Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 5 Dec 1902, p. 6

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V J Clank ysin Albert lib Tuesday Office Jersey Six Choice Heifers for cats five el are fresh Also fcalla for Albert fctock fur has kinds of Field Seeds in hulk which this We have all and Garden and sell at Powder will lice on iaule and ticks on sheep Forrests Drug Store MOOT ALBERT You can feae money hoy in your A STOCK THAN EVER OF Stale end Parlor Table a Fancy Chairs We are for Pillow Holder and he Carpet and Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge ordered in quantity ALLAN MARKET Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills aid get the highest Toronto prices in Cash Full stock Cloths Sheetings Yarns etc also a good of Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in change for goods Geo Sods Garden Tools Rakes es Shovels fc- FOR SALE J A Great Dane Dog Apply office at this BALDWIN BREEZES MIXED Hew Shades in Brand PAINT J ROWLAND Mount Albert Tuesday was nice bright day for the market and there was a good turnout Prices as fallows butter eggs chickens to ducks to to to lOci sheepskins to beef fore hind PERSONAL Mrs Harry engaged quite a deal of extra at J A Millers close up on Saturday Will Ross was one of the most popular men ever in bus iness in Baldwin Our friend Bobs or more politely speaking Mr of Mount Albert no doubt attracted by a of the savory cooking of our Baldwin maids called at our burg last week Robert is a popular Dan Cameron and Maria returned on Saturday from a waits enjoyable visit in the Queen City They must have imbibed whilst there they came home bubbling over with mirth Lapp- spent a few days the home Mr W Davidson last Mr J Stark of the hank was in town on Tuesday tf feeling a jolly Mrs Rogers of w A T has a few days home of her broker Mr far- t0 rett returned to the city on of whose exploits is my Wonderful exploits to His Excellency Lord who in turn notified their Majesties who im mediately summoned me to a private audience at Buckingham Palace These flights in dreamland afford a great deal of delight to the uncon scious dreamer Were they realistic what a furor they would create In a future sketch I may give an ele mentary lesson on Hying so that oth ers may also enjoy it Now do you know Ive had I might say scores of clergymen say they found pleasure and edification Ill not say profit in reading my Breezes The only reasonable- ac count I can give for such an appar ently idiosyncrasy is the old adage j Revs and J W SUTTON Miss Olive Bailey went to the city last Saturday to visit friends Mr A Crosier in city last Friday on Walter of was visiting friends here Mrs Arnold and Miss OBrien of Albert spent over Sunday at Mr H Mr Anderson of dis trict a former resident of Sutton died a few weeks ago The Harvest Home at Virginia last Sunday and Monday was a great success Large crowds were pres ent both days On Monday evening I 04 day of Roachs Point was in town on a visit i- par ents 5 Mr Oliver attricd the fu neral of her Mrs Ball at Queens J le on Mr S Keller made a business trip to Baldwin on Monday Mr Meagher who has been in the employ of Mr M Keller as for some time has a good position in Mrs- Barrett spent Sunday at the home of her sister Mrs Card at Sand ford Mr A R Miller of in town this week The new safe for- the Sovereign Bank has arrived and has been placed in position The slippery condition of the roads has made business good for the black smiths All have been kept busy shoeing horses Temperance sermons were pleached in both Methodist and Presbyterian churches on Sunday Our calendars will soon be ready All our subscribers both new and old will get one Municipal politics are very quiet so far No doubt there will he more stir alter the Referendum is taken The recent fall of slow reminds us that Christmas is coming and that the snow bylaw is still with us Dont fail to hear Mr A Camp bell speak on good roads on Dec 10 The cold weather we have been hav ing lately has put a damper on out door No doubt it will be resumed in the spring The dark nights remind us that a few street lights would fill Jong- felt want The A held a very suc cessful meeting on Monday evening Prices on the grain market remain practically unchanged Mr John Graham has old his acre farm in Whitchurch to Mr Thos- for Mr J Cook and helper net horseshoes in hours on Tuesday Who beat this record The ice on the- pond has enough for skating and buys been out in force this last few days ing beyond description Quizzing one my young lady friends whether she had lately been enjoying her favorite pastime ing she replied So Ive got a Methodist foot implying she was no a dancing girl If she had a Methodist heart thinks she would be pretty near perfection as she is about as pretty a bit of fur niture as youll find in any home by name and tart sour by nature That according to my idea is the sum of the general make up the late Minister of Public Works A young of our burg confi dently remarked to a matronly friend of mine that she considered the Owl awful fine bird Of course I A tittle nonsense how and then Is relished by the wisest men I reading some anecdotes of parrots day Here are some cute parrot exclamations that have fallen under my observation An old Polly in the house hold at Sharon forty years since when asked what was going on over there would reply David Wilsons Feast Polly an honored member of a North family over heard Charlie one of the family re counting something wonderful the bird had uttered when Charlies a liar screamed Polly A resident of what is known as Little Hell a suburb or our burg was called on jury to the city On reaching the old Bay Horse Inn I think he annual tree entertainment tested a sedate old bird Hello the Hall on Dec of Sutton and Albert de livered stirring addresses on the Ontario Act of Mr Hogg grain buyer from Oak- wood was here last week in connec tion with firius business in Sut ton Mr jeweller has a fine dis play of watches clocks and silver ware Mr Martin McLaughlin is having his dwelling house Mr David McLaughlin fitted up rooms over his shop which he now occupies Rev Neil McDonald and Mrs Mc Donald of visited the old home here last Monday St James will hold their in Polly Go to Hell was the profane reply Why Ive just- come from there this morning Polly dear was the reply of the astonish ed granger Our good friend Mrs Turner is visiting her sister Crittenden this place am gallant enough to reciprocate the admiration Ha ha ha ha I Amos have heard of ladies admiring a hand- P matches John-Mil- poll parrot but an Owl rarely indeed The Presbyterian Xmas tree entertainment will he held in Victoria Hall on the- evening of the The Ladies Aid of the Presbyter ian Church will hold their annual of fancy work in Victoria Hall the Tea will be serv ed in connection with the sale Mr James has moved into Mr Crowe the young Indian has received ordination to the Presby terian Ministry and will for the win- Hicks famous Brow tiers children came near burning him house lately oc- last week They managed to McLaughlin and extinguish the fire vm from near If you wish one of Rev Irl Almanacs address Co Lo- ALBERT DRUG STORE BALM or COUGH AC 0 We carry a lull Itee Patent Cure ptticii LLOYD KESWICK m Last Kid Hairier announc ed that he would preach to the young men at Keswick next Sunday night Mr Clinton Davis has sold one of his handsome pacing colts to a To ronto gentleman for the sum ol It is with pleasure we note the con tinued improvement in the condition of Or The new of Mr Kitchen almost has been rented by Mr Nelson Tat- ton of About coupler to Invitations to a paring bee sent out by Mr Mrs Will one evening last week The large to be Installed In the Traders hank was brought from Toronto to via the Met ropolitan and Si It A The bank will be opened or business be fore another On Monday evening last persons In the pact- els of the Methodist church door here is an unparalleled piece of row dyism real actual demand in winter fa about tow- of coal a day The at present Is about four thousand bhort The mother and four I Id of a family Were burred in a fire that de stroyed their dwelling near Man Cfa ton to the actions of the vigilance committee there recently He seems to have concentrated all his malice and spite on the liquor traffic That is right John show your colors Archie after serving years a seven years sentence at Kingston for arson was released and returned home on Wed nesday glad to see the boys give him the right hand of fellowship as I have always maintained and ever will that Archie was not the real culprit hut was under a sort of hypnotic influence and the tool of un scrupulous villains who are now en joying the freedom they so little merit It is truly a scene to witness thj futile efforts of a well ffnowtt Aurora huckster when he sets himself about picking a political crow with the Owl though poor fel low perhaps hes ignorant that the Owl takes a sort of in his crowpicking dexterity Some the boys need a lesson from their girls down there As they pass very uncomplimentary observation respecting the morals of the lassies and then ask why we do not give them a call That is very flattering indeed Thanks boys not for Joseph Probably the girls are as good if not better tjian these win- reflect on them I am led to infer from occasional remarks from other scribes that Kiev too considered they had some bun- ton cooks in their districts Well its a poor Owl wholl not hoot own swamp Our good cooks are so numerous that were I to ex patiate on the specialties of each and every one would be obliged to use so much space as to leave barely enough for the editor to protest that he owned the paper Ive been summoned to appear he- fore Their Imperial Mantles King Ed VII and Queen Alexandra it came about in this way I had been giving public exhibitions In flying in visions or of course and my pleased our country folk so much that they we a V bttrre don in IS I Hew Store Baldwin We are better prepared than ever to eupply you with all kinds Builders Hardware for the coming Eayetroaghing AND Tin Repairing to at lowest and see our be fore buying elsewhere SALT BY BARREL a Telephone- Baldwin never advertise frauds unless warn the public against them Lawyers letters have been received by quite a few citizens about here demanding retraction and apology of statements they have made to the character of a muchly ad vertised female They intend to substantiate their allegations if any trouble ensues Crittenden our landlord also far me with the choicest cuts from his deer He always does This is no hush money Our farmers are praying the clerk of the weather to let the earth thaw out again The special meetings at Baldwin conducted by closed on Friday night last considering the unfavorable weather meetings were well and much good was done Quite a num ber decided to live a better life and have united with the Baldwin Chris tian Church Several ladies and a number of young were among the converts Our fold market is almost on a par with the new market Prices for produce are way up almost up to busting point All look pleased thereat The Owl O Our school house has been under going general repairs during the past summer It has been raised up about ft and a good basement made the full of the building It was also added and the roof re- shingled an uptodate furnace put in the basement and new seats in the school room Our very popular teacher Miss is now prac tising the children for a concert which will be held in Temperance Hall on Friday evening the 18th proceeds of the to be applied to purchase of blinder for the windows of the school room A interesting K meeting was held in Methodist Church last Sunday evening The subject was Introduced by Mlse Mo and Miss The So ciety voted toward the Norman Fund of the District Next Sunday evening It is expected Mr John r will address the meeting Mr Rogers of moved to our village last week He Is now living In the house- lately occupied by Mr Chris Mr has moved to to the house lately occupied by Mr Rogers We arc pleased to welcome Mr Rog ers and family but sorry to lose Mr The threshing machines are busy in thin neighborhood now Those threshing report extra good yields crops are also good Rev J Simpson an able prohibition sermon In the Meth odist church last Sunday morning from the text Sirs know ye not that by this craft we have our wealth it pays to in Era the station into the dwelling house in connection with Mr drug store It is to he hoped that before this reaches your readers we will hear the news that the Ontario Liquor Act has been triumphantly carried not let it be an incentive to greater zeal and determination to rid the country of its deadliest foe the liquor traffic A supper and presentation of a gold watch was tendered to Mr Daley at last Tues day he having recently returned from South Africa Those who risked are cer tainly deserving all honor The presentation took place at St James Hall the supper at the Hotel Mr made the presenta tion and a number gave short ad dresses School No 2 NORTH Alice Pros Cook Jr Levi Morton Bessie Wesley Coot 1 1 Bessie Cole J Isaac Jr III Norman Cook Joy Pros per No MAST Allan Leslie Young Barbara Young Tina Smith Carry Soules Mabel Rose Sadie Rosa Raymond Howard Myrtle McDonald Jno Smith Lome Burrows Jr Ft Willie Young Lulu Martha I Angus Nellie Smith Mildred Weddel Gordon McDonald Nellie Rote Present every day Young A Burrows Smith McDonald Lulu A Irwin Teacher No J WHITCHURCH Aleta Davis Hannah Wright Bella ML Walter Penrose Edna Beatrice Lloyd Delia Lehman Jr HI Collin Lauret ta IT Jane Har- man Herb Clara Milter Toole Nellie Pentose Dawson Davis Fred Penrose Ross Fogal Oladyii Penrose Frances Willie Hopper Fred Reynold Moss Jr If Muriel VanLuven Willis Cora Dews- bury I Stuart Starr Lehman Clarence Old ham Gordon Stevens Jr Harry Penrose Everett Miller Present every day A Clara Mill er Penrose May Teacher A fouryearold son of Mr J Patterson was killed at Jordan while crossing under a passenger train Twelve men are missing and- twen ty were Injured as the result of ex plosions on a steamer In San Fran cisco harbor GEO A COX Senator Bank of Toronto COX Managing Director Imperial Life Co Toronto E WOOD- Managing Director Toronto J Managing Director Company Limited President National Trust Toronto SIR TAYLOR Toronto RICHARD HALL Messrs Richard Hail Son Peterborough ROBERT AFFRAY President The Globe Printing Company Director Bank Toronto MACKENZIE President Toronto Railway Toronto CHESTER President To ronto J J KENNY Vice President Western and British America As surance Companies Toronto REV JOHN POTTS Bursar Victoria University Toronto A A COX Vice President Toronto Loan Company Peterborough FREDERICK TAYLOR Lindsay JH Director arid Secretary Company Toronto Par Cent Paid on Deposits Per Cent Paid on Debentures Write for further particulars to A MORROW Assistant Manager A Shipment of ReadyMade Clothing Suit and for Men and Hoys J GOO A lot of Boys Suits the Rest Value we have ever shown D MT ALBERT THRESH Lace Leather Belting Belt Punches Mitts Guage Glasses Rubber Asbestos and Spiral Packings Best Grades of Machine Oil a HARDWARE ALBERT Sheep Lost n Strayed from Lot Con of East about 1st of Sep tember Four reeding Ewes Information leading to their recov ery will suitable rewarded W7J BURROWS ASK FOR Of the Newest be had by looking oar Stock over Date Mails Do not buy before you have seen our Stock KAN Have Them We Them Ladies and Gents FUR m Many Kimla TO MOOSE FROM KELLER Tailor MONEY TO LOAN Private and Companies DAVIDSON Notary Public o Mount Albert Two Good Karma for Bale SHIELD Grain Merchant Highest price paid for all grain eta Salt Binder always on hand MOUNT ALBERT The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Total head Canada OAnD or Chairman Went- worth J Buchanan Yen Deputy Chair- manBamucI o Alex Accepted at RaU DAVIDSON O Agent Albert Chief Agent for Cutters Repairing and General thing moderate J COOK Agent Mount Agentfor Peter Hamilton Implements r

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