r -I- i THE NEWMARKET 4 CHINA J will to here We are Ready for the Very choice TABLE RAISINS and Cluster lad grown Seeded Elected Valencia Sultana I ltg Good Raisins Currants very choice fine Currants and a Selected Currant at lb for ox IK sow from to liana No mail from Toronto the even ing FIGS Choice or Table fine polled for table and very nice Cooking Figs fts for CANNED FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES- CANNED POTTED MEAT The largest variety of choice table In above goods you will anywhere HONEY at and per taction very fine lb Domestic Sardines cans for Citron Orange Lemon Peel Cross Leave your order for- your Groceries with us and be sure of letting choice fruits and We fctre what you want Beat China Glassware FANCY CHINA FANCY LAMPS LIBRARY LAMPS I DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS BETS BERRY SETS BREAD BUTTER PLATES LEMONADE SETS for Our Stock is to hand In another it will be ready for inspection We al- hare the largest selection will no exception See our and Tables Fane Boots Shoes Rulers beet quality at knockdown price to out our Stock The Leading Reliable Grocer- Telephone I AT ATKINSONS Jewelry Store The Latest tatties for HAS PRESENTS UK M t4 Variety WATCH it tow gUA fay fff JUST ARRIVED A Car of Soft Coal W it for I J of Main Nomination to fiU the of Mayor lore and Public School Trustees place the Town Hall on Monday next from to after which the candidates will be to electors The detailed statement of receipts and expenditures was posted up by the Town Cleric on Tuesday morning so that ample time is given taxpayer to examin Tree On Tuesday St Pauls Sunday School Newmarket will hold a tree in the Town Hall when a good entertainment will be provid ed by children and others Reci tations tableaux drills songs and dialogues also the appearance of Santa who will distribute presents to the Sunday School chil dren Mr Robertson has con sented to act as chairman Big The following is a list of the tal ent secured for the great concert to be mm in the Town Hall on the evening of Jan Harold the famous tenor the greatest favorite of any one who sings in Ontario today J Cameron high class comedi an who never fails to amuse and entertain Mrs Black Edmonds one of the best contraltos of Toronto who sang so acceptably at the Band Concert two years ago Mr Arthur Oliver accompanist Remember the date Jan 13 and reserve your seat early T 11- a 1 a r J Owing lo the Ice on Monday the return match with an nounced to take place here was post poned till Monday evening next the 2fnh Another important match is ar ranged with that excellent club the St of Toronto to take place on New Years afternoon com mencing at pood swift is guaranteed at these matches Everybody go and give the boys in Blue and White an encouraging cheer o The election of officers for took place last Monday night and resulted as follows VS T MilligaD Foreman J Collins Overseer Gardner Recorder M Hughes Financier J A Allan Jackson Guide Stone I Dan J- Buck Rep to T Alt J A Allan Trustees J- A and Pretty Med- Ex Hull and Wesley Methodist Charon Notwithstanding the disagreeable weather Sunday School quite a success The pastor gave a very interesting talk to the chil dren in the morning on Tile lions of the In the evening the sermon to parents and young peo ple full of excellent The collections amounted to over ill Next Sunday the sermon will par take of a character Christmas sermon in the morning subject Christ in Human Life Special ng service in the evening Subject of best Christ mas the world lies eye seen By request KIHott will sing Tlie Wty a companion solo to l Holy City and des tined to be quite as popular service this week is on Friday v cool weather is putting into the horse Last Saturday evening Dr a narrow from injury He was driving home from the North and coming up- Main Street he was overtaken by a runaway He tried to turn out way but the rig toe Wad wheels of bis and it around to the of street Just then a along from the south and it the other wheel pretty it and locking the two Fortuaateiy the lr to in which go to lor There was mother runaway on Main street Tuesday afteroOvn Hunters delivery rig doing duty on Timothy r3rt during the temporary abeene of the driver the horse a run turning Kmitha corner In a lively manner and narrowly escaping a Hi caught try damage 7 A r Council for Was as follows lor i purposes for Indus- la No Messrs James Lee and trial and for Co Alex were elected by making a total of 29 This is more than year In No 2 Messrs J Hill who The Council cannot raise less the place of Gibson and Frank this pro- Turner Were returned without op- about leaving a surplus position in the Treasury to meet tin- In No Messrs and Woodcock still were also elected by l rate ffas less De clamation cause the 2M went into No Messrs count and that is the way all old members are opposed hr Mr nxpenditures are based He Kirhy reeve of then went on to explain the payment In No Arthur ft of grants to Continuation Clashes Teft and Alex are in the how that the Co refused to aebnow- field ledge the claims of North Toronto In No Messrs James Stokes A and also Toronto Junction model and and Jos Rogers are can- High Schools how the matter got and a warm contest is on into court and how that the Co In No saved S479aruiuaUy it and were returned by The action of the Board of Audit acclamation was then explained concerning the In No there is a contest between counts between the City of Toronto Messrs Woodcock and and Co of York for administration of not one cent of which has been paid yet since the city took over the payment but it Is expected that the items will be ready for ex amination by the of Jan A vote of thanks was to the chairman and the meeting with cheers for the King Then Dont Read This Ad So youre not in a hurry Do you want Presents Yes want to know YOU YOU want to know US we havent any nor is our line the best without an equal Then we No Messrs and Johrv- are elected acclamation NOMINATION AT SHARON Not more than people gathered at the Meeting House in Sharon on Monday where the nominations for Sharon Division York County Council took place During the hour prescribed by law the following gentlemen were placed in nomination by Abb and ff J and Kenyon T J and J Wesley When the returning officer If Pretty of Newmarket declared the nominations closed he was at once requested to act as chairman that the electors might hear whit can didates had to say lie therefore called upon them in the order their nomination Mr returned his thanks for being elected two years ago by the largest vote to any candidate in the County of York at the same election and hoped that it be repeated next January jllis address showed that ho was well informed on county matters The County taxes in East Willi are a little heavier than two years ago and this was explained a slightly lower Township and a little higher rats on the Industrial Home Then again the first call on the Debenture was made this year- This was occasion ed fay paying in cash lo the City of Toronto for our interest in the new City Court House instead of an annual rental The de bentures run for years at per tent and were sold for which reduced the interest to about per cent The administration justice costs between and a We formerly paid but now have to pay per cot and he considered the Committee had acted wisely in accepting this basis rather than to incur the costs arbitration Only were spent on bridges the past year one of which is an iron structure on the Town Line between East and North The contract has been given for a new iron bridge at Thorn- hill and there are a few iron bridge yet to be built by the coun ty Taxes are also required for ed ucational purposes and he favored grants to High Schools Continuation Classes and so as to bring these as close the homo of the people as possible He referred to the trouble with ilie Co and felt Mire that accommodation would be given early in the new year The Courts having teen removed from the old building t the now City it was decided to sell the rropirty not required for Co and the wing had been soli hut the transfer is not jet made as- the title is not This will be secured the system as the County has had peaceable since The wing is now for and llie Central portion will be refitted Tor County offices as considered this will cheaper for the Co than to occupy in the City It is expected the County will have sufficient out of the sale of property to make all and pay our interest in the the new City Hall lie concluded asking mr a fair measure sup port Mr was next upon but he considered that the meeting was not large enough to spend any time over and stated that 1 he would facte and show why was a candidate for the Co Council at the meetings to be held through out the Township as well as in New market and Holland Landing T J thanked the ejectors for returning him a fourth time to represent this by a handsome majority expect ed they would do it again He did not agree with that Ihc Co taxes of were any higher and to show by minutes of Council that the Co rate was of a mill than in The Reeve of that the taxes were all and that Mr had on previous occasions that the collected more ban neces sary under the beading of Co If You Want Christmas Presents Ties Silk Handkerchiefs Muffler Gloves Fur Caps Gauntlet Suspenders and Hockey Boots Slippers we make a specialty of these lines Dont fail to see our nock the largest ever shown in Newmarket As well as the above line we are showing a of Ladies Fancy Collar Tics and article new J Idora Dec Pursuant Council met this day Mi mbere all present Minutes of r avion and confirmed Treasurer of receipt a and lnr3 10 date together with a state- of arrets and liabilities and the I to get one hundred printed in sheet form for the information of the electors j The Collectors- roll for was re- j and accepted roll showing for that cannot be collected anil the of for real estate j this latter amount to be returned to County Treasurer Clerk tint to forhbl any rut any the unopened portion of the wesUri lKundary line until proper authority Obtained the Interested Te inntruetel tt cut a few trowtll the in centre Con and of to best Four on the sideline and ra folia lor that the owners of the land adjacent thereto not to their removal- Hannah wan the amount her tax of barn by fire Co Christmas a For Men you may be sure will please and gratify your friends and relatives of the male gender are the elegant neckwear handkerchiefs suspenders etc we delight in displaying at this season of the year Many of the use ful articles ornamental as well- come in fancy boxes specially lor holiday presents Wishing you the Compliments of the Season fc Cor Mali 1 JiiiAii I The following refund their iVK feaU dog either iKeudostroye or removed out of prior to re- of roll Hugh Murphy liammis Philip Stephen ordered paid 21H MO JO explained that Henry Kay gravel It A gravel John gravel Geo Evany trip to Toronto and dm on Jos gravel and ok trim on town Hut J It work on Brock town lino f I liroivn at timbor for on con World blank forma gravel lnijdirey gravel and work Bent I town line Jew Cornwall Board of Health 1 Juh Cornwall wort on road J Oliver ditching at ft and J gravel v Jauieu gravel claim Id grading and gravel- Unit on Con us follows making provisions for nomination at the hour and two oclock pm a tea polling Deputy No Hall Klnla j Wy ief Corner No tichool House Division TVtulirwwn making payment of certain officer after which tho Council aloe die Clerk OO0 During the last three days three persons were frozen to death in Three Newfoundland schooners with crews aggregating men are Too lata for last week KETTLEBY Quite a number of friends hero attended the funeral of Mr Stewart at Erin on Sabbath Mr Stewart has been a patient suf ferer from Cancer on the face for the past two years He was a must devoted of the Presby terian church and was beloved by all who had the pleasure of ac quaintance He was one of the early settlers of King Township and a steadfast in politics Mr Fox attended the funer al of Mr John Hurst in the city on Thursday of last week Mrs Rankin Stewart and Miss Mabel of vis ited Mrs Proctor last week Mrs and daughter of Manitoba have arrived in Ontario on a visit with friends Mrs is a daughter of Mrs Curtis Mr has returned from Manitoba Mr and Mrs Will had a tin wedding on Monday About took tea and spent a social evening Anniversary services will be held in connection with the Methodist church and Sunday School on Sun day Jan Particulars later -DOO- Lots of our people pray for a warmer climate when the ministers are laboring hard very Sunday to save that very thing A -AT- POCKET CAMERA 1 1 olid my BULLER CAMERA I- hoy for A rdcr NUTS per lls Mixed lbs for 25c Almond Nuts per lb 14c Walnuts per lb Brazils or per lb Pecans per lb Peanuts per lb CANDIES Mixed Cheapest in Town Bright Mixed Candy per pound Jumbo Mix Candy per lb CnaiiH per lb per lb Maple Cream per lb per ll J Convocation per lb mints per lb Chocolate Wulrjuts per lb Cough Drops per lb Acid lb Nice Juicy Oranges per Oranges Sweet Oranges per California Navels per California per GROCERIES Extra Select lbs for Seeded pita for New Cleaned Cum ants lbs for Mixed Peel lbs for 25c Cocoa lb Pure lb 1 Pure in Pails per lb per lb 10 lbs Wheat for lbs tolled lbs Ginger Snaps fur per lb Pepper per lb jtClfag Kwnllj Flour for lb Good Black Tea per lb Gianitewaro given away with Baking Powder VISE Toronto Steer Lost from Lot Con 4 East about three months ago a Small TwoYearOld Steer Reddish Roan In Color Information leading to Its recovery will be rewarded JOHN SMITH lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar for cents or lbs Brown Sugar for cents With every Grocery Order US A The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly lost Between Holland Landing nd New market by way of Second Street a brown purse containing the sum Kinder will be by leaving it at this office Co levy for missing Stray Cattle Came upon lot in East Gwil St about Oct TWO YEARLING STEERS Owner is requested to prove pro perty pay expenses and take them away ROUT Holland Landing Stray Lamb Came upon lot in the 3rd North about the mid dle of August last a Ewe Lamb Ox ford Breed Notch In front part of left ear Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and it away Keswick House for Sale A Lawn iardca all In good and further particular apply after 3rd to MRS MARY OLIVER SI Eleven men were drowned ordlei exposure as the result of a between Ronton car rying tons coil The personal effects of the composer were attached at cao and his our Is again abandon ed r ft-