I 1 August Boot Sloe Bargain Clearings Our Summer I fast st sale Do you want pair of Fine For 75Qents worth have in Childrens Slip per are good and can have tben cheap Thb is- chance for 7rs Canned Goods For Campers A Specialty A can of Ham Chick en or makes a meal for three persona Fruit Jars all Sizes Close Price Large Stock Rings for Jars for Better Paper Too Stand It I bridge day the j Repairs were completed on Monday- It Bills new plants it practically a new bridge Toronto to NEWMARKET SEPT to Sept and Sept to 26 Carrie V to Oct to Sutton West Oct and Oct and pptnorth Regular meeting next Monday Freedom for Service Tim it Stfbjectr- Waiter Jackson Lessen Vesta Thompson LeadersMiss Hooter CLASS Continued Pare Parchment Ream No 2 Parchment Ream SUGARS No change in price yet know this the season for preserving reaidence just Treated by Mrs is extensive prior to its occupancy en the 1st of Sept by Mr Sci ence Master of High School The veranda has all been removed and a neat construct ed at the front entrance The in terior Is renovated and paper ed making a thorough Job it Bible Society An Executive ol the Branch pi ace on Wednes day evening at the home Mr L was a very good attendance and as importance yere t cided to adjourn till Friday evening the In the meantime the Sec retary was instructed to write to the Head Office Toronto lor information concerning- speakers for the meeting Messrs Lehman and were appointed to examine Depository and report as to of stock on hand at the next meeting- SPIOE3 When get the beet they cost only a little more and certainly more China Glassware We lead line Wedding present our special attraction Would you like a Dinner Bet of pieces for Come and see one The Leading A SMITH Tired eyes cause sick ness Board met last week Mem bers present Messrs Pretty 13runtOn and McKay On Pretty- took it up better have barrel w the RKDPATH8 counts were ordered 25c Globe nd Gould United to be charged to Tbos Hunter The Finance Committee presented report asking lor a grant o and Repair reported that on the alternoonoi Coronation Day they secured five oak trees and five trees and planted them on the school grounds Those tre3 oaks and the Queen seeretacy was to carload select lump coal for ferze Model School On motion the Board adjourned result of the tnentai in Newmarket School was- made lown last Friday has passed in Pact Senior Wk fol lowing in Part il Junior Jeavirft Olive Hodge Terry WUUam French Olive AfA Terry Jr Part I Jf MatThotetlonrneulwn Arthur Robert Wesley obtains a certi ficate lor pacing in W W fcU tire ay they not In most there ayeitrlift Neglected iur to Hive your their condition in expert Consultation free Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN The alter the name Irrfl- which candidate has passed I Certificate statements will be a week will obtain from High j Appeals be sent to tVe Deputy of not than making an appeal Wept Co the should with his principal wrote on par tial Matriculation will leatn the of examination In a few Is f I The floors been The Ob Man for Sale a sJSS I AH pupils are urged to bo on am on the first Ontario Issued an fflcial tot quantity of to to ws will not to the nil I will Private be quired to study Latin uoa at MM per of will fee LW per ton mule annoonow tUt no lanpaRO will be either or mm any variety hen ii 74 any variety pen birds Buff cock hen breeding pen of 3 1st given by 1 Game Bantam Bantam ben u v Game Bantam pen birds cock Bug pen of birds Partridge Bantam cock Partridge Bantam hen Bantam pen of V Bantam hen L Bantam pen of White- Cochin Bantam cock 1 Cochin Bantam ten- j v White Cochin Bantam pen of birds Bantams any other variety cock U Bantam any variety hen Bantams any other variety pen birds y Q 50 Geese and Pigeons Toulouse Geese Geese pair no any other variety pair 1st one years sub scription to Newmarket- Ducfcs pair Ducks 100 Rouen Dicks pair- Ducks any other variety pair t Bronze TutVeys pair Turkeys any other variety pair one years Sub scription ExpressHerald Newmarket Tumblers Muff pair Pigeons Tumblers Bare pair Pigeons Tumblers Parlor pair Pigeons Fan tails pair Pigeons pair Pigeons Carriers pair j lit Pigeons Dragon pair Pigeons Barb pair pair I 41 ti CHICK 50 Dorkings any variety pair any variety pair 117 pair 118 White pair Brown Leghorns pair f T4 Leghorns pair Silver pair Golden pair Buff pair White pair Black pair Barred Plymouth Hock pair White Plymouth Rock Buff Plymouth Hock pair Red Caps pair 131 pair Buff Cochins pair Cochins pair Game pair Indian pair Black Spanish pair 137 fair Bantams Game pair Bantams pair Ducklings Any other variety Ducklings pair Bantams Cochin pair pair 144 Black pair White Cochin Bantam pair Best Pair Live Chickens to British Market 1 I vi 50 i it i Fancy Bird and finimQl Guinea Fowls pair Peacocks best pair Guinea Pigs Rabbits pair White Mice pair Belgium Hare pair White Rats pair 50 50 I i 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 The South African generals Botha and Do Wet at Southampton England on the last and met a great both from the public- j Word comes Manitoba Uiat wheat cutting is- pretty general this In the Lake District the oat crop will probably yield to the acre In the the oats and barley ate stacked j l j 1 I 1 1 Class Seeds Etc Committee of Management Mr Webb Chairman Messrs Wesley and Woodcock Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd Winter Wheat 1st by loo Keith Seed Merchant King- St Wast Toronto 2 U Winter Wheat one bushel Red one bushel variety to be named 1st given by Grocer Newmarket to the value of bo WiW Wheat one bushel Six flowed Barley one bushel Black Barley one bushel Black Gats one bushel to be named Oats one bushel to be named 2 Large White Peas one bushel to be named 10 Small Peas one bushel to be narnod Blue Peas bushel 12 Butt wheat bushel J 3 Yellow Corn twelve ears 1st years sub to New market White Corn twelve earn White Beans 1 peck 1 car su beer to White Beans oijo smalt I Hi Beans any other variety one peck Red Clover Seed- bushel Clover Seed bushel DO Timothy Sed J bushel Fall Rye one bushel Artistically Arranged Grains and Grasses In the straw on a not less that eight varieties open to farmers only Note Grain fteds lie grown In tlic Counties York or Ontario variety Wheat Barley and Oats be by a bunch not Jess than heads the same grain as exhibited of Webb Chairman Messrs and Woodcock Judged Sept 23rd 1st Prize 2nd 00 HO 50 A It is stated that the Libra ry building at the Ontario Agricul tural College just been completed The structure is a gilt of the late Hart A and has been erected by the estate at a cost King Edward has presented to Westminster- Abbey a most gold ornament composed a cruci fix the base of which issue two branches one on each side support ing figures respectively of the Virgin and This magnifi cent ornament is understood to be the Kings special coronation gilt to the The canal traffic is becoming enormous The traffic for July was tons of carried on 3276 vessels with a total register of tons On cur internation al waterways tbe traffic in greater than on the important marine highways the world not excepting either the British Channels or the Sue Canal A London press despatch dated at Portsmouth Aug feays King Edward completed the program of the coronation festivities to day by re viewing the fleet for the first time since his accession From a spectac ular point of view the assemblage of a hundred and odd war vessels in the Roadstead off Spit head was a mag nificent show The commissioners recently appoint ed to oversee construction of the j and Northern Ontario Railway have organic and will op en a head office in Toronto It is expected that tenders for the con struction of the whole line will be lasted for immediately A contract I for the first hundred miles will likely I attract most responsible contract ors clearing has been done The Ontario Gov ernment have signified to the commis sion the necessity of pressing- forward the with energy Tbe Ferry Co at Owen was fined 40 and costs for carrying pas sengers on Sunday The has been raised whether the and gasoline pleasure launches on Cooks Bay and LaVe who carry passengers on Sunday axe not making themselves liable lor prosecution Undoubtedly owners of who take excursion parties out for pay Sun day are violating the Lords Bay Act but taking people from Grass to Roachs Point for instance to at tend church might be open for dis cussion A special cable from the Globes correspondent referring to the th Commons for North York to extend Canadian trade observes While Sir William has made an arrangement with Allan and KWer- Lines for a monthly service between Montreal and Cape Town he evidently regards it as the first in a much circuit ending in New Zealand and Australia lie mam compliments from the press and is urged per severe In the attempt to establish fast across the A antic tiierood ula g the and Bowels of I I SIGNATURE neither A perfect Remedy lion Sour Dia OF SLEEP Signat of NEW YORK IS WRAPPER OF EVERT BCIIT OF up It 111 la talk to I on or yrouiba it jart good ud WBiotiatjougetfMSTOBIA -oo- We are now in the midst of the Thim bleBerry Season We advise buying now We dont think there is anything gained by putting off The Early Peaches are very low this week- 30c basket m a We have the Choicest Blueberries or Huckleberries that we ever handled The berry is dry and good size Plums are very scarce in this neigh borhood Prices are likely to be firm this season V Have you tried MALTA VITA the New Breakfast lbs Granulated Sugar 100 lbs Brown Sugar 100 H The Grocer Grocery called lor and delivered promptly 9fiO 1 Early KvereH J bushel In fi Empire Potatoes in 9 Elephant In basket Rose of the North Potato In basket I Burpee Potatoes in basket Potatoes any other variety named bushel In a lBKA4 Long Carroty Newmarket yr W 50 Hints top September The coat lor Au- will bo on loose fttting lines and In threequarter length Too froufrou effect at the lower ede a marked the newest skirts style remains popular in as well an In Jackets Next in popularity to black lor lK comes white In shades character Is given all white by the use lace fabrics are favored by early autumn tailor is used with good effect In all kinds The popularity ping pong has made theway new blouse specially deigned lor of game- The flat col lar Is a feature wiUi a tie embroid ered with rackets and balls and in usual fctyla lost none of their Norfolk effects are specially becom ing to Utile boys and are thoroughly stylish From the Delineator for I I Premier of Manitoba es timates bushels to the acre tor I Moses Henderson Mills was thrown from his carriage American Business College Y A Building Street Toronto lcPrlnclpalj W Chartered Accountant Principal DAVID Chartered Accountant In Toronto with of Charioted or bavins Accountants Our by know In Canada AN OF 86 AT IB AN INDICATION OK THE COMWiETBNEHB OK OUR at any time for ttiaon In Six Hundred Positions Offered Our Students Last Year York fair was broken sixty years of He HI it Short Carrot ti Belgian Carroty Improved White Carrot Sugar Beets lor feeding purposes 12 Globe Yellow a W Long Red 14 Purple Top Swede Turnips Newmarket one year Turnips Mammoth Yellow Pumpkins Squash r a i A If I I so 50 100