Era- gives news two other in North and is acknowledged be the Leading County Papers T I L AI I I mo fee to utter to conscience above all other liberty i iJ I sent outside of North York in advance Li Ho Etch Newmarket Friday Dec J I if paid in advance I J Visit to the a Sugar HARDWARE Stoves Furnaces Paints Oils Glass -AT- Patent Medicines rices AT BROUGHTON l STORE Co The PHOTOGRAPHERS Ideal Weekly lo know Bromide Paper Will icire J will IS Br for It York wu vow the weather was disagree able on account the first snow storm season yet the North York Farmers and business people on Wednesday of last W3ei was eminently satisfactory The factory is located about two from the business centre the Town and is reached by an electric railway the extension being built lor this purpose Sine is equipped very comfortably Cor passengers and are run every hour It was about oclock when the two excursion parties numbering nearly people arrived at the factory and the three hours at their disposal passed all too- The Factory The first thing that strikes a per son is the immensity of the buildings The plant covers about acres in the centre about acres the rest being required for yard room The building is feet long and averages feet in width It is partly and partly three storeys in height Connected with it is tije warehouse and the two buildings have a total frontage of feet main building contains all the complex and massive machinery re quired to convert the raw beet into the purest granulated sugar The- warehouse is a building feet two storeys high and is connect ed with the building at the northern end Here the sugar will be stored It has a capacity from to barrels Separated from the main building and warehouse by a space of feet on which the Grand Trunk is laid is the annex- building This is feet and contains beginning at the end the kiln house the pump room and the boiler room The kiln house is one storey ex cept the cupola and is feet It contains two lime kilns the lime slacker and mixer and gas washer The Company burn their own lime large quantities of which are used pump room is feet and contains the feed pumps and toe engine for running the lime slack er and hot water heater boiler house in feet and contains boilers each feet long in diameter running the engines pumps and machinery in the manu facturing building and also for me chanical purposes such as They are horse power each and consume about tons of soft coal every hours It is home that the great brick chimney springs Hub is feet at the base and is feet line with the annex building ia the cooper shop a brick building feet fitted with all the latest machinery for the of barrels of which it will turn out Hi a day The machine shop iB iwxt to the cooper shop It is aid contains aft the facilities lor necessary repairs to machinery The seed bouse is feet and as the name indicates is intended the storage beet seed An office building feet and two storeys and basement be erected in front building In it will be located the of Hie Manager the Agriculturist the Ac countants and Hoard Room It will be thoroughly modern in every re spect- The beet where the fanners their crop feet The total length of frontage from beet to sugar house Is lie pumping at the liver feci distant The wMer is through a Inch wrought Iron pipe The work of was last The buildings are fire proof and 22 or f of steel were required 4000 barrels of cement were used As much possible was local men The brick makers of the county sold the com pany ft 12 cars to carry the ma chinery which entered into the An average of men were employ ed during the periodMay 1st to No vember 1st The factory Is now with HO men night and day ar expats to keep this up till next February Making Sugar The day we visited Berlin 190 teams delivered beets and the- day before there were As soon as- the farmer arrives he drives onto a scale where the outfit weigh ed A sample of two forks full is taken from the load and sent into the factoiy in a basket with a label at taches giving net weight as soon as the empty wagon is weighed The beets are carried into the factory by water passing through a trough washed by very heavy machinery and elevated to the top of the factory Then they fall into the and from there into the Battery where all the sweetness is soaked out The pulp is then discharged and the li quid starts on the process of purifi cation which is entirety on scienti fic principles and requires very close attention It takes from to hours to transform a ton of beets in to sugar After leaving the Bat tery the liquid passes into the isator thru and three filters then again thru and filters then passes thru 3 sulphur tanks evaporators pans a and a centrifugal It is then elevated again from the base ment to the top story passes thru a dryer and is barrelled ready for shipment All machinery is very heavy The members of the parties were allowed to inspect at will any part of the sugar plant and officers of the company personally explained the different stages in the manufacture the sugar The Speeches A little after four oclock word was passed around for the excur sionists to gather in the large store house to hear the speeches Mr Williams manager of the Berlin Company was asked to preside and he introduced the several speak ers f The Member for North York Hon J Davis said lam more delighted than I can express to have the opportunity of visiting the town Berlin with such a prominent and representative excursion from the North Riding of York as we have here today I was also delighted to find when we arrived here similar delegation from the St Catharines District where they along with us are inter ested in the development of the re sources of the Province in which we live And Mr Chairman before I say a Word about the matter in hand I wish to say how delighted I am to meet with you sir because I have heard not today only but for fjome time past of your endeavors not on ly to advance interests of the town of Berlin and to establish this factory but in other Ways you have shown yourself to be a man of pro gress and development These arc the men we want in this age of the world The year has been a year in the history of lie Province of Ontario and the Dominion of Can ada I have not come here today to tell you of all the various ways in which it has been a great year tot us but this do know speaking gen erally that our wonderful resources have never progressed faster or devel oped more rapidly than they have during the year On every hand we have prosperity on every hand we have- enterprise and our our farmers our I believe I am safe In saying are enjoying greater prosper ity in than they ever did In the past NOW one of the reasons why we have this prosperity and one of the reasons why IWK8 a noted year that for the first time we have had established In our land a new indus try or the manufacture of sugar from beets well remember sir and I have a lot of figures here which I will not trouble you with but well remember several years ago when a deputation waited on the Government the Province asking consideration of the question of aid ing the establishment- of fac tories in the Province and I am quite vell aware that some of the gentlemen were rather about doing anything in connection with the matter hut am glad to say that after consideration and alter having appointed three them to the stale of Michi gan the Government decided to aid the Industry And speaking of the commissioner you have heard one of them on this platform my friend Mr whose name I had the honor to present to the attention of the Minister of Agriculture of the Province asking him to make him one of the three alt good men men and useful men and my friend from North York was equal to any of them on that commission Now sir one of- the first things had to consider was the question as to whether there was a market for beet sugar if factories were estab lished- Let me give you a few fig ure illustrative of this The last available statistics show that speak ing in round numbers there are about ten million tons of sugar used in the world Now these same sta tistics tells us of that great amount three and a half million tons are cane sugar and six and a half million sugar made from the beet Now then the our competitor in many things manufactured only one hundred thousand tons out of this six and a half millions They are of course doing better now but do not know that they have exceed ed that within the last year But you will see the enormous quantity made in Europe and the very small proportion made on the American continent Now then how much sugar do we use in Canada Speaking in round numbers we consumed nearly of sugar last year Now that is a large amount and it would take or factories as large as this factory which we have had the pleasure of going through here to day to produce the quantity of su gar used in the Dominion Canada Now I am one of those who believe in Canada for the Canadians first last and all the time and on every sion when we can advance the gener al interests the people of the country and Of Canada as a whole I think our public men and others are in duty bound to march along in that direction I am a strong believer in the made in sentiment and trial spirit ought to be cultivated throughout the J Dominion things being the preference ought always to be given to Canadian manufactured goods In the past travellers have urged as an additional reason why certain lines of goods should be pur chased the fact that they were made in the US This in my opinion is a reason why they should not be pur chased if a similar class goods made in Canada could he obtained oh Jit same terms Everyone should do his part to cultivate this feeling Now the Government of this Prov ince as a result of the Commission appointed and various deputation of gentlemen who have given a great deal of study to this question and who made us believe that it was pos sible to erect these factories in our own land and to make than profit able and at the same lime to ad vance the Interests of our people the Government the Province sub mitted to the House a Bill in which they appropriated for the purpose of aiding by way or bounties the establishment these factories You are ill familiar probably with the general conditions of that Bill The bonus is to he cent a pound the flrst two years and J cent the third year but in no one year is the total amount paid out for bonuses to exceed So you will see this will use up the whole in the three years provided actor lea enough arc established not then would lake a little longer Now what arc we accomplishing by these factories three which arc now I aro proud to say running the Province of Ontario We are increas ing the business the Province which is very great importance giving employment to thousands more than wc were able to give previous to the establishment of these Industries and it not only work In the factory but work on the farm and believe you will agree with and with Mr and others who have preceded me and who spoke as practical farmers and am considerable a farmer myself when they say It is of considerable advantage to the farming community to have the establishment of beet sugar factories In the Province Ontario The Bill is so drawn that it will protect Interests the farmer We roust have the factories erected and capitalists ready and willing to take the risks of great ventures like this and have the before them of reasonable return for their money But then the should be protected and we endeavored to their interests stating that In the first year of the estab lishment of the factories no less a sum should be paid than for any ton of beets After that they must pay 13 cents for each one per cent- of sugar which beets show under test To illustrate this If they show per cent of Sugar the beets would the farmer a ton Now this is a good pro vision and you know an actual test in the Newmarket district with which I am especially familiar be cause with many gentlemen here to day I joined in having these tests the actual test of that dis trict showed us that from to lc and per cent of sugar was pro duced in the first year many crops of beets We were beginners in that year and that was a won derful result and an indication that in years to with experience even better results might he expect ed This in a word or two is a gener al outline of the great field there is in this Province for the establish ment of factories in order to supply the demand for sugar in our own country and it would give employ ment to our own people both in the factory and on the farm I came here today with the North York del egation We are anxious to estab lish a factory in North York There are farmers and others perhaps arc not quite cleat in their minds as to whether it could be successfully carried out and by organizing this excursion here today some of the gentlemen have gone to a deal of trouble They deserve great cred it for the successful issue their plans and as a result the bringing of the farmers and business men here today I think will all home strengthened in our belief that we can do something In York to establish a factory such as this and which will add to the wealth that portion the Province Ontario I delighted to have to day Mr Chairman and thank you for the courtesy and hospitality that has been extended to us In every di rection silica reached your town J wish your Institution and the other two in operation as well and hope it will be very long before will have excellent of this kind In working order in North York the greatest place in all the world The other were Olile Major and Bunting Si- Catharines Warden Norman Mayor Cane and New market Dr arid Wen dell Berlin A Favorable Location scerns to be a particularly suitable place for the erection of a beet sugar factory The soil the surrounding farms adapted to beet production and what is as well much Importance enough labor to handle all the beets within a limited Concluded on Page To Mothers Who Have Cross or Sick- Babies Cross or crying babies are cither sick or in pain and make everyone in the house miserable Healthy arc always happy babies and all little ones cau be kept both healthy and happy by the occasional use of Babys Own Tablets If your little one is cross give him a Tablet sec how quickly it will a change for the better Mrs Austin says Babys arc just what every mo ther needs when her little ones are cutting their teeth When my one cries I give him a Tablet and it helps him at once Mothers who use the Tablets will have no trouble with their babies Tablets sold under a positive guarantee to con tain neither opiate nor any poisonous drug and they will promptly cure all the minor aliments of little ones Sold by druggists or sent by mail post paid at OS cents a box by writ ing direct to Hie Williams Medi cine Co Out or Schen ectady Ontarios According to the published returns of agricultural as compil ed and by the Bureau of In dustries the value of farm property In Ontario in proportion to popula tion is double of that of the United States The tabulated figures for show that the value of the farm lands buildings implements stock reached a total of as compared with in the previous year arc gathered from the rolls of the various municipalities in the Province and when it is remem bered that the assessed valuation as a rule below the actual value reader will be able to form a truer estimate of what figures should be by adding to per cent The returns alluded to also furnish other facts along the line touching the- Increasing wealth and prosperity of the farming community of Ontario For instance the amount of chattlo mortgages in was as compared with 3110513 in WOO showing a reduction In one year of or a little over a quarter of a million dollars The gross val ue of the cheese manufactured On tario in reached of which sum was to the milk producers cheese manufactured in exceeded that of by over cause this decline in the cheeso product of the Province Is not giv en