THE S The mother her to of her baby driver Yet fie is bird driven because not alone in the brief moments of play but all day long must keep pace will babys wants and Generally trie mother experiences larger demand on her energies has less and less strength to respond Sometimes from to her and often Has thoroughly recovered her after babys com ing For all women who are weakened by womanly or who by maternal arjd cares Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription commended a medicine which promptly cures mid reiiores the It establishes regularity dries drains heals inflam mation and and c tires female weakness 1 Is unexcelled as a tonic end for weak rundown women nho dread Pre bif e Wcrd Or Fierce Favorite they weald ficd it great help Wtfus Mr I President literary of Grind A- Wis After of ray did cot io regain lay and id two I felt to be w kept lakiag it for two and found the I had regained my I it of benefit take a few prior to babys advent fad it great benefit alt forma of female weakness Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be with Favorite Prescription when ever laxative is required- FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick Decker of And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 600 Good RESPONDENTS W KINO CITY was a rousing meeting in the Methodist on Monday night students Knox College were present Temperance badges are much in ev idence on the Sabbath School chil dren in town- Miss Alice Winch of was the guest of Mrs Ira of Hiil for a few days Mrs and son started on Tuesday foe Winnipeg to rejoin her husband AURORA Miss Russell of this place been reengaged as teacher at White Rose with increased salary Several friends of Mr Walter met at Mr P residence on Saturday evening and gave him a farewell party on the eve of his de parture for The Metropolitan Railway have purchased a gravel pit of three acres in extent from Mr Norman at Oak Ridges on the east side of street and are building a spur line from the line to the pit The children and grandchildren of Mrs John Brown met at her home on Monday to celebrate her birthday and to show their kind read the following address Dear Mother and Grandmother your children and grandchildren have here on your seventyeighth anniversary birthday to spend a few hours with you as it our duty to do so although we know we cannot do our part as you have towards us You have teen a most affectionate and kind mother and with pleasure we ask you to accept this chair and lamp as a small I oh en of remembrance We hope you may be spared many years to enjoy the comfort of the chair and the bright rays of the lamp A very enjoyable time vas spent long to be remembered I I Ca FARMERS ADVOCATE crcim of thought to It UjKtl And the of will food The children- of the Methodist Sun day school commenced practising this week for their as entertainment A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs a host of Invited friends on evening last On Wednesday evening last Miss entertained her friends to- a birthday party On Thursday evening Master John Tay lor also honored his birthday Mr John one enterpris ing butcher has the ftistinguished honor of setting the example jf plac ing a street lamp in front of his premises which is a great public convenience Mr Beatty has the Thompson property for the sum of Mr Jennings has sold the mm to Mr for to be removed at Mr has property at the sum at and will take possession 1st of January The St Mary innda School intend a Tree and entertainment Mr Eli has purchased the Methodist an J after mak ing considerable will reside In town Visit to Sua Continue from first Page time is easily procur ed here toaV in parts of the Province Tie farmers are Germans who are not afraid work and the women and irlso intotHe fields and the beets with great he women to men in jesting sugar beets They would work more steadily and follow in structions He paid one dol lar a day without meals- but he had to cart them to and from the town a short distance He ouJd pet all the workers he needed from Berlin on terms Robert Thompson another farmer had had a yield of tons the acre He was prepared to say he could make more money out of sugar beets at tons to the acre at cents for every one cent of saccharide matter than he could make growing wheat at Israels to the acre and at per bushel He was satisfied that they could get tons an acre instead of 15 tons whi was above the average yield this season The growth of sugar beets would also improve Hie land Prof- explained that the people of that vicinity were not prepared lor the factory to start this year and had to sow on any land available He advised the people of North York to grow plots of from to acres next year ship the pro duct to Berlin Factory and then they would be ready to make a suc cess of a factory in the vicinity of Newmarket or Aurora We coincide entirely with this opin ion and believe that if the farmers here had a years experience with plots of that size they would make from to acres pay them well Mr had acres not far from factory is delighted with his experience The pulp from the factory which they are away is better than turnips for stock it is relished by all kinds of animals and leaves no taint in the butter Mr Herbert Wright who Jives miles from the factory but less than miles from a station on rTR was so anxious to see the started that he undertook to culti vate of beets but last year labor was scarcer than ordinary and he had more than he could properly attend to however they averaged him tons to the acre and he finish ed pulling the day before the excur sion If the farmers of- North York will take hold of this matter and guar antee from four to five acres of beets plots of from to 25 acres each a similar factory to Berlin is assured as the has been tested here and the capital is available The employment of hands In the industry and in the ad joining fields the year round would mean a big boom for Newmarket and create a great local market for every thing the farmer can produce The factory is also a great help the dairy industry We hope our fann ers will take hold of the opportun ity now presented in a spirit of en terprise and they will surely be re warded County Friday iSov rtefc warden on his impartial decisions and excellent judgement during the At the morning a as appointed With Wiring from was of the County of Peel with the- To ronto id Suburban Railway respect ing the crossing- at the and other points along the line The school inspectors will be asked to conduct high school entrance ex aminations at Mount Albert in future it was thought that the candi dates at present have too far to go to write The standing committee on finance that be granted to the Sick Childrens Hospital and 525 to toe Salvation Army prison gate fund The recommendation was The following nominating officers were appointed Division Crawford of division JY A Clark of York Tp division Keefler of Weston division John divi sion 5 H P Crosby of division Jenkins of Ev- division of Aurora division of division Donald Ego of Warden Norman was empowered to appoint a committee to confer with the municipalities of York ad jacent to the city of Toronto on a scheme for police protection in these municipalities theiCduncUvVVi Explosion Kills I The last session of the County Council for the year was concluded on Saturday at noon During the discussion of some bills JcrJWi it a LOftOOM ONTARIO School he crater of which constantly terrific eruption of Got In violent eruption again on Wednesday ftitd Georgetown and village of Chateau on the west coast of Vfiaofcat were evacuated by the Inhabitants s iJ if r DO IVOrla Sibley Harry Proctor 7Mh Walter Proctor Waiter Traviss Hi Laurel McCarthy Douglas Horning Annfe Brown Milton Pain and Stanley Barker Jr Aggie Proctor Stanley Morrrfng Ruby Morning Brown Br Jenkins Jr L Arthur Hose Ell Lincoln Lewis Stanley barker McCarthy Edith Arthur Mary Teacher Detroit Dec have been vessels lost on the lakes so far this and the the under writers fcn a million dol lars have been to cattle New Holland where the and widtKpread exportation from has been prohibited Consumption is a flounfching best weak lungs Like other weeds its easily destroyed young old sometimes im possible Strengthen the lungs as you Would weak land and the weeds will disappear The best lung fertilizer is Scotts Emulsion Salt pork is good too hut it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself Others see it you wont Dont wait until- you cant deceive yourself any longer Begin with the first thought to take Scotts Emulsion If isnt really consumption so much the better you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump tion you cant expect to be cured at once but if you will begin in time and be rigidly regular in your treat ment you will vin Scotts Emulsion fresh air Vest all you can eat all you can thats the treatment and thats the best treatment will send you a little of the Emul sion free iA1on la of a n a at tin jiVj jtj Chemists Toronto Ontario and 1 all Mr J manager of ther disappeared Metropolitan Railway appeared in the chamber and was given an op portunity to speak regarding the re lations of bis railway with Coun cil Mr Moves said he felt hurt at the uncomplimentary remarks passed by the members of tbe Council regarding the actions ol the Metropolitan Rail way Some time ago the company placed an order for freight and pas senger cars but owing to the indus trial troubles the order could not be filled in the time specified The ma chinery in the new cars is very hea vy and when put on the road the cars will be the best on the contin- eat As soon as possible they would be put on the road Mr said fie was willing to forgive and forget and he invited them to go down and see the new rolling stock after ad journment The invitation was ac cepted Councillor Evans thought the Kail- was was acting in good faith but tbe burning question at present was the cushioning of the cars on the road now and that a trailer be at tached to the pm car for that car was crowded to the utmost every night some passengers having to stand till Richmond Hill was reach ed Councillor Stokes said that the Railway had a valuable franchise for they paid nothing and that the railway should give a better service Nine hundred dollars was voted for the purchase of new document files for the County Registry Office to protect the valuable public documents there which if mutilated in any way might cause no end of The Commissioners of the Indus- trial Home at Newmarket recom mended that the services of a matron be secured for that institution as many of the inmates were in such a condition that her services were im perative A potion to that effect was passed The warden appointed Messrs Quant Woodcock High Evans and Lee to confer with- the representa tives of York Township regarding the appointment of constables to pa trol tho suburban districts The report of the Industrial Home submitted to the Council morning caused consid erable discussion The commission ers reported that John Cory one of the inmates should be removed to some other institution forthwith He is suffering from some- cancerous growth and the asked that authority given them to dis charge him or send him to some hos pital It developed In the discus sion that Cory had been treated In the Toronto General Hospital and diecharged as incurable The com missioners the home were given authority to employ medical help and deal with Cory as they saw fit Another inmate of the Institution named it was reported had a bank- account of but re fused to pay anything towards his maintenance Legal action will be taken to enforce old gentleman to pay up Chicago Nov With a deafen ing report a boiler in Swift Com panys plant exploded shortly after 10 oclock yesterday morning lives were sacrificed and scores of employes visitors and others were injured Huge boilers thru the roof of the structure and burled hundreds of feet Nobody within the boiler room survived to tell the tale of the accident A careful Ration today convinced tbe experts that the explosion was due to earless on the part of an employe whose life was sacrificed Sixteen head of cattle belonging to Mr a fanner near Bolle were poisoned with Paris green mixed with salt Owing to scarcity of coal a number of cotton mills at Charlotte North Carolina have been shut down and thousands of operatives thrown out of employment The Royal Humane Association have awarded a medal to Willis Da vis of Hamilton for conspicuous cour age in saving three men from an up set canoe at Parry Sound on Oct is Marie Mich Dec The steamer Charles was wrecked at Point Mainse early to- and it is believed that her crew of fourteen men were lost A 13yearold boy in named Austin had his left arm y blown off by the accidental dis charge of his shotgun while out after anil though badly injured he managed to crawl home Bylaws were carried by ratepayers granting a loan of to the Organ Company to rebuild their factory and to take- 5000 stock in the Belec- trie railway The expected filing of the partic ulars in the West York petition against Arch Campbell did not materialize and it is still pro bable tiiat there may be a with the petition against Avery Conservative The Rat Portage Lumber Com panys yards and mill at Norman near Rat Portage were swept by- fire Twentyfive feet of lumber sir steamers inch ding the Presbyter ian missionary steamer Day Star and eleven buildings were destroyed Stratford Nov The peat works in were almost totally destroyed by last night A large amount of stock ready for shipment together with the engine boiler press and barn were consumed The loss is estimated at The amount of the Insurance not known Falls Nov Sit ting placidly in his office chair hat and overcoat on Stephen Evans a local barrister was found dead by Alexander who called at the lawyers office to do business De ceased had been in delicate health and was troubled with heart disease Nov Michael of Adjala Township was as sisting in moving a stable from one farm to anoiher The horses gave a MADE THE COMMAS Easy You Bet it Does Just come other separator built much about and try it thalP turns w find any rifthr its You easy the one youve read so THE TUBULAR Im the exclusive want to show you One agent of in these them parts and J HA i mj a if or Genu watch from to Dont tbrowyonr money away you want a will for any Solid Gold fitch send your nam and and agree to Only of our fa moo a Vegetable New life a 26o a box A grand remedy for and weak of the blood Indigestion Stomach Trouble Weakness and Nervous unequalled A grand tonic and life builder These are our regular cent j they are Dont miss the of Send your order will aend the nine boxes by mail when Bold you us the and will send you the WATCH we A GUARANTEE FOR YEARS the day money is received A rare We arc giving a way these watches to quickly introduce remedy flm when you receive watch we ask you to please show it to your frienda Hun- reda have received watches from us and are more than delighted with them This in a opportunity 0 yet a fine Watch without paying a cent for it ami you write at once AddrcaaTHt HEW REMEDY Co TORONTO Arouse Your Liver You cannot have comfort un til it acts freely To enjoy perfect health and feet like a new person take During the deer hunting season just closed fourteen men were killed and eleven wounded in the woods of Minnesota Wisconsin and Michigan Owing to part of the dam being carried away Montreal Was without electric light for a short ttme Sunday night Britain is seeking to secure gold tars valued at believed to have been consigned to and and Gen Botha has also de manded that they give up for people funds amounting to 52- Children pry CASTO A new paper company to be known as the Montrose Paper Company has quick start which the organized head office in to break and the capstan to Speaker installed Mr Pills In lxia which it was attached sprang back hitting Mr OXeary across the ab domen with tremendous death shortly afterwards Woodstock Nov Miss Verona daughter of Mr James Sutherland who is employed by the Co of Toronto died suddenly morning from an over- hose of laudanum Miss Sutherland who was quite a young woman woke up in the night with a severe and took the laudanum to ease the pain She took too much and never regained consciousness Ontario Public Works Depart has received plans for an ex tension of the Sandwich Windsor and Amherst burg Hallway south a distance of five and onehalf mfles along the Detroit to carry the line OJihwa through the FrenchCanadian settlement to town line between Sandwich West and Anderdon Townships An autopsy on a negro named Allen who dropped dead suddenly on a farm near Niagara Falls re vealed a fact which amazed the his left lung and heart being connected by a growth The discovery of oil in Raleigh township in the vicinity of Chatham has made a number of farmers but not richer men These men who have been happy In the belief that they owned the property now dis cover that they only own the surface rights original patent to was granted on October 26 to the Canada Company the Crown reserving all mines of gold or silver that might be found therein Canada Company In turn sold land and to itself any pe troleum wells which might be found This appears to be the in and there appear to be no tor the farmers of Kent Telegram Mr Thomas Flint of Yarmouth the newlyappointed clerk of the House of Commons in office on Mon day E STUDY HO to any of our Special will produce good results for the young inn or woman wbc wishes to prepare for better position life Is but nominal Marching to Success contains all par ticulars Write for it Address CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT J Business Collogo TORONTO I SHAW Principal A stxopg school with TWELVE regular teachers a splendid equipment and well patronized by students every Province of the Dominion Health arid- Vigor depend upon the Quality and Quantity of Blood HUMITARIAN The liver great secreting organ of the body and when it tails to perform Its office bile ac cumulates and the blood becomes poison causing many symptoms such as dull- heavy feeling to attend pain in back or shoulders sour constipation the skin restlessness at night etc If these symptoms not promptly dealt with they become aggravated so as induce severe illnjss To relievo at once and cure permanently DR CARSON TONIC and have long been recognized as the sovereign treatment These made from the formula of an em inent Canadian physician who has used tbe prescription In bis practice for many years with satisfactory results A Purely Blood you can on tain the paretlcn of your local druggist but If unable to obtain It In vour neighborhood we will send to any one or on receipt of price per- bot tle carriage prepaid Pamphlet sent Free on Application Sample acnt on receipt of stamps to cover postage Carson PROMPTLY Write for our retting tVt tott How you Send up rough sketch or model of your la opinion probably ftuccewfully prosecuted by We in prompt- fully equipped in ftndqulckty secure Highest furnished procured through Marion ft riori notice without over distributed the Dominion Specialty Patent buslneis MARION MARION and JotlUeat York Ufa- Washington YEARB TnAot Marks COPiniQrtTS ether a and oar t pom In the Scientific aoltntiflo A fcROdaome tairtileti Milt Germany has ordered three cruis ers to Venezuela to collect claims against that country