Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Aug 1902, p. 4

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At- Tvill Deaths Arc lymfctoisa ft condition not up to A London Cable says tins- Vftrge complete of of eouragaf end by gloomy end THE TIMELY RESCUE OF LITTLE GIRL taken with end Canada by selecting lr Prostration Her Parents Thought Death Would Claim Her Til Parkin tq bottle suds hundred pick- v7tea growing girls or boys are ail- jrntlnuEd lis at are annually to recent a Sag too parents British Dr Parkin baa with doubtful- medicines oMy made it a condition of its acceptance tbe syniptoms that he shall be given time leaving it to return later in a to put Upper Canada on tub more aggravated form When you best working basis before use Dr Williams Fink Pills for Pale in vV raj little fiftili not ftathfei6 and we gave Hood amV ihfea rad Is Hit Oat the end up bis now work He believes thut People you are not he will be to benefit the college go directly to tee root of greatly in bis new sphere trouble by making new rich rod blood and building up weak nerves Progress and development is the or- way tbe7 the of things in New Ontario We does not ret urn It is because these that Govemxnent pills always cure when given hit baa before it a proposition looking trial that have toward the establishment of of medicine in the world pulp and reaper mills several axe not an most ex industries in tbe vicinity of Fort are Mrs- fUso the and fiourisb- of gives towns on the Canadian Northern strong corroboration She says Railway The men the At the age of cine out prise include some wealthy capitalists Afbertba began to in health who state they have everything in color left her cheeks for installing one of the big- tite failed and she complained of head paper mills on tbe continent A aches a of limbs large flour mil is also one of the Hex grew bad that were projects of the pulp and paper mills forced to take school capitalists W several remedies but did not her and she kept court A press despatch from Ottawa the time is c to da Solicitor PufcHcetc a Air- Court liaonpx Of- will alio be it Court I Aurora Bloc ly tola A I Over Toronto Jobbing House the for the Canadian arid alihost constant branch of the Royal Mint which is ar0 the verge of be located on Point are nervous prostration In fact now completed They were prepared tfcatt j jby Chief who vivt- one day I saw an account the United States Europe last newspaper of a girl who had been summer to get best possible lo- s trouble thru the formation proceeding Pills We work The building will be one decided to these and before three storey of that were used there was a decided part for where fte main improvement condition entrance is plated This will be two continued giving the pills for storeys with a basement The probably two months by which time ing will be with lime- was as as any girl of her stone front On either side of jp appetite had returned the main there will be granite and her arJ above the entrance cheeks regained their rosy color will be the cotofarws and the two is now years since she words Royal an j A press despatch referring to last Dominion elation protest states Williams Pink Pills that of the fourteen protests growing would advise out of that contest six remain ate triedat least so the records at trial and not Hall These are with other medicines York against Archibald Campbell Jr Pink will cure Liberal MP West Hastings against aU poverty Porter Conservative Adding- g Among Conservative Ontario against Ross neuralgia erysipelas Cornwall against A WWhrti heart ailment West Durham arainst paralysis St Vitus Liberal returned in the bye- danc0 and the that render GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY election the unseating of the lives of so many James Thornton the independent J y lhe TABLE Conservative whose check VDr a was held a Kood People on A for ft- Fire eqt Firm Property Shop the deposit no Sold by meVrts whatever been filed these it I not all have been or WilXDpMd to against Medicine Company North foocHey Frank in Leisure has this tj of of ry7 of Cornwall Empire hap tally injured while putting on a belt granary iq the rich valleys in a j and plains of her forming the largest area W at of land In length by refund the money j3t0 miles in width One hundred Wcuxe- 2c K and million of grain of all signature a b each box At Simon were uown of of was in a belt his spine acre as against only en arid he will die TOROHTO arJ Let than 2 jtr cent or the ara ble the north of r m Superior is under cultivation comparatively small of Jariners are to the J a empire Canada will Already Dominion ranks sixth the countries and as population flows inlLdU as from October to Inclusive The office had undelivered letters last year was found in them MM a i i i i- mHii a The readers of this paper will be to that i at has been able to In air its stages into her status In this rejd that fa Catarrh will rise higher higher the only port t We cure known than per of Manitobas the fraternity been taken up territory of treatment 60uo06 acres able for wheat Alberta tteWlM Storing empire in area The of S v Jf JBfiB L Tea pw hand ah too of Energy if Section vi Judged let Prize 2nd Trot or Pace purse follows 3rd JJ Pace- divided as follows 3rd Prize iV trials of speeji subject to following Four to en ter three start entrance fie five per cent of purse to accompany entry and additional five per cent to winners 1 The trice you conJc4 f reel could rtsi3 Tiraj but sheer jour dear that tceo com Tour faint rosea U KUp Monti flake Use of the Man Who a TUB GREAT HEALTH STRENGTH OIVER r 5 5 I inert In in rush tor 5 building tip cohsUtu- vlrin wheat Kitty is doing luilKTiM ftTfistd in 1901 ft it will capable producing trite aril four year or wheat production of oread lHW Co by axe I Awt broke Fbid of the Toronto Kim out Bay Lumber Brigade wfit of delegates to mill damped it to e Extent MAay at BALK AT or about V tonrtcif Hi WW Class Sept 2Mb Harness Standard Bred given Section Stallion barrister Newmarket 2nd by Hugh Sulivan Coronation House King St East Stallion years old given by a Smitn Grocer VA l t tMtt 2nd by Elliott Hotel YearlingStaJHon A Crow Toronto 2nd by J Newmarket Span in Harness given by Baton Co 10 2nd A Greer Carriage Mfgt London 3rd by Single Mare or Gelding Harness under bands EvCfl1 a Mill Single Mare or Gelding in Harness J bauds and Brood Mare with evidence of having bad a foal this year given by J Brown Co Dealers Toronto Goods at 2nd by A Hardware c Newmarket 8 Spring Colt of Filly given by Frank Stewart New- 2nd given by Fortune VS or Filly years bid given by Globe Print ing Co Toronto Subscription year Daily Globe valued at 2nd by J Dukes Hotel Toronto Gelding or Filly given by J House Toronto 2nd by Win Thomas Oak Ridges Pair Ponies in harness 14 hands and under in har ness by S Richardson dentist Newmarket 2nd by purse Bros Headquarters Saloon Toronto Single Pony Mare or GeWing in harness hands and under given by new Hub Hotel St Toronto 2nd J County Engineer Toronto Single Pony In harness hands and under given by Dr Alfred Webb 2 butcher Newmarket 14 Spring or Filly got by Gold from any special given by David King 3 Gentlemans Turnout Horse Buggy Harness Whip Rug Blanket givh by IHs Offloe Sbecialty Co One Book Case Valued at 1st 2nd Price 500 00 Ufa ii but even itt better tor world lb be full faddists fill and that choice ih average hah a Sad ho collects birds or 9X postage or for books with or in the quaint f ad other No Other Can Aflord W Results Men and young old every rank in lire freely admit more conscious overlaid 10 00 100 Section Saddle Sept 1st Prize 2nd 1 Stallion years old and over 1st and 2nd given by John Central Hotel Newmarket 2 Stallion years old lit and 2nd by Pat Livery St Toronto 3 Yearling Stallion given by Howard Co fiferchants Toronto whip valued at 2nd by J County Councillor Toronto Span in harness given by Toronto Brewers Associa tion 00 2nd and 3rd by J McDonald County l l J J Ware or Gelding in harness 1st and 2nd by Sir PMO Ottawa Brood Mare with evidence of having had a foal this year given by J Millard Furniture Under taking furniture valued at 2nd by John A County Clerk Toronto Spring Colt or Filly given Sanderson Paint Co Toronto 2nd by J Stokes County Councillor King Gelding or Filly years old given by Mail Printing Co 1 years subscription to Daily Mail Km- 2nd It I County Councillor Aurorai Yearling Gelding or give by Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket 2nd by Thomas Newmarket Saddle rubber 2nd by New Hub Hotel Toronto 4 6 5 one Knee 00 this Class General Purpose fcf jlkural Houses Section Sept 2Mb Prise 2nd Span in harass given by Win KtiUi Newmarket 1 pair Scotch Collars valued at 1200 2nd by Jackson Foray House Brood Mare with evidence faavjng given by Ontario Bank 2nd by Warden York County- Spring Cot or Filly given by News Printing Co year Subscription to Dally News 2nd by Barter Ellis Co Stationers Toronto Gelding or Fitly 2 yeats old by J itoadhoucc Furniture to Newmarket Furniture to value of M 2nd by J AW Allan Co Hardware Goods at 5 00 Yearling Gelding or Filly given J ABorit- ton rods Wire Fence value 2nd VDenne Co Milters Span Agricultural In harness by Perk- Ins I nee Co Toronto Tea valued at 10 2nd by Williams Toronto Plow valuwl at Walking kiarnesB to walk half mile special given by Blacksmith one at a I Section Imported Class Draught Judged 25tb old 1st Prize Draught Stallion old and over 1st jouVjMJ Canadian fraught fVaion 3 years old arid over 1st given by Toronto pose Plow value U506 ip0 JieVfiOfi 2 years old Ipt 2nd by U i- YeartiJc given 1y J Sheriff Toronto- Beat Pair of aught Horses In Ingi We Marm I the J York each to Weigh UK or and sound special Kivco by Mr Joln George St to- onto 25 10 a conditionals Paine Celery Compound that no otter flowers or- Perhaps it is for pong- or imbecile may tbe tardy circulation ft the kid- nervetired and brainweary Celery Compound true summer if is a and Mr J Ralston says It is how a year past sine I a severe of had has fad an the door Has one too After all it is largely Ads thai- make worth Jiving When wt are not indulging in our own we joy nothing so much as sneering and theads of our they doubtless sneer and left at bur Great men have a have it ones rich men fads the aamo as the the great man would find Mb greatness w ahdtook a great could turntofiis of but all failed to do w library or bay me any pood I thought I would try tion caused by dyspepsia and I could not sleep at night This con dition sleeplessness brought on I was attended by four doc- stolt occasionally Of wealth to to Compound on orchids- is a fad- d me and oh free libraries fiavo more work since than for It is well enough to say that the enjoy excellent busy man has no time lor fads and health and consider myself complete- the sensible man has no need for cured them hut it is not true The busy man wlio time for anything It but btLHliiess purser of toe wealth at Port Catling attempted to of civilisation the rnan the wharf is specially interested in nothing is PPed on aj rope and wont headlong in danger of of paresis j into the water He managed to a mar catch on the f just in front ot WS which was tuning on till the boa It no well lost Is excessively disgusted with his and station arid whin he to that look for He liable to Ikcome faddist the A fad camera was stop nod a I I it A well Is told by one of the keenest of members of the Toronto Club which seems to prove that if they have nut eoual reaffonin powers with the race are at Irani endow ed with an excellent Imitation weather during a hunt in the recent senson was cool and crisp and was Just enough oh the leaves grass to give th6 good scent A tax was soon earthed kept running In a circle about three miles extent A knoll In the centre overlooked the entire course anil after the hunt had con tinued for some considerable time tha fox man for a giant and venerable chestnut tree which had across a ravine Into the hollow tree the fox the dogs about yards behind was aeon to emerge front tho other end of the log and soon made off through the forest Tho dogs were thrown off the scent at the hollow log but soon caught It again across the ravine and kept up chase for about half on hour or more Then the fox once disappeared In the hollow to as before The dogs trailed oh but In another SO the fox for tht third time entered log and still again disappeared the forest th ravine The dogs were about used up ly time though the fox appeared to after the third trip the log The hunters noticed this unac countable and to suspect something They securely closed up one end of the log and when reyiiaid fur the fourth time en tered they the other end Then they procured axes to the tree Their reward the shape foxes had evidently been the by turns A flip Prof University KlugHtnii is one of the recent settlers In to the end of winters session he occupied a chair In the college and lectures regularly and now he that he has bidden farewell t the role of the lecturer and to queen classic anil henceforth the of a farmer Is the tor him He has acre of laud And sun una of the sons Is rig a course at the Col lege In and the help ing his to nut sttiidpsand their efforts far have produced about of arable Werthyr a wh OF CANADA Authorized Capital 2000000 Capital Mead Toronto board of directors Holt President Montreal Randolph Toronto James CBrruthers Montreal VicePresidents A A Allan Toronto Arch Camp bell MP Tororito Hon Peter Mc Laren Perth John Toron to- Hon McMillan Alexandria Henry New York D M Stewart Central Manager Savings Bank department Interest Allowed on Deposits Commercial issued Ex change and Sold Travel lers Letters of credit in all parts of the worlds General Banking business paid to the loctlpn and Money on ttp afme Mijlpr Block Branches at To ronto St Catharines Perth Si P Manager trmptv felhftvcn tamm SiiSSSi item SUV f Manilla feet to tho Twin British tects will you patron or money to the v hi- 0tRJ SPECIAL EXCURSIONS a I Iteturn tickets will be Issued Denver lei Wood Springs Col Salt take South SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE going and re- good- October 31st TOURIST TICKETS ffiSilfiSSB of Portland I Maine ana all Sea Coast I never his much of a victory over the world lie left now is power over them John Illustrate and information from Agnts A

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