Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 24 Oct 1902, p. 2

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Farm For Sale or To Rent West half lot In Concession King Old Survey For nlari address School Or J Toronto give Up I ftsi Each All Printing it Horns ion Pit Oat HE WANTED TO BE BOSS Oar Society Column to it THE BEST LADIES IN CANADA THEM EPS vy i tittle short horns From Lot No in tie Con of North on or about Hay 1st ttrtfrfW tiff viz Light Steer one ear a shorter than the other some white Light Red Heifer horns some- white on the lace 1 Dark Red Heifer a little piece broken ft one horn Any information leading to their recovery will be suitably rewarded mi Referring to the attitude of Hon J on the Tariff- Ques tion through these columns a- few weeks took the position that in advocating or- protection he was mis representing the Administ ration of which he was a Minister or the policy on which the had was borne Irom Pickering Collet for Foster and daughter were visiting heir son in last week and Mrs Kncwles and daugh ter left lot California again on Mem- day- Walter Jackson was home from Varsity for Thanksgiving holi days v Mrs Cody is In the city this week to have an operation performed on eye Mrs A has gone to to visit parents for a couple of weeks Miss- A Toronto attained to power as embodied in the platform adopted by the Ottawa with sister Mrs A West Mr Cole of Toronto was visiting hereby given that a Court will held pursuant to the Ontario Voters Act by His Honor Judge of County Court of the County of York at the Council Chamber Newmarket on Thursday day of Nov at pm to hear and determine the several com plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters List of of Town of Newmarket for Ail persons having business at the Court ate required to attend at the time and place DAVID LLOYD Clerk of said Municipality Dated Oct North York License District Notice is hereby given that appli cation has made the License Board of above District by David for a grant of Tavern Li- for the premises known as Oak Ridges Hotel in the Township of Whitchurch and that the said appli cation will be considered by Board on tbe of November at pm at the Inspectors Office Sha ron Any petition against the grant ing of said License must be to the Inspector four days pre vious to the said meeting A J HUGHES License Inspector Sharon Oct Liberal convention favoring a train for revenue only but framed Inci dentally along protective lines On that occasion we also expressed the thought that if Mr did not hold views respecting the tariff in harmony with the Premier and bis colleagues in all fairness he ought either to hold bis opinions is abey ance or step and out He did not to do either but im mediately on tbe return of Sir Wil frid Mr Tarte was plainly that he had been disloyal to his colleagues and that his room was better than his company at coun cil meetings the Cabinet In the Premiers letter to Mr Tarte ac cepting his resignation Sir Wilfrid tells If you had not been able to obtain from your colleagues their assent to the new course which you recommended you would have been obliged then to choose either to accept views or to sever your connection with them and then for the first time you would have been free to place your views before the public Such was the very course which was binding upon you but to re main a member of the Govern ment- and at the same time to ad vocate a policy which had not yet been adopted by the was an impediment to the proper working of our constitutional syatvm and implies a disregard for that loyalty which all those who are members of the same ad ministration owe to each other and have a fight to expect from each other AUCTION SALE IFAPROVED FARM I bis friend Mr Robertson over Thanksgiving Mr Geo Davison has secured a position in with tbe firm Sons Mrs J P Belfry spent over Sunday in Newmarket the guest of Mrs Master Walter Hunter of Tortnto spent Thanksgiving holidays with his cousin Master Carl Mr J- Bridie got back the Canadian on Wednesday af ter being away all summer Mrs Stoddard sister of Mrs St has been visiting here for the past two weeks Mr and Mrs A were the guests of Mr and Mrs J of during the fair Mrs E Cane Co of trh T left for on Wednesday to attend the County Con vention Mrs and Mrs Campbell of spent Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs Smith Queen St Mr and Mrs Andrew Wright little Donald of Toronto spent Thanksgiving Day with his cousin the Editor Mr got back from Minnesota on the early Sunday morning train after an absence of couple of months Mr Forbes of late science master in Newmarket High School was calling on friends Town last Friday Mr Tim Wesley- son of Mr Jos Wesley dropped oft here for Thanks giving on his way from to the University at Toronto Mrs Andrew Hunter of To- Mr seems to have thought Mr he could Much up towards the pro- KE taction notions- of manufacturer I t- Miss of Toronto- was hi visiting in Town during the J W Riving holidays Town one day last week to his expulsion from Adminis- There will be or sale previously disposed of pri vate sale at THE FORSYTH HOUSE on Saturday the At oclock A Auctioneer The farm lately occupied by J containing more or and known as the East half of Lot in the 3rd Concession of the Township of King except in acres the South corner of said lot The soil is a clay and loam about acres are under cultivation and free from stumps about 25 are in bush on which are said to be from to worth Of wood about acres are In slash or hush pasture Tliere ia a good orchard Upon the farm are Dwelling house roughcast erne and a half stories and with Frame it and abed with loft and stable property la about miles from Newmarket and mile from Aurora Terms and Conditions of Sale The purchaser will be required to pay to the his Solicitor or Agent at the Mint of sale a deposit to ted per of the pur- chase money ami the balance within days or at the purchasers op tion half of the purchase money may remain on mortgage with Inter- est at per cent The property will be sold subject to a reserve The other condition may be made known at time of For further particulars apply to Auctioneer or- to f A or Hi Toronto Vfdcci Toronto Oct House Tor A with all la Fur- tsA otter further to Mm fit ration He measured bis own celtimportance at a higher stand ard than his colleagues did counting probably on the past kindness of his leader to save him The tory too had tickled his vanity as the coming successor of Sir Wilfrid was reported to be in ill health Meanwhile bis late chief after four months absence from the country resumes bis duties as the Prime Min ister of Dominion with im proved health and enjoying the confidence of the Federal Parliament and the great Liberal party of Can ada A- number of people at tended Bradford Fair this and report the usual The wea ther was bad on Wednesday which somewhat spoiled the attendance Dr took 2nd en bis driver and Mr Fred won 1st as rider and 2nd oh horse The Concert was a great successhall packed Pub Instead ot the Lecture by Prof Mavor on Friday evening Nov the Public Library Board have se cured the services of Mr Gilbert A Smith of Toronto to describe the wonders of ages as revealed by science One hundred magnificent lime light views of var ious parts of the will be exhibited including views of extinct animals feet in length compared with which the of the pres ent age Is tut a pigmy It will be novel Interesting and entertainment ever given in Newmarket for particulars next week and keep your eye on the date ft ha decided not to extend the fishery season this year has been given out Ontario Department has been fied by Dominion authorities that of the fishtrmtn to have the tenth and trout treason extended for two weeks be yond October as a for bid and other ad verse conditions Earlier in the year will net be granted this fall Cattle for Sale or tyAy to ViildlAZ the drvvftr Messrs Austin and Earl of Meaford sons of the late formerly of this Town spent Thanksgiving with their aunt Mrs John Sharps Mr Bert Wiley of Toronto a former employee of the Bra Office but in the Methodist Book Room spent Thanksgiving Holidays with his aunt Mrs Alfred Rogers of Michigan of Mr Solomon Rogers who mov ed from here to Mariposa in has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past few days Col Lloyd left this morning for the north on a hunting trip All those have not yet received their Licenses for hunting from the Col can get them from Mr David Lloyd Clerk of the Town Among those tbe city who were spending Thanksgiving in New market we noticed Messrs Cecil Geo BInns Geo McDonald- Art Wilson David Kennedy Waiter Hunter Miss Gertie and Miss Klsle Thomson Owing to an important meeting of the Cabinet Council Hen J Davis at the last moment found It impossible to attend the Fair Mr Davis had made all rangermtits to attend and very much regretted his inability to be present and meet his many and vicinity Rev J and wile and Mr J A Collins who were- at tending the Quadrennial Convention of the Christian Church at Norfolk Virginia got back home last week and many kindly regards for people Americans who were delegates here four years ago It- was warm down there and Canadians felt the heat more than any time last summer Mr came back more satisfied than ever with own delightful coun try It understood that the differ ences between the County Commis sioners and the City Gas Co rela tive to the purchase of the western fifty feet of Court In Adelaide St Toronto have been ar ranged The Company Is to pay for the property and In case of the furnace going with the real estate an additional be paid We understand a special meeting of the County Council been called for Tuesday neat to con- fir the and complete ft Is said a niirchasor len for other part Of the central and sections Convocation degrees were conferred numbs rso- The Ontario I U inven tion will take place on Oct 5 and will be held in the Metropolitan church A banquet will be tendered the vis iting delegates j from the London Chamber Commerce by Cana dian Manufacturers Association on Nov SI The girl bookbinders strike has been settled by the inter of the Secretary of the Labor Bureau The sale of the Metropolitan Kail- way including the SchomberJ branch to the- Toronto Street Railway Co is now almost an fact This Friday and some of the Public School Teachers the city will an excursion to Detroit and will take part in a teachers convention While wheeling down Carlton St on Monday afternoon Oliver aged when near his home was struck by a trolley and almost instantly killed In trying to avoid a falling tree he attempted to cross the street without noticing the ap proaching trolley that ran him The National Club tendered a com plimentary banquet to Col on Monday night Miss Gladys of street while riding her wheel down street on Saturday was struck by a Southbound car and so badly injured she died on Sunday Fred Lloyd found guilty in the Sessions on Saturday evening committing an assault upon Mrs Annie was sentenced Judge to three months in the Central Prison The extension the limits northerly so as to take in the sec tion between Yonge and streets as far north as say Upper Canada College Is under considera tion Deer Park residents par ticularly far annexation and many of the Avenue Road are agreeable Mr Smith has recently donated each to the Working Boys Home and the Old Folks Home in this city also a substan tial residence and grounds situated at street to the Mission to which mis sion will be removed next month These donations speak louder than words of the deep personal interest of Mr Smith in such institutions as working for the poor of the city The general prosperity of the coun try has largely contributed in lessen ing criminals of this Province There is an average of less con victs in the Central Prison this year than heretofore and the Warden finds it difficult successfully operate the various industries carried on in the institution such as the manufacture of rope bindertwine brooms etc A large audience Miss Jes sie Alexander in Massey Hall on Thanksgiving evening Miss Jennie Rankin contralto and Percy Coward plane soloist filled up a de lightful program OUR CELEBRATED 8Ci BEAVER CLOTH EQUAL AT THE PRICE SIGH OFTHEBIG HAND We want this stores to be dependable when you read in an advertisement you can pin your faith to every statement as being honest Every advertised article as being exactly as represent We cannot to pay for space to humbug or deceive the public- Ladies ReadytoWear Skirts Jackets This week we into a very large shipment Garments repeat orders of the best selling lines of Coats and Skirts The latest New York Patterns but manufac tured in Canada and controlled exclusively by ourselves for New market Our sales thug far have been large The secret Is Our Styles Are Ercluoive and and the Fit and Workmanship ia as near Perfect as possible Skirts to Jackets to 1650 OO ft Our Stock as complete as we know how to make it the best we can buy so far as quality and value concerned and if our judgment is worth anythingyoure safe in buying here In fact safer because we insist on making good to every customer any loss in their purchase not wearing as represented INSPECTION and COMPARISON invited vvev i t fv Hunters Celebrated Victor Tea A youth named Claud Clare was killed Preston while playing on railway cars on Sunday Oct A fire broke out at midnight in the plant of the Mu cosa Sugar Refinery situated at Tay lor and the Chicago River de stroying the factory and causing the loss ft is believed of ten or twelve lives The I I St Brooklyn New York on Monday Oct to Mr and Mrs Theodore daughter THE LEADING Fnrniture Undertaking House IK UR NITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices During the week of the Fair Suites worth for Suits with Bevel Mirror worth for Bedroom Suites with 20r24 Bevel Mirror worth US for Golden OaV Suite Bevel Mirror worth for 1850 Parlor Suite pes silk covering worth for 4400 Parlor Suite silk plush worth for Parlor Suite tapestry and plush worth for Parlor Suite Velours worth for W100 Golden with Mirror worth 07 for Ash Sideboard large Bevel Mirror Worth for 1176 and A Night rails attended to at Residence John Millard Phone and 20 ago we contracted with a big Import Tea House for a large quantity of SUN DRIED JAPAN TEA at a price far below its pres ent value Its a tea that compares with most of package teas at per lb For richness and flavor it cannot be excelled We will put the lot of over lbs on sale Saturday morning at the Low Price of per bush Onions Eel ling while they last at per bush Coal Tar Soap regular price Special on Saturday to NEWMARKET ONT For Bra Heidelberg Sept Dear Parents Brothers and Sister Your last letter Aug was re ceived a few days ago and needless to say I was glad to hear that you were at well at home this also leaves the same My leg is improving some and I arn just feel ing fine ag7 I was down Town a couple of weeks ago and I Just tip ped the scales at lbs dressed in a suit of I heavier than before I had the fever The re port that you heard the Constab ulary all down at Cape Town awaiting orders to sail or home is not true arid the papers tre away ahead of time but they are allowing a good many to buy out and pay their own fare home There are on ly about Canadians left In our troop all the rest having got and there are quite a number of us waiting to go before the Principal Medical Officer and if he thinks our diseases wont enable us to do troop duty we will be discharged and sent home If we want to go The wea ther has been very fine but tne rainy season Is now coming on I have nothing of much Interest to write about bo I will close with to all at home from Will JERSEY Brigadier Lloyd and Commodore Newmarket were here on Monday putting the pleasure launch In Dry Dock The Skylark has al so been beached for the winter Tb flltP Oct at Ave by Rev J Spear Mabel Anniut to Henry of Aurora HAVE IT UP TO 175 TROPOLITAN Ask tor Fashion Sheet November Delineator Now Ready fit J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Groceries Provisions Fruit i PEACHES QUINCE GRAPES NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS PICKLING SPICE VINEGAR ALL POPULAR BREAKFAST FOODS ro Wagon Loads at a Special Price by the dozen Cauliflower Tomatoes Peppers plain SGUITS FANCY Famous Fresh Pork Sausage Fresh Bulk Oysters W STARR- CENTRAL TELEPHONE

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