Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Sep 1902, p. 1

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The gives borne i J j FORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER PA Give me the to ytterpind freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Copies Cents J Newmarket Ont Friday Sept 26 per annum In advance up to you whether you want the best Range or money Stove made For the selection depends a great deal if trie store wont bake then- goodbye to happiness in your house hold help you would suggest a- National Range Greag Jewel Cook Stove made by people who make bo- thing else will thea pave no for worry and cooking will a pleasure If Our better Si3ityive Kill ed a The Most Stock of Heaters ever shown in Newmarket Gall early and make your choice Stoves arid Furnaces NEWMARKET pices pices if J pices Corks A STORE PATENT MEDICINES few prices on Patent feted telnet with the regular price Regular Our Price Price food W Three for Chafes Syrup Jutted ted Turpentine Kidney Three for CO 100 I Regular Our Price Price Dr Thomas Oil Burdock lO0 Discovery LOO Pierce Favorite Pre- All Medicine at Cut Print Lit NEWMARKET ONTARIO Parkers Dye pay ace way on Oo4s to be cleaned or dyed Application has been made for the of the license from the Im perial Hotel on street to the new King Edward Hotel on King Si- It is said the new hotel company paid Meagher for the Reynolds is an old exmem ber of trie Fire Department attached to the Portland St Hall His wire who married to him in April last is now suing for alimony Rey nolds got imttor of his fathers and Mrs Rey nolds wants a sharp of Mr has consented to- accept the Presidency of the Young Liberal Club for the ensuing year Dr warden of the Central Prison was in Philadelphia last week attending a convention pen ologists The North American pub portrait as one of the most prominent of the delegates Toronto has about licensed cab men but the record does not tell the true number any more that the issue of tags indicate the number of canine in the corporation limits Unlicensed cabbies every in a while are summoned be fore iliG Police Cadi Captain Gerald skipper of the North King was fined and costs one day last week lor one day week for selling liquor it will take the butchers of this- city and other localities also a montb or two yet 10 break the news to their customers that cattle arc in Probably the poul try season way give them a hint The strike employees of the Toronto Carpet Company has been declared ten weeks James Thompson a Toronto cattle dealer of bi Montreal- less than seven youtfis were foundVguiity in the Chil drens Police Court on Monday Five were fined each an the other two were remanded for sentence George of swallowed a peach stone on Saturday night aid it lodged fa the necessitating an opera tion which was successfully perform ed in St Michaels Hospital John Flanagan was assaulted by highway men early Sunday morning at the corner of street and and bis conditio si critical His assailants have not been identified the doctors say the have reoh in flicted by a sandbag or some similar instrument The Broadview Boys Institute avc a unique exhibition In the Hall on Saturday a miniature Full Fair of Agricultural and mechanical interest were displayed under- a canvass ver the lawn pigeons rabbits and poultry place Hon Ceo Ross was an unexpected visiter vd pleasure at the excellence of the exhibits A race champion ship of Toronto Ray rowed on Saturday Lou wif the Distance one mile a quarter Time mm The prize was a fine silver cup An Immense throng witnessed the closing match of the Eastern League season at the Baseball grounds on Saturday when Toronto won the pennant Out of games they lost during tho season Joseph pas tor of Kim Methodist church baa returned from Ocean Grove New Jersey at which place be has been spending his vacation The occu pied Jus own last Sabbath At Methodist Church the A CRY OF MISTAKE FOR Birmingham Ala Sept In an awful crash of humanity- caused by a stampede in the- yhiloh Colored church at the corner of Avenue and 18t street tonight were killed many thatnumber The disaster occurred at nine oclock just as Booker had concluded his address to the national convention of Colored had dealings with the late firm of J the frightful catastrophe None- of those in the choir or in the pulpit were injured Most of the dead are women and the physicians say in many cases they fainted and died from suffocation A remarkable fea ture of the calamity is that little or no blood was seen on any of the vic tims They were either crushed or died from suffocation Compelled to Up Sept test case of great interest to the farmers who Baptists and for three hours the scenes around the church indes cribable Dead bodies were strewn is every direction the ambulance service of the city was utterly un able to care for them- Dozens of dead bodies were arranged in rows on the ground outside the house worship awaiting removal to the various undertaking establishments while more than a score were laid out on the benches inside r church is the largest house of worship for negroes in Birming ham and there were at least persons in the edifice when the stam pede began Instructions had been to allow no one else to eater after the building had been fiileu but the negroes forced their way in side the church and were standing in every aisle when a cry of Fight Fight I was mistaken for the dread ful cry of Fire and a wild rush to get out was made The entrance to the church was and the negroes were trampled to death in their struggle to escape Booker Washington had fust concluded his address when Judge a negro lawyer from Balti more engaged in a dispute with the choir leader concerning an unoccupied seat It is said a blow was struck Someone in the choir cried Theyre nghting Mistaking the word Fighting for Fire congrega tion rose en masse and started for the door One of the ministers quickly mounted the rostrum and ad monished the people to keep quiet He repeated the word Quiet sev eral times and the excited congrega tion mistook the word Quiet for a second alarm of fire and renewed their frantic efforts Men and wo men struggled over benches and fought their Into the Those who foil were trampled on cattle The ministers used their ut most endeavor to op stampede but no power on earth could stay struggling fighting mass Tliori of the and children the honor of mere many fainted and as they Jell to the A were clash ed to death The floor of church is about feet from the and steps lead to the from the lobby just the main auditorium walls extend on each side of these steps for- or feet and this proved a veritable deathtrap I Ne groes had reached the top of the steps were thrown forward Others fell upon them and In a moment hu man beings were piled upon each other to a height of ten feet where they struggled wildly to extricate themselves This wall blocked the entrance and the weight of per sons in the the church was pushed against it More than 20 people lying on the steps underneath the heap of bodies died of suffocation Two white men who were the rear of the church when the stam pede began escaped realizing of the Situation rushed to a corner by and turned In a fire alarm The Arc department answer ed and the arrival of lip tfaly of in Toronto today The decision just given by Judge Morgan practi cally renders some 1800 farmers who entered into agreements with him to advertise their farms liable for ap proximately In itself the judgment lor 80 and but the Norwich Oxford County farmer Henry A who will have to pay this to Civil Engineer Russell of Pembroke unknowingly represents many hundred fellow agri culturists who arc in the same fix as he Thy claim upon the suit which was brought was assigned to Russell in June J- J Dally formerly of who from and until recently published the Canadian Farm Advertiser- The claim was for ad vertising farm for sale and was in the form of an agreement one of upwards of two thousand By this agreement which was a Contract under seal the farm was to be ad vertised by Daly for three years un less it was sooner sold Whether sold or not and if sold whether thru the agency the Farm Adver tiser or not the contract provided that Daly was to receive two and one half per cent of sale price or price advertised Daly afterwards obtain ed Joans on these contracts For the amount Russell advanced Daly assigned to him his claim- against This Norwich farmer sot up the unsuccessful defence that he was only liable event of the sale of his farm declaring that the agent who got him to sign bis agreement said as much But counsel for Rus sell contended that it is not so nominated in the bond The docu ment spoke for itself and was bind ing The court so held Mr Co- hoes farm was advertised for 000 and two per cent is for which judgment with costs wan given By agreement the claim is made a charge upon his lands Unless the farmers affected pay up like suits will follow farmers in Wel lington Oxford Middlesex and al most every county west of Toronto Daly is now said be in the United States Help for Babys Own are What You Want When Little Ones Are Cross Fretful and Sleepless FLOUR AND Town Property for Sale Sabbath were conducted bv In the which gathered abouUhe church a of police went to the chuc paitor of a In the in releasing the negroes that were LIME AMD J on Charles in of the of Tr at m it ptye in the occupied ihc and in the even ing Mra McKJllop of lamatcavas the speaker The have touring through tanda for sev eral weeVw In the interests of the great they reached Toronto on Friday and were right royally entertained of Ontario Mayor and citi zens i There died the other day the Hospital In Toronto Hell who in bad no superior and few equals as a driver of trotting In Canada OIL was of He known from one end of to otter r of Control of that Ofily cJoid cars of till 1st May following crushed toother In the entrance The bodies were moved and the crowds Inside finding an outlet poured out The sight which greeted those who had come to aid Injured was nlck- Down the and along the outride of pews dead bodies of men and were and the maimed and crippled uttered- heart rending An many of the suff ering as removed by the ambulances were taken to the hospital and tho others were laid out on the ground and there the phynlcfam attended At fir teen of these brought out died they could be removed from the ground During the pede Hooker Washington and sev eral other prominent on the wrd were forced to If a child is cross fretful and sleeps badly Hie mother may fee ab solutely certain that some derange ment of the stomach or bowels is the cause Arid she can lie as certain that Own Tablets will put her little one right Tab lets t all the minor ailments of little ones such an Indigestion con stipation simple diarrhoea Worms and troubles They are guaranteed to contain no opiate and can be given with absolute safety to the youngest and most feeble child mother who has used Jhem of these Tablets in the warmest terms Mrs Bancroft Man says have used Own Tablets for and troubles for simple fevers and teething aiul think them the best in the world They always strengthen children as lead of weak ening them as most other medicines dov You can get Own Tablets at drug store or by mall postpaid at cents a box by writing direct to tho Williams Medicine Co Schenectady Y For the Era A BY A With the advance the times so the desire to travel to other lands becomes more and mote accentuated The Londoner who a century ago was content to spend his short sum mer holiday at delightful country village of or Islington both now merged into the great teeming metropolis or even venturing to sail by hoy as far as involving a journey of quite and twenty now goes to Norway to set the midnight sun or explores the or the higher Alps or the glorious scenery of Canada the crosses the Atlantic and visits the lariri of hi ancestors and the sons and daugh ters of Great Britain pay a flying visit to the old Home And truly to our tired a foreign tour is a most enjoyable and health- restoring recreation As suming that as a Briton ever sing ing Britannia the wavty it must be admitted she does not always rule them straight the and tossing sometimes ex perienced on the Channel passage do not disturb his equanimity he looks oh with pitying eye the melancholy plight of the majority of foreigners on board But drawing a veil over this groaning spectacle he at length at port Passing over many diverting scenes the now finds himself at say Cologne Here perhaps he is allotted one of he great rooms of the principal hotel chambers so extensive tin long distance which he will have walked to and fro in the course i his matutinal equipment causes him be late breakfast Of course be must not forget that it is essential to remember the number of bis room The writer once by blundered and entering the oom which he believed was his proceeded to divest himself of his clothing when to his horror and con sternation he observed a bonnet hang ing up and perceived he was in the wrong room With palpitating heart and expecting every moment to hear piercing shrieks he gathered up his belongings too alarmed lo look around if anyone were reposing and rushed out with an armful hoots coat c Happily he heard nothing further of the mishap The traveller now boards one of the dm steamers and sails to the south At some of the numerous stopping places he sees perhaps a considerable number of men women and children embracing and kissing a friend about to sail bearded men kissing him on both cheeks as if they would never sec him again on this earth He is however probably on ly going to the next station for a day or two Now having passed Bonn the scen ery is superb river winding past high beetling cliffs savage gorges pyramidal hills crowned with old ruined feudal castles with occasion al glimpses of he most lovely val leys cleft the rocks overling with beneath which purls a sparkling falling over cascades and gnt black lint the limited space allotted to Hides forbids further allusion lo the pleasures of travel Suffice It to recall to mind that we shall all Journey bourne from whence no traveller returns And for some sins have been expunged in Redeemers blood that bourne is a land of unsurpassed and inconceivable delights But alas that will not be the lot of all ifl Booth acres In Australia He Intends to establish a Salvation Army Agri cultural and Industrial Home and bis population from the Lon don slums motion forbidding marriage with a deceased wifes sister was adopted at tho General Synod of Church of England held in Montreal last week Quebec was as the next place of meeting TO A COM DAY Take Laxative Tab lets All druggists refund the if It fails to cure signature Is on each box Messrs Graham Bros of at tjic Toronto Industrial captured over thirtyfive prizes on A small gasoline tug a number of gill nets and a quantity of were captured oft Long Point by the cruiser Petrel for fishing In Canadian waters The express from Montreal tan into an open switch at James Hose the fireman was to death- and the engineer Alex Hose was badly injured The Methodist General Conference adopted a report In favor of church unity and appointed a committee to negotiate with the Presbyterian and Dr Caiman reel toKlcneral Su perintendent and Dr Bond of Halifax editor of the Christian Guardian A Sink Seattle Wash A spe cial to the Times- says about three oclock yes terday afternoon ah unknown man walked into the Canadian Bank Commerce a revolver in one band and a dynamite bomb in the other and demanded threatening to blow all into eternity Cashier and teller Wallace were the only two men in the bank Wallace ducked to get his gun and ran quickly to the back of the room calling for to do No you dont yelled the dropped pit bomb The clerks had just gotten out of the window The bank was wrecked rob bers head was smashed and one arm torn off People living above the bank were blown into the air- Judge Price formerly prosecuting attorney who was entering bank at the time was hurt but not seri ously The dynamiter died without regaining consciousness The batik lost about a thousand dollars chief ly in gold dust which was lying on the counter is Boy A father took bis little child out jnto the field one Sabbath ami as day was hot hi lay down under a beautiful shady tree The little child ran about gathering wild flow ers and little blades of grass and coming to her father and saying Pretty pretty I At last her father fell asleep and while he was sleeping the child wandered away When he awoke bis first thought was is my child rf lie looked all around but he could see her He called aloud for her but all ho heard was the echo bis own voice Running to a little hill he looked around and shouted again No re- Then going to a precipice some distance he looked down aril there lYjion the rocks and briars he saw tho mangled form of his loved child He rushed to the spot took up the lifeless corpse and hugged it to bosom and accuse- himself of being her murderer While he was sleeping she had wandered over the precipice How many fathers mothers how many Christian men are sleep ing now while their wander over the terrible eight into the bottomless pit of hell I Father where is your boy tonight It may be just out there in some public- bouse it may be reeling through tho streets it may pressing onward to a drunkards grave Mother where is your son Is he in the house of a publican drinking away his soul everything that is dear and red to him Father you have ken a Christian for forty vcnts where are your children to night Have you lived so gvlly and so Christlike that you can say fol low me as I followed Christ Are those children walking wisdom Are on their way to glory Have they been gathered into fold of Christ Arc their names written in Lambs Book of Life How many fathers and- mothers to day would he able to answer Did you ever stop to think that were to Maine that you had faithful to your children Come Lord and every mother I Ami may every one of us who arc parents feel tho worth of the souls the children whom God has us May they never bring our gray hairs with sorrow to the grave but may they become a blessing to the church and to the world Vondy British shipyards have notified men of a reduction in wages The strike at the Dominion Organ at has tiled Lumber Company saw mill at Harrow Bay was burned The loss Winnipeg Man Sept Angered at trespassing tin his farm in search of game Howe aged a farmer miles southwest of this afternoon at oclock shot and fatally wound ed and seriously wounded In the knee her companion and fiance Thomas Law a prominent business man of Howe Immediately the shooting rush ed into the house and the pres ence of his wife and daughter took a dose of strychnine dyln In a few minutes girl was brought to the Brandon Hospital and will not live till morning Law may bo crippled for life Row- had prev iously warned sportsman from his premises and threatened to shoot in truders

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