l- to Lot Furnished or unfurnished Lot House for Sale Corner or Huron Street and Pros per Newmarket She St Sett All Home Reward Ice foe that will lead to the con viction of the party or parties that took my vagoa out of the yard and ran It the hill on Halloween A HUN Fresh Cows at once WATSONS DAIRY Newmarket House and Lot For Sale or to Rent on St North Garden attached well cis tern furnace and modem conven iences Apply to JAMES KAVANAOH Industrial Home JUST ARRIVED A Car of Soft Coal Try it for Furnaces and J of Main on HURON STREET Clark low t jaStk is going Michigan to arte Mrs was With W1 Goilagbe Toronto is election tad Wi this week P P bridge to take a school till Christ admitted corrupt practices mas agent and resigned his in pre- Mr and Mrs Hall to standing trial a number children on at the annual nesting of fee Conservative Ward Associations ai- 1 an oyster supper at King Perfect weather Geld and ft fair Save By Buying your At This Store OTKARKST AND COATS I to Farm For Sale or To Rent halt lot 2nd King Old Survey For I School Or J Melbourne Plac Toronto AUCTION SALE -OF- 1M PROVED FARM was proceeded with wheu it was found that the ballot for Presidency was stuffed with bogus votes bo that the roll had to be called and each man to go to the rone and cast his ballet When this kind is perpetrated among what can you eipect outside had better blow about purity that The Commissioner of Crown Lands may be to after Onta rios interests Mr Backus thought he only had to talk big money in order to have his own way the same as combines do things across the lines but he has been undeceived The tells us a hitch has occurred in the negotiations between the Government and Mr Backus of Minneapolis lor the by the Utter of the water power at Fort Frances The Government it is understood insist ed on Mr Backus developing half the total power on the Canadian sice of the river so as to secure the estab lishment of important industries on this side and this Mr ap pears unwilling to do It Is known if the negotiations are off al together but at present they are at a standstill for this reason OH Oar Toronto better There will be for Bile lu3 previously disposed of by at THE FORSYTH HOUSE on the of At oclock A by Auctioneer Lit farm lately occupied by J containing acres more or and known as the Bast half of A in the 3rd Concession of the Township of King excepting 15 the South comer of lot The toil is a ana sandy loam acres are under cultivation from stumps about 25 acres in on which are said to be to worth of wood are in or is a good orchard the farm are Dwelling house one and a half tor its- with Frame and stable The property about from and from Aurora Conditions of Sale The will be required to to the Vendor his Solicitor or at the of a deposit to ten per cent of the the balance within Si ijz at the purchaser half of purchase money on mortgage with inter est at cent The property be subject to a reserve other may be at time of safe For further particulars apply to or to J A or t HBLLbRfTIi SAUflDKES St Toronto Veodoti Totooto Oct Dr had made a last Tuesday speech eulogizing purity of methods their the of officers Halloween party was held at Or Richardsons residence one last weeSc Miss Mabel Rose spent a few days last at her home in Miss Ethel Ash worth was a guest at for a few days this week Mrs Toronto is spend ing a couple of weeks her sn Mr J Mrs Garrett andsoi- of Sault Ste Marie are a few days at The Bowery A party at Lawyer Robertsons- on Tuesday evening was given in honor of Mrs Mr John Kennedy lett Town last Thursday- for Brantford where he has accepted a situation Mr and Mrs Lyman of Toronto are spending a lew days with their son Mr Bogart Miss Lottie Jones was a guest at the wedding of Miss in Bradford on Wednesday of last Miss Forsyth was a guest at Mr- Forbes wedding in Toronto last Saturday and she returned home yesterday Mrs Jackson returned from the city on Wednesday evening after spending over a week with relatives and friends Rev A MaoGitlivray was on Monday by telegram to his home up west on account of the death of his uncle Mr John got worci on Wednesday that his sister Mrs was dead Funeral at Aurora this morning J Green is feeling sc poorly that he work last night and has gone to visit his daughter in the city for a few days Mr Nash and family left for the Canadian on Monday It will be remembered that Mr Nash married the widow of Rev As a result of Miss work in adults joined the church and a number of children She was the recipient of a very en couraging address and Mrs Ed and family of Toronto spent last Satur day and Sunday at the residence of Mr Scott Mr rendered two delight ful corset solos at the services in the Christian Mr Walter Eves of Smith Newmarket left yesterday for California Arizona and Mexico where he will visit the oil wells mines refineries and smelters of Lacy Co of New York who have an office in Town Under the of Eves Smith of Kansas writes We cannot get along withe the Era receive many letters from friends in Canada which are always welcome but our old reliable home paper keeps us posted in all general event and pro- of our old home- We have had a very wet season almost a failure from overflows Corn an immense crop where uninjured by floods We are having beautiful weather at present no indication of winter no frost in fact our trees are in full leaf We clip the following from the Reformer of last week Mb P who for the past nine months had charge of the mill lor Mr J left Town for Newmarket where he has fcecurtd a similar position During his short scjourn in Mr made many warm friends who learn with regret departure Pete was a great and did much this to pro mote the game In this town He a Jolly fellow and has as good a head as ever wore a hat Mr is at Mill and we him to original pro duction of with cast horses and camels begins a two weeks engagement at the Prin cess Theatre Toronto Monday The establishment a large iron and steel works on Bay is now considered pretty certain Ne gotiations are about completed Tb3 Co is to expend in build ings end pay annually 580000 in wages Rev Wallace Chancellor of Uraversity has gone on a years unite of absence Senator A- Cox has given to the Wing fund for the new addition to St Michaels Col lege The total duty collected at the port of Toronto for the month of October was an increase of over the same rear t the Prohibition campaign Toronto has been divided into ten districts Nineteen thousand dollars was bid Friday for a seat on the Toronto Stock Exchange with none offering at that figure The Canadian Temperance League on Sunday November th will open trejr season of Sunday Gospel temperance meetings in Hall Rev Charles Sheldon the author of In His Steps as the speaker at both afternoon and even ing meetings and Harold Jarvis as singer A faHfhjc at the new King Edward jay lat week and had several ribs fractured The next Court of General Sessions for York will commence on the 2nd December The old clock that has ticked on the minutes at the Customs House for over thirty years has at length been superannuated and a new one ticks faults stead The case ot vs over the cutting of some lumber has been cm this week hut not concluded an Wednesday night Simon are by Bros is If welt occasions being free from stones and level Eighteen plowmen competed A note worthy feature was the number well matched teams- weJi groomed showing the effects good pare The results were First Class Nelson J Churchill J King James Cameron Third Class Lewis Kennedy Whit church Alfred King Ferguson King Fourth- class Samuel of George Norman King- Sixth class Robert King Godson King J Wilson King Seventh class James King Leslie King Eighth Wells King Harvey Welts King- Best ins and first class J Reeve Best sixcrown furrow first J S Best sixcrown furrow second class T Best sixcrown furrow class Harrison Best sixcrown furrow seventh class J Breedon First hoy finished winning a prize- Samuel Best groomed and equipped team in first class Nelson Best groomed and equipped team in second class Lawson Best groomed and equipped team In third class P Ferguson Best groomed and equipped team in fourth class Best and equipped team in fifth class Godson Best groomed and equipped team in sixth class Leslie Lczge The judges were John Morgan Willowdak Simpson Ronnie of- To ronto George Smith of Whitchurch Mark of King paying big prices for Hats end Furnishings when you can buy New and Stylish Goods fur less money Ours is all New and Date Stock Bought for Cash in the best markets Our prices in Clothing will be found less than merchant tailors prices Another official suspended Mr A chief engineer at the Buildings and Inspector of Provincial boilers a is no small thing in his favor that the farmer never has to sell his produce- or trie or booUaccodns or dun or sue He just ex pects and gets all he has to sell while the merchant has to charge things aid carry a credit often M much as The Tomb I THOMPSON- At on Sept of Vila Viola wife of Jacob Thompson and sisterinlaw Mr Jesse Thompson of Newmarket aged 34 years HILL At her home in the Tp of Whitchurch Mrs Mary Hill relict the late Alexander Hill and mother of the Rev Hill of Toronto Sunday morning Nov 2nd at the age of fiO years HOKSLKY At White Hose Monday Nov 3rd after a illness Hannah wife of the kite Richard years months 22 days Deceased was a sister of Mr Win Brown and also Mrs of his Town Funeral took place yester day to Newmarket Cemetery OUR PLATFORM deliver pit to your or at a priced call the Office ee u Ho K Man golden opportunities a 11 cause a lifetime d sorrow Dont slow op even if things look as if ye was to win easy There aint nobody thats all bad there aint nobody thats all goodneJler a woman thats liked by other women and a Ive some folks to get well they didnt like the taste the that tfcey had to dont make no bow you tell a hoy hes got to afore hell quit apples Borne folk gt over the ways ye kin on It thei when quiet tleyre la mischief are active in the Chinese provinces of and A British coaling station has been established oh Island in the western Pacific election returns the republicans a majority of twen tyfive In the House of Botha and and exPrudent were when the House of Cowmen voted to aid the Trans vaal and lTlca THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House IB FURNITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices During the week of the Fair Bedroom worth or Bedroom Suits with Bevel Mirror M Worth fox Bedroom Suites with 20x24 Bevel Mirror worth for 1360 Golden Oak Suite 20x24 Bevel Mirror worth for Parlor Suite coveting worth for Parlor Suite silk plush worth 4200 for Parlor tapewtry and worth 8500 for Parlor Suite for KtiM Golden Elm Sideboard with Minor worth 97fi for Ash Sideboard large Bevel Mirror worth 1871 for A calls attended to at John phone in and 9 Children for CASTOR I A Out Suits and 700 and with those that all others are asking mora for and you will appreciate what we are selling you ompare Our Boys Suits and Overcoats at and those you have been shown elsewhere at those prices and we believe you will buy here ome and Compare Our line of Mens at per pair up and cur Boys at and with others shown you and we are Bare you will Bay what we advertise is correct Come and Compare Our Splendid Line of Mens Hats Gaps Shirts Ties Col lars and Gloves with anything shown you and you will say our styles are uptodate and prices the lowest named by any fi class house in the country COME AND COMPARE Our Stock of Mens and Boys Boots and Rubbers with others you for more money and we do not fear the result FECIALS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR Bag for Malt Food pkge for lbs Currants for WANTB AT BAGS POTATOES SIGN OF THE BIG HAND BROS The At on Oct the wtle of J A a daughter SHAW At on Nov let to Mr and Mrs Feed Shaw a daughter In East on Nov 2nd to Mr and Mrs Gra ham a son The At St Johns churchy Newmarket on Nov by Father Whitney Mr John of Michigan to Miss Mary of Brad ford the home of the brides mother on Nov 1st by Rev J Tlbb assisted by Rev A of Newmarket Mr Forbes of late master of Newmarket High School to Mies Deborah Ward Toronto on Wednesday Oct at the residence of the brides father by Rev Job Young assisted by Rev J Simpson of Queens vllle Mr Root Henry Everest of Toronto to Oliv ia Rebecca daughter of Mr late of Newmarket the Hotel Aurora on Oct by Rev Amos Mary Smith to Henry both of Aurora the Presby terian church MusVoka Nov 2nd by Rev hi Robertson Glare of Robert J Brown of Chatham formerly of fwHnrwEtl FOR FALL TRADE Friendship by Hugh Black A Mans Value to Society I The Investment of Influence 1 Great as Life Teachers 1 Kingship of BeltControl The Majesty of Calmness TABLE TENNIS WE HAVE IT 25o UP TO TROPOLITAN FASHIONS w Ask for Fashion Sheet Groceries Provisions Fruit CRANBERRIES QUINCE GRAPES NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS New Dates Maple Syrup POPULAR BREAKFAST FOODS ALL BAG E Wagon Loads at a Special Price by the dozen PLAIN CHRISTY BISCUITS MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Cartful TELEPHONE and Prompt Attention A Famous Fresh Pork Sausage Fresh Bulk Oysters WN