d J J- ir i T fc ih3URaucs LIVERPOOL A a- CaplUl eat all by DAVIDSON Hi Albert Pi of A bp- pa a fTi i JBHf srr If v J MANAGES f L MARKET SUDDEN DEATH The usual Urge attended a farmer living on Tuesday Prices as was found dead in BALDWIN BREEZES j not Wxs Foster- is Miss Chapel IvBradrofd the to I v SEEDS Our stock for thin season ha arrived We have all Field and Seeds in hulk and package which well at prices Poultry Powder J kill lice on cattle and tick on sheep GARDEN PARTY A garden auspices bad been out to tire barn day of Zephyr his He was ire the beautiful grounds age Hi mi ftV Kester on evening Aug The Queens Orchestra and the noted humorist Mr J as Fas of Toronto have been bean for time lemga wyyaffiV from heart disease but up about tie house arid visitor to our always any line of Canada interests life insurance Mr all But tWres no land- under CAPITAL SUBSCRIBER CAPITAL 1300 SSA9 FF20SKo8 AtqsAo nL STEWART MOUNT v ALBERT RANCH 5xuxed An enjoyable time is who attend See bills Considerable indignation was mam- Cupid knows particulars the sun tbat has as Im told a reader the Breezes are worth peculiar the dollar Surely kick subscription rates a particular Kester Zephyr is a frequent complexion not obtainable visitor to our burg As all of us eir elsewbere- Gwrgtoa and North ACCOUNT OPENED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON EXCHANGE BOUGHT AMD SOLD banking business lit DESTRUCTIVE STORM A visited no Vesica here Friday the in- tW Grits ho finds congenial seem a- trifle more of the OW Ladies companionship than others owing laie breezes in- this for beauties that would set all and staid old London agog i Forrests Drag ALBERT Co Thos Smith Co they had tbeir equal If I have eight partners Lon Draper cranium I not particularize with ih the one that had the was of short- duration Old badies Picnic I shattered on at the Walter Co and several farther as I might get mixed up in the Tillage it shattered Bed others Two hay couples were united at last week Archie Phoenix SvLrt Mr Wednesday gett Miss DowHn and Mr York ai niters shattered Joh J S TOere wasile SST Jo i th stitches and tad- Cain Another phenomenal electric storm you by He to he your Furniture at the A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF bridge had sheep killed in an open J Rose of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Hill Mr- Frank Morton sports a new set visited us Wednesday eve last It kept folks generally awake It hit Ben a smash knocking loose some bricks Most of the fall wheat hi this local- xubr tired wheels on buggy bedroom ity is now cut the prospects for an- unusually heavy are John Henry was in Toronto exceptionally fine yield on Tuesday attending the Temperance ijVi ffatliT prtiv- convention She went as a well the dry Promising Aenla for Pillow Sham Ibe celebrated Belvidere a of charge when ordered in quantity Stiver afid Miss OUiej returned home in tbe Presbyter- on Wednesday from a visit re- church on fouoof ALLAN THE latives in Toronto His cousin Mr Bedford with him for a few weeks visit Mrs and children are WOOL MARKET Tike to the Mount and get Toronto prices in Cash Full stock Flannels Sheetings Yarns etc Also a good assortment Suiting always on band paid for wool taken ex- for goods Geo Sons visiting at Dr Pearsons Sirs J is so far improved as to be able to sit up a large part of the day Mr Geo and his sister of McMillans Corners were visiting friends at Pine Orchard last Sunday- Judge was much appreciated Mrs for some time a resi dent of this village been taken to tpakrlui2 for treatment the visiting with mother Hy having become in- J sane It is hoped she may recover Mr Clarence Pearson Toronto is Notwithstanding the threatening state of the weather on Wednesday evening last the social at Mr Mil ton was quite a success A very enjoyable time was spent and the proceeds to 1200 Day service will be held the Christian church cm Sunday evening next at oclock All aw and age The Bible Remedy for Drunken- will be the subject of Rev Mr Sunday morn- The Methodist arid Presbyterian ministers will have an exchange of pulpits on evening SUTTON THE SING SHIRT The Best Shirt Hade YOU WHY the front wont breaks or posh up Tfce passing ttie front or it cannot touch the PERGONAL Miss Gertie of Sutton been visiting at the home of Mr Thos and with in Town Rowland and KSterMiss to their home hi To ronto on i Alma Hayes Toronto is sperdmg her home Wre Miss left on Monday for a short visit to her home Grade of Torontr is a guest at home Mr Hayes Mr Kelar and Amy in private picnic from Zephyr to Jacksons Point on Tues day Miss Arnold of Toronto In enjoying a few holidays at homo front collar hutton at the back of here toe collar being covered Mr of Toronto Is In town the Irritation and chaf ing of the nk ffhich tre old of sMrt WITfceattAiimerit at the tie In place comfort in wearing it Pitting fiti Unexcelled for full dress worn always worn The tat mans luxury PATENTED fmtihm A General MOUNT ALBERT Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels for a few days on visit to friend MfIirown of Toronto was visits at home Mr Miss Ella Toronto and niece Miss Ruth spending a few days at 1 Mr Mr and Mrs Kelson of Torontoaro visiting at the home of Mr George has retumed from an extended visit her brother at Montreal V Mrs Stewart of Is the 4EMtflt of Mm Mr West of friend town on Bun gay Miss Mr Geo of Kingston a former citizen of is visiting with friends The Templars Island will hold their annual excur sion to on the of August calling at Jacksons at ft am Roachs Point at 9 and Iklie at Mr and Mrs of were at Mr last week Miss Georgia who has been the gntt of Mr and Mrs John for some time left for hi the city Monday The Church at the lake was well attended last Sunday Over had the pleasure of hearing Mr John Neil of Toronto preach They also have a flourltfcing Sunday Airs Watson of Thames ville Is vis iting with her mother Mrs Leigh of Sutton Miss had the to slip and fall receiving severe injury and had to call of a doc tor The Garden Party at the Briars last week though success ful was marred by weather Mrs John Ward has a lady friend from the city visiting with iter Charlie met a very severe accident last Monday night He and a young Bon of Mr Geo Arnold were nut oh their and it being very dark came in to collision Young was thrown from his wheel and received fracture the skull over his right eye fits father accompanied by Dr Noble took him to the General where Ise is now under treatment We trust he may soon he restored to health We very regret to that Mr Wesley Jackson has passed away His remains were Interred last d ay In the Cemetery near Cereal food products are becoming almost a standard article of diet They are recommended the medi cal faculty Indeed if potatoes meat were almost thrown aside deli cate appetites- would improve live bread though awfully black is most excellent grub while Mack barley pudding far rice Try them The Free Methodist Quarterly ser vices were a great success This party has never been known as a lover of Free Methodism One of our citizens who has recently been thrown more or less into th3 company of Rev Gregory was remarking to lie what a fine man he was This take it is a compliment and shows that fee has the faculty of win ning his way to the hearts of the public Some of our lads were showing off one night walking the railings of the Baldwin bridge Jm was doing till his bead became and he went into the river The involuntary bath did him no harm The other the trip The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof I have eaten therefore I am entitled to say that Mrs Joe Foster is our of makers hard to beat at any kind of cookery but in cherry pies shes unrivalled We sometimes smile and wonder what Joe does with all the of parcels he carries borne lo Jennie tout hes only looking after the comfort of the inner man Grandpa Russell Morton has been very poorly Cold settled on the lungs a call on the Dr Neighbors say lies better now Cherries are selling in ready de mand at per pail Whew I and in our boyhood days we were mightily pleased and proud too to tote Newmarket and get two and six or three york shillings at most in trade at Robbie Simpsons Donald Sutherlands or Willie Black knot and robins are great pests to cherry trees Scotchmen in Toronto Last week had a gala day at the unveiling of the statue to Robert Burns No can hut that Burns a great poet One speaker remarked that his showed the spirit man this so Ufa poems will live thai ages to come but unfortunately some of them are not as pure In or moral as one might wish they were Uriah Rogers Brock were Mrs J a worse than a dog fight John Howard Paynes Home Sweet Horned has immortalized his for is really no place like home returning African heroes no doubt fully appre ciate the fine points of song Welcome home By some peculiar clause in the laws of nature a number of enormous boulders were deposited very close to where Ben has built his house TUotc they have remained undisturbed or ages past until re cently Ben had them blown up and used for the construction of his barn wall He saved the tiaddy of all of probably fifteen or twenty tons which he will keep to crack butternuts on that is if any are procurable I read with interest the particularly scores of our Canadian marksmen at Bisley Camp for in military as well as in civil affairs the man who hits tiie mark is the one that makes his mark For this reason our Can adian lads did so welt in Africa Rev Will delivered a mas terly discourse here on Sabbath much to the edification of the congregation Those boys undoubtedly but for real downright good ness is my favorite Of course thats but my humble opinion has as hand some a lawn as any in all North York and his daughter Ruby and his lawn are his special The lawn one half an acre is as soft and springy as a Wilton or carpet We understand ttiat Sundays storm demolished Jacob Smiths cement pig house Dont mention ce ment to Jacob as he wont stand it A very short time ago he and Dun can King were about that beautiful pen The Owl White and Colored J A rices ALBERT James died at London from blood poisoning caused a jab from an office file The Liverpool Globe INSURANCE COMPANY- Available Balance of Capital l4154t in Mi guest of her friend Miss Fins- We extend our sympathy to sorrow- PAINT friends Hastings of Toronto is guest of MrH James and Miss Jenkins of Toronto who were visit ing with Mrs Sedore left on Wednesday morning for the city Rev who the service In the Methodist church left on Wednesday morning Miss Roberts of San Star Mr If Herman of by Mr Cambers has and Miss flould of their at the of the formers Mr Hamilton of was a victor at the of Mr Walton on of a daywltb ber lister Mrs Rev r at Mr Waltons on of last week READY MIXED Dr Shades Id Beaver Brandi Dr Sunday l1T 4 Mr Jos llA lit chasing for his yacht j ft ftnrfly are here Mount Allen In Toronto falarnana been visiting with Miss mo ther who resides here Rev of will take the quarterly service In fiTc- thodht next Sunday Mr wa In Wie city pur- H E I Q Store Baldwin We are better prepared ever to supply you with all Builders Hardware for the corning season Tin Repairing promptly to at lowest rates Be sure and see our Furniture be fore buying elsewhere ALT BY BARREL Rally At Committee meeting held at Bel- haven on Friday evening it was de cided to hold the picnic about middle of September instead of Aug as at first intended It being the latter date be more con venient for tho farmers harvest late this year- re ported on work done and will meet again at the call of the chair Tenders Wanted Tinders will be received by the un dersigned up to Montiy August for the erection of a brick building for the offices and dwelling house combined of the Sovereign Bank in Mount Albert Plans and Specifi cations can he neen at the Ml Alberts Branch of the Sovereign Bank The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted MISS Mount SALE Franklin Flour Mills bid capac ity doing good business on Lot Con Bast near Mt Albert water power in County Comfortable good stable connection Apply to JOHN A Old Court House Toronto STRAYED Into the premises of undersign ed Lob 10 con on or June one red and steer two yearn old Owner is requested to prove property pay ex penses and take it Stray Horse Central Telephone Baldwin Came upon lot 108 1st Con Bast West of on 2Dth can have same by proving property and paying Holland Landing To HEAD OFFICE CANADA BOARD Or The monument at Ottawa for the soldiers who fell in South Africa will be unveiled on August on which day that city will also celebrate Buggies i Andrew IP Samuel Samuel mm ton Alex Accepted Lowest Current Rait SMITH Chief Agent for Dominion Also number of BUffgle ror Cheap Call and J COOK Agent Mount DAVIDSON Albert ALBERT DRDG STORE STOKES ALBERT Breeder of Jersey Cattle choice young for sale now al so a young bull Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up In packages by Poison Fly Paper Tanglefoot Clothing We also carry a full lino of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions end Family Re- clues- receive personal attention day or night LLOYD We have some nice Light Summer Suitings just suit- able for hot weather Call and them I The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert LEADING SHARON GENTLEMEN We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh R H KENYON