t Vtii fc j 1 i l Ft Jv 7 1 Vr I l Brighter and BtiUr fern All Printing Does at Home No Wanted are quite opinion of our temporaries who have a that protest in tbe elec tion courts against members recent ly returned to- the should be thoroughly investigated Men in whom the people have expressed con- stand charged with wholesale bribery and corruption without a tit tie of evidence to support the World suggest that every man who enters a protect personal corruption and railing to substantiate same forfeit the deposit Would stop muck of the slandering of men and there was any way to reach the legal fraternity who strive to turn disappointed am bition into a source personal ad vantage would be less for courts and less charges of political fraud Then there Is the further evil that been on political law should be so amend ed as to drive from public life tbe tab whole crowd of professional pol iticians who In any way re partes to a This is another evil growing out of inventions of legal profession to make out of respective political parties to Which claim allegiance Is a fraud Honors still In Sir Liu- Her wilt receive of A special to Mail says in early ap peal to tfe country Government is on cards AH It will be a sour EaVuV faction to Canadians to learn- 1 and Fanny of Off is Miss hopes are entertained they may possibly bold greatest damage is on tbe Missouri side riser between Keokuk and Hannibal Miss is spending covering square en the com was estimated at SO I bushels to tbe acre a few days ago Stand of Toronto is today are that in spending a week with Mrsi Indicated loss will be over EDITORIAL of printing ia demonstrated by issue of Ibe Chi cago Tribune on July six full pages toe 2 were printed in colors and whole number well il lustrated including a full banquet of tbe entire over employees A despaUb from Pretoria uys the area of between tbe and Crocodile Rivers in Trans fceeri proclaim as a reserve This will stop large shooting expeditions being and were com posed of former army officers and pro fessional bursters London Daily News aayt Canada does not propose a general immunity of Colonial grain from registration duty but will bread tax as edge of wedge to secure a faying Canada gives you a preference on a third of give us an im munity on corn nd other grains July flood arc much worse today and Mississippi River is from to Mw Charles Tuesday i Bradford flood of Toronto was s removed Mr J Tbe Misses Crone are visiting everything but their houses on migration inspector at Buffalo with Mrs Wood knolls and a few behind rtndous conduct been very Keltykft on Tuesday highest levees Damage is also to people crossing river at vacation in Manitoba tbe toinois tbe Falls lifes Bessie Robinson of Any person who has an Jog to tbe Pacific coast should to Mr I- Secretary Association Victoria- BC for a copy Victoria a very pretty book well illustrated and containing much information re garding locality A despatch from Ottawa which claims semiofficial states that there will be no public holiday out Canada on Day but royal salutes will be fixed at Victoria Winnipeg London Toronto Kingston Montreal Quebec St John and at Telegram says opin ion would protect office holders under Ontario Government if Hon went of power tomor row Possibly so but the past po litical history of the Conservative party scarcely warrants belief that power of public opinion would refer red to Prof Miller of the Ontario Bureau of Mines In a tetter to the Toronto office this week states that be is starting on bis Way up to Lake Savant to look into someplace gold deposits which have been dis covered in that district Lake is away- above Sturgeon Lake No information been about the finding of gold in that district i A press despatch from that twelve editors are to visit Canada next month They are to be by Mr Pres- too Were it not Preston was An pressman himself it would be rather to have Cana dian agent piloting these English thru July Charles a young fellow of about nineteen em ployed at the Wood Specialty Coa Factory met a very seri ous accident yesterday morning He was up lacing a belt when ladder came down He struck on a horse arid from that fell to floor- which he bed heen using on the belt So bis bis struck cm It inflict fog a terrible cut reaching from the mouth to the ear The Globe Tuesday remarks The or Hon William Minister of Customs orders the larking of Sunday Steamboat from American cities has been very warmly approved in the lake lowna whose quiet was threatened these American who comes to Canada to see the country and among its woods likes is always welcome but the Sunday b often brings with him only American and we do not want that calls attention to fact trustees Mr will ate of rexulatioris to the matter which the qualification of are to he The trustees the of hi Province give his with regard generally to the of aelariihipA terms of An Evening Telegram special Lon don depatch says Sir Wilfrid accompanied by Sir William the Hon Fielding and the Hon will go Paris alter the Coronation Sir Wil frid will visit Anjoumois tire home bis during his stay in Prance and will take a trip to Italy call upon Holiness the Pope of Rome The and his expect to to Canada about the midd Se A London cable referring to he ap- as of Transvaal Colony that the Times corres pondent at Johannesburg observes The for an appoint- rheut has long been foreseen hers as the strain of work Lord was too arduous one man correspondent says the of Sir Arthur has been well received as popularity in Rhodesia is It is posed he will reside in Pretoria It is well that law was per mitted to take its course In connec tion with the banging Rice In To ronto Friday He had as fair a trial as any man could ask for everything that money and influence do was done to save from the gallows case hut exempli fies the text from the book way of transgressor Is hard end should serve as a earning to all who are tempted to a down ward course This young man was brought all the fluences of a luxurious but thru companions In vice bis college edu cation was to further bis nefar ious plans of plunder arid crime The Infliction of the death penalty should have a restraining influence v peo ple who might be inclined to travel the same road It Is a our citizenship and an honor to Can adian Courts that criminals are pun- in this country tbe full ex tent of law atom Mrs Easton of Acton is spending a few days with Mrs Glenn Kitchen- Mrs James Silver has returned aire visitlog relatives in Oriliia and Lindsay The Misses of guests of Misses for a pie of The Misses have returned alter having spent some weeks at Roachs Point Rev of Toronto was the of Mr Albert West a couple of days week Mrs and family expect to leave for Man about ten days l Sir Jacob of spent Wednesday night at the home of Mr Johnson Messrs Garnet and Clare of Toronto spent over in Town with their Cousins Willis of Toronto son of Mr Richard Willis is home or a couple of weeks is part of the vacation In She for last Friday Mrs Webster and son Artbur spent two weeks vacation visiting friends at Toronto Mr J Montgomery of the Ontario Bank at Sudbury was here this week to see his parents faster Garnet and his bro ther Sherman are spending their holi days in Bradford with their uncle Mr George Coombs Mr J P Hunter Toronto four million dollars chiefly to com The done along the Missis sippi is greater than was expected or at first reported One township in County Green Bay is six or seven under water It more tn acres of crops The families were driven out hurri edly some cattle were drowned levee miles of Burlington 3 that bad been considered safe- i I July August at and ending on General Servant MRS J J PEARSON Sheep Astray Came upon premises of Wis- on or about June 2Mti and Lamb and Yearling Veatber Owner may have tbe same property and paying THOMAS ROMAN Newmarket- A white sow pin with blue spots On her back was Impounded with me on Sunday July She a clip in left ear If not re deemed will be sold by auction Wednesday July 30tb at one visiting in Town this week on her Referring to the made In filed Hon BJ that were Im ported into North York at the late election to work In Conservative terestSi the Toronto News says The Conservative explanation is to the effect that six months previous to the last Provincial elections Lib eralConservative Protective Associa tion was formed the purpose of coming pure election In Ontario and in recent campaign aw on as it that corrupt were being the forty were brought to Toronto from- New York mA constituencies it was believed the operate The Conservative authori ties that the these deteetivesjs evidently upon the in against Mr T Herbert mx in North realents who were for can get nowhere ds wWever to awarded For J In manly sympathy of a Sari way home from where she has spent three weeks Mrs T Bowies and daughter and Miss of Aurora were in Town Wednesday visiting their sister Mrs J Mr and Mrs Jos wcre of Mr and Mrs A Evans cm Wednesday night Their California trip did good Miss of Toronto is three or four weeks with Miss Annk McDonald and Miss Brandon of To ronto is a guest during tbe summer vacation Mtb Gallagher his returned a visit at Toronto accompanied by her daughter Mrs Hjos and who will spend a couple of weeks here A Peregrine Greco Castle Indiana will thru town this evening on a with her sla ter Mrs Foster also her mother Oliver arid daughter A Oliver of Toronto moved to the Lake on Wednesday Prof By ron Oliver Is expected from Ohio in early part of August Mr Smith and wife of San Diego have been spfiding a few days Mrs Dr also her sister Mrs WmiUi of The Americans leave for home today Mr of Rochester President of the Office Specialty Co spent Wednesday looking around the factory It expected the extension to tbe factory will proceed shortly spent a few days week visiting in in took of her absence and strip ped her cherry trees The son on should pricked writes from Gladys under the date of July as follows We have had almost con tinuous rain since last wrote On the of July we had the highest flood the since we have been here We lost a roir-id- quantity of fencing have been half under water as was when the water not to high by several inches Is a very backward sprlnK Most the potatoes have rotted in the ground A man from High River reports that It Vivian P The At Aurora July the wife Mr of a daughter On Centre Street Aurora July to Mr and Mrs Peter Brown a daughter Town on the Inst to Mr and Mrs Fred a son Alter St Church Newmarket on July by Rev J rec tor Mr Leonard Davison son late J Davison to Miss Lulu of the residence of the brides mother on July by Rev Cornell Albert A of Cowrie Perth Co to Miss Mary daughter of tltt late James Smalley Pauls Church Newmarket on Wednes day July 2Srd by Rev J rector to Miss Fanny K Co bran of Newmarket ays have decided to clear all of the bal ance of Summer Goods oona of If Ginghams Dimities Blouses Wrappers Hosiery Underwear ens Underwear Summer Shoes and Slippers In fact all to he cleared at low prices TO ILLUSTRATE 10c 10c 15c 17c 19c 1000 yards Print light and dark colors your choice of all our goods wide width and fast colors only yavtfs Print tbe seasons latest patterns chiefly Crumbs goods very special yards Past Colored Imported a good range of colors worth 10c and your choice for yards Dimities and Mercer Silk fast colors and a beautiful range of patterns worth from 12ic to 20c yard for yards and Zephyrs regular and 25c good colors and wide cloth your choice for yards flne Mercerized Foulards just regular 30o and to clear for Colored Blouses Fine Cambric and Batiste sizes to regular and to clear for White Blouses only in Lawn assorted styles regular and to clear your choice for Ladies Fine Black Hose guaranteed perfectly fast dye regular to clear special for doz Ladies Fancy Cotton Hose in Stripes Spots and Drop effect regular and very special for doz Mens Underwear sizes 34 to Shirts and drawers assorted regular to clear for Hundreds of other lines that space will not allow mention of will be on sale and new lines will be added as the progresses Remember the sale commences at am on Thursday July and lasts for Nine Days Only Be on hand early and get first choice All bargains genuine Just as advertised Shop Early Newmarket Successors to road has been built it has gone Harvey while working at a cutting machine in photo studio K4ngston let the slip and It into his aide a wound about an mob long through which his bowels protruded tag oivt of moral mrce I James fined at for off with mans horse while drunk to London did damage the Dining Bedroom and Parlor ottered for days before at prices that are simply amazing Now the time to fit up your home with elegant at least coot Come and see John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and A SPECIALTY Tomb Emergency Hospital Toronto on Friday Jury Charles Webb Kingston Road aged years beloved hus band of Mary Beckett formerly of Newmarket fc r COOK At lot rear of Wi Coo near on Sunday afternoon of heart failure Samuel Cook aged years Holt on July at the residence of son- inlaw Frank Walker aged yearn months days Interment in Mt Albert Cemetery on Wednesday In on Tuesday July Tims aged 82 years Baldwin on Tuesday the Clifford Angus in fant son of Mr and Mrs aged month and day Hamilton July marie wife of WiU kin formerly of Newmarket aged 3d years Mrs Foster of mo ther Mrs Wilkin the funer al the resdre her brotherinlaw Mr David King on July WW Sarah aged Interred at Friends burying ground Yon go- St on Wednesday Mail and telephone orders promptly attended to Remember our wagons to the Wee four times each week SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT MALI BREAKFAST FOOD Our Special Boiled Hath to Slice Also Corned Beef Chipped Dried Beef Potted Meats Pork and Beans LEMONS TOMATOES WATERMELONS BANANAS NET PRUNES PINEAPPLES ONIONS LETTUCE CUCUMBERS ft- hH Tried Used J J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Cartful and Prompt Attention In Great Variety CENTRAL TELEPHONE