitors refuse a eminent carried out its policy he would it an independent support About tho end of June he met Gamoy again on the train and Gamey said he hod made up his mind to Ross Government bis support protest was mentioned and said ho did not think it would be pressed if he were going to bo a Government supporter afterwards he told Mr what said He also told St to Mr Grant who had charge of the election protests At this time he thought was in earn est but told Grant that might change his mind when he got among his Conservative in Toronto Ho was asked by Mr Liberal candidate to see Mr Grant about the protest He had promised Mr Froser that if ne cessary ho would put up deposit Farmers have put in a stock Mangel Carrot and Turnip Seeds that I am selling at Extremely Low Prices Turnip per lb lb Mammoth Long Red Mangels lb Giant Feeding Sugar Beet lb Pure Oil Cake per lb Call and Our Prices on Sugar By the Barrel Cash for Butter and Eggs KNOYVLES pout DuiciHng Houses fop Sale in Mrs Sutherland has instruct ed the undersigned to sell her Houses on Niagara Street Newmarket They are desirable residences in good condition They will be sold block or individually or in any way to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to WIDB1FIELD Vendors Solicitor Newmarket FOR SALE OR TO RENT Mansion House In the Thriving Village Sutton The above hotel Is equipped and doing an excellent COMMERCIAL AND LOCAL Reasons for giving up business ill- health For particulars apply to J WOODCOCK or JAMBS SHARPE Estate Sutton West Newmarket

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