-Tj- T fee Out You dont and A weak stomach Dot all that Is ordinarily fakes get- P 9 -i- jlXi3is r ftncl belch- TriU for if I beard of tot me relief Iiofcoxii J cannot ra A and and tit whole fTea- J Public to Loan good security Solicitor Ho to Court Ontario Of- EUrrlitera Chopping door South of Herbert Court J A Co Banker Ontario Back Aurora a At A DENTIST Toronto as J A AmtCv W the Hew fire n ww on tiu end Torn Shop GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY- Osoedo dates for the trial disposal feutoe of list remaining petitions namely- J Davis re- Herbert Lennox will be tried at Newmarket or Aurora but presum ably In this on Deo Marie Mr Andre Mis- Campbell Conservative respondent at Marie on January Kingston against Mr J Liberal and North against Mr were transferred to Toronto for trial on Dec when It is un derstood they will be dropped No date is fired for Centre Bruce According to rules of the elec tion court particulars in tee cause must be filed fourteen clear days be fore trial In tne case North York therefore partic ulars in regard to both petition and crosspetition must be filed rot later than tbe 2nd of these are made public we shall be better to judge of the merits the respective cases and of probable results A lawsuit and especially an election counter petition like a horserace is difficult to determine beforehand the unexpected very happens it may be no in North York The Crown Lands Department has reappointed nearly all wood rangers employed last year for an other term These officials a of timber cut by lumbermen In to enable the Department to Estimate the amount of dues payable to the Government On last six clauses of particulars charging pay ment money for votes and of railway ticJiets were filed by Liberals In Wouth Oxford election of wbicb has already been partly disposed of ird will be reopened on Dec at BY A BANKER jJ7 varieties A DISEASE THAT OFTEN f oh bank in world There la the ban whereon the- wild- thyme fiok 6 England- Mr Li pi Tells Private Joint He Overcame the Stock there are sand banks a as the Goodwin- sands whereon so ft u perished and J yielding sandy sepulchre r There is no more dangerous a banks of lb to life than disease of the kidneys tD6 W continent lot the reason that any mzi sn of all symptoms have made themselves when they manifest the disease usually as sinned a formidable character The perg symptoms that first them- fe t0 selves are usually weakness in t0 small the back pains in the re- the of the loins times highly colored cases Is extremely pale frequently de positing As tbe trouble 1 4X Mr and Mrs Raymond the hotel -with- Stewart the counterfeiter boarded committed- of illegal acts 1T row and are In the wake of meaj- now boasts of a DressSooial Club A conference was held in tbe in re- urine is some- while in otner and hinders bis voy age But when this impenetrable veil of misty darkness descends upon several years much from kidney TIME TABLE Wit- a It According to press despatches from the Yukon and returns at Ottawa the gold output of Canadian Yu kon this year will be about The returns up to latter part of October showed that bad been taken out but did not include the output of all the total however will than that of progresses these symptoms grow more severe- and frequent termin ate in dropsy rights disease or di abetes Dr Williams Pink Pills are a specific remedy for all kidney trou bles and have cured many cases af ter all other medicines have failed Mr a wellknown navi gator of Que gives his ex perience for the benefit of other ferers He I suffered very trouble The symptoms usually made- themselves manifest by severe pains in the back and kidneys and some times they would be so bad that I would be confined to my bed for sev eral at a time I tried a num ber of different medicines recommend ed for the trouble but got no relief and finally I became so discouraged that thought a cure was impossible and stopped taking medicine Short ly after this read in our local pa per of a case of kidney trouble cured by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and this induced me to try this med icine I soon felt that these pills were not ike the other medicines I had been taking for in the course a few weeks I began to experience great relief I continued taking the pills tor a couple of months by which time all symptoms of the trouble bad disappeared and I have not had the slightest return of the disease since These pills also strengthened me in other ways and believe them to be the best of all medicines Dr Williams Pink Pills enrich and nourish the blood and strengthen the nerves- it is thus that they cure such troubles as dyspepsia kidney ailments rheumatism partial heart troubles St nance and the ailments that make Ife lives of so many women a source of mis ery Do not take any the full name Williams Pink for Pale People on the ail i I i 3rd J ff I i one of those greyhounds of the sea at time wbenithas reached that region of the Atlantic where it is known that icebergs may be expect ed the experienced sea captain ears far more for the safety of his vessel than in any storm however severe The engines are slowed down I lie siron bellows out its hideous notes than which no sound so weirdly monstrous has per haps ever been Invented except per haps the artificial roar of the wood en tiger devouring an Englishman which we took from Tippo Sahibs palace the temperature of air and water has materially fallen in dicating near presence of floating bergs arid the imagination fancies that even the sound of the waves beating against the icy mountain can be distinctly heard The ship now crawls along at a for should she crash into one of these Arctic castaways no human help could save her from going down to th jit vast watery plain of tte dead jiefid many bones sunk down and uriarieied flut trie tog lilted and very quickly disappears view the sh fries an cloudiess and there within perhaps a few hundred Adit those mighty icy tbedeept vast masses of earning crystal in a dazzling of sapphire arid vivid emerald The great clefts in their sides glitter in those lovely hues in even degree while the brilliant whiteness the snow capped hoary adds to tfid sublime beauty of the grand spectacle And as the vessel passes through a very of the floating masses some towering high far above the good ships topmast some partly melted and only a few feet above the water and some pinnacled and tur- o ton w at mia The term of five years for which Sir Oliver appointed of Ontario expired last week bis parchment of authority beating date Nov He will continue to dischargo the duties office until a successor is named r0 doubt be wiil do the honors at Government House and open next session of the Onta rio Assembly An associated despatch from Pretoria dated Nov 19 announces that martial lav was repealed thru- put tbe of South Africa on that day The proclamation how ever announces that the authorities reserve the right to mili tary rule in case of It provides for the expulsion of every one considered dangerous to the peace of the country authorizes the ar rest without warrant of anyone suspected of sedition A press despatch from the ffoo makes announcement of the dis covery of one of the largest iron ranges of Canada and what will pro- develop into one of the most important in in north of Sudbury ore of high quality and deposits atjout forty miles north of the range which has made that district say this new will the people of Canada its magnitude A son of Canadian in the person of Rev Dr Daniel Miner Gordon Halifax has been appointed the late principal in Queens Un iversity at Kingston It under stood a meeting of the Trustees of the University will meet on the of toiormaU confirm tbe appofntinrat Dr Gordons salary Ins j a year and residence new principal la said to be a man of culture experience arid in the prime of life The Ontario Department of fctatl given out that during the Ontario farmer Hon Mr the will son extend the plan of vat which farmers sons and farm laborers from found with Canadian upon arrival at Toronto The needs of the farming community will be made through the Dominion agent In the Isles per around the box Sold by cathedral or cm- medicine dealers Ji ft cents a box or by addressing Co Brock r red fortress were floating r at the escape of the Ont Nov Eddie aged about years pet with accident at bis mothers farm jiespler this morning oh a a manure fork dropping after him A prong of the fork pi driven clean through the top bis bead coming out trie side and the ear If blood does not set in the lad will recover State Qf Ohio City of Jucaa County raaVjeaoth be fa of firm of J Cheney c Co dobjg the of Toledo and State and said will pay the fcum of One Hundred Dot- Of ad of be the lit of a w I fi Cure iutkkrlttof naly directly on Wood for testimonials free l 1 drCO Pill i on of from siicb a deadly peril per vade those on board Arid too the thought cross the minds of many that if that bank of fog had not so opportunely lifted the whole of those on boar would in a few of time two classes ihe righteous whose sins have been for by the Redeemer ushered into realms of glory those who had forgotten Creator shut out and dread remorse For there is no half way place Consignments of fruit from St Joseph Lac and Cherry Valley were seized by the Fruit inspector at Ottawa under the fruit marks act j Nicholas of Creek was accidentally shot the face while hunting quail with a com panion It is feared he may lose the sight of one eye Discovery torn iaktng of Pills Mr Dennis Kilbride Ire land was arrested at Dublin sent to prison to a sentence four months imprison mint J Why do I wear Co beri Because tbey properly and wear than any rub ber shoe in market You can wtboui a pair yafae faidth The village of was almost totally deiroye4 flrf new museuw was opened iktr Khedive rr a she for CrtrrU W heh4 them To the of Era Sir We desire to make a the columns of the Era We are the owners of the formula which Dr Clarkes Wonderful Little Red Pills manufactured To anyone who will give these pills a fair trial and are not entirely cur ed we will refund he money paid for the there no substantial we will- in addition pay in cash Ve have abioldte faith that they will cure all diseases arising from the stomach or blood and have yet to know of a single casp where these wonderful pills have not been In attecting a CANADA COMPANY Peterborough Ontario Dr Clarices wonderful Utile Pills are a cure for la grippe paralysis tarb In digestion all and trou ble female complaints The most stubborn will yiefd Price cents box For Rale by all local druggists Dr Sure Cure for Catarrh Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for same will 1 paid for any they will not perma nently cure Price on Friday ty Mayor with the View of putting on Hallow een occasions and of mapping out a program governing Tbe chances are that some sort of entertainment form the substitute Two of the girls escaped from the brought back to tne on r found miles from Pickering The Templars of Temperance purpose holding entertainment at Hal on evening of Re ferendum Day Dec The High landers Band J car toonist and other talent has been se cured The result of polling returns all over the Province will be an nounced as they come complimentary banquet given to delegates from the London of Commerce last night was a very The delegates spoke highly their Canadian tour A new weighing has been invented It is called a phonogra phic weighing machine Instead of your weight being marked on a dial a voice in the machine calls out the figures City papers announce that a company is applying to the On tario Government for a charter will operate in Toronto What next Joseph Gentile the American counterfeiter was caught in the act of making spurious con his city last week was sent to the pen itentiary for ten years by the Police Magistrate A highwayman snatched a satchel containing a and cents in money on Thursday night of last week from Mrs at the cor ner of and streets and made good his escape The Mission Board of the Toronto Diocese of the Anglican Church have appointed the Rev Dixon of this city as travelling mission sec retary for the Board At a recent meeting of the Womens Canadian Association it was stated that the fund for a proposed Queen Victoria Memorial now amounted to The the hope that some one would donate a site In nearly every division in the reports have been received of vestibule and hall door stealing re cently and Chief has now Ordered the district inspectors to put on a special patrol to protect the citizens against this thieving The chances are that Mr John Ross will be reelected to the Presidency of the Ontario Hockey Association Edgar Koropp of Richmond St shot himself but whether- accidental ly or otherwise is unknown as he is still unconscious at the Hospital Thos of Oak Street while superintending the unloading of a schooner missed his footing while upon the coal chute and fell feet and fractured the base of his skull On Sunday morning just as the con gregation assembling firebroke out in the Parliament Street Church The damage to the organ seats and interior of Hie building will oveced which is covered insurance- The origin of the fire is not yet accurately ascertained al though It was probably due to an overheated furnace pipe A runaway horse scared by a pass ing hosereel knocked a cyclist named VSm At down on Saturday evening and resulted in a fracture or the left and injury to the spine He is in ihe Hospital Owing to an attack of nervous pros tration Mr Principal St Collegiate baa been granted leave of absence for- a few Mr Clarke Gamble oldest of the Ontario and one the most widely known lawyers in To ronto died on Sunday morning at the residence of his soninlaw Mr I In Deer Park Thos Foster of Dufferln Street was arrested for furious driving on Saturday evening When passing the corner of King and Church street his rig knocked down Robertson who sustained a deep cut over one eye and a fracture of the right arm Robertson had to be sent to the Hospital fa is a foCptoC It neither Opium It fs Pleasant Its Is thlriy years by Millions of rJotliera Ctestotla destroys pllnys relieves Troubles euros Con rti potion and Flatulency the Food regulates and and giving Brill la Children The for good Osgood Li la to wen lo bat I it to to A THE SIGNATURE OF ON EVERY WRAPPER 3 For Era Prom South Oct Dear Parents I write you again to let you know that ram as as usual again only my leg does not seem to get strong and tbe least walking does me up I expect to be invalided home shortly There are also several others coming home so I will have lots of company on the trip If I could have got out with tbe Troop I would not have come home for a while yet and I am so tired of hospital and living here is very expensive I have not much to tell you only that the weather is very warm and the nights are love ly The winter here starts in April and lasts till September I cannot tell you just when we will start but it will be soon and if all well you will see me in futuic With love to all at home I remain your loving son BROCK S Africa I i ttot am all years you wjll be Syihip axe so HpME STUDY applied to any our TEN Special Courses given will produce good results for ambitious young man or win- wishes to prepare for OTjiek life is but nominal ix catalogue Marchiog tou6ts contains all Write for it Address DEPARTMENT SHAW Principal A strong school regular teachers a and well patronized by students every Province of tbe Dominion Brer for there la eyec- toratlpi coupling during mornings there Is no- Sold by an drufitsU In world Woodbury NJ ISTHETlWif To Poultry Spice If you- want In the early winter Wat it mm All or N WOft ON SHORT NOTICE if It your Machine IfacblHeryi Vrer or Of A in aad4 It A TlKJMPSOH to to Laxative the K W on every box M cenji t0Oft There has been a heavy snowfall In Central and Southern France An working day is to bo adopted In all the French Govern ment dockyards for ASTORIA AGENTS WANTED Either on Full Pari Time Are you with your income Is your time fully oc cupied not Write us We can give you by month on good or tract to pay you well for snob business as you secure for Odd times Wo both male and representatives The next three months la the very best time to sell eodi dep3lt is required absolutely free We have largest nurseries In over MM a largo valuable now specialties arid all our stock is as rV presented If want to re- present the largest most and best known nursery write us It will be worth yrui while Canadas Greatest Toronto Builder Contractor la to -v- trfecta for all of Estimates fiiven at Short i aad tfiteMp boiler AND ROOFS funding will do well to A Gorham St ft