i A I J I a Give ma fry to tan to utte and to aboveall other I y J M M J i AND No paper York unless paid In advance Each Newmarket t Jcnw I It t OK In Pleasure Ifand Dili ok to If ft win MorrAT STOVE CO WE SELL COLES ORIGINAL BLAST All Sizes They burn Wood hard and soft Coal Coke or anything that burns Just the thin for this season Big Stock of Wood Heaters 250 Up Or A NEWMARKET J F JUST RECEIVED I A Sept a love ly morning the sun breaking in all its glory and proved an idea day for a pleasure trip was nothing lor me to do the office so I decided to tike a trip to Rothesay lwen6Uown to the ly called a bearded steamer Isle of atrlO clock we were doVn the Clyde- Speaking Clyde one expect to see a largo as the great liners come up it to the docks but it is a miserable dirty hole and no wider than twice the width of Newmarket pond al though about six million pounds ster ling have been spent in dredging and deepening jt Along on either side of the river are great shipbuild ing yards noted the world over and vessels in all stages of constriction can be seen I noticed two battle ships being built and torpedo boat Both war vessels have since been launched It is here that some it the famous vessels were built and many pi the palatial ocean going steamers In one of the yards as many as men are employed Two miles down the river we come in sight of an immense clocktower surrounded by many large buildings arid on enquiry I And that are the factories of the Singer Sewing Machine and here sewing ma chines are turned out every week We have now reached the portal ol the Firth On the north side rise sharply the Hills in strik ing contrast to pleasing undulations of the landscape to the At the foot of these hills is the village of Kilpatrick said to have teen the birthplace of St Patrick the patron saint of Ireland Bowling is our next calling point at which is the entrance to the Forth and Clyde Canal connecting the east and west coasts of Scotland The canal is long and was com pleted in alter years work at a- cost of Near at hand on a rocky is Doug las Castle which is believed to have been the terminatUn of the Great Roman Wall which exlendcd between vestige of it remains Outside grounds and beside the ruins of the old castle is a bronze statue of Burns Highland Mary who was born- in a farmhouse about a mile from Dutoon Resuming our progress down the Firth- and rounding Toward Point we have before us Rothesay Bay fairer than which Naples makes her and in five min utes sweep alongside the handsome pier Of Rothesay which is about feet long and feet- wide cost ing about The of Scotland is the name which Rothesay has gained on account of the kindliness of its climate for those suffering from chest and lung trou bles Bute island on which is situated is miles long and an average breadth of miles The town of Rothesay be stows the title of Duke to the heir apparent of the throne During the times of Wallace and Bruce Rothe say was an important point in the struggle with the English and retired here with his Court At present there is a popu lation here of about A minutes walk from the pier and we are gazing upon the chief archi tectural sight in Rothesay ruins of its noble old castle the scene many a fierce struggle in the days when might was right It is sur rounded by a moat The oldest part is said to have been erected by King Magnus Barefoot Norway in It consists of a circular feet in diameter with walls feet thick and 26 feet high with four round towers Three of these are feet in diameter and the fourth the only one complete is feet In the courtyard are the walls of the ancient church of St Michael The newer part of the castle which can easily be during was built by Robert ex- At His command they bravely go on the turbine steam er Queen Alexandra This is an elegant boat and when on deck one feels no motion at all The along the route is lovely At I picked my first real Scotch thistle the trip greatly Four more machines arrived from Montreal last week and there is a lot work ahead of me I bought two dozen souvenir cards todav and am sending to the boys around Town them will write me some good letters If I can get in St Andrews Hall tonight I hear Am feeling splendid Give my best respects to all enquiring friends Your affectionate son Jackson Room Central Chambers Waterloo St- Glasgow Scotland For the Era Vote Prohibition We do not for a moment think That men at once will cease to drink we get Prohibition Too many are its slaves tolay Too long have trod the drunkards way To have the least volition But for the sake of those who still Have got the power to use their will generation The good of all the land will rise Indued with power from the skies To get just A great lament had fired their souls From homes where alcohol controls Which only works destruction Where orphans die for lack of food And widows wail for their beloved In helpless destitution Gods spirit in those men today Gives them the power to work and OpToronto halted for a Royal residence At the hack of the ruined chapel is a staircase known as the Bloody Stair on account so the story goes of a daughter of the High Steward of Scotland having stabbed herself rather than wed a Norseman The rumtrade curse to overthrow Firm is their resolution With such a stumbling I lock in view Impeded is the gospel too Delayed its consummation While tho benumbed with alcohol the estuaries of Clyde and the who had killed her father and Vob deaf to hear the Spirits call Forth some miles Close to the was standing on this Neglect their own salvation OB A COMPLIJEE STOCK OF At FOR FALL PLANTING Dutch All Colors at each Easter and Chinese Sacred Lilies We are still CUTTING the PRICES of See a few Samples of Our Prices Regular Price Chases Pills Chases Nerve Food I Carters Kittle Liver Pills Kendals Spavin Cure 1 00 Burdock Blood Bitters Our Price boxes for 1 castle Is an obelisk erected in to the memory of Henry Hell who first steam to marine pur poses when lie designed the Comet and launched her in- Prominent now on the landscape appears Hill and the Castle Hock Dumbarton This rock with its ancient castle the interest of the visitor and camera fiend It is about feet in height and is over a mile In circumference at the base having several canon thereon ana a small garrison stationed to comply with certain requirements a mile below this a green wooded knoll marks the of eardrops Castle where- King Robert Bruce died in 1329 As we pass along will noticed House- on the bank of the Within its walls in took place the famous celebration of the Lords Supper by John Knox The next calling port is the town of Greenock and from the pier can be seen Municipal buildings and Town Hall erected at a cost of At this place James Watt the inventor of the steam en gine was born while In the stair On what was once the third floor can he seen traces of the apart- Wen thus equipped will forward where King Robert III died in I march HOG i- From every rank and church I spent an hour looking at their protection grand old ruin and wandered back I phalanx strong a noble band to pier Seeing a notice on To purge the from our land another steamer for a two hours Whose course knows no sail to Loch I jumped aboard and found that my ticket was good Richmond Hill Sept it and was getting my mon eys vorth The scenery along this rout was very enchanting and one cannot help thinking of the Creator and the mighty works lie has performed The lofty hills tinted with the beautiful sunset which occurred that evening would call into requisition the pen Many almost sacred of the poet to adequately to Justice the nursery have been cast aside by to scene the uptodate mother the once The modern Mother Has Ways of Caring for Baby that Our Never Knew J R Y BROUGHTON I returned to Glasgow about and oh the Way back saw a firstclass cruiser anchor ed In the river went straight to Hi station on request of there the of meeting Hon Maclean Judge of the if United iStaWs- is now t essential cradle is now seldom found in the house blessed by babys pres ence The modern baby is not led time it cries but when the clock announces the proper time doctor ves of this and baby is better for it but despite regular hours for feeding nearly all the dis orders of infants are caused by de rangements of the stomach and for Work Canadian Co FLOUR AND FEED Town Property for Sale LIME AND J on tM cm Street In Factory the of at the Ocean bound for New York is one of big men of tin- els Mothers greatest problem is a churchyard of West Kirk is merit for these ills that will be buried Hums Highland Mary Thus ended one of first days but and above all Wary Campbell Here in the outings that I have hod of safe Mrs J W ol Head Ire of the river which is quite wide a city of writes the fullness now the vessels of the Chan- that Is so well laid I bat I tiiink of experience when she says I have pel when they visit the I could now go all over It without Babys Own Tablets for my six of Scotland getting lost After corning from months old was troubled Is reached and this London oma more like the with indigestion The results were wan the scene many historic city of such- beyond my expectations can events The Castle Hill close to I jam of people and rigs on the striate not convey to those who have not pier Is supposed to have been On Sunday the four of us tried worth of these lab site of a stronghold founded by drove Dumbarton Castle was lets will never again use any and- we climbed all j other preparation for the baby as I leta will never attain use the chiefs at the ablets gentle laxative of race of Kings and j and ft fell Into the Clyde I have a and comforting medicine lor infant when the sixth of them Robert was of the top of the rock as a and children They are pleasant to made monarch In the castle be- souvenir Ilenlde tins Is a came a royal palace In 1563 Mary town and fa where new of the sixth century and became one over the big rock It is said that- am convinced then is of the original scats of the got mad at St Patrick and good as Own Stewards of Scotlartd the ancestor I threw rock at him out minted Tablets are a g- take and arc to contain no opiate If your druggist not to It to came a royal palace In 1563 Mary town and fa where tft new no opiate druggist not Queen of stayed at the turbine Were built also Sir keep babys to while on a visit to her sister Lady J Thomas IEtons America Cup Dr Williams Jane Stewart daughter of Junes V The roads are or Schenectady In the vas Hie scene of a level as a floor magnificent lor and a full sized box will bo Miss A I oi was accidentally asphyxiated at Beverley Street on Thanksgiving morning Her brother is at St Hospital to undergo an operation and Miss Leonard came to the city to be near him talcing room at the above address It is supposed that Miss Leonard struck the tap with her finger alter turning it Of on Wednesday night arid thus partly reopened the flew of gas She was found dead The expansion the business of the Ontario Hank and the growth of commerce and industry in general has induced the Ontario Hank to op en a new branch on the southeast corner Yongo and Carlton streets A local reporter of the Star has ascertained tbat Mr Thomp son vicepresident and managing di rector of the Ogilvie Flour Mills Co is forwarding to tho prin cess of Wales a beautiful picture of the mill at Winnipeg It is worked in silk on bolting cloth which is largely used in the process Of milling and it is the product of the needles of the wives of Manitoba farmers The whole design is artis tic and forms a beautiful and strik ing memento of Her Royal Highness visit to the mill on Oct At the distance of a few paces it looks like a wellfinished water color and is an excellent example of the industry and carabilities of the wo men of the North- West The Co has the old Parliament Buildings and properly on Front St from the On tario Government Abraham junk shop the rear of Centre Street took fire on Friday and was somewhat damaged The members of the Temiskaming Commission are making a personal inspection of the entrance- into North Bay Asa and two companions went out hunting in- a bush west of the city on Thanksgiving Day One of the companions stumbled and his gun went oil the charge lodging in Robinsons left thigh but only Hiding a severe flesh wound Robin son came back to the city by train and had his wound dressed at the Hospital The strike of the workers has been called off and the men have resumed work Godfrey a commercial tra veller for an English firm who has been in poor health for some time fell from an upper storey window in the Ross in House on Thursnay iuorm of last and was killed The Exhibition this year turned out a financial success After paying deficit the direc tors have a surplus of between and An immense audience at the Metropolitan church on Thanks giving evening on the occasion of the rendition of a selection of the coronation music sung at Westmin ster Abbey on Aug The explosion o a coal stove caused a somewhat serious lire be tween Rose Ave and Parliament on Thanksgiving morning Mrs J Benson an employee the Rosin House slipped on a grate In that building on Friday and dislo cated her shoulder The residence Mr Geo on St George was en tered shortly before the rob bery on Friday night and a quanti ty of valuable jewellery carried off Augusta ban bog a widow who has only been in the city about a month was arrested at on Satur day on a charge shoplifting She bad no less than 1003 secreted In her clothing when searched by Police Court Matron A laundry driver named Harry was attacked by two footpads near College and streets and robbed of on night last was badly beaten A fouryearold daughter of Clinton St was badly burn ed about the lace and hands on Sun day A spark from the stove sot fire to the childs clothing while the mother was In another part of the house i Porch climbers obtained Jewellery valued at from Mr John house Park whtto the family were at dinner Friday night The men had a narrow es cape arrest but finally escaped There Is a lot of talk in the papers the aborting on Sunday during hunting in the A paper our laws by the is a scandal If it he true such a profanation of the Lords Bay would go unpunished this city by any citizen It is estimated that the traffic done by the railways on Thanks Day was double what it was on any previous rear This seem to indicate hange to October from November made the difference and people took advantage of milder weather to make an outing The legal proceedings between Aurora Railway and the respecting the tearing up of the crossing near King Sta tion has resulted in a verdict favor able to the A Co Chief Jus tice Moss said the action of the was a highhanded act and or dered that company to replace the crossing as it was before Oct 3rd Court titles have got another ruffle in social society It is stated the wives of knights and barons have no legal right t the title of Lady They should be known as Dames Rev Dr Workman is suUiring from a severe attack of sciatic rheuma tism About is still to com plete the monument fund Premier Ross in reply to a deputa- from York Pioneers told them to go on and raise another and then the Province might a grant of the balance The annual Halloween dinner of the Caledonian Society is announced be held in the Walker House on Friday Oct The coronation medals which have just arrived have tire peculiar merit that the bronze medals of the pri vates are more handsome than the silver medals for officers They are about the size of a quart con siderably heavier On the face of the medal are the heads of he King and Queen in relief and on the re verse side the monogram and underneath Coronation the date The edges arc rounded with an embossed design and the medal is surmounted by a crown The County authorities arc urging the Metropolitan Railway Company to put on the improverkars promis ed some ago A promise has been made that the cars will he in use as soon as the new air brakes aro sufficiently tested Wonder hew long will take to make the test The tropical animals the River- dale zoo were yesterday to their winter rjuarters and will be out of the public view until spring Hie hardier animals will be on view all winter Killed by a Comrade Shucking Tragedy Among Duck at North Bay North Ray Oct Mr Shepherd Charles McLean jr and Charles Allan went to Trout Lake which is about three miles cast of North Ray for a cruise and to have a duck hunt They engaged a boat from Mrs and went dawn the lake At when about ten miles away they saw a diver which attempted to shoot Shepherd was situated in the bow of the boat McLean in- tho centre anr Allan in the stem Shepherd and McLean had discharg ed their guns and McLean had set- tied down to reload As he was again rising Allan discharged his gun charge of shot entering back of head and coming out just at the top of the forehead apparently passing about an inch be low the skull McLean fell out of the boat but was grabbed by one ot his comrades f who prone him dead Shepherd turned to as sist Win but as they unable to- get him into the they paddled to the shore and then placed the body In the boat and started home When they arrived at the head of the lake Shepherd came to town and notified Coroner Deceased aged years Was youngest son of Onus McLean of the firm f McLean Kennedy Mont- real McLean and Allan- were com panions who have worked as clerks in the P accountants office North Bay for months TTrP Several vessels were wrecked and other damage done by a gale on the British coasts last week Mrs Frances Graham ol killed by a straw stack falling upon her Miss Bertha her badly injured Children Cry for i