ryiyy ijij i J i A5 Mil from Great difficulty ins the cad wonder impairs the end pollute the itch and To I I i ii J rtSE Whats the matter with that bid CoJ ever expect to do business they ought to be It DOW The on Thanksgibing morning that the coal strike was at tan end was the greatest caused for mm from Ad Ice- miners ec con wsj 111 for month thanksgiving The r try It I all to It has to From the Winnipeg Man The readers of have long been familiar with the of Pink Pi II thru the well authenticated Cures published in these columns each week Many of Mas r 1 and I iatarrht soothes and en the membrane ftcd the whole LEGAL J Public Street Public etc Court or- be it ficc Herbert aturdmy Co Hacker ftcd to Loin our readers are also able to vouch for cures which under their It- is given out the Parliament This week a Provincial auditor of its readers Mr a prosperous farmer living at which he gives experience the hope that it may other suHerers Mr says Some years ago I was so greatly from rheumatism my I was for a fciraeim- to do any work in many ways to obtain a cure both by patent medicines iud medicine scribed by doctors but without Ob taining any benefit I Pink Pills in the as being a cure litis A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House J A has been called to look into counts of the Town of St Marys of Township in County J At a meeting of the Ontario Cab inet last week an extra appropriated to continue wt on colonization roads in the district This has been declared necessary to meet the demand occa sioned by reason of the increase oi settlers moving into the district There are always some people to go into advertising schemes in Almanacs Calendars- Directories etc but they never think of spend ing a few dollars in newspaper ad vertising which according to the ex perience of most- successful mer chants gives the largest return for tbe money expended The announcement is made that the PostmasterGeneral and Minister of Customs of Canada concluded an agreement with the authorities of Great Britain whereby the duty as postage on parcels sent through the mails from the old country into this Dominion may be prepaid The Curator of the Canadian sec tion the imperial Institute Lon don writes the Manufacturers As sociation strongly urging Canadian manufacturers to make exhibits at the Agricultural Hall London where a succession of exhibitions lasting each two weeks and being devoted to me particular branch of Indus try is held during the whole year commencing oh Dec the be issued early month- From all we can learn the Returning Officers who of ficiated at the late Provincial elec tions will be appointed to act at the prohibition contest Voting place on the of December next to the visiting On Hon is to an SARGENT At life on Sat urday Oct and Mrs J Sargent son l remove the and act quickly You will feel like tak- AURORA Current report in military circles has It that the experiment this year of confining the annual militia camps to only the officers an the commissioned officers of rural corps instead of calling out the regiments the various districts has worked well It is also reported that the Commander of- the Canadian forces approves the plan adopted this year and will probably recommend its continuance Fir od tf oat to the Pa Town Property Shop GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE i- a ft A press despatch from Ottawa dated Oct states that at a meet ing of the Dominion Cabinet it was decided that tbe privilege of free transportation of coal on Inter colonial granted to the municipal ities which sell at cost should con tinue in force till November The request of Ottawa dealers that also have the same privilege was not granted the dealers would not agree to sell at cost The Department o Public Works for Ontario has been notified that the new railway connecting Falls and in Parry Sound has been The has also been out that the plans of the new extension of the Bruce Mines and Rail way Bruce Mines to the shore of Lake Huron two have been received This will give a wa ter outlet for copper ore of that mineral region Both these lines were recently subsidized Leg islature trouble and determined to it a trial I bought a dozen bores and before half of them were I felt a change for the better im provement continued from May to day and before I iad all the pills I was completely cored Since that time I have had an attack of this After this the pills in several cases and no ether medicine has been so Irene- to me I feel it my to publicly give testimony to the merits this wonderful medicine so ethers similarly afflicted may he ted it If you are weak or ailing if your nerves are tired and jaded or your blood is out of condition will he wiso to use Dr Williams Pink Pills which are an unfailing cure for all blood and nerve troubles But be sure you gee line with the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pae People on the wrapper around every box Sold by all Medicine dealers or sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by writing dire to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Over in York State the first chest nuts of the season arc- reported as finding their way into the market Dealers are paying 15c jer quart for them the price by the bushel has not yet been Reports are to the the crop this year will bo plentiful the nuts being very large and of an excellent quality Hickory black walnut and butter nuts are also reported to he M throughout the mountainous arid western portions of the State A Winnipeg despatch says the price of wheat on the Canadian side the boundary continues to be a shade higher than on the American From Oct I to Oct both inclu sive bushels of wheat were marketed at telegraph stations on the Canadian Pacific as compared with bushels during the same period last year Ten per cent may be added to this total to represent the marketing at flag sta tions The Ontario Government is consid ering the need for further control over the construction of electric rail ways Ho says the Globe of Satur day We are glad to hear in per haps the Government wont be so readily hypnotized by the prompters and managers of these lines as the local municipal councils Promises dont seem to count with promoters black and white bargains are a necessity if public rights are to be safeguarded J a shift a a Aim Here a tribute to Sir Wilfrid from an Con servative the which may give the lead er in the Federal a hard thinking The of Sir Wilfrid Lauders position in England displayed his strength and concealed his weakness The elo quence and personality of Sir were brilliantly useful to Canada other man in the public life of the country could have done better and it is a ques tion whether Canada hag another politician in could have done as well IF We would like to col umns of your if there ia any person who has used Greens August Flower for cure dyspepsia liver not been we also results of coo- jjyOsjs dyspepsia ieeis in fact any trouble connected wth the stomach or liver This has been sold tor many yeije in all civilized countries and we wish to correspond you you one of our books free cost It you have never tried Flower try one first We have never known its failing something more serious is the matter with you Ask your oldest druggist GREEN Woodbury NJ A press despatch from Quebec dated Oct says arrival of Sir Wilfrid was attended by one of the grandest demonstrations ever extended to a Canadian states man by the people of Quebec irre spective of r arty politics as a mark of personal esteem as well as in hon or of his return from his participa tion in the Kings Coronation His subsequent arrival at Mont real the day was marked by a grand ovation also at Ottawa Quebec was decorated by a blaze of electric lights The story about trie Prem iers health giving way published in the daily press a few days before his arrival is largely imagination given to you in Vocal and instrumental music and beautiful pictures this year a sheet of Music Art Study every number of Literature Art and Music the popular monthly magazine ten cents a one dollar a year Be sure to obtain the magazine from the newsdealer or send ten cents for sample copy to publisher Literature Art and Music East St New York Thanksgiving number with Art Study General and Special Agents Atten tion in prizes to be besides big commissions We want you in every state town and county Write for particulars Anyone can earn money easily by be coming cur agent Try it Our associations close up seasons business this week and it satisfactory will- form for another year We certainly have had prime beef this summer was pleased with the business he did fair day that next day he bought the used at concert from Mr a fine toned in strument and makes a nice birthday present Mr and Mrs P Montgomery re turned last Thursday from- wedding trip and the boys were on hand in evening with a serenade Rev of Ore no gave a instructive address at the Bible So ciety meeting Friday evening and splendid sermons Sunday in the Presbyterian church and trie MethodistI church in the evening All were delighted with his sermons As Mr Horner was some empty barrels on Monday last his took fright and ran away It ran thru the village at full speed the barrels flying about as if to urge the animal on It ran to the top of the hill on the con Livingstone stopped it without any serious damage being done The annual Fair of Scott Township was held last Wednesday at Zephyr The weather was fine and a targe crowd turned out The entries in the stock classes were ahead of last year hut there was a falling off in the hall exhibits In the evening a concert was held in the hall by the society Mr Lloyd of Toronto was the entertainer of the evening His songs were new and fun- ny The songs by Miss Gould of were exceptionally good as were the recitations Miss Mary Gould The attendance was not as large as it have been had it not rained Much credit of the suc cess of the fair is due to the hust ling president and secretary Messrs Geo Lapp and Harrison A football match in park hare last- Saturday afternoon between the High School team here and the Model School Bradford At the close of tb match the to la fayor of Aurora The heme of Mr and Nelson in this was the scene ot unusual activity on Saturday even ing last rccasion being the anniversary of Mr and Mrs Nelsons marriage About eighty friends and relatives from parts of the country assembled here- Mr William of the 2nd concession of King met with a accident Tuesday morning He was driving into town with his team and while coming along Wellington St west the tongue of the wagon -drop- down and the wagon ran against the horses causing them to run away Mr was thrown out of tbe Wagon and pretty badly shaken up The horses broke loose from the wa gon and running east on Wellington St came into collision a tele phone pole in front of Mr jewelry shop Both horses were pretty badly cut and bruised ooa i i j ft- In Round trip tickets will be issued from stations in Canada and at Ftffti At a fire in Albany a fire man and a watchman were killed and several firemen injured American CohtlrientWrio Brands of MaltBrearfast Food In Their Homes Valid returning until Dec or earlier from Lake points if closes before Dec to THE HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO THE SPORTSMANS PARADISE Lakes Lake of Bays Magnetewan River Lake Nip Severn to North Bay incite sive Lindsay to conk Parry Sound DEER HUNTING Open season Nov 1st to Prospects for equally as good as last season MOOSE A Open season Nov 1st to 15th and in some districts Oct to Nov Cards showing abstract Game Laws illustrated Folders and all information from Agents A McCLELLAN Newmarket M 0 a a 4 S3 a M n 4 Vt t m a dW 1 It Ik stated semiofficially at the Parliament Buildings that the On- ta granted the application of Senator K W Backus and others to develop a water power on the Rainy River at Fort Frances which is on the bound ary separating Ontario from Minne sota One half of power gener ated absolutely reserved- for Can adian use horse power is to be reserved for municipal in town of Fort Frances and the for The company which has not yet been floated is to pay annual rent al to the Province of Ontario arid the rates are to be subjwt to approval A press despatch Ottawa states that tle and Dominion police are both working on ths of of and nominations which have float ing around Ottawa this summer and fall Col A P Sherwood of the police has several of notes are done in pen and ink and while tfttt Cleverly done will only bear cursor The onedollar Mils are pasted that is five one- dollar bills are cut Into five pieces each and parted to gether bo as to make six one dollar Mils This is an old trick and only an expert could detect the shortage 14 length The fascination of gambling is all the same only changed In the degree and sometimes touches even those who are expected to be public guard- It presents tr Iking contrasts sometimes in the neighboring Last weeks Michigan papers ptale that Messenger tori ft Judge of Probate Horn er Cutler County Treasurer and of aid win Mich are under arrest on a charge of running a lottery to boom village lots THE Most Use It To SaccVskfnl Reports received by Mr Creel man Fairs indicate that the fakir lias been a prominent fea ture at a number of fairs this fall It is now said that the Legislature will take a hand and clean out the whole gambling and under the guise of needing in the ring The Model Fair at Whitby was carried through illus trate what he done with the undesirable element suppressed and ft hoped a large number of fair boards will follow the next One feature of the Wliitby Fair the experimental riots Know ing graKStH etc wilt l r laced within the reach of every fair The of Agricul ture will supply the varieties seed and the cost of sowing and earing the plants Ik of the other features will also lie avail able The annual harvest services will be held in Christ Church on Sunday Oct Workmen will at once operations at putting a plate- glass front in M nets gen eral store regular annual church of the will take place on Sunday Oct to the Pres byterian church where- a sermon will be preached by Rev J Wilson A banquet in honor of Mr Byrne of the Standard Bank who is to Toronto was held on the evening of Tuesday at the Mansion House Atxiut sat down to a Very fine spread which was followed by a toast list with Dr I as chairman About seven Monday morn ing the fire bell made two or three spasmodic efforts to give an alarm when the rope broke and the bell ceased ringing The alarm was for a fire at trie residence of Miss just by the side of tho fire hall caused by a defective chim ney Luckily the quickly on the spot and the blazing roof was soon extinguished before very much damage was done The high class concert to be held in the mammoth Hall on Nov ftth will lie a grand treat Amongst the artistes will be Miss Alice Field- leading soprano in the Slier- lock concert company Miss 1 1 attic Morse Hamburger Elocutionist Boston Mr J M Sherlock lead ing Tenor in Canada Mr Goo the great Mandolin Banjo and Guitar soloist Also Mr Blight Torontos favorite Baritone The the county of York will hold their annual conven tion in Stoulivillo on Wednesday and Thursday Oct The day session with Mrs Cane Newmarket chair be in Methodist church and will ho and addresses Howard K James of San Francis co Secretary of the California Re tail Grocers and Merchants Associ ation writes as follows about the delicious and healthful Malt Break- fast Food The truest things in the advertise of Malt Breakfast Food is that the manufacturers start the goods and the quality does the rest Little children who tire of every thing in the cereal line will take up this food and cling to it with no de sire for a change much longer than they will any other food ft is a fact that my own young ster who has passed by everything that I have been able to find In the market after a few days has put the seal of his approval on Malt Break fast Food to the extent of insisting upon having it three times per day and this condition has existed for over six weeks tin I question if a day has gone by with out bis having it for Breakfast for Lunch and Supper For the old folks I believe that Malt Breakfast Food Is the most thingon the market today for weary or tired stomachs and for that jaded feeling that occasionally is ours Breakfast time ft GENERAL Builder Contractor m now in a position to takeco for all Mason Work Esiniats Given at Short and guaranteed AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS ROOFS Intending will do well to St Boar w OR AT TIME for a Term in any of our splendid TORONTO AT THE KRA Children Cry for CASTOR J A In the autumn and winter the beat and trtoat Buootaftlut butter- makers In Canada use Rich ardson Improved Butter Col or in order to give to butter that lovely and delicate June tint tbat Is so much admired by lovers of table butter Wells Richardson Improved Butter Color today almost the only bind that is used In the and of Canada are colors sold and sometimes for Improved Butter Col or but wise and experienced butter- makers avoid tbtffl knowing they not When are buying butter color Insist getting the best the eat and the economical Your neighbors and friends will tell you that Wells Richardson Im proved Hotter Color boot All druggists and dealers Car Odessa Oct Circassian brig ands have held up a train near vanny on the Northern Caucasus They stabbed Co death the Conductor and Prince was sleeping In a car and robbed all tho passengers The engine driver and the stoker were rendered helpless by being confronted with revolvers in the hands of merchants will close their stores Monday Wednesday and Friday nights at oclock from now until April next The brewers distillers and liquor importers would not fight the Liquor Act if that Act was not likely to lessen the liquor business It ought to be steadily borne In mind that the traffic produced nothing of value It cannot con tribute to national provincial or revenue without taking from the people the money which it professes to rive if The fcrratf A the wt erf Kindt to It It to it kirn to off food a Twelve teachers One Hun- Typewriting Machines Twentyfive Tjelegraph In struments Premises Twentysix Rooms all indicate J something of our standing the largest best and most modern Rusiness Training School in the Dominion Write for our New Catalogue Address Principal WANTED are an ideal of SO Cents i A Montreal Buyer Will be at the following to buy ALL KINDS OF HORSES From to years old Queens Aurora Friday Eagle Hotel Saturday October Hotel Sutton till oclock Monday October Kings Hotel Monday afternoon October Hotel Albert Tuesday 28th Hotel Village Wednesday Mansion House Thursday October St Georges till oclock Friday October Hotel Bond Head after oclock Friday Eagle Hotel Saturday November 1st All Horses must lie Sound and in Good Condition Kindt Of REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED I your Machine Far Machinery Mower or breaks down it En and tot it fixed A THOMPSON Practical Mwhtnt- Pfow9 YEARS fitXPflRlEHCfl TWADt fcjwr tor Scientific Of any Jo Bold