Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Aug 1902, p. 5

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NEWMARKET- BRANCH TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits Simpson Sonants J prank Dane an iiDXcaKflimoo6 Street I JVi Bolton Faint and ex Cora Street and Architect and Sanitary Engineer Toronto and made lor ail kind rRgniax meeting next Monday rbe Call Separation 1 Jfio 1317 SubitctRev Lesson Miss Brock leader President THE A DOCTORS 0S HEM IT Stilt r rl it CARRIAGE LICENSES Papers at reajdeace If 4 A if rf RUB Cheese St the third iating Board on week boxes of and all were sold at prices from to cents pet lb sold bores at price being a cent bigber any other factory Three buy ers were board adjourn ed tor A special meeting of- tbe place on Tuesday evening of week to consider the various applications for toe vacant positions on the teach ing staff Over one hundred applica tions were received ari after a care ful consideration Miss was appointed teacher the book room and MisFranfc Kelty as assist ant to the Principal for model terra Both are Newmarket ladies and we wish tnein success PubHo- School The education department- bas adopted regulations under which it will give aid to public school li braries throughout province Un der regulations any rural school hoard which provides for their schol ars a library selected from the cata logue teed by Minister of education be entitled to a share of money Hie legislature may appropriate for purpose the grant to lift equivalent to half the expended by the board but will not exceed in a year In case the Legislature does hot vote enough money to justify the lull grant a prorata payment Will be made JuW iird- I a i 9 yh to official medical of King are the most distinguished doctors in England titles srould in each take up more than tJto first- bulletin they is sued from them are forte to I s account for much of disease from to com- e oleic maladies of present existing summer misery Sir Frederick Treves most famous It Purifies The Blood and Multiplies Number of Vital Beg Corpus cle Feeds the Nerves and Tis sues and gives true Physical Strength- Weak nerves exhausted tissue poor thin blood impaired digestion and I NEW MARKET u Monuments and Head Stones- Ill CHOP OAT SEEDS- COOK BIlpS cor Main Huron HI Telephone Connection Goods Cut Blue Muslin to CutJajnluslin to 25c AllOyer Lace to SI 00 Black AllOver Lace to Hughes last Saturday were as follows Butter to per lb KggB 14 to 15c per do- New potatoes per peck Old Potatoes per bag Green per peck Cauliflowers bead Cabbage per head Garden Beets per quart Horn Carrots per quart Cherries per pail Currants nc per quart Wbitt Currants per quart Black Currants per quart Raspberries per Black per Beans peck A pples J peck Live 5 to per ft Live to pair Live Spring Chickens to pr to pigeons 1 pair per pair One days something may fcH around an old you be price copy of it Save them by a by J SMITH Coiner of arid Main Streets Newmarket Grocery Pro A circus would not be complete without no one letter the Manager great Shows when they million dollars the ari five for beasts rare arid toco strange people vast which is ton- with their monster arid Hippodrome Will fceeri at or Au gust Cage upon cage and rows every grange and awful beast known to Chief among carnivor ous split tle terrible There are Camels Peer Lions Tigers Leopards Reptiles in a word birds and hearts of every kind There Is also In a very attractive menagerie the cutest lit tle baby Hippopotamus imaginable and four little and in unique departnient many many to name in detail a Giant Camel the tahest animal alive the Giant big gest brute that walks on earth the very Lord Beasts taller and weighs more lb an any elephant ever captured these physicians and who him self performed the operation is years old He is De of the greatest authorities on diseases- He received bis medical education at and at a very early age his became prominent in anatomy pathology end surgery At he was only man of his age who two professions In the al College of Surgeons those of an atomy and pathology He the prize in a treatise on Intestinal He has written copious ly on surgery lie is a Baronet a Knight Commander or Order Companion of the Oath Fellow of Hoy of College of the Order of St John Jerusalem Surgeon to bis Majesty King in jury to his Highness the iince of consulting emeritus professor of surgery in the LoiKlon Hospital late Surgeon ordinary to her Majesty consulting in South African forces late with column numerous medical Lord Joseph lister name was signed first to the bulletins is Sergeant to his Majesty and he was Surgeon Extra- ordinary to the late Queen He is famous for having jierfccted the ami- septic treatment of surgical cases lie has received honorary de grees such AS and He was created a Baronet lb l a Baron in lie President of the Society to is now lli9iJrttkh Association iof the Promotion of Science is Mir Honorary peant Surgeon to the He is a consulting surgeon in numerous hospitals and created a He has considerable refutation scientific articles entitled The Treatment of the and The Surgical Treatment Injuries He is a specialist upon the kind of the King Is now ftufferfn He is a Knight of the Victorian Order a Fallow of- the College of Sun- gimis Honorary Secretary of thi and Sir Francis Henry is what might called the Kings family His official title is I and Surgeon eiarylnfdinnry to his Majesty He is also to Majestys household Surgeon to his Highness the IVitlie of Wales and his anI of lie is a physician at many ml house physicinn Si Hospital He has made a Of childrens and skin dis eases He Is a of lh Victorian Order a graduate of the Heidelberg medical department and old- Sir Thomas Harlow was Physician to the fliiJ the physician to his Majestys household He is pro fessor of clinical mil Heine and physi cian to University Hospital advisor to the Secretary of the and a Knight into bis courts Aug and Buffering Dear reader if you are unfortunate ly numbered amongst the sickly and weak mortals of it is now time- to awake to a true realization of your The weakening and depressing hot only add to your miseries if you are careless or indifferent Tcere is absolute relief and a posi tive cure for you in Celery Compound This wonderworking medicine is successfully conquering such troubles as yours every day It Is a fact verified by able physicians and thousands of testimonials that Celery Compound makes new pure blood builds up nervous regulates digestion whets the appetite and gives vigor and strength to combat the discomforts of the heated term Mrs Wilcox says- years I have suffered from a constant sick headache and nervous ness at times I have been so bad that I have been unable to sleep two hours a night for weeks I have many medicines and doctored a deal but never received a part of the value from them that I obtained from Celery Compound After using three bottles ran sleep my headaches have ceased and I feel healthier and fresh er than have doner for years a a INTRODUCTION It now a lacking fourteen days since the Tbe bad been given bn rejected tbe God the arid its furniture bad been erection this tabernacle we SUGGESTIONS Tbe ark Symbolizes the deepest mysteries of redemption The holy of contained beau tiful emblems of Gods purity justicd and mercy Here is ttte first step in nbe approach of the human soul to God profound reverence of feeling of word and deed That frail curtained structure Was more to them than a town v to bas tions The immanence of may still the confidence of national arid individual life The human mind has not yet en tirely outgrown its need of aids to devotion- furniture may still tt made to con serve to the reverential arid wor shipful spirit Upon these same three pillars rests Christian oE today Gra titude Stewardship Consecration tabernacle grew old like a ves ture it passed The temple reproduced it in stone has gone to dust In its turn but the truths for which they stood remain and are better understood more highly priced than ever in the worlds history The tabernacle stood in the of the camp so religion is most important element in the national and individual fm hi mm h 1 Him it ft ft iTi J HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO LEASE YOU a EVEHYTHINQ As REPRESENTED I CO NEWMARKET fVi TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE HI iftrfy i For the Era Statute Miss of Parry Sound and Mr Frank Cross were at Twomile Narrows Bay toe latter attempting to rescue the young lady The Australian cricket team i England won the test matcl against AH England by three runs in one of the most sensational finishes ever witnessed in such an important event Chatham July Herbert the fl- yearold son of George ran a rusty nail Into his foot last Friday and is now In a dangerous condition from lockjaw No hope is entertain ed for his recovery London July 25 Murty Scott the 2yearold son Mr Andrew and Mrs who reside near iiderton strayed across field near bis parents home yesterday fell into a pool water and was drownedj Dr Robertson of was sum moned and everything possible was done to save the little life The child did not regain conscious ness Commander of thy viiiiiii Order the to a of He a Aika ft Apitij 2 Ita tor Mo ti PftJi ft for I KiiioB cm can The ft tat ion at will soon feeding for using than pullets nursing who went to the front received no gratuity at all it in that they Kiv- from the Canadian patriotic fund Miia Oh he and conn My colonial the iii at the at inns Wen train pull on and ill- an off work no have a look a lfft the crowd em like an vould AhVs thyVe I In tot an on oirv ll- can fri hes It he anylhUu me tiu know ukk an ilwly he to more ll every than Hut when llerlert o hit hardly a on platform theyre JI away trenches or or round we- liiihff fan m he help em If they aint I Kitchener wan to of a soon of hUaiov- In him any warm Cornstalk fhy J Abbott Vancouver July 25 Thrte men Were drOwncd and a are missing as the result of a windstorm here today The havoc wrought among the fishing fleet The full extent of trie disaster cant be learned until the occupants all the vessels are heard from Many house were destroyed by the high wind It assumed the of a tornado in some sections To flop a white straw hat buy five worth of salts of lemon and dissolve it in a pint of boiling Then take a soft a nail Will do nicely awl the bat with the liquid When clean rinse in cold water and put in the air to dry A sailor hat should be lowed to dry on a board or table for then the brim will be kept flat and til course the drying must be in shade since wet straw very cani ty FLAVOR AND OF to a conn day Take Laxative Quinine All refund the money If it fails to cure Groves is on each were nice you tent But arent hy emblina of linJalthfulnws boy Oh all dullny ar not It is said that Statute Labor has proved a failure in Ontario This is not tbe it is system for levying the rate that makes it look so which is also very unjust is on the Township stead of road boat and is on the assessed value of all property but has to be spent in the beat in which it is raised Tlie consequence is tbe older settled part of a Township is often taxed far higher than is nec essary whilst the backward part is not taxed high enough for its require ments The man who improvers his property and builds himself and coun try up is taxed lor the benefit ol the speculator who retards settle ment and whose lands remain unim proved To levy a rate in money to be spent where most required would increase the injustice on the man who improves country to benefit the mat injures it The remedy is simple All roads should he into main by a high or low as re quired on original value of the land adjoining it Where the cost of construction is above the average it should be equalized by a grant or public money Tbe people in the Territories should not lie to open up the land until a settlement is formed by winch time they will benefit by its iii- value At present tbe Do minion Government takes all such benefit though they no more own the country than we do The lands be long to the Crown The Dominion received them in trust to open them up pledged to hand the management to people in as soon as lley were capable of managing which tlrey would have long ago the North West As sembly had not relieved them of all responsibility by undertaking the de velopment of the country upon system the of re mittance to depend Upon will ol Government this to be supplemented by what they could ex tort from the people No sooner had the North West Assembly assumed the roads than they began to compel the people to travel em by al lowing travelled trails to be clos ed up forgetting that when the public were compelled to travel on certain fixed road allowances code of Canada when put In not allow to remain a public nuisance or In a cri minal of but compel to millions at once to render these roads and pass able As amount received front Dominion and that extorted from one class of people In J the territories is quite insufficient to jrneet the one liability caused by Malt has become roads now opened to say nothing of famous as an article of for in- those that will have to be with validft convalescents and from all bridges to build one naturally wishes who suffer from veak digestion Us to know what the will do concentrated nutritive arcto get us out of this false position well known to physicians Malt in which they The Breakfast Food quiets and strength- trouble has been that our Assembly ens irritated weak stomach has tried to treat this country a if and in a short time will banish the owned it and It was set most dyspepsia No oilier tied country with all at food so quickly enriches the blood their disposal of Its a and up shattered nyatetn new country where we own nothing Thin delicious health food for the hut the land we occupy strong Wtale hi sold by every ALPRfOD Grocer Oladys July to too Mens- Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits fine Italian linings silk stitcned vests doublebreasted and the best patterns we have ever shown Perfect fitters sizes I at Price t TORONTO F i3evmarkt Aurora Union Firemens Oil Tuesday Good For TWo bays tij eaaS6S56ij Civic Holiday in Newmarket and Aw A Special Train Will leAve at am nod stop at nil intermediate lions To Toronto Return Jg Breakfast r Mok It An For and It Can be nerved a Variety To Foils Return Newmarket Adults 176 Children Aurora Children For Rate from other and oo poster Tickets for Toronto j00 for one day only Niagara Tickot aro Rood for two days Parties in Toronto to go on thie trip can of tho Coin mil toe at or by writing either Secretary For oilier Information or of A Dr A P P J Chief FRED J HUGHES Farm for Sale 184 lot No In 2nd entrance on 3rd line Good brick frame bouse and two barns vclla Standing pine timber on lot toll in- excellent state of cultivation Ap ply to JOHN Wanted A couple of smart to years of ago for light work In finish ing department at good wages Also a couple of Men experienced curriera given preference Apply to A SON Tannery King Ontario i

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