I 2m Weeks toGal WHIT OH ft Sunday Next Sunday is Review Day in to Schools In School here at there will be a variety program Including lots of and Object Talk by pas tor All parents are specially to be present tannery Opening Changed To October at Hughes Better With Favor The tew publication Historical Localities of the County York to we referred in Vast weeks issue of the is meeting with un precedented being liberally absented to by the representative people in each community The in formation which is being collected photos Newmarkets old bouses from which engravings are made and or places of interest la town and Village in the County make the book extremely in teresting and its value will be con siderably enhanced as the years ad vance Saturday Oat Big time on Fair Grounds Christian Church Services Saturday Monthly Fellowship and Preparatory Service pm Lords Bay Sabbath School am special music actf druses Quarterly communion with 11 Evening sermon and song oclock Midweek services Monday evening instead of Tuesday Society will Conven tion at Tuesday and Wednesday Prayer Meeting Thurs day evening oclock Dont Miss Demonstration In Newmarket on Sat Oct Holler got in two cars of fruit on Tuesday Honor J Davis by your presence at the Great Liberal Demonstration in Newmarket Sat Oct Somebody lost a wheel down Town last Saturday evening crossing the electric track Mr house looks well in Its new coat Big Time in Newmarket Oct Mrs the finest lot of outdoor flowers in Town She cut armful after and plied many bouquets for the Metho dist church pulpit the past summer The Post Office Store has an immense sign on the north side of the Public Library building Join the procession to Newmarket on Saturday Oct Music games dxt speeches Everything free If you have never heard Hon Ross speak dont miss him on Oct Youll Regret It If you dont come to Newmarket on Saturday Oct everybody Well pleased and Attractions Th Concept a Success Fire alter three oclock on day morning a train came along and gave the alarm of fire It was in taken up by the engineer and toon the whole Town was astir as a big of lijrlit and smoke clearly indicated that tbe fire a good ore being The firemen as inside of four affcir the rst sounding of the alarm the reel left the Fire Hall On arriving scene it was fend that the whole line of oil at the rear the main Mock in Town was ail ablaze and so were the flaw that iorne small wooden buildings the west hide of the lane ad- the rear of the fctores caught fire also The prmpt ar rival of the saved a con figuration after the alarm the fivmts were nder control withiri 4 the whittle fire out Wart one from a Carrel of oil in the lire ilutrfjrtfce rear of store parr was Roche Co are the heaviest losea having a big tock of fenl Mi there WtsOa Stock and WOO J Insured for Mr A on drain tile His low is ft f A Wit cover the loss of J A W Allan Go Ho The other IrAerJi on tVere was tat to d from in the fane al- every morning or More of have a cln up vjlects ayt Are and Is Magnificent show vegetables The Office Specialty had a fine exhibit Mr made a display of furniture The amusement tent appeared to be well patronized Did you get a free sample of that delicious cocoa The big whale was quite an attrac tion at the Fair The weather knocked the crowd out on Tuesday night Lots of competition in cream sep arators this year flags made the town look gay Pair A white cabbage measured feet inches in Mr H Lennox of Aurora iWas at the Fair on Wednesday Homegrown sugar cane could be seen in the vegetable tent The speeding events appeared to be with unusual interest Some vegetable marrow was shown that measured inches in length The natural history exhibit by of was very fine The colored maps by the school were exceedingly creditable It is easy to see that apples are plentiful this year and good ones tool The rain yesterday morning put a damper on the feelings Direc tors The best show ever held in New market is what lots of people were saying The sideshows bad good talkers outside and they captivated crowds A white field carrot was feet inches long and inches in circum ference There were lesscthan sixteen people trying for prizes on home made bread Smiths photo proofs were immense This Is a new process which will have a big run- One Mangold measured inches long and feet ins in circumference Four lots of homegrown tobacco were exhibited and one stalk was nearly feet high Barman the piano man made a very attractive exhibit and tbe In dian held the crowd Sir Win and Hon J Davis attended the Fair both Wed nesday and Thursday Lota of fiddling things on the jjrounds for the boys and girls to throw away their money on The exhibit of South African curios belonging to Mrs Ross was ex amined with great interest We have every reason to be proud our Citizens Band even when play ing alongside of the Highlanders Between and people were on grounds on Wednesday and over paid the mission fee The plants were very artistically arranged around the fountain pro ducing an effect as pretty as a pic ture Tbe cut flowers beat anything ever in North York before The Horticultural Society it doing good work Always a crowd ready to take for nothing Thats why ro much Hint Ribbon Tea was drank in the Palace Carriage building was well filled by a lot of beautiful traps Rubber tlrea are now to be found on all the rigs There was an quantity Ladies Fancy Work and It all ed to be new work pieces of needlework were handsome The Highlanders Band came up on the oclock trolley Wednes day morning and kept old town lively for couple of days The display of and wares by Mr A worl by of special mention It oc cupied the whole front of gallery IUv officers and for the amount of over the Fair and state of excellence it has at Judging from the appearances of the layer cakes made by girls un der the rising Kneratirm are to mothers in the cookery line Bid ever Jjee a collection of household articled as on exhibition the wall in the Floral Hall It certainly reminded Many people olden day Among who attended the Fair from Toronto noticed Clerk Mr and Titus Mrs J Hunter Mr Millard Mr Alice Knight and her rIi Bond Mrs Clay and Ron Mr Mr lohn Mr Waller Hunter and Mr Bert Will- The- number of butter j good competition in Dairy a disagreeable the crowd yesterday was about equal to Wednesday Poultry exhibit surpassed all School Distance miles teacher Class In Wand or brill Miss 2nd both of School Marching School oC not less than twenty of War under Arthur Thorn peon- Ksce under 2nd Foot under Bert 2nd Chas Girls You on calculations The building was filled canvas tent bad Rosa Racine to be brought into requisition Race girls under Nobody could help laughing at the Troupe tumbling inside and out of the house in front the Grand Standin manner pi methods The Contest for School yesterday mornings There were in the class for any age and Boot Race Chas Greenwood 2nd Victor Vernon Frank LaeJi GRAIN SEEDS Stagey Brock and Jean Rowland White The entries were fully more than ever made before lowing is some of the classification 1 Grain and Seeds w Red Spring fe Roots and Field Wm Fruits Wild TOeatGeo Padget 278 2nd Thos W Barley 2nd Stephens gig Barley Stephens Black Oats Thos Stephens 2nd B I White Oats Thomas Stephens g Large White Peas 2nd 2nd Geo- Small White Ste phens 2nd Blue Peas Stephen Sellers 2nd Thos Stephens Stephens Yellow Greenwood Hugh Marsh White Corn Greenwood 2nd Hugh Marsh White Beans Lee 2nd Stephen Sellers Beans smallStephen Sel lers 2nd Mrs Beans 2nd Mrs Red Clover Seed Geo 2nd Alsike Clover Seed 2nd Thos v Timothy Seed 2nd Stephens Fall Rye Stephen Sellers 2nd Garden Vegetables Cut Flowers Plants in Pots Domestic Products Dairy Products Ladies Plain Work Ladies Fancy Work Childrens Fine Arts 135 Clbth Dress Goods in all Colors fop Childrens cents per yard Ladies Homespun and Gheyiot Cloth Suitings wide Complete range of colors Just received Come and the price and see thegoods They are both good and cheap enquire NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER CORN TOR Natural History Mechanics Carriages and Implements 29 corn- School Childrens Day Turnouts were nothing pared with last year though some the schools matching looked- very pretty The procession came down Town in the following order Mounted Marshals Howard and Band Holland Landing School on a Decor ated Float drawn lour horses School Newmarket Citizens Band Ypnge St Separate School 2nd Street East St South Newmarket Model and Primary Snowball Sharon Pine Orchard Newmarket High School Comical TakeOff on the Horse less Carriage The fellows who got up this last deserve credit It was the life of the whole procession and caused laughter An ordinary was propelled by a horse in He rear the shafts being attached to the hind axles The front wheals were guided by the fantastic occu pant of the teat by means of a steer ing apparatus in front of him while mother comical coon rode en gine which appeared to be In need of considerable lubrication It clearly a case of the cart before the horse f fa Owing to the long delay in completing Alterations to pre- mises and the very great inconvenience caused the Public during the time of work we have decided to sell to all our customers up to Wednesday Morning October 1st all goods inour Entire Stock of Departments at DANFORD ROCHE The Concert The are as popular as ever The Rink Iterations were Shipper deserves a medal It was Mr Bert Harveys first ap pearance in Newmarket and he made a very impression Tommy Campbells dancing caught more than the The overture TancrediY by the Band was very fine Everybody the male chorJ uses The barnyard piece was quite a novelty Nearly reserved seats were sold besides boxes About people attended the The Fantasia was very attractive and the was presented with spectacular effect Following the list of so far as we have room veek BABY frikf8 under old Mrs Rthy under 2nd ludxc com mi Best from Any One for of No entry for 2nd Artistically display of Grains and Grasses etc Stephens ROOTS AND FIELD CROPS Judge John Fuller Early Everett Potatoes Stephens Empire State Potatoes 2nd Stephens White Elephant Potatoes 2nd Stephens Rose of the North Potatoes 2nd Thus Stephens Burpee t atots Thos Ste phens 2nd Potatoes A VThos Ste phens 2nd Rynard Long Orange Carrot Mrs 2nd Stephen Short Red Carrot Stephen Sellers Thos Stephens White Belgian CarrotsStephen Sel lers 2nd Wrn Improved Short White Carrots- Stephen 2nd White Belgian Stephen lers 2nd Sugar Beet for Feeding Purposes 2nd Sellers Globe inter Wrn 2nd Stephen Sellers Long Red Pad- Ret 2nd Purple Top Swede Turnips Stephen Sellers 2nd Stephens Mammoth Spring 2nd Stephens Stephen Sellers Mammoth SrjuashH DAIRY Crock of Butter Willis Crock of Butter Sovereign Bank Crock of Butter Its Willis lis Rotter in rolls Crock of Butter lbs Roll of Butter lbs Canada Paper Co Its Butter in lrb rolls Butter in two rolls Willis Crock of Butter 10 Willis Roll Butter lbs Pure Willis Crock of Butter its Jackson Wrn WIlltB Crock of Butter So Huntley Continued on Page Export cattle were in good demand alt of choice quality being readily up Prices for shippers wore firmer the best loads selling up in the neighborhood of per From that the price ranged down to Export bulla brought to Feeders and of good qual ity found ready sale at firm prices Choice to feeders brought 450 to to 1050 feeders to and from up to Jersey and grade fetched about to 5275 and feeding bulla ate going at to Butchers cattle of choice quality were scarce and the bulk of those that were offered were bought lor export purposes This had the of raising the prices for picked lots In this class and in fact all good butchers cattle wore firmer Choice butchering cattle are bringing 542G to and good ordinary stock to with dry cowb to Good will fetch c per lb Choke milch cows are in demand The sort of stock coming in la bring ing to but really good mats will fetch to Veal calves are not plentiful prices firm The run of sheep and lambs was Urge hut notwithstanding tWa tact were maintained Sheep are bringing per bucks to and lambs are down for and lor lights and fats Newmarket Sept PJ02 Flour barrels a 4 White Wheat per a Red Wheat per a 0 Wheat per ftO a Buckwheat a Barley per 5 a Oats per 7 a Peas per Rye per bush MM Butter roll per 17 a dor 0 a J Wool a May pet ton- w a per ton chool ooks BIB and JAR A3 Q All at Reg Price Our Kidney Pills Pills Pierce Discovery Pierces Prescription I Perfect Headache Powders powders in box Malt Extract 15 FARMERS are invited to call a of our Colonial Stock A A BRADLEY CHEMIST Newmarket 1902 FALL WINTER Wo refrain from describing our stock in detail because its bible to convoy to you a correct idea of its goodness way The object of our talk hero to get you to Short per ton Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair per Turkeys- Q 07 a a a a a a 48 16 11 Try an Ad in the Era youd other flrat then you will realize fully what a powerful valuegiving concern we are Though we show all the styles in SUITS as well as In OVERCOATS our prices are aa fair for the novelties that lor beat known staple Thats way of doing email percentage of profit any other house could exist under of this Thia not mere idle talk trernondoua variety of tho of the fabric tailoring of AND THAT YOU CAN BUY OF US AT and And them with and youll quickly of our Cor Male TlBOi mm I