-yzijSL- iv MmttvM CHINA J be here We Ready for the Rash Very TABLE RAISINS serial Cabinet- and Cluster fine grown Seeded Elected Valencia Sultana Raisins Us Good Cooking Currants very choice Fine Currants and a Selected Currant at ft lor Choice for Table fine fcjral pulled for table and very nice Cooking Figs lis lor CANNED FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED POTTED MEAT The largest variety of choice fable in above goods you will anywhere HONEY at 10 and 15c per section very fine lb Domestic Sardines for Citron Orange Lemon Peel Leave your order for your Groceries with us and be sure getting choice fruits and We fctve what you want The Beet Qual ity China Glassware FANCY CHINA FANCY LAMPS LIBRARY LAOTS DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS TOILET SETS BERRY SETS BREAD BUTTER PLATES LEMONADE SETS tor Our Stock la just com ing to hand la another week it will be ready for inspection We al ways have the larjeet selection This year will be no exception See our and Tables of Fancy China ARK Boots Shoes Robbers The beat quality at knockdown prices to close out our Stock The Leading Telephone CHRISTMAS what ploying Poles A gang of telephone construction men are in town this week moving the poles of the ditches along Main Street so as to give as much width as possible to the street Rather Unfortunate While Leslie windows at Bruntons store on Wed nesday morning the foot of the step- ladder slipped and down he came The glass was cracked in innumerable directions for Prohibition Vote for Province At Last Report YORK For too Era The voting in North Yok in 1895 and the can be com pared by the following table A Crushed Iniquity BY A BANKER r Mainly owing to the initiative and the jealous vigilance and determined efforts of Great Britain the abom inable traffic in human beings Which until the conscience of this foremost the peoples of the earth was had prevailed all down the ages I Axes end Sacns That we can fully tig stock at Hardware Industrial Home The met on Wednes day and passed accounts amounting to The service last Sunday afternoon was conducted by Rev R J of Next Sunday Rev of will take charge Miles for By purchasing Grand Trunk Mile age Books you can save time and money and it is the most convenient and satisfactory rcethod On sale by any agent of the Grand Trunk Further particulars cheerfully given calling at the Station Ticket Of fice Keep in mind Friday evening Dec Library Concert AURORA North Ward Centre Ward South Ward Majority St St Andrews St Patricks Majority Majority Hoi Landing Majority SUTTON 144 SO A Iff Hat 7VVai has been almost entirely suppressed the only exception being the almost extirpated trade carried on by Arabs in the east of Africa and the Persian Gulf A Dainty Shoe for a Dainty Lady not difficult to secure if the buy er knows how to buy and the seller knows how to sell Being both buy ers and sellers and claiming know ledge in both lines we can suit you in Fall and Winter Laced and Button Mr Graham tax collector for East will make his last collection at the Hotel Newmarket on Saturday morning Secure your seat for the big con cert next Friday night The trailing dress for the street is Eel do in seen now The generally ac cepted length for walking is a skirt that just clears the ground Nothing pleases a former resident of any locality more than to receive a copy of his old home paper It is a nice Christmas present to make an absent friend Result of the Ballot Very little interest has been taken in our Municipal Ballot only half a dozen being sent in Those men tioned are as follows For Mayor Cane Jackson and T H For Councillors A It J Hughes A J Road- house Col Lloyd Dr Richardson J Currey T Trivctt J R A Smith T Lloyd J Robertson J McKay Dr Webb Thomas Doyle Charles Thompson J A Allan Martin A I For County Councillors E T J Woodcock and Cane Our Stock of Skates And Hockey Supplies is now com plete Hockey Sticks 10c to Skates to Majority Davis House Horn King Creek 48 12th Line 18 39 102 148 74 77 42 5 Majority WHITCHURCH Fine Orchard Vivian White Rose 46 74 14 Majority EAST Murrays Shop 43 Sharon Holt HI Albert Manor House Majority Keswick Gum Swamp oo 29 71 14 23 Majority Terrys Yate House 5 103 18 Majority Total Majority for Prohibition in North York in Total Majority in 1902 and places to hear from Total Required YeV Vote Vote AT ATKINSONS Jewelry Store The Latest Novelties XMAS In A Good at Easy WATCH hi Will to JUST ARRIVED A Car of Soft Coal Try it for J of on STREET It Goes Report of proceedings of York Council in a city paper says The Clerk will the County of York thai owing lack of police protec tion done on Halloween which The Township thinks should he paid by the county Is this true For years Newmarket has employed spec a constables on Halloween and other like occasions and paid Tor the by direct lo cal taxation Had Newmarket ask ed the County to meet these obliga tions York ratepayers have kicked like steers at such a preposterous proposition Circumstances alter and If the county opens the door to York ratepayers demands will he of spent for po lice duty throughout the county here after Very Good The Town Hall was packed last Tuesday to hear the entertain ment under auspices of the Templars The drama entitled Tbe Upper Hand something to Ten Nights in a only having special reference to the was done pretty tot local talent about a characters Miss as wife carried the palm The acta were with music Mm Mr Carr Lloyd Miss Mabel Cane and Miss Prinze and a vocal duett by Mis Prinze WcPhali a couple of readings which were well re ceived and encored The whole pro- left a Rood eflect for wbo took hold of this matter credit In the Ilia Mayor Mr very the chair i07 the crowd t was very while the curtain up King i Whitchurch North do 178 00 And what a picture of horror and Boots Suit you in price as well villainous iniquity was the old slave as the following fine Shoes and Fig- ship Hundreds of men women and will prove children chained together in gangs husbands parted forever from wives I parents from children all crowded and jammed together in the stifling Jiold of the guilty ship a very in- of gruesome horrors a spec tacle that if angels could weep must have wrung the hearts of those kind spirits in throes of bleeding sorrow and pity And as hour after hour by day and by night one after the other of those manacled captives sank down in death and was ruth lessly cast over the side the troops of hungry sharks which ever followed in the wake fought in fierce conflict over the human prey ever watching for- further corpses which they ap peared intuitively to know would soon be theirs And in those terrible days the nefarious trade was untrammelled and unimpeded the ships were laden so heavily with the human freight that in a severe storm it was con sidered by these inhuman vampires necessary to jettison a considerable of the cargo in other words to throw overboard a sufficient num ber of slaves to lighten the ship A weird picture painted by the greatest of the artists of the fast Turners SlaveShip well depicts the ghoulish scene A fur ious hurricane is evidently awaited the heavens are bathed in lurid blood color tho threatening clouds are on fire charged as it were with de struction as from out their lambent volume a deadly outburst of lightning must break forth The swirling foamcrested billows are in and amber the foam iuclf being a falling cataract of fiery verihilHon as if very waves were shedding tears of blood and all aglow as if the great wild ocean were but a frothing cal dron of furydriven incandescence though dark as the night the shadows of the curling waves are thrown upon the hollow trough be hind them And there in the midst of this dis play of incensed nature is the doom ed vessel rolling in that fateful vale of waters her infamous ly wicked crew casting out in wild haste those poor woestricken vic tims until the incarnate sea is cum bered with corpses floating on deep in order that their depraved and guilty selves may have a better hope of weathering lite fury of the storm and escaping from that wind swept aqueous valley of the very shadow of death But as the great principles of the Christian religion have more and more permeated the civilized globe so these cruelties have one by one disappeared And may that halcyon hastened when sin shall he banished from the earth and all shall be willing subjects of the Prince of DO NOT SHRINK Prom investigating in Suits or Overcoats we had the shrinking I long ago and attired in our Clothing you need not feat a little rain now and then it will keep its shape The only thing j that shrinks here is the price bores a sample Mens Overcoats Reg for Mens Grey Tweed Suits Reg for Mens Grey Blue or Black Clay Worsted Suits Reg for Youre Missing Opportunities Enhances the charms of a beautiful face softens the Hoes of a plain one Our aim is to make you a hat that will faring out the best effects matching colore to complexion shape to lace and figure outlines Our success is recognized and like to try our band on some millinery for you pairs Womens Fine Button and Lace Boots Regular at to Very Cheap at We make a Specialty of Girls and Boys School Boots pairs Womens Dong Button and Lace Boots Regular price is Special 150 pairs Womens Lace Dong Boots Regular while they last 150 125 Womens Grain Working Boots Regular 150 for 125 Our Stock of Ties Mufflers Silk Handkerchiefs first choice For saving money and getting styl ish wellmade high grade Shoes it you fail to take advantage of our of fer of this week Every pair of Shoes in our Stock will bear Inspec tion every pair is worth buying Splendid lines this week at 150 and Dont fail to see our Stock- of Un derwear We will give you bargains in Underwear Gloves and Slippers have arrived Do you want Cor Main I Timothy Sis There no doubt North York exceeded the required vote by several hundred Toronto gave the Act majority Hamilton Oak GOO The official return will be announc ed at the Office Newmarket on Monday Dec at oclock The Prohibition vote of Ontario in the plebiscite of To cany the Liquor Act of into effect vote are re- quired The retunin night a vote of bur many con stituencies ha1 not in complete returns and it look favorablo to put tho Act into force Rome Nov Minister of Tele graphs has decided to es tablish telegraphy between Genoa and Buenos Dr Joseph Parker minister of City Tempi London and one of the most famous of gregatlonalist divines is dead The schooner Jessie with a cargo of six hundred tons of coal ran aground at and la a wreck Mrs IM ward Ferris one of the early and without doubt the oldest person In this action died this at her In a short from here Had she lived until next March the would have been old She never wore spectlles and waa quite active and healthy up til a couple of week She haves five tons two daughters Peace Happy those who acknow ledge Hint as their Redeemer For for hem is reserved a reward so great and so that imagination fairs to Krsispih of it in His Trap London Nov A rather amus ing mystery in high life has just leak ed out A certain nobleman was re cently informed by the butler of an inexplicable leakage in his wine cel lar Bottles of rare wines were con stantly disappearing The servant most of whom had been with the fam ily for many years all vowed they knew nothing about it At last the matter became so that Scotland Yard was consult ed A detective officer took up his residence in the mansion but during his sojourn nothing happened to ex cite suspicion After he had gone however bottles of wine began dis appearing again His Lordship perplexed and consulted with an elec trical expert who arranged a net work of wires In the cellars connect ing with hells In different parts of the house The wires were so cross ed that It was impossible for anyone to move between the shelves without disturbing them and setting the ringing For several nights tic perturbed household lay awake with ears wide open but nothing happen ed Peace reigned till one night tinkle tinkle went the bells The household arose armed Itself with varloiM weapons and descended to the basement The cellar door was opened and a lamp flushed Into the subterranean chamber Heboid there His Lordship himself clad In pyjamas helping to a bot tle of wine A fell upon all the servants for it was easy to see that their master wan Irs sleep His valet followed him upstairs to a lumber room on the roof where all the ml sing bottles were un opened RICHMOND HILL will stand for re election as councillor for Division 1 County A Scotch Concert under the aus pices of the Willing Workers was held in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening The talent was highly appreciated and the net pro ceeds will exceed Mrs Mason nearly years of age the mother of Mason at whose house she is staying fell by tripping on a carpet on Monday and broke her leg HOLLAND LANDING Mr David Willoughby J P and exReeve of this place died at his residence here at two oclock Tues day morning Deceased was in his seventyninth year and had resided here for the past twenty years Mr was one of the leading members of the North limbury Council for years he hav ing resided there from his childhood until he moved here Six daughters and two sons arc living all of whom are married The took place on Wednesday to Christ Church cem ent cry Smashup on Vorrishurg Out Dee A serious rearend collision occurred at the Grand Trunk Station here this morn ing by which J Murphy engine driver was killed and three other train hands wero seriously scalded At six oclock a freight train was de tained by a hot while It was being attended to another freight with two engines crashed in to the van telescoping a number of cars The debris was piled up on both tracks completely slopping traf fic The wreck immediately took lire from an oil car That -AT- -oo- The protest against the return of Archibald Campbell as MP for West York was dismissed in the election Court on Friday The wild talk corruption Immediately after the election has turned out to be all a bluff telegram from Ottawa the this week says Sir William A this week says SI Mulock expects to leave Hot Springs about the for Toron to It is likely that Sir Wilfrid will return at tbe same time The Premier Is In excellent health now New York Dec Margaret Crowe of Clinton Street died at St Marys Hospital early ycsUrday morning Site was picking her car with a hair pin last Friday and pushed it too far in bursting the eardrum and bringing on meningitis For Sale Good Wood Stove suitable for church school or large room Ap ply at BROS STORE A Snap in Black Tea while it lasts lb New Select Raisins lbs for New Cleaned Currants 4 lbs Very Best Imported Peel lbs for Fancy Table Raisins lbs for 25 New mixed Nuts 2 lbs for New Seeded Raisins packages lor 27 New Dried Apricots per lb New Prunes lbs for New Figs lbs New Dates per lb Table Figs lbs for Pure Lard per lb Pure Lard in pails per lb Packages Corn Starch for 25 Royal Yeast Baking Soda per lb I OS J J lbs Finest Smoked Haddie per lb 8c per quart Fresh Fish lor Saturday 7 lbs Granulated Sugar 20 lb pail Table Syrup 1 US A CALL H The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly That name that guarantees the best stock FORTYPIVB YEARS Is our record We want a few more wide awake travelers at once Salary or com mission Write us if you want work CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY Nurserymen Cut borne For Sale at a Bargain That Double House a the Corner I FARM BALE Under and by virtue of the power of Timothy and Church Streets contained in a certain belonging to the Sarah there will be offered for sal per Estate will be sold at a Bar- Auction on Saturday gain The property Is rented for day of Dec at oclock a month and is In good con- Forenoon at the Royal Hotel New- The Executors are closing the following farm up the Estate and the property East quarter of lot No in bo sold For Particulars apply to Concession of Township containing Executors Solicitor or less For further particulars apply to Lloyd Newmarket Vendors Nov Newmarket Williams a switchman was run over In the yard at Chatham and killed