Vr- A j he Mot Out a A ax You dont l8X rash vest A weak not His j that ordinarily Into tt tfat Ministry were It get tired easily and what it to f-J- a same position as direr waited -i- J Among the rina of j Government would re are after not only headache and belch- precedent gives iiiatibo buy tokens an inward consciousness of to pose the mother As- too highly forth good So far as we recollect British Cabinet ever resigned after a- general election before parliament convened because it had a small majority and there are many noted instances of British Ministries FAILED BENEFIT JOHN POTTER OF at m ButJrxyffliafaPKU a r irr joying the IT Hoods and I digestive system Clayton Miss July William a who at tempted to assault Miss Virginia Tucker of this plaijer was stake at midnight The assault was most brutal The young lady riding in the country she attacked The scene of as sault was a lonely spot on a country plugged ballot The power of the bailed Miss Tucker with defeated candidate in North York reminds one of that usually the man is whistl ing is fellow who is afraid of the And now it is by the Con servative organ in North Perth that the a m 4 LEGAL Rbertfcion Public c l v- Street to rood ecurity T to Lean Court I Or- c 4oort South of Pest flee Newmarket Lennox Aurora will Saturday and Court J A Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora jcontinuing in office being de feated at a election until the parliament met man- too much anxiety to be sure of bis footing and it would be better for hie political reputation it be were to be more certain respecting facts before making- statements so readily disproved When the trials axe over bis worry about Ross majority will be found to be sub stantial enough to account for pres ent uneasiness W I A Over Toronto House a fl Fit ia4 Money to interact at Current Hate R R Ramsay Low Town Not Infallible GRAfD TRUNK RAILWAY I fit SS3 kO a p a ii a i m a J go to i o 8 Tne popular vote under our- of representation by constituen cies cannot always be regarded an infallible register of a parliamen tary majority is clearly pointed out by the in an article recalling results on several the past For instance the party has been usually represented at out of all proportion to strength in Ontario At the general ejection of Liberals in a min ority of only votes in this Province but the Conservatives had the Liberals bad only Had popular vote been a majority of one Instead of sixteen would have been the result At the ejections five years later bad a majority only tbe total vote polled in On tario but secured a majority seats instead of one Ontario polled and Liberals former getting seats and the latter In tbe Liberate had a popular majority again this time votes and got a majority of two seats at Ottawa In Conservative majority was and eighteen seats Mr Whitney in Ontario Assem bly has making a great ado be cause at late general election in this Province Conservatives bad a majority of nearly 4000 of the popu lar vote but this is largely account ed for by Conservative prepon derance in the city of Toronto where tbe unit representation is the larg est in the Province Hence Lib eral of three seats under the circumstances is not an anomaly as tbe Advertiser points out certainly shows small disparity between- the number of votes and the number of seats as four out of five elections clearly re veal it is no occurrence Dr Pink Pills to restore sufferers to health after doctors and even best of hospital treatment have failed to benefit them Among those who have been in this way is Mrs John Potter a lady well known in Speaking about her illness to a reporter Mrs Potter said About three years ago I was greatly rundown- My was poor j I suffered from severe head aches- and palpitation of heart was very weak arid had a constant feeling of weariness which no of sleep could overcome At night I freely and would in a bery enfeebled matters worse my trouble became aggravated those ailments so to my sex I was afflicted with ulcers and- so bad were they that although- at different times I had treatment from five doc- tors they failed to euro me I then went to the hospital in Hamilton I received the best treat that be given there I was not benefitted I returned homes very much discouraged and it was then I decided that I would try Dr Williams Pills I got a supply and taking them and to my great gratification they soon began to help under their continued use my appetite returned the headaches and violent palpitation of the heart dis appeared my weight increased and alt the troubles that mad my life so vanished It will give me great pleasure if my experience will some other sufferer to try these a am sure they will be bene fitted Dr Williams Pint Pills are equally valuable to both men and women They cure rheumatism sciatica kid ney trouble neuralgia consumption heart ailments female and restore the glow of health to sallow cheeks There are many imitations courts wilibe invoked to displace air by a Ross supporter the information that she had- dropped a package She stopped the and the negro approached as- if- to Through Secretary of State at pick up supposed package He Ottawa official notification from seized girls wrists- and dragged Colonial has been received of her violently from the vehicle Both the bequest of Mr Cecil Rhodes of her log being broken in the fall Miss sixty scholarships for colonies Tucker screamed and was a These scholarships are of the value few moments later by doctor who 300 each and Ontario Quebec and was driving She is now Newfoundland receive one each of death I Artec capture by posse a Toronto Star rises to remark formed and took charge is whispered that Hon J Da- prisoner- He was brought be- vis wUl be boding a barbecue up in who positively Ml A m FACSIMILE SIGNATURE OF- North York one these days- at which there will be whole a large and hitherto very Our might have made the announcement complete by Informing the public interested that particulars would be issued from Os- Hall fixing the date- it- is announced that the Ontario Government has appointed Mr A Ames President of the Toronto Board of Trade Edward former President of that body J the Kingston railroad man and Mr J OBrien contractor Renfrew as members to the commission to con struct Lake Railway Hon Thos Bain former Speaker of the House of Commons was asked to accept a position on the commission out announced that he not act The commission is to consist of five numbers awl the place intended for Mr- Bain has not yet been filled and it will go to a representative of the agricultural interests Each member receives a allowance of one thousand and expenses Mr Ames will be chairman of the commis sion The Toronto Star says r- Prof of the Agricultural College has a cure destroyer mustard he has done tifled him though be asserted his to- was taken to a spot in the coun try near the scene of the assault and a was built about tree He was told to prepare for death- When the manner of his execution became apparent he begged for mercy He was securely bound oil was poured on his clothing and in a short period only bis charred hones marked the spot of his execution fFmpt lion Sour StorchDisrrea LOS OF of NEW YORK WRAPPER or aw if MXtit COPT jot a III In afttnr acjcuj to ffa anything or ywilu jBit aa aaA will aaaw Sm job fMMeSIi a higher service than any for which to this great medicine and the pur- has been conferred Corn- chaser should that the full on this item from tlve Star the Old man Says Its a funny thing but its so easy for people to speak out all the mean they think or have col lected together in their wanderings while it half kills them to crack a smile and look a nice clean friend ly look and to say Bless your old heart but I think you are mighty nice or something to that Thats what makes some people all Atlantic to as fl4 Ok f 4 So rt a i 9 9 ia fc a r n A a S5 to it ia S23 a a a I a a Referring to the propose At lantic service the Toronto World has ibis to say It t be conceded opt result at the Colon ial be perfecting of or the establishment of fast across the Atlantic and Pacific nothing else Is this project of itbelf Justify the calling of the conference The selfcomplacency of the British people not eaMly disturbed the threatened assault on their snipping by J touches to quick nothing has done in recent years It ought to flat tering to thin country to realize that ft wax to Canada that Great looked for the of a to dlapel the panic that name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box Sold by all cine dealers or sent by mail postpaid at a box or six boxes for 250 by writing direct to the Dr Williams Co Naval Display at Revietrj London July The reports re garding King Edwards health contin ue to be most satisfactory He will remain on the royal yacht of Isle of Wight until August and will return to the roadstead after the coronation It has been definitely decided that the British fleet will reassemble off Portsmouth for the coronation re view The Japanese squadron has been instructed to return there and it is understood that other foreign countries will also be represented DRAINFOOD NONSENSE Another ridiculous food fad has been by the moat competent au thorities They have dispelled the silly notion that one food is for brain another fir another for bones A cor- diet will not only nourish a par ticular part of the body but it will sustain every other part how ever good your food may is by Indiestiorioc You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their comipg taking regular of Greens August Flower medicine of the healthy A atlraulates the to healthy action the Mood makes you feel and vigorous You get tills reliable remedy at Pharmacy railroads are evidently pre paring for a long seige for they are confiscating all the that is loaded Into their and not furnishing any more cars Mercury observes There to be nice and kind hut For the Era BY A BANKER Near midst of a wide rolling plain many miles in a few miles the ruins of the an cient fortified stronghold known as Old stands the principal of those relics of tbe past which in times were known as the four wonders of BritainStohehenge To New Repair Shop v WW AT ZA CURB A Quinine AH druggists refund the money taking poweasiox the if It fails to cure Morgan combine may temporarily up- signature la box of I pfhf5 Interests it will prove one of the benefit that ever fallen to the lot of this it will accrue to the benefit of the empire Canadas command ing position in the deal follows as a matter of course her In the geography of it empire Canada the country and Australia while M is practfcally as near Africa aa the United Kingdom will he pivotal point In the Inter- prlal Commerce ard ard the will to profit by her position the fast Atlantic fact Owens Ky July Anderson was taken from early this morning by a of men and hanged to the cross bean of the city Thursday An derson went to the home of wile three below the town called her out and her three times in- sUntly killing litr was btf ChlWiKtcrft is no longer any question that a spray of blue stone in solution will kill mustard and so improve the growing grain crop For two or three years has leen applying this treatment in different sections of thu Province and without exception when the weed was taken at the proper stage it has been prac tically The Mercury adds do not thin that Prof claims to have or iginated this means of destroying mustard The discovery we believe was in France Mr bad read about it and to him is due the credit for its introduction into Ontario Having satisfied himself of its by experiment he Was authorized by the department to give demonstrations in different parts of the Province as a result of which use is likely to soon become general and to lead to eventual extermin ation of one of the worst forms of weed pest with which Canadian ag riculture has to contend In this part of North York the mustard pest in sections is plentiful and if a spray of blue stone will eradicate it the farmer who neglects the remedy will not be considered as do ing his whole duty lo himself or the community Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach tho diseased portion the ear There is only one way to cure deaf ness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the lin ing of the this tube i Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing and when it is entirely closed deaf ness is the result and unless can out and this tube to its normal con dition hearing will bo destroyed for ever nine eases out ten are caus ed by which Li nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surf aces I We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness cauaed by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send free J Sold by druggets falls Family Pills the best The a man tries to be a somebody ought to soak A at the Canadian North- Railways new elevator at Arthur way allowing three men to fall feet Harvey and Black wood were killed and was broken The last named may recover Children for CASTOR I A are terrified over what the results might be they keep silent arfd let loose only the mean little Although the above all be earned on with the utmost ccuscitntiouauesa of the unfortunate that other ttiere much hum bug and deception The tbe and their relative arc traded upon the moat shameful fmpoaaC- cures promise many prepara tions are and acme are positively dangerous to health Aaa all proprietary remedies regarded with by people and the good Buffer for tbe bad For these reasons we announce that our proprietors arc the principal in HIRAM WALKER SOUS LIMITED which will ore cure be an ample guarantee of the truth of every made concerning this day it is a profound mystery how Having erected a new building those uncivilised Celts were able Ave Newmarket North End I am fitting it up with RON Ltd Farm for Sale acres pt lot No In The 2nd of Vrlitcburch entrance on the srd Up Good brick house frame house and two barns good wells Standing pine timber on lot In excellent state of cultivation Ap ply to JOHN Town Property for Sale House and Lot on Charles Street In TlqWfcv Factory tbe property of Mrs Bell Enquire at the Era a -xarsa- I It transport from a very considerable distance those great monoliths to erect thera in regular scr ies and to raise a of the mas sive blocks to the tops of the upright columns forming the inner circle of the temple In the centre of the circle is the sacrificial stone oriented with such perfect accuracy that on Midsummer day the rays of the sun at six oclock are stated to align exactly with the centre of atone Judging from the vague and imper fect accounts left 18 in history of the Druid leal rites celebrated in this not able Celtic temple it would appear that was frequently the scene of the most hideous and revolt ing barbarities perpetrated in honor by the Druid priests who though robing themselves in flow ing white habiliments of purity and encircling their brows with a crown oak or laurel yet revelled In the blood of their fellow creatures and immolated veritable hetacombs of victims Julius Caesar relates that at various Wines enormous baskets in the shape of a man were fill ed with a struggling mass victims piles of faggots being then built up round the base of the weird figure were set on fire the terrible holocaust leaving but the chared re mains of the men women and children Imprisoned in the dreadful cage Or perhaps I here to be but a sin gle victim to be immolated on that gore stained stone We can imagine the scene The cruel Priests have selected their victim a fair young girl the pride of her par ents the Joy and life of the family circle Hut neither tears nor en- treaties can move those slaughter- whitebearded savage priests The maiden robed in- white- her long golden hair stream down her back- is led away from her towards the fatal stone where a number of incantations are performed the of drowning ler and wild heartbroken soba And then we read that he swordgirded gesticulating high priest retiring a few feet from the terrified victim draws his weapon after it round his head suddenly a fierce rush at the girl and transfixes her heart It Js impossi ble to describe the weird which recital is too dread ful and repulsive the savage cere mony being finally terminated by tho recking being cast Into a roar ing fire blazing within the circle Dirt happily since the doctrines of Christianity have spread thru almost the entire length and breadth of world these enormities practised the name of religion have almost ceased For the Divine Founder of that religion offered himself as a full complete and fcufficlent sacrifice fori our alns opening the of the Kingdom of Heaven to Who will come to Him for patdon and for salvation to machinery to do all kinds of Repairs to Iron Work Will be ready for business next week Prompt attention and satis faction guaranteed A THOMPSON Practical Machinist GENERAL Builder Contractor la now in a position to take con tracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short and satisfaction guaranteed GRANOLITHIC ANP CONCRETE HOOFS FOR Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER Gotham Box Newmarket SUMMER COURSE From July next will beheld of depart went of TORONTO Special Count In Accounting No Vacattob Student may Tor a full partial wurao at any time If SHAW Write for circular Toronto an Ad la the Era It pays It pays to aavertUe In the Era Immediately A couple of to years of ar or light work in finish ing department at wages Also a couple of Men experienced curriers given preference Apply to A DAVIS SON Lowell Tannery King Ontario