P1V4 Total tries EWMARKET BRANCH Business General interest Allowed on Deposits drafts issuEr raaw Collection Simpson tad Good Celltcted BUM Millards ftQd ft Ellis Adelaide St Toronto Estimate toe ail ill Private at if IK i Regular meeting Holiday even- Temperance for the Old Country Office Specialty Company hare been or der for the office fittings for the new Canadian offices at Whitehall Lomion- Fell pair of It The record attendance of young men and women at the Central Dullness College Toronto this terra indicates the worth of this school The new catalogue is said to be the finest Issued in Canada Our read ers are invited to write for it See Adv in this issue is A person described as being rather tall of somewhat sandy complexion is reported to have called at Oak Hall during the past month and col lected for the- North York Society funds No such has been authorized by the Society to collect- Who is the fraud iBsrrzRoy MARRIAGE LICENSES uv DESIGNS Monuments and Head Stones- Saturday last was a wet morning but for ail that there was a large crowd in Town The demand for houses to rent in Town continues autunm foliage is now in its varied tints or crhnson and Last Sunday morning while assist ing to get breakfast ready Miss Ethel eldest daughter of the parson accidentally teapot off the kitchen stove and scalded her foot so badly that the skin all peeled off when her mother removed her stocking Med ical aid was sent for and she is do- iojc nicely hut it may be several weeks before she will be able to be again Flour and Feed family A 8 BROS Are finer uA than ever a4 new caxda Jit Studio Corner Main and streU a a Jv- AW 10 tab or la WJtAy fl5 for tAt A rit ftts salary of with J tot of the Perfect atmospheric conditions on Thanksgiving enabled M who desired to witness the eclipse 1 the moon with satisfaction It pre sented a most example of the conflict of light and shadow At the middle of the eclipse old assum ed various tints and the light was reduced as to make the night quite dart ft was the most per fect eclipse seen for years The Hunting The hunting season will be and prospective gamehunters should remember that in shipping home their booty each be addressed with a leather se curely fastened on by wire The ad dress should be shown on one and number of the coupon on the other All boxes or parcels in which game packed for shipping must be bo constructed as to shew contents and name and address of owner 1 Union Service The union Thanksgiving Service in the Methodist Church on Thanksgiv ing morning was only attended by a sprinkling from each denomination represented Rev It J I Fall is pre sided and Mr Carl Lloyd organist led in Prayer Rev Cornell preached an excel lent based on the verse of the Psalm lie said is natural to the and while the pines the birds and the waves give forth a constant flow of praise it is but right that a living God should have praise from a liv ing The average length of mans age is only years and but people in IOC live to see The of our land coupled with the our Sovereign to health and the continued prosperity our country with its recent boun tiful harvest are causes of gra titude- The Nor produces twentytwo bushels more wheat than and not more oneeighth of the land is under cultivation Rev J- A peace the unification of the setting aside of the first Coronation arrangements that the King of Kings might have proper consideration also the perils of a military spirit and bow that is antagonistic to religion We have cause for thankfulness that the great coal practic ally over and yet the trouble may le there The social problem la the great problem of the age and If without It roust he through Wit church Will sne rise to the occasion Worry and uneasiness of faith In hod work Is lite Hew times de mand new Struggles make us strong and give charact er and if true la within there will be and advance ment atfdrex very The only continued about an hour and enjoyed by all ft is to be regretted that more were not out the winnera continued from fast LADIES Ten ex hibitor wilf require to purchase a ticket soiled or tie faced by wear not eligible for cofbitltloii lig Cabin Mrs Kerr 2nd Mrs Quiit patchwork cotton ifrs Kerr Quilt any other kind Mrs J- 2nd Mrs Kemp Hand Knitting wool coarse- Mrs J Mrs Kerr aland Kemp Mrs Young Hand Knitting mitts coarse Mrs Kerr 2nd Mrs Band wool Una Silver 2nd Mrs Knitting Hand Knitting fancy cotton lace Mrs J FooU di C Kemp 2nd any kind a bald and tira Kerr Work in wooV Mrs- Kerr Sod 01 Kojnp Crochet Work In Mrs and Of C Kemp Clumber Robe or Bennett 2nd Miss Mar Station Croohet Mary Stat ton and Mrs- Crochet Counterpane cotton Mrs D Silver 2nd J Set Table Linen Mrs Kerr Novelties new and Kerr 2nd Kay 2nd Station Frame 2nd Mrs Embroidery on white J Sofa Pillow Mrs H Kemp2nd Mis uslft lotto five ftalbraltli 2nd Mies Annie Summer- Toilet Set any kindMrs Keiop Krr Drawn Work Kmp2inJ Mrs Kerr Mats any kindMrs Kemp aid Work Mrs Sheppard Mrs Kerr Mrs Kemp and Mra Kerr Coaey Mra Kemp 2nd J Centre linen Mrs Cross 2nd Ml r Kerr Fancy Drawing Roomr Cover Kemp 2nd Mrs Kerr Dace J 2nd Mrs Jivwpj Mrs- Kerr 2nd Mrs Kfcmp Ladles Apron made Mrs Kerr 2nd Mra Young Fancy Pin J- 2nd Mrs Kemp HandkerchtofCasiirs J litftier 2nd plain hand made Mm 2nd Mrs Under clot hi Kerr 2nd Mrs Kemp Sewing Ladles 2nd Mrs Sv coUom hand made Irsu cotton bkaclilne Mrs Youny Mrs I Trimmed Pinafore Mrs Ego Mrs flannel made Mra Kemp Kerr- Ureas or Bonnet Mrs W Worked Parlor It Panel kind Mra S anji material a Kemp 2nd Painting In oilMrs J Fie Kemp painting water colors 2nd fl Kemp on cardboard Mrs 0 2nd Kerr J Mrs Work At J Gat- Hi Kemp 2nd Kemp 2nd Pillow ny kind Kerr 2nd SootS or KitttiiE3 i fiarrion ass4 fitnii Mkemr 2nd Ctfjcflirfi Work Kemp BWl5mssTB4p- Home Kemp 2nd Mies 2nd Miss r 2nd Graham BABY Special SpeciaV for Best Baby under one year 1st Tea 2nd lbs Blue Label Tea 3rd 5 ib Crimson- Label by Bed Rose Tea Co Toronto took- place at oolocfa In the erf da 1st Geo Newton JOSHUA CALEB- 5 Josh W5 Oct r gr2rV Tragedy- I Here is the New York Journals re port of a drinkcaused incident of shocking brutality that occurred on Sunday September the drunkn type of man immortalized by Dickens has been outdone in brutality by a living New Yorker The Journal says Michael makes belief in possession by the devil seem reason able loved a woman well enough to marry her and three children called him father Yet this husband two years ago possessed by a devil kicked his wiles eye out This fathor possessed by a devil went home Sunday afternoon His oh Id en without food had vainly waited his coming with his wages on Saturday His little eightyearold daughter when he appeared cried that she was hungry Possessed by a devil poured out a tumblerful of whiskey and commandd the child to drink it under the threat of a heating The mother overcoming terror for her self protested Then the husband by a devil felled his laying open her scalp and over to where she lay kicked her into unconsciousness and total blindness for his boot de stroyed her remaining eye Neighbors clamored to lynch the brute hut he was safely lodged in jail When he came to his senses he exclaimed My God see what drink will do A leading New York Newspaper is heading a Crusade to at least life imprisonment for While Leddys lay bleeding and Winded and moaning on the four in their wretched little home forced his child to drink a great glass of whiskey In a few moments the child was insensible wholly followed the Lord LNTttODUCTION In all the Hebrew nation there are only two old men two who were of age when tfaey left Egypt Joshua the leader and Caleb the hero of this lesson And the one now gives to the other the Very city which years ago they two had with the other ten spies when they two alone believed in the power of Jehovah to give it to Israel It is a noble illustration of human rec titude and of divine faithfulness PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Confidence is transformed into faith when it rests not on ones self but on invisible God To discourage another person is an responsibility for any one to take The faint hearted spies little knew the full measure of Influ- when they made the heart of the people melt Entire devotion destroys fear and patience and industry Entire devotion keeps a man young and strong Let us seek to follow the Lord ful ly keep mind his provisions of mercy and his pledges concerning our inheritance Millions perish in the wilderness two enter Canaan two wholly followed the Lord Many a young missionary turns away from the comfortable life be might lead at home that he may pi where the need is greatest and he fight is hottest and so render to his Master the greatest possible ser vice Deafness Cannot be Cared by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lin ing of tbe Tube When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is entirely closed is the result and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con- hearing will be destroyed for ever nine cases out of ten are caus ed by which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send Tor cir culars free J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pills are the best fi I 1 l est Designs y HARDWARE IN ALL LINKS VX GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE l Out Flower a uuet dru of Alroo Of West latt of 2nd ttonnett CHlliDItKSE WORK entered Kemp thrc 2nd Kbtmt AtUn Work A- HUM A- Value Any person who thinks he is not getting a dollars with the Family and Weekly Star of Montreal would be hard to Their two pictures Purity and Alone are gems As to which of the two will prove the most popular It would he difficult to decide Purity will certainly have a large support from an point of view and it deserves it His a style of Art most popular In Europe and America today Hut the other picture that will hold the attention all observer Pleasing and sad at same one cannot forget It A record- breaking business is predicted for the Family Herald this season Joseph Campbell of was accidentally shot wWIe hunting near Man The citizens of Midland paid for sinking a well to see If there wai oil In that section They got the Information but nothing more King gave a banquet at Buckingham palace to Lord Kitchen er prior his departure to take command of the forces In India Noah Grose formerly pro prietor of the Clarkson He use and late of Owen Bound has purchased the license and good will of the Harare House and took posses sion recently On December we must poll voles to bring Ontario liquor Act into operation quor party cannot approach that vot We can be defeated only tcrmxrance voters who stay away from the Do not vote for rum by failing to vote The Province of Ontario last year had four thousand convictions for drunkenness an Increase of one hun dred over the number reported for and one thousand Ave hundred and thirtyfive mere than the num ber for five years ago We nerd a change In our liquor laws One day recently two one of which belonged to Mr Ambrose and the other to Mr Vcsty Barry got into a field of root- on the farm of John In a fit anger Mot an took Ibla rifle and both colts dead I He paid for the animals passenger train was held up by near Lincoln Neb on Saturday and stolen from the express car TO CUBE A COLD Take Laxative Quinine lets All druggists refund tbe money if it fails to cure signature Is on each box The fldvieei Came to The or one of the promi nent railway corporations Ameri ca was making a stirring address to an audience of young men and dwelt with particular emphasis on the ne cessity of making a good appeafanciv When you are looking for work he said be careful that you aro presentable If you have only in the world spend twenty for a suit of clothes three and a half for a pair of shoes fifty cents for hair cut and a shave Then up to the job wherever it is and ask for it like a man This advice was greeted with great applause and the railway pres ident sat down amid a storm of cheers The very next morning a dapper- looking fellow walked Into the outer office of the and handing a note to the clerk said Please ibis to the President And the note read as follows I have paid twenty dollars for this suit of clothes three dollars and a half for a pair of shoes and fifty cents lor a hair cut and a shave I have walked from and I would like a Job as conductor on your road He got the job A young man known as Dec Griffith was almost instantly shot from a revolver in the hand of a jealous Italian at Ste Marie Cfeit C- Child cried for CtorU he clan to CmMrenshe e J At any time to have a cough or heavy cold but if you contract a cough at this season of the year it is very dangerous as it is liable to hang on throughout the entire winter and perhaps develop into some of the mors serious Lung Troubles We have an excellent COUGH MIXTURE made from our own formula and contains such valuable remedies as Wild Cherry Sassafras Bark Blood Root and Balsam of Tar It is nicely flavored with agreeable and quite pleasant to take It will help to throw a cough or a cold in a short time TRY A fioTTLE 25 CENTS CO tfaln St Next door to Post Office t t I J IN X ALL THE LEADING SHADES AT THB- The Best Bulk Teas In Town TRY THEM Young Ai to iOc per lb A Japan Tea per Ludella Tea in lb and lib packages a to Tr our English Breakfast lb tins and at lowest prices Vinegar at Gal Orescent Tomato Catsup Force Vita Grape and Wheat Food He pkg and Comfort Soap bar Do not forget our Is therefore always Goods Prompt W LYONS pi I lottery Wholosale As Retail DAVISONS OLD STAKED