a I f t fc fc CAPITAL REST Newmarket branch rt i liUtV aes TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on It DRAFTS at bought pwa Simpson and Fancy Frank OS IS ABOUT At Sessions on Friday the jury disagreed in the case of Bert Taylor charged with the of two heif ers and a bull from Mrs Sarah vjss of East Taylor will have to appear at the March sit tings to stand his trial again j i- biuret fttart EVES J- WJ SMITH DOUGLAS CO flockJMLorR per cent Room Manning Chambers of MARRIAGE LICENSES 1 it fiaA at If J RHH OF MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON NEWMARKET Flour and WOOD AND SLABS or Short COOK at last Saturday Seine smartaleck kicked the side out of the stove The Rink was patronized on Christmas Day as well as Fairy Lake the boys had a fine clearing Sir Bacon moved into new house oh Niagara S for Christmas Clubbing Era Weekly Globe vriti Ji Montreal Star witli premium Era and Farmers Advocate a Toronto Sun I Balanoe of free for Weeklies First OHA The first schedule drawn up at the Walker House Toronto was group Intermediate scries and Cane convenor of the district occupied the chair The To ronto Canoe Club was grouped in this district but notified the convenor that a team would not be entered thus leaving three clubs in the run ning vu St Georges Newmar ket and The following schedule was adopted Jan Georges at Jan at Newmarket Jan at St Georges Jan at St Georges Jan St Georges at Newmarket J an- Newmarket at Winner plays on with Owen Sound who drew a bye Referees St Georges J Hy- Birmingham A Hewitt Hookey Dixon Newmarket P Doyle Hugh Sunday School Instead of the usual Review it be ing the last Sunday in the year a variety program was given last Sun day which was enjoyed by a large attendance Besides lots of singing by the children there were recita tions by Winnie Hill Miss Lush and Mr J S reading by Mr J and a splendid address by Mr A IS Coombs Bibles were presented to and Carl on promoted from the Primary to the Intermediate The Secretary announced the fol lowing on the Honor Roll having ob tained per cent or over of the marks the past quarter Primary Ada Arthur Mor gan Maw Carl Inez Monte Winnie Lush Main SchoolGarnet Kirby Harold Rheta Cody Roy Cody Brock Douglas Scott Clarice Campbell Lawrence Morgan Evelyn McKay Clarence Lundy fcc 4 teAUi- Jill Corner Main and Grocery and AMto T It 4k fycx Wc Death of the following from The Searchlight published at Mich- Dec Mrs Rachel Wilson wife of in a former wellknown Carson vilfc died at Port Dec in he year She leave a husband and five children to mourn her loss the chil dren surviving her are John David Wilson also Mrs Ida and Mrs Jessie Mr and Wilson had buried four children The deceased was horn in Sharon Ontario Canada May She was very widely known and universal- loved and respected by all as was at by the large attendance at her funeral there being carriages in the procession from the deceaseds late borne one- mile west of Port Sanilac As the funeral procession slowly passed thru her former home great respect was all the bells being tolled in honor to her memory The deceased was a woman with womans heart She was a faith ful wife and a warm sou led mother kindly disposed The deceased wai a fady and her beneficiaries hold a policy in the Order Rev pastor of the Christian church of Which the defeated was a member delivered an able sermon from the subject of the resurrection of the dead taking as a basis of his discourse from tbe verse of the or Job It a man die shall he live remains were burled in the Washington Cemetery south of Car- Sunday afternoon and the body now rents lhide her son George- died a few years ago until He who awakened Lazarus from Ms death shall awaken her and give her a home all redeemed in His Kingdom the The Salvation- Army Christmas Tree was a grand the expectations of the officers The Hall was packed even seats in the aisles- The program was good Hunter Bros rendered good assis tance giving 10 or selections al so Mr Coorge Quite a number of little recitations Santa arrived on the scene about oclock to distribute a large number of good things that were placed oh the tree for children and friends When the proceeds were counted to Captains surprise were Toll ed into his hand better than last year The people who attended have the hearty thanks of the Captain especially Santa also those who took part in the program and Others who lent a helping hand In the Magistrates court before Jackson and J Pearson on Saturday last decision was giv en in the case against Flana gan The Magistrates held that the of together with the attending circumstances pointed to a clear violation of the law and imposed a fine accordingly Later on in the afternoon Fletcher was brought before Squire Jackson on a charge of tieing worse for liquor early on morning Alter hearing the evidence the Magistrate expressed Ms sorrow that the defendant had so himself and his family as to be summoned on a charge of nature As it was the fine would be made the wholesome provisions of I he By- law of the Town respecting morals and due respect for those entrusted with the duty of seeing law enforced demanded that a fine should be imposed C and costs Christian Sunday School At the annua meeting last Sun day morning the following officers were elected for the ensuing year H J Stephens Sec Low Lib W Lush Organist Mrs J Stephens Teachers Infant- Mrs J Stephens Miss Laura Lundy and Miss P Millard Miss Jennie No Miss Lush No I Miss Minnie No Mrs W No Miss No il Savage Miss Smith No Rev J No Mr J A Collins No Mr J Stephens No Miss Rose Asst Mr- K Morrison liehmQnCnIllel On Tuesday Dec the home of Mr and Mrs John Miller of Whit church was the scene of a very quiet and pretty wedding when their third daughter Jessie was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr A Lehman of River The ceremony was performed by Rev J W Morgan of Mount Albert Miss Miller sister of the bride act ed as bridesmaid while the groom was supported by Mr Wilson of Green River Miss Meda Lehman sister of the groom played sohuB Wedding March The bride was attired in a very becoming cos tume of dovegrey basket cloth with yoke of while silk trimmed with white silk applique and carried a of white carnations The bridesmaid wore a dress of brown ladies cloth and cream silk waist her bouquet was silk carnations The bride was the recipient of many hand some and valuable presents- the grooms gift to his bride being a gold watch to the brides maid an opal ring and to the man an pin Mr and Mrs Lehman will reside in Green River Mr and bride arc spending part of the honeymoon in Newmarket with Ms lather- Ludwig Lehman For the Visit Battle SILAS AT Glasgow Saturday afternoon at 3 oclock my chum and I left Glasgow from the Buchanan St- Station and went to the old town Stirling whose population- now 17000 which we in about an hours ride From the train we could see the boys enjoying themselves on loeir aid sliding stretches office skating here tluayer Imt weather only was Alighting from our tram we were surprised to see the old horse cars in use on the streets and at received an impression of the of the place which has not changed in the least Directing our steps towards the Castle we passed thru streets not more than twenty feet wide and by taking a look in at the open doors we came to the conclusion that there ate worse places than Glasgow At the head of this narrow defile is a church really two churches joined- and called the and West Churches This building was used in Roman times and our guide us where the walked lived and where the of the apostles the Saviour stood John Knox pulled down and destroyed at the formation The pulpit used by John Knox in this was shown to us and each- took hjs turn in standing in It The ScoUIsfe mint where all coins were stamped for Scotland before the Union stood on the street this church and near this place stands the house in which Lord was bora hus band of Mary Queen of Scots Very many old buildings were pointed out having a history and dating back three and four hundred years Coming back to the church we were shown the old and were told that the colored windows were valued at Rut a small window about a foot square in the ceiling above the choir loft has even a greater value than the magnificent windows surrounding the building It is over loo years old and its composition is such that when the sunlight comes upon it the whole place seems It was in this church that the corona tion ceremonies of Queen Mary and Charles I were performed Before leaving the place the organist had appeared and we were treated to some fine music Our guide next took us through the surrounding the church and enclose an ivy leaf Which I picked from the grave Prof Henry Taking us to a high of rock we were told several stories connected with the country below us and of the old Castle across the ravine A sun dial stands on this rock and the words thereon arc I am a shadow so art thou I mark time dost thou The Castle is very much the same as Castle with a portcullis gate and citadel A few curios as Douglas and swords of old warriors interest every visitor and arc a source of satisfaction Returning to the street we boarded one of those noisy old horse cars Which took us part of the way and we walked the rest to the field where the Battle of was fought where Bruce defeated the You all remember the story and if you dont wellread about it Having seen all we desired around Stirling we caught the first train to Glasgow arriving here at oclock nearly froen- Dont run away with idea that the trains arc as comfortably over here pa they arc in Canada An Iron box filled with water Is chucked into each compartment In the morning and stops there all and that Is all that in done towards warming up the place L JACKSON Golden Text Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou be Arts if- ev Jan 1 the beginning the new year we resume our studies in the Acts of the Apostles Last June the arrival of Paul and Silas in Phifippi and the conversion of a were brought to Now our attention is to a maid having a spirit This damsel in seems to have brought to the peoples doors at cheap rates the oracular which otherwise they would have Had to travel far to receive Paul be came sore troubled by this screaming and turning said to the spirit- I charge thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her Immediately the spirit her The owners of the girl indignant that the hope of their gains was gone dragged Paul and to this mar ket place or court PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS A demon possessed girl Selfish masters Singing prisoners S A frightened jailor A rejoicing jailor How God helps His people in trial people act in trouble How a sinner may be saved spirit of the world contrasted with the spirit of Christianity i 0 i Tragedy j j SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS J TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE MISTOOK BROTHER FOR A BURGLAR AND HIM m Dec A horrible tragedy occurred about a oclock this morning at about miles from this city Wesley Wat son being shot and instantly killed by one of his brothers Accurate de tails of the awful affair are lacking no report of it having been made to the police up to noon hut the story s a very unusual one Two brothers Samuel and James Watson run the farm near and the third brother Wesley has made his home in Detroit for some time past Last night he came home unexpectedly it is supposed to spen the Christmas holidays The brothers at home both men over thirty years of age heard him approaching the house and evidently they became possessed with a fear that they were about to be attacked by burglars KILLED HIM INSTANTLY Report has it that they ran up stairs and getting out of a window went lo the house of a neighbor where they spent the night About oclock this morning they returned armed with a shotgun Wesley had gone into the house and finding no one there went to bed When his two brothers opened door of the room in which he was sleeping he raised himself in the bed They fail ed to recognize him Instantly they aimed the shotgun at him and the contents lodged In his face killing him instantly The story of the ter rible affair was brought to the city first by Mr James who lives about half a mite from the place where the shooting occurred ft is not known yet what action will be taken j We have imported from New York some of the Prettiest and Most Tasteful it was possible to secure They include many now and delightful odors and Dainty Cases in which they come are really beautiful To get an idea of their appropriateness and real worth you must in and see them and that is what wo want you to do Youll be pleased with them REMEMBER ITS St Next door to Post Office Phono Ho DAY the Old man Says are the formula of a leading constantly used in With toe ubnost caleatidBkJjl from the finest til I AN pays to A cure for Indigestion and Constipation a blood maker and purifier a corrective of sluggish liver and of the kidneys Fifty Tablets for Conte Boy Santo Hamilton Dec Gale a 15yearold boy attached to the Army was fatally burned last night while playing Santa to poor children The accident occurred at the- Salvation Armys Hall where the annual Christmas en tertainment for the poor was in progress Young Gale was swathed In rolls of cotton and wore a long beard of similar material As he was frisking around a tree picking off toy gifts for each child his clothes ignited from a candle The ftre leaped up enveloping him almost In stantly- His false beard was burn ed and he inhaled the lames was taken to the hospital where he died twenty minutes later Fire causing heavy loss took place at VtU The offer of a number of Boers to fight with the forces against the Mad Mullah has been accepted The tinned heel from this country condemned in South Africa will pro bably form the subject of an official Inquiry at Ottawa Children for CASTOR I A AT of gratifying signs tho times Is found in the everIncreasing tendency toward making rural life more enjoyable It Is recognized lately that the Uric of rural exodus to the city is lessening and Ihab it even shows some Indicationssmall perhaps of turning The country districts worthy of the best atten tion of man fieem to be in the way of getting it Statistics show that voung men are staying closer to na ture and that a farm life is less a dread to them and more a source of pleasure as well as profit It may that this result comes from everin creasing settlement but whatever the cause it is certain that no more hopeful indication were In the city and especially the big citystands on the whole for deter ioration morally mentally and phys ically The farm has ever been the bulwark of the nation and must now become the salvation of It Mrs Henry of North was badly burned by falling with a lamp in her band A at the Molly Gibson mine near Nelson BC carried away part of a house in which miners were sleeping Only two Caned To Buy Your Candy for Christmas Come there it is lade Fresh fevery Day Brown Mixtures per pound Maple Cream plain per pound JO rtiple Cream with Walnuts per pound Chocolate do Mixed Creams do Humbugs do Halted Peanuts do Peanut do Chocolate Date do New Orange Figs Dates Nuts Ac OR New Raisins Currants Peels and Canned Goods at Prices 10 NEXT- TORONTO JOBBING v J r i-