FRIDA least V3A1 OK IK Elections All the present Council Vet are going to Bland ext year It King Mr is likely elated Reeve and toe present tillers by acclamation but Hot lor County Councillors inevitable- Li J Id a and Newmarket reelection to be seems to Separate At a special meeting of the Board week the present teacher ilcCabe was reengaged for an advance salary There is an average attendance A pupils and very general sat isfaction has been The annua school meeting will be on Wednesday Inst Would be a Gem Food Chopper different knives and a grinder best thing out at A Cordial Reception Mr new store and freshmen rooms were the admiration- a boat of visitors on Vi Wednesday afternoon received by Mr graciously received by assistant Miss Lush The store is a Wonderful transform from the old Metropolitan siting rooms store is painted and through- linoleum on the floors new new stock new everything present a clean neat and tidy ap pearance The refreshment room is fommodiou and inviting and is lit ly three electroliers while- the store fcis two Mr Hill is to be congratulated on his prise Meeting flereLast Wednesday and Steps Taken to Proceed at Once i puhinspn J is the farmers allowed return shill industry of every proud l the a representative meeting place in the Fire Hall the propriety of erecting lwn the two towns it would be very much appreciated Mr A Haines Reeve of Whit church said that he had learned more gar Beet Factory in about Sugar beets since attending the some point New market- Between 20 and gentle men were present including the meeting than he had ever known be- ore and seemed like a profitable business It- appeared to him that Reeves of all the ad- the- acreage was one thing hoiaing municipalities together with and to secure that he thought the business people from Aurora and New- definite location of the very important Mr Jos Rogers Reeve of King said that he had not taken any in terest in the matter till he took in the excursion to Berlin and be convinced that it will pay the farmers to grow sugar Hii thought should be held in every locality to get the in terested Mr of Aurora said that he had visited the sugar industries in California and Utah hut conditions are so different there that they do not apply here- He this a more favorable locality than Ber lin for a factory Local capital and interest are required and market- Worship Mayor Cane who- is also- President the Newmarket Su gar Beet Co occupied the chair and explained that the Company thathad been organized in Newmarket- about a year ago had obtained a charter and up to the present some five or six gentlemen had put up the costs It- was now before the people to say whether tlie project should be carried through or dropped for another year If It is to go on action must be taken at once if County Councillor be ing called on to address the meeting said he was always favor thingthat would develop our re- with a attendance of Everybody tvas plelseli ffit the vementS5 firsts held the same night the sfcaters wentbn the ice at V ri I for iiismohimk subject- lies anthenisVBy thechijirEvening subject Asbaihed Miss Edna a the evening setiflefe- Sunday qefcT night tb he followed by a brief Plaid fast colors yard regular cloth 6 yard Mens Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers regular Pure Wool Homespun Suiting Xnias in Silk and Embroidered from -C- each to lb yard mm lbs Best Raisins Cleaned Currants Mince Meat Figs per lb- Sardines in 01 10 lb POWDER CORN TOR Mr sources arid as the newer portions of harmony there will be no failure 11 the were up some- driven two experts through thing must be dOnfelkeep the old- section of the country and hey- were portion progress and he knew of well pleased nothing more advantageous Hutchinson of Aurora feared fieetton than a Sugar Factory The I the was not for next raw material is the first requisite season and with such abundant tracts of suitable soil all along the from to and up Powell Co Of Whit church thought it possible a man farming acres to cultivate from Read This Mr J foreman of the Sheet Metal of the Office Spe cialty Co who has for a number of to East and North to acres of sugar without been following that line of should not be the slightest extra help if be could make three very successfully writes me as ficulty in securing the acreage a day delivering his iroduct- follows gar beets wont grow on poor sandy Mr Phillips of- settled Newmarket hand but clay loam he question of Mr District Representative Int Schools Dear Sir I take pleasure in heart ily recommending the work of the International Correspondence Schools which you represent- For nearly fourteen years have teen employed in Sheet Metal Work in both States and iji in that time have acquired an knowledge of the trade have examined metal course and can without hesitation pronounce it to be the best instruc tion in that trade have- ever seen The lessons are simple vet thorough and comprehensive and I can assure any young man or woman that if success this means frill be the Bureat method of obtaining it Wishing you every in your I am Yours respectfully J H full information to any of our courses Rep Ont at Newmarket Office 11 is week there is money in it both tot next season When for and stockholders In made here a couple of yeaiS agp he view of the fact toat farmers have sowed beets a piece of to sell wheat at to per bush plowed in the fall that lie we formerly got and no 1 tended planting corn He gave prospect of prices being ketter it is special care to them and they time farmers turnei their attention turned out nearly twenty trs to to something better True they are acre over purity andI6 of into- dairying and the Sugar gar There is lots of similar ground Factory is an aid to that- industry In this section and he would like to because of- its byproducts and there see the factory go He promised to is no of overdoing the sup- the matter before the ply of sugar in this- country The York Farmers Institute first year is always a hard one be- Mr of cause the are not acquainted didnt know much about the matter with the work and the season last but was willing to help it along and was very unfavorable- He be- promised to grow acres the farmers around here would i Mr Leathers of was be Willing to grow from five to very much interested a factory acres each according to the help jwere erected the people his their command It is just as and also in Markham Township easy to grow twenty tons of sugar would be glad to grow beets for it the acre as rolling off a log Mr Lloyd hamster IS A man can tow acres a day A of the fuH grown beet occupies a ling Tempepanee attendance Hunter in the who referred to the lecture given in last week on Babylon and the drink in the land The program comprised a male trio by Messrs Lush Heise and recitations by Miss Bessie Jones and Miss Eva Lush The latter presided at the organ The Salva tion Army is topwide the program nextSunday and promise a good one Winter is upon us and in many the is empty still- Coal is difficult to procure even by those who have the price to pay it The dealers- are with orders but say there is none in sight What the result of the coal famine will be no one can tell Heart rending stories and bo coal may be responsible for many things we know but the present time Quite a lot of coal has been teamed here from Bradford but no more to be got there Clearing out the balance of our Stock of Ladies Cloth Jackets ALsa IS loth Costumes Reduced to figures Less than Cost Farm was a last Sat urday Poultry was in great Farmers cannot at tie this season A pair of that lbs old for of people got for but ter and for the ruling prices fcOc bag peek Lamb and be It by the all to to I Chickens Ml pair I to to to Turkeys to to Hens to Live Chickens Us to per per to per wax the fmX in of country to establish i weekly market for farm produce it all along maintained the of being the pMutc p t erlkJ ire in wry the many W0 geperal foot and weighs from one and a half jthat as lots to two pounds A man he was talk- j the only bite shown to in Michigan lost money year he went into it but third year he planted acres made clear money The gar fteet Factories are paying the mortgage off the Michigan farms The prospectors of the first factory had to scour counties to get acres The people never grew tur nips or other roots- and it was a new thing for them The next year acres were secured in a radius of counties The following year factories were erected with acres each all- in one county The first beets were carried milts I factory as the came assistance with cheap transpor tation The sooner people get control of our own transportation the better it will lor the country He had no douW the factory at Berlin out properly and so ft will lire He was sure that if our farm- there was capital to invest and hat it depended upon them to bring it out that there is hardly a man that would not grow to acres within a distance five miles to a factor or Railway sid ing The County or York and city of Toronto would consume all the product of a factory here Canada Import worth It is grown in state and es torn le was a Chairman raised the question best a can for whatever fey have arrive tert Tiiat ground was prepar ed with a next ytr Railway transportation the our ftO witbouf the are have v their money merchant have larger stoeVs and on profit than many places that rihet prices but the pursue of hoik A trerrdoJ is here rei well Tuesday of Sat- win 1a- our- War- Vet as As to Railway were already arranged Mayor of Aurora Was to sugars and little extra a tooth er hoed erpa W trou ble grow W to the acre the local people will make a he wa fture l erld be stcur He was to Kive hit Mr exMayor had no doubt about ttcW the industry in Ontario Au rora considerable J atory and II It could be located be called explained of water was required to an expert the that brought to Newmarket was the of the Town and this was pro- satisfactory The only Place between here and Aurora would be the farm but he was not fcure about the water supply there if a locality is secured that will the capitalists an offer of has been received The charter had been obtained and the contracts with the farmers had been approved by the Government and was now ready This Is no pro moters scheme but to build up a permanent industry in North York The people of Newmarket had gone to all this expense and as the farm ers are to be largely benefitted by such an industry here be proposed that the Councils of the adjoining make an to the acreage If the factory is to be established the Company will the Township Councils for any in this direction As immediate action was required and the Councils had concluded their business for this year it was propos ed- to canvass the farmers at Christmas Markets and the following Committees were appointed For Haines Mayor 1 Phillips Rogers 1 Walton Lennox- For A J Mc Kay J and After remark by Messrs J Smith J Roche an- site Sere Knife Fork and Spoon in case on ly at Of course everybody is interested in a wedding arid the one at the Chris tian Church on Union St East last Wednesday after noon was no exception About invited guests assembled besides oth ers at oclock in the afternoon when Mr Ross Evans and Miss Nel lie were united in the bonds of matrimony by the pastor Rev J of Newmarket the bride being given away by her father Mr John The brides maid was Miss Edith Jones of Brampton and the groom was sup ported by Mr Fred of Sharon Messrs Roy and Will rey acted as ushers hi the con clusion of the ceremony the guests re paired to the home of the bride where congratulations were extend ed and a dinner served numerous and handsome presents at tested to popularity of the young couple who took the evening train at Newmarket for to spend the honeymoon The Era joins many friends in wishing them a long life and prosperity or Wro The angel of death leiimvtl from cue midst last Sunday night one of MR A WILLBTT Chemist DRUG department Open at Night to Store One exceptionally fine lot of export cattle brought as high as to day and one especially fitted Christ mas steer Some exceptionally wellfitted Christmas cattle were sold at to and a number sold around The best prices were obtained for weltfinished heifers and steers weighing to pounds Good choice butchering are to with to for good Fat cows are to The bulk the butchering stock fetching to Calves bringing to per Milkers are high and in good de mand at to each Sheep are fetching from J- to near ly and lambs lie to Hogs are a little firmer this week lor selects and for and lights Something nice id show you in and J Roche and others the following Committee was appointed to see if a site be found between Newmarket and Aurora Messrs -T- Lloyd T and J The Committee to meet on and report to Fire Hall at afternoon awl rep meeting in the oclock on Saturday afternoon to which all are W will hi made ter1 the factory next fiurnrner The- persons agreed to give from three days to a week in lor acreage Mayor Cane our greatest temperance and Sunday School workers Mrs Cody Two months ago she took part in a missionary meeting in the Friends church and was apparently in her ue- ual vigor and- cheerfulness but she had been troubled for some lime with a very painful sensation around one eye Some six ago she went to the Hospital Toronto for treatment when it was found that cancer was the trouble The eye was removed in the hope of prolong ing her life but her strength was laxed beyond endurance The was apparently healing very nicely and two weeks ago she was brought home but her strength grad ually lulled Deceased was Indeed a mother In Israel and though she had no chil dren of her no mother could be more loved than she Was iy the fniu- rearedHer presence was a benediction everywhere and the la dles of the V wll miss an honored counsellor in the death of their in both focal and County Unions the ladies of New market Union showed their by decorating the casket with a beautiful floral design The funeral obsequies took the on af ternoon and were largely attended The following ministers took part in the service Rev Cornell IVm I Moore of Toronto and J Retry Pickering Mr- Samuel Rogers of Toronto recited the poem Ulessed HomeLand The pall were Messrs Cane I M lagers J J Pearson and Asa The re mains were interred at Newmarket Cemetery Toronto markets Toronto Dec White Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per bush 0 a Spring Wheat per hush Goose Wheat per a Oats per bush a Barley per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Hay per ton Wool per I Dressed Hogs per Reel fore Beef hind Chickens per pair per Turkeys I ft SO Hi a a a a a a a a a a a a a 70 Manicure Sets Shaving Sets Toilet Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes Glove and Handkerchief Boxes at all Prices Christmas Calendars A A BRADLEY CO DRUGGIST Newmarket SUCCESSORS TO Vr Results of Gas Explosion Sixteen 1 The barge Isaac Stevenson broke from her tow In tbo gale on ten west from Cape Vincent and it Is feared that she has gone the bottom with her crew of men Toronto Junction Dec A cave- in occurred here shortly before noon today In a sewer on Western Ave burying three men named Holmes Heron and Thomson After being dug the two London Dec IS A despatch to the Central News Agency says that Fort Lee NJ Dec the sixteen men officers and crew the explosion of an acetylene gas tank Marlay were drown today the residence of John result of the foundering of hi was demolished and hit five j vcase rho left instantly killed and his wife so with coal yesterday ftf seriously injured recovery is Dublin She experienced very despaired of The mother was found weather in midchannel A feet from where the explosion Infoboat lowered but took place Her right arm was away with one man in it most torn from the body Just re- fain sailor was He de- turned from school the children were c that he saw the the lunch table when the was built at occurred The roof of the she was of gross house was blown out An adjoining lonK w owned by cottage was also partially de- Dublin The debris immediately Utter came to forme were dead An home will be held took fire and the bodies of the dead were badly charred Mrs It Is said thai a High School was waiting on the children at the girl wrote home to her people an lable and was blown through the side adjoining town that she had fallen of the and was found on the- in love with pingpong and her fa- Other of the road The father back him no J Chinaman Into this family f