Weeks Local Sews THE FRIDAY MAY OK TOWN cars It keeps the men and to to unload the cars time Hunter Bros have put in an up-to- date cold meat refrigerator and Jn- handling cooked meats for the summer months School Holidays North York Teachers Institute held in Newmarket on Thurs day and Friday of next week A I public school pupils will have two holidays in consequence Omission Slight in Court paragraph in Era little word not ster Expressions of At the meeting the A- Turtle Top People Reported Killed Frank April An earth- from In the Tillage it- quake happened about am The sell seven cottages were overwhelmed U on Monday night the Re- whole valley for over a mile wide was and about seventy Immediately afterwards dents of the town were it is omitted and hence was instructed to send a let- shaken up as confusing sentence of condolence to Bro appeared to be a volcanic buried tne dearie The read Judge decided that Jon the death of his and jtion took place on the top of Turtle danger from flood to survivors Methodist Church That was- a magnificent- sermon for cot a vicious horse and Fox on the bis sister which the town seems to be great and the aufchor- jfto I throwing millions tons of rock out ities of the village sent out urgent covering the mine entrance mine appeals to the Government buildings and burying them a mm- and the Canadian Pacific for aid in feet deep Ail the men em- clearing a channel for the Old Man two improved men given Wj it vl instantly killed and over twenty the great rock fall Special trains in the mine carrying Mounted Police for reMei rescue Seven work doctors nurses and hospital next Sunday W- in the town were store have been rushed to vie rock The Joss of life is Frank both from in ygtdict for the defendants fl pine G A has installed in incandescent lamps ftaf light Sunday night the better than any other choir was also exceptionally good in town and it is said at less Large congregation jwith- hope of it is the improvements that morning Love Feast at 10 oclock constantly being made in elec- trie lighting Best Yet Hotter new Fountain itslalled in Town last Friday at Post Office Drug Store which tiles tbe shine on all the others jl is as handsome an outfit as you see and sacrament at the close the sermon- of Death Dp Campbell The uiany friends of Dr Campbell who practiced in this Town for about years and removed to Toronto some four years ago will re 111 oclock on evening We rather suspect that the BrfehW the jf will be re- I J soda the coming tbough on Sunday he was seized with other attacks and gradually grew weaker till death relieved him of his ed at over mostly wo- British Columbia and from Calgary men and children and MacLeod in the Territories The The mountain throwing up railway course temporarily rocfe blocked and the telegraph wires are According to the latest despatches down This accounts for the the scene the disaster nature the despatches valley in which the scene of the disaster en by an earthquake The first news to reach eastern Can- in it some three- was in the form of an appeal for quarters of a mile in length The J aid dressed to Sir Wilfrid Laurier earth in the was fjrt for a great gap op an away at quarters of a ciaiu anywhere in the city of To- Wpdrieedav evening shock aroused the sleeping villagers It was followed shortly afterwards by Ill oclock on Wednesday evening afterwards what press messages entirely lacking is described as a volcanic eruption or in details The first a great rock slide took place on the to be icecream Mm Just Opposite the Old Stand LADIES READYTOWEAR SKIRTS LADIES UNDERSKIRTS LADIES WRAPPERS fieuuest Special Bargains this Week inches wide Colors Black Navy Cream iSe yard Hosiery Gloves usual ye have the best- assortment in tho trade We guarantee every pair of our Dollar Kid Gloves Grocery cials Good Pink Salmon tins Kippered Herring for Choice Tomato Catsup pints quarts The New Store NONE SO GOOD AS BRUNTONS BAKING Big Fire at the Marie Ont April At daybreak this morniug one of the largest fires that has visited the occurred in th Farwell Block r On Monday evening the annual Junior Meeting held at the Bar- The Br was a very genial man of was fairly well attended ability and well adapted to his pied Brothers general dry- of the Marshall leers The stock and building were top of Turtle Mountain which over- the entirely lost The block the town The eruption threw his wife and four killed by the Imperial Bank and J Tie program consisted principally of and recitations by the chil- interspersed with selections on tie gramophone At the close looks were distributed as prizes of cent in the Sunday School among tbe children Captain and were delighted with the Hot Decided Hon J Davis has allowed his option on the Kingston Tannery to Nothing has been decided yet concerning the location the taiv nery fact the question of a business is not definitely as building materials are so present and labor scarce- In meantime the stock in the vats fc being worked up in temporary so as to dispose it too much sacrifice chosen profession He came here a perfect stranger and was not long in working up a good practice His friends may view the remains at Mr Alex Undertaking Parlor St Toronto Friday Interment at St Thomas Ont on Saturday rooming May on arrival of train leaving Toronto at am suffer millions of tons rock out and it came thundering down the mountain side blocking the entrance to the coal mine that is Franks principal industry sweeping away the mine buildings and burying them a hundred feet deep at the bottom of tbeyvai- Lively There was a lively runaway on Street on Wednesday A span torses belonging to Mr were standing in front of storehouse attached to a without being tied when started the horses They against the sign Mr J Cane is building a new stable on the vacant lot north of Miss Belfrys residence Prospect Ave Dr Wesley is putting down a fine granolithic walk Bradford will be well represented at the Concert tonight 26 reserved seat tickets have by them I They will return by the midnight were granted train by falling rock former- was badly a resident of Oak Manitoba dagedby The his mother in the course a day received a telegram stating that dollars with members of the family had been j of 0OO killed and three girls Jessie May and the baby saved Many the I residents ot Frank are from Ontario Within the mine the men employed upon the night shilt estimated in the latest despatches at twenty in num ber were entombed but later their way out a loss of two men and constant enquiries were made at the newspaper offices by friends from friends as to tbeir safety but up till an early hour Thursday morning no complete lists were available THE BEST TALKING MACHINE York The Commissioners met at Sharon Splendid If you want a new stove some new Miss Murray and her mother secured a house on the corner of Lot and Church the previous tenant moving up near the Cemetery Mr Martin Shanks St was out late one last Week and was laid up two or three days since There is no telling what became of the other fellow I The carpenters will nearly finish last Friday to decide upon the furniture or a nice carpet dont cations for liquor licenses for year get the sale at Mr s at commencing May let The Inspects S morning report was presented It was j the greatest day for deputations that Class the Board ever had The hearing Miss Adaxns of College St To- and against the is- will conduct classes in China suing of occupied from Vainting and WaterColors to pm The following market For particulars enquire of f A Aurora or Mrs McKay See samples of in Industrious Per sons in each state to travel or house established eleven years and with a capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent- engagement Weekly cash salary of and all travelling expenses and hotel hills ad vanced in cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer ence and enclose selfaddressed en velope THE NATIONAL Dear born St Chicago id knocked it over them and they continue to the front of Canes Factory where they inio a telephone pole and broke the tongue of the Here some the men caught the horses and them till the owner arrived This did not Mr Lows new house this week Mr Fred Jones has removed the KING J Hards A Phil lips Robert Watson and Isaac WHITCHURCH Tavern A J Lewis EAST A Brigade Meeting will take place at the Fire Halt on Thursday even ing of next week for general business The annual excursion will be talked It talks Sings Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs like a full Band or Orchestra- You can understand every words it speaks It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Hard Flat Disc Record which last for years The is made in Canada A five years written gua rantee machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold oh Easy Monthly Payments if desired BY BERLINER Catherine General Manager for Canada A WATSON Agent Newmarket Tavern J as J Tunny over John Rosamond J Deacon Culverwcll A Any rubber coats not in use should be returned before this fence from the front of his residence and wine This is Day How many Monday which is quite an improvement Mr A has a new which he got on the American side and intends to try it on Lake the coming season J Very high wind yesterday Tavern Crittenden SUTTON WEST you plant Council next sudden death of Mrs John see them MX Old Kolas Town Many friends of only 12 bodies placed aware h Illness Vault at Newmarket J fttr- the past pake t separation y raUr usual They were y IJ t he ill tatifd this week ln Tut Home tocaphywcins a wu it jjr called from Toronto but medical aid t pass the monthly v was of no avail passed I was the second noes will seem but as yesterday to ftn Old Country Wedding The Gentlewoman published in Lon don gives a lengthy account of the marriage or Miss Tavern It A ter Of Mr and Mrs A I Silinger ridge Jas HOLLAND LANDING Tavern Jane Tavern J Martin Dive Stock Jftvkek I Export cattle in Toronto this week sold from to Feeders weighing lbs up at from to W50 ran from to for good ones with Jersey and grades down to about Choice butcher cattle sold from to medium to and common cows and heifers to Dry Cows to 37d Calves to per Ewes and wethers to bucks tdic yearlings Spring lambs from 3 to 5 each Hogs are a little firmer this week for selects for fats and lights 1ELII1L I i if i DR BENTLEYS Vvt f A light hirggyminuKa flaetf St one- fhft remains Street in the Kefsricken husband yet tender affection bestowed and suu- nee Lily Townley of Newmarket Ont to Mr Sydney It took place at St Margarets church Manchester which was ar tistically decorated for the occasion with flowerb bride wore a robe of native embroidered china silk the present of TavernMargaret Evans John her grandmother Edward Jackson Luke Doyle Vancouver relieved with chiffon V J Her tulle veil was worn over a KhoptrankStewart net of orange blossoms andhcr love- AUROHA bouquet diamond Tavern- Jas Wells pearl crescent were the gifts of the George Lemon X Four- bridesmaids were S- i iu in attendance Miss- Lily sis- Site The license of John Sutton of of Harrison was extended for thrc Miss Beatrice months ivv- l ft Maudo Elaine They Frank Trent- extended 8 C cloth with markets Newmarket April Flour per barrel a White Wheat per bush a Bed Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per hush a Buckwheat a Barley per bush a Oats per hush HO a per bush- a per bush a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a ton a Pulmonary Balsam Compound Extraot of Blackbprry Compound Podophyllum Bitters Remedy for it Golden Eye Watery- Restorer CastllUan Hair Gloss PUT BY Butter roll per lb a Eggs per do a Dressed ttogs per a per pair a Ducks a 1 wore montns gold embrotderlea and gold Francis Bond Lake ex- ihecru aigrettes and tended two months tinted panne- They carried per lb 08 a shine of her presence can never j The application of J Lennox Tangerine tulips and Wore lrkcys a forgotten by those who knew her was the gifts of She was buried in her bridal The application Mr Percy Brook was the was titerary dresi ard the was surrounded Oak Ridges for new and the small M fair with flowers as tokens of sympathy deferred for further- action Miss Dorothy sister oil 10 0 0 8 A A RADLEY CO DRUGGISTS Newmarket SUCCESSORS TO LEHMAN i j from loving friends including the If our most as a brief of their of following on Author Herb tketlt Spray Mr and Mrs A Voiiai a half of Miss Toronto as a brief Spray Carrie arid Kate Spray Mr and Mrs Lyon 0 0 Toronto markets Toronto April taVeii in ibis jjf of line from The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and wan very largely transfer of from ihride a rock chain- a Gorman Toronto oft coil edged wlthbcayer condition coneeHiiHg MftRtcr tobbyBcaiy a 07 complied I- pages of white satin J a The itcense of Ke- carLur enjoy Trent a and SpclaMsU fc Medical Firm la baa ibe odd to honjaoda Willi tbo of lbcs diseases can guar a nice No Pay Kitala- Debility ttypfilllw Varicocele Gleet anU Mental by Yon may a the out laomlnr You ra not retted fildnera ache no ambition Dont let your bo away no Pay IS fi mankind It may not tea for It may allow In Hon of Mercury nod I ttioii called for in tended J took of all charge of the and was A wick was extended The applications vttiUoc arid Jersey for aew premie were cot The licence extended months for of pity that ttHo A If Hie the beauty of palbearerc were Lyons Action was deferred on the in such miotic If Smith to renew beerand wine fctir to an jr and Walter to McDonald at Jackson fi It jiith or quiets and and friends from An extension Was Rlv- Viif en Flanagan do kt the J eie can I little adret for i treat will the Miss up the vote rA to Mr an ihe and friends from An of Was glv- dhtae who thfe funeral en to KHzatjcth Flanagan Vlrket to permits transfer to new and Thorn- Hoard to meet at Mr were Square Mrs the Davenport call of the chair I bury Mr and IrH Timothy and Mr Mr and Mrs Aurora Two found- in the channel and fourteen men were drowned suit www p gold Alter Mr Barley per at the Techno Institute wjijeh was decorated a wealth of fl6w- and Tic were numerous and hanootnc cludfid father cheque mother oiWcr houijehold linen piano and gold bracelet Mr David silver Mr Win set table glass Mr Arthur Beaty breakfast service Mr and Mrs dinner acrvlco brides alid silver trayetc Later in the day Mr and Mrs Sydney departed en route for the South the bride goln away in a costume of navy blue picked out ml panne a black picture hat and pac coat lined will pale pink ft a per 0 a US Butter a per big ft per 12 a 15 per lb a pressed Hogs 26 a Beef fore qts a- Beef Wnd ft pair a Ducksr iHirWeyV a 033 I Tbiwajw la your fcidaaya WW J J JfiS MWlmeaTwourjrKVkciiac ira toy odd aid No Pay J DKENNEDY KERGAaaLWm laxative Seven Minion fcoze cold pest lit j rj I J Mr -VVi- i