V 4 DEC Sewing machine also Cutter Ap ply St to English Chur LOST i Briber aid Eieh foue at Home THE DATE IS FIXED Of Society Between Holland Landing and by way of Second a NORTH YORK ELECTION TRIAL brown puree containing the sum of Finder will be leaving it at this office rewarded by Farm for Sale acres being West half of lot IS in the Con of Whitchurch About acres hardwood Buildings and fences in Apply to FRANCIS STARR aitioapHKD Stray Came upon lot 13 in the 3rd of North about the mid dle of Augtut last a Ewe Lam Ox ford Breed Notch in front part left ear Owner is requested to property pay and take it away MARRITT Keswick REMITTANCES TO I Scotland Germany United Australia South Africa THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Main Stmt j Wood Wanted the Place In the Election Court at Osgood Hall on Saturday last the Kingston and North Ontario petitions were dis missedone Liberal the other The trial at Centre was fixed to be held on the January at that ir Marie on and of North York at Newmarket on January at oclock a It may therefore sifted with a good deal of within the next six weeks elec tion protests of the Province will be disposed of and the result of the last general election be finally decid ed From what had previously been made public the the protest against Mr Liberal and in against Mr Conservative ras To hear the observa tions made by counsel before The fa of course such a as a flawoff was not dreamid only an arrangement thats all but where do the electors rights come in What do the North Ontario who support Mr think of this kind ar rangement which maVes speak on the Opposition instead I the Ministerial side of fhe House of But there no use i1k ihe game of is where politicians and the longrobed gentry get in their fine work trial for North York notwith standing the declaration of the man who so vociferously proclaimed it would take place at Aurora and was announced by his man is to be held in Newmarket- after all and the feathers have all wilted ac cordingly We may say however that at present it looks as if the pro- On hst Depart proposal from an English syndicate I which according to cablegrams London desires to secure a conces- acres Jo New l lands ilrt to he interviewed with regard to Dickson returned from particulars until the Department has Saturday evening eramne Mis was visiting Wfc in Richmond Hill last it was given out ottWadnesday Ml and and Miss the Ciown Lands in spent Sunday in Bradford idto that the English syndicated I Mr and Mrs Green were million visiting at over Sunday j A j considered and declined From Mrs Geo Rose attended tbe wed- that evening we Miss on Wednesday It nays Mr of Toronto was the offer stands at present its calling on old friends in Town yes- is quite put of the as the cannot sell Mr Alva entertained Jandinsuch large to any pec- a few gentlemen friends on Monday son or company The impression evening conveyed is that a garbled account TRY US li YOU SEE IT i3 PORT fi H Km STORE OPEN Wednesday Evening Until p and 999999 giyatvawvVvs i Sealed tenders will be received by the to supply the Indus trial Home with Thirty Cords of Green fourfoot Maple and Beech cord wood All to be first class body wood at least to be onehalf Maple and cut with a saw Tenders to be in not later than Dec and wood delivered not later than 1st of March No tender necessarily accepted Inspector Industrial Home crosspetition will both he fought to a finish The same is one at which two can play and we may well add right here and now whether Hon Davis seat is suc cessfully or unsuccessfully attacked it will never be the privilege or glory of his Aurora opponent to represent North York in the Provincial As sembly Ontario We may further Mrs Thompson of was visiting her parents Mr and Mis Jos Wesley Lundy of Sharon was visit ing over Sunday with her aunt Mrs Mr Albert Rogers of Toronto was in Town Wednesday to attend Mrs Codys funeral Mr is back from Brace- bridge where he was teaching a class of Mrs is spending a few days in Toronto with her daughter Mrs E Lehman Mrs Meads has been city the past three weeks of her new grandchild Mr Walter Jackson came home from Toronto University oh Tuesday night for Christmas holiday Mr and Mrs A E spent a of days in Tp last week with her parents Mrs Martin and son Canning- ton are visiting her Bister Mrs OHallarn at the power house this week Miss Josie Jack of Bracebridge has been isi ting for the past two weeks with her uncle Mr Thomas Hunter r Mrs Cane was taken very ill on Monday morning owing to a severe toughing spell but is quite herself again now Mr T Milton has the has ap peared in some the English papers and the promoters of this scheme have thought the land was being sold to the American syndicate It is pointed out that the Company have merely entered info an arrangement with the Government the land in all cases being sold di rect to the settlers In the present while hot sostated it is un derstood that the settlers- would be only the surplus from congested centres in the old land and that the scheme is being backed by philan thropic institutions Such people would not he the most desirable and it is extreme unlikely that even if the terms offered were materially al tered the deal could not be put thru unless there an assurance that the immigrants would be acceptable oo- The Referendum OFFICIAL FIGURES Just think only five more shopping days including before Christmas Eve Do you realize how short the time Is Perhaps you given a single holiday buying Take heed Further delay 4ould be unwise Gift things of every descrip tion for or young man or woman await your selection at this store and can be picked out with greater now during the rush Wednesday next Come early in the day- Come in Scan your eye over this List of Suitable FOR FOR V Wool Bootees Bibs Eiderdown Cloaking Moccasins Wool Boas THE GIRLS Gloves Hosiery Toques Tarns Boots Grey Capes and Drew Lengths Underwear ft ft Si FOR TH or Against For A Rest if Farm Hands Wanted By the year Must be reliable Huron St Newmarket 3w45 For Sale Good Wood Stove lor or large Ap ply at HUNTER BROS STORE I tafci Farm to Kent Glasgow Dec Nelson Co of this city have secured the contract for building a large number of locomotives tor the Canadian Railway Company Canadian and American builders were in keen competition for this contract but Nelson Co secured it he- cause thev promised quicker delivery commence at eight this year but owing to studies was unable to accept Rev J was called to yesterday the death of his grandmother who was in her year Lloyd leaves on Tuesday to attend on the Board of in connection with the Ontario Vet erinary College Toronto Mr of Vancouver BC has our thanks for a beautiful ly illustrated pamphlet describing the Sunset doorway of the Dominion Dr Stuart of the city and form- say that the crosspetition against this Town was in Davis opponent will be pressed yesterday visiting with Mr A ih ju pi j Ramsey and calling on a few to the last ditch and former acquaintances may anticipate some rich revelations The roaring Hon going about seek- to devour somebody will soon be hunting his own den I acres being lot 11 in the rear of Con East Good state of cultivation Buildings fences in good repair Apply to V AN Sharon Teacher Wanted For Union No limbury King mate or female Duties to commence Jan 1903 State Hollaed Landing House for A Brick with Lawn all Fur other aply alter to MARY OLIVER St Strict of Required The Woodstock in calling attention to the fact that the refer endum has failed to give prohibition tells temperance reformers that a strict enforcement of existing license laws will remote many J the evils of which platform speakers now com plain Here is the Hamilton Her alds summary of special features of our licence laws Liquor dealers may not sell liquor to a person under years of or allow any such person in a barroom may not allow any person to become intoxicated on their premises may not ell liquor to a person already Dec Flour per W Red per 65 Wfelte Wheat W Wheat per o w 11 rl buh- per Feat trtuhv flutter toll ft- per dot Wool ft per per ton li Short per I per pair per ft Terieyx per a a a ft a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a S3 I intoxicated may not even allow an intoxicated person to drink liquor on their not allow dis orderly persons or persona of a bad character their premise The law require the police notify liquor dealers not to sell liquor to any drunkard whs has been before him If datives of an excessive drinker notify liquor dealers not to sell to the dealers will incur penalty If do so one year only will they Incur penalty un der the law but the wife or relative of the drunkard may civil ac tion the liquor dealers who hare their and if they prove their can recover dunaji toed by the law If any person to bis death as the result of the liquor dealer who auppHed him with the liquor that made him drunk to action for damages In the court by the legal the deceased If a drunken man commits an or Injures the or Is or may claim darn- Mr A Coombs Principal of Newmarket High School has been ap pointed an examiner on the Provin cial staJS next summer holidays and is requested to set a paper While renewing her subscription for the Era for Mrs Sarah James of who is now In her year desires to be remem bered to Newmarket friends Mr and his daughter Annie went to the city last week to attend a concert she was taken so ill that she had to go to the Hospital He returned home on Tuesday without her bit M wife and child arrived here from Dakota on Wednesday and spent the evening with Mr Join They expect to spend the winter with her parents at Mr has been greatly troubled with bis eves and went Jo Toronto to consult a Spe cialist Among the Mrs Ward of Kingston is one of 59000 for a new organ in St Marys Cathedral Esquimau Proposal to make it the Largest on the Pacific Ottawa Dec A report comes from the Pacific coast that the Im perial Governments dry doe at is to be and that the Canadian Government will be ask ed to assist in making it the largest dry dock on the Pacific and capable of accommodating the largest ships of tne navy fa that larger ves sels are to be despatched Ibis sta tion and that moreover the Jap anese Are to send a fleet of their best to look alter Japans interests In the North Pacific making Knout- their headquarters One these latter a displacement of and another tons and it will need a big dock to berth such monsters As it Is the liners are not able to go into dock on this side of the Pacific have to undergo repairs at Kow- The flltor At on Tuesday Dec by Fred Lloyd of Newmarket to Miss daughter of Mr J Stevenson At the Chris tian Church Union St East on Dec by J Mr Arthur Ross son of Mr Geo to Miss Nellie May daughter of Mr John all of bury On Wednesday Dec at the Parson age Mount lav Rev VV Morgan U to daughter of Joseph Swain sq all of Ml Albeit The Ontario Beekeepers conven tion was held at Barrle this week THE Undertaking House is FURNITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices During the the Bedroom Suite worth tor Suits with Bevel Mirror worth for Bedroom with Bevel Mirror worth Golden Oak Suite Mirror worth tor UMO Suite pea worth W tor Pallor fiite plush worth for Parlor tor Parlor tor QoHen Elm with Mirror worth for Bevel Mirror worth for W A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard Phone 17 and Handkerchiefs Gloves Mufflers Boots Overshoes Hose Underwear Reefers Overcoats Suits Collars Ties FOR Umbrellas Neck Ribbons Kid Gloves Turn Oyer Collars Ties Belts Purses Bug Handkerchiefs Waist Lengths Fur Coats Fu Collars Fur Muffs Fur Cap rines Fur Boas Dress Goods Petticoats FOR THE Ties Collar Whys Mufflers Mufflers English Squares Silk and Linen Umbrellas Gloves flhpfS Rubbers Slippers Colored Shirts Suits and Overcoats Three Sweeping Reductions from our Mantle At the commencement of the Jacket season we determined to sell every Ladies Coat and Re Skirt in the house before So in order to fulfil our determination we decided to place the balance of our stock on sale at AL LADIES COATS THAT WERE 650 to Reduced for Quick to ALL OUR LADIES SKIRTS THAT WERE to Reduced for to ALL OUR CHILDRENS COATS THAT WERE- to 5 Reduced to BROS OF THE BIG HAND S PHONE NO Sank in Rochester Dec Through bravery of Captain Gray and crew Ave persona and two dogs were rescued from the John and landed safely on the shore at Lakeside after one of the most heroic struggles man tot man ever chronicled on the great lakes The crow had given up all hope fescue alter thirtysix hours almost without food and without prospect of help Rochester Dec The schooner John which left this port in tow of the John If all on Thurs day last with coal for sank this morning The deserted shit plunge beneath the waves one end rearing into the air Wore she sank No word has been received of the John Hall one of largest tugs on the lake and it is feared she may have foundered NEWMARKET to TOYS DC LB GAMES AT 5 GENTS EACH Ark Drawing Slate of Old Maid Box of Blocks Childs Tea Set Toy Boats Toy Whips Toy Watchei Horns Wood Horses Surprise Boxes Mouth Organs AT CENTS EACH Game Lost Heir Toy Pencil Boxes Large Ark Check er Board Men Dolls Doll Head Horn Surprise Box Cup and Saucer Toy Horse and Wagon Animal Picture Pottle Dominoes Rubber Organs Toy Book Money Purse AT CENTS EACH Work Basket Picture Blocks Large Undressed Dolls Iron on a Stand Toy Drum Tea Set Hand Mirror Iron Train Steam Boa to run Game of Sport Wheelbarrows Pencil Box Picture Book Slate and Pencil Traction Engine also similar assortments at and each Annuals The Cradle MEADS In Toronto on Nov 28lh Globe Graphic Pears Puck Holly Leaves Ladles Pictorial London to Mr and Mrs Job Meads Boys and Girls Own Hour and others Diaries for nee Stark of Newmarket a daughter In Town on the Sty inst to Mr and Mrs John Hunter a daughter Tomb Town on Dec Hannah Jane beloved of Benjamin Cody In her year Mich Deo beloved wife of John aged about years Deceased was a daughter of the late John of Sharon- Mid sister-in- law Mrs IT of this Town Jonathan Lemon of died December aged years at Cemetery at pm on Friday Dec a I ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention GROCER I FRUITS U CONFECTIONERY fee Good for 3 New Orgnge Lemon Mixed 5o Its Select Valentla Select Seeded Raisins per and New for Now Dates per Select per lb to New Oranges pec do 10c to New Lemons per doz PRUNES R PASTRY AD OAKLw Large variety cost Sponge Cokes Cakes Puffs Jelly The Beat Bread and Pastry Flour Constant on sale Once tried always used Famous BonBons Fresh Pork Sausage Fresh Bulk Oysters WNSTARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE