j tgriDi if -j-ii- j the life of Mrs was hanging in the balance I Favorite Prescription and to health Her made her firm friend of the that cured her Dr Pierces Prescription has no in cures of womanly regularity dries the drains inflammation and ulceration and curts female ffeaines was leg in Dr Pierce brought to my hom writ Mr Caroline Raff Director of Ger man Orphan Home residing at Row Street Mich- I it it won we time I firm We fre quently bate mother com tow Home who are with uterine trouble and Oar remedy for a female trouble is Or rcea and we bay found dtilflbl TOtW ly care the relieve inflammation led atop l a friend to Pierces Medical Adviser in covers is sent frit on receipt of Bocent to pay of custom and mailing Ad dress Dr V Fierce Buffalo SALE Two Cornells Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dick monarch op Peerless And belt Your choice of Full Rig for On years time Cheap at 600 RBjxkisintii Mr Geo Skinner greatly proved appearance of bis residence by the addition verandah Tie anniversary services the- Baptist church Sunday last very largely attended Numbers turned away from the evening service church being the doors Rev G Beck of Master was the speaker tor the services and delivered three good discourses Mr is a flu ent and forceful speaker and is rising rapidly in his church The high class arranged for by Mr in Mammoth Hall last Thursday evening and el by the Sherlock Concert Company was another big success William a farmer living three miles north this place met with a shocking death here on Thurs day morning- While driving home from the market held here on that day and crossing the track he was Struck by the oclock express instantly killed The was billed He leaves a wife and a young One of the saddest accidents result ing in instant death that has redi this neighborhood for some time too- place at on last Tuesday the unfortunate victim be ing Son of Tim Forsyth of Goodwood and nephew Mr Nath an of It seems that the deceased who in company with John McDonald the Pork Packing Co was attempting to board a moving train for when he missed the steps and was hurled under wheels which passed- oyer his chest killing him instantly Tl train immediately stopped when his form was found in a fearfully mangled con- taken from the tracki The poor unfortunate young fellow had only returned from the North west but a week or two where he bad resided for some time having teen for several weeks and in the hospital out there- An inquest Was held on- Wednesday when a verdict was returned that his death was purely accidental and no blame could be attached to the Railway em ployees A and very enthusiastic meet ing of the Hockey Club last Thursday night decided to enter the and elected officers J Stark is President and Scott secretary A ObonProhibition us of necessary houses of ao for travellers A for travellers like every other commodity- and lie service is subject to the law of supply and demand No traveller money to pay for meals and lodging need go without them civilized couunuhity Interested men have caused temporary inconvenience in some but difficultyhas soon disappeared Prices wilt be by comnercial principles hotelkeeper could not to a meal for twenty- five cents unless he made special pro fits his tar to iay The best reply to this state ment can be read in the windows eating houses of our towns and cities where meals are offered at ten to twenty cents without any part at the bar A good plain meal can be profitably supplied for twentyfive cents In any case no honest man will desire meals at less than cost to oe paid for by somebody elses drinking supply of food is a necessary business ami ought not to be linked with the evil business of i The Conservatives of London Out- tendered Mr- J P Whitney leader the Opposition the Ontario a banquet in the House on Friday evening last The demonstration is reported to have been very successfulupwards of people being on occasion The afterdinner speeches revealed specially new in the realm of politics Changes in the Judiciary of frb to Era iiifuor Heed not are scenting They are like the churlish dog Lying in the manger Only thinking of their Others quite ignoring From fools hoarding For their children storing Wealth thus gained but seldbra lasts Through two generations As the names rush fiercely past Feeds the conflagrations Winds as well in cyclone shape Seize te treasure Hurls it broadcast to the earth In unstinted measure Earthquakes swallow millions- worth Hiding it forever Floods and fling it back On the surging river What regrets are heaping up For themselves and others Blinded by the lust lor gold See not men as brothers m see their own their work is ended When their gold to canker turns- which they contended Voters join the Temperance ranks- Help the faithful workers Do not idly stand Ranged among the shirkers Be in earnest to enlist Every vote is needed a righteous war you wage not be unheeded If the cause should be postponed da were made by Federal Govern- Through unfaithful voters men on Monday last and took place Forward to goal theyll march- next day Sir Henry Strong has resigned the Chief Justiceship of tbe Supreme Court and has been appoint ed Chairman of the Commission to revise and codify the statutes Sir Henri succeeds Sir Henry Strong as Chief Justice the Supreme Court The vacancy creat ed by the retirement is filled by the translation from Toronto Chief Justice Armour of the High Temperance promoters In the end theyll gain day For which they are working Notwithstanding obstacles And disgraceful shirking Now resolve to do your might In the trades extinction Which would prove a boon to all Blessed without distinction P Court Mr Justice Moss of h Court of Appeal Chief Jus- Richmond Hill Oct ticeoltiie High Court vice Armour and- Mr J J To ronto is appointed to the Court of Appeal vice Moss 5 Not buiHow Good ADVOCATE tbty ihcy ircy art eta 21 FARMERS ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE For the flnsuuers to Against the Liquor Act s a 5 si tfri AJ it jftw via to St a many houses is The of a furnace four and A lattng feA the lower of w In for prohibition votes one meets with a vatiety of Many of these w whim sical and absurd that to set them out in cold print would make the objectors feel ashamed of Some however arise from honest doubt or lack of information id should treated with consideration Here are a few with such answers as I am able to offhand Objection I cannot support the present prohibitory law because it not go far and stop and an well as sale A The law goes as far as the has jlowir to go Us design is to stop the strong by retail If si rally enforc ed it will prevent of the drinking Us an Immense gain 2- Object ton cannot be Men will have liquor and other men will it to them In spite of the lav The man who will have liquor at any cost is a man who has quired habit lie way for a time persons willing to take his man and run the of heavy penal ties but young will not under prohibition lor or obtain regularly enough fe slave to the habit and he will be more likely to fiWW up a free man Prohibition Is productive of law- and perjury Nay not so fitalfng murder are prohibited yet some will break these laws But who will St is the prohibitory law against that men US Not one not parent of law- and perjury fepriVin from avarice and of principle Perjury In jinked with every crime it has oarticularly to the liquor It la In liquor casta under license lav ari would be more so If there vare as trior to restrictions there to enforce prohibi tion- perjury are all the of liquor traf fic and are simply a strong lor of a that such It is stated on good authority that Provincial Secretary has drawn the attention the AttorneyGener al to an abuse which he thinks calls Tor special legislation It pointed out that within the past few months five cases in which upon the certifi cates physicians persons have sent to the asylums who were not insane and who there was every rea son to believe were sent there only to relieve their friends who were nat urally responsible for their care and maintenance Of these one was suf fering from a rheumatic affection and another from blindness The pro posed legislation will take the form of providing the punishment physicians who wilfully join with per sons officials of institutions to im pose such upon Provincial charity Victoria BC Nov Yu kon River has been solid ac cording to the captain of the steam er Amur just arrived from The steamer was aught and in the ice coming down near will remain there all winter and fears are expressed that she may be crushed by the ice ft When the butter wont come put a penny in the churn is an old time dairy proverb It often seems to work though no one has ever told why When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we give them Scotts Emul sion It is the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it Scotts Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some especially prepared for delicate Children to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to- the children be cause it is adapted their wants 1 For all weak and pale and thin children Scotts Km si on is the most satisfactory treat ment We will send the penny free of Bucks Happy Thought gtorn trie worst worry to the ttoa One stepping e Thought Range a it bout SCOTT Chemists Toronto Ontario Leave your culinary troubles worries and behind you enjoy the economy the convenience the absolute reliability of The The friend the careful housewife have a touch to the patented dampers and it is for any work Its efficiency will he a revela tion to you if you are the common kind la not worth Investiga tion Send for booklet to THE CO or call and the agents i Constable has returned from a shotting to Islands of Georgian Bay- He bagged several partridge and ducks w Barbers must not oh Sunday The initial case under- the Ontario Shop Regulation Act came for in tha Police when a barber at was convicted He pleaded that only guests at the hotel had been shaved but- the court said that was a breach of the -law- minimum fine Is The plans for the new freight sheds to be erected by the Grand Trunk oh the old Parliament Buildings grounds axe of the most elaborate character estimated cost is placed at With the erection of buildings the old south building of the Union station will be Mr McLean has resigned the secretaryship of tbe Municipal of the Legislative Assembly and has gone Into partnership with Mr Crown Attorney afparry Sound The population at the Central Pris on has increased beyond the average this month No less than prisoners hailing the Soo have reached the institution during the past four or five local evening paper talks about a Dont Worry Club having been formed in this city Guess the members have a lot of coal left over from last winter His a scientific fact that an expert can tell the time of day by the eyes of a cat It is also a scientific fact that it dont need an expert to tell time of night by the voice of the same gentle animal Judge has sufficiently recov ered from his severe illness to take short walks but will not resume duties for two or three months In company with Mrs he leaves this week for Bermuda where be will spend part the winter Owing to an overheated furnace fire out in the works the Forest City Constructing and Paving Co on Luke St doing dam age City Engineer Rust has reported adverse to accepting the oiler of a syndicate to supply the city with water from Lake It would involve the reorganization of the whole waterworks system Instead bringing in the water where the pipes are largest and discharging where they grow smaller it would he the reverse and there would be no pressure down town Arrangements arc being made to start a prok establishment in the old Don Brewery property Resi dents in that part the city arc ob jecting The per ton coal brought here from Scotland by order of the Cor poration is being sold in oneton lots to citizens at per ton this week A special train from the North over the on Saturday with hunters on board and J cars of deer attached arrived at the Union Station hero The prisoners confined in the city jail up to Saturday lost numbered of these were men and an of three on the week Mr Lennox a letter to the press says the protest against Hon ft J Davis will not be drop- ltd- The Department of Agriculture has just issued the November crop report which is Very satisfactory indicating that yield in most eases was good and crops well harvested The routes recommended by the city engineer for electric cars to liter the city arc for passenger cars only these companies wish to in freight cars will have to purchase a right of way other than or the city streets The new St Lawrence market was formally opened on Saturday last The building was tastefully decorat ed with flags and hunting Two hand concerts and marked the occasion silver Jubilee of the Queen Street Presbyterian Church Toronto was held hist Sunday Un der the present pastor liov Win- formerly Newmarket he Is enjoying a Jar lie sure As a result of an Interview last week says the between the party of capitalists now in the country who are Interested In the Kails Pulp Ac Paper Co and the members the Ontario an arrangement ban been entered Into by which the former will bo able to materially Increase their facllitclca for developing their Indus tries at Sturgeon Falls The Com pany to manufacture tons of pulp per day Into paper this connection Premier fiald It Is veiy to flrd Eng lish capital to the extent of f 2000 WW applied to the of Ontario and It la also gratifying to know that of the is to he ad vanced a the mere raw product ol pulp made actually available An the form of paper for Much may be requited GEO A COX President Bank of Toronto VlCEPREQIOEfJTS director Imperial Life Co Toronto itector Toronto J Managing Limited President National Company Toronto SIR Toronto Messrs Peterborough ROBERT J AFFRAY The Globe Printing Company Director Bank President Toronto Railway Company Toronto President Company To ronto J KENNY ice President Western and British America As- Companies Toronto JOHN POTTSv DD Bursar Victoria University Toronto A A COX Vice President Toronto Savings Loan Company Peterborough TAYLOR Lindsay J Director aria Secretary Company Toronto 3 Per Cent Paid on Deposits 4 Per Cent- Paid Debentures Write for further particulars to A MORROW Assistant Manager Pdr pure blood a bright eye a clear complexion a keen appetite a good digestion and refreshing sleep BRISTOLS It arouses tie quickens the brightens the spirits and generally improves the health liarft to be most BLOOD Ail druggists BRISTOLS J A Indies or from to Dont throw your money away If ftslVatch that will for limt any Solid Gold IVAtCll made tend at your name and at tod agtte lo Bell only of our famoa Ufa Pills at a Ixije A for all impure and weak of blood Trouble Constipation K- and for regular it are unequalled A grand and lifo builder are our regular cent they re Dont the chance of your life Mend your order and will by sold you send money wo will aand yo the WATCH with A GUARANTEE FOR tho day monuy A rare illicit- Wo giving rtwytbcao watches to quickly introduce our jjrutnl and when you receive we you to show it to your Hun I from than with them glorioilfl opportunity a fine without a cent or it ami A0Iicm The CO A large business building at was burned causing a loss of about Fire destroyed a of livery and a barber shop at Wheat- ley Man Loss about and upon quality and quantity of HUWlTARlAN The liver is the great secreting organ of body and when It fails to perform its office bile ac cumulates and the blood becomes poisoner causing many symptoms such dull heavy feeling Indisposition to attend to duties pain In back or shoulders sour stomach constipation dry ness the skin restlessness at night etc It these symptoms not promptly dealt with they aggravated so as to induce severe To relievo at once and cure CARSONS TONIC Stomach and Bittern have long been recognized as the sovereign treatment These are the formula of an em inent Canadian physician who used the proscription n his practice for many years with the satisfactory results A Purely Blood Purifier per yon can the pre- parction of your local druggist but if unable to obtain it in wo will to address one or more bottles on receipt price per bot tle carriage prepaid Pamphlet sent Free on Application Sample sent on receipt of on stamps to covet postage Company TORONTO Tenders fop Supplies will receive Of raettT butler etc the the vis At Ihe fur ami the on Kfformatory for Hoy a for and Dumb tie Kxccptlnn Tenders ri not went to to Central and A for five ft the die be by lr win be repaired contract and tender bo withdrawn before lw awarded or abUld tho lab Security I amount tad on or of respective lowest or leodor not accepted without authority from lh not for It J Provincial Secretary Parliament Buildings Toronto NOW IS TIME To Use Meyers Poultry If you want Eggs la the early hi Opposite s will forfeited tiiicoinctilonaaotl forma of don avoUcllou to I I