J -l- a KPT ERA OUT v i E owes ARKETj General Banking Interest on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED JULY oo2 tI fH7 At HI Draft an ffi Mrs Simpson prank Duncan AUCTIONEER Beau Bolton Millards fl Ellis and Sanitary Engineer Adelaide St Toronto phis Estimates tor all kinds The transport was at last Cuba With glass could make scattered palms cad the dark the white beach On the deck the only that voyage In a comer a were Intent a card game Presently one or the three sprang up with an angry laugh Kids for he cried throwing down the cards- Nobby said a lad with the badge of the band on his forage cap say cant help it If the corns At the if MARItlAq NEWMARKET Monuments and Head Stones- Gall COOK BROS it flour CHOP CORN OAT ICBAtS GRAIN cor Huron Connection Newmarket my way Come way Im an Inno cent service stripes and cant afford to play with shark like you Did fetch that last ace down roar sleeve or was it bidden co der the blanket a match for any Young commonly known Bones a In his eyes- Honest Nob by be asked I lost hair a pay to you and me a man more the shame what will the parson say to me for letting into a game Bones threw ft scared look aft but grinned cheerfully as he said Hope seasick yet He sauntered far forward In the nose of the ship Thrusting hand Id shirt be drew out a precious case Opening it he fitted together the pieces of a flute the flute which an the regiment knew was a marvel In bands could play many Instru ments IJJs dead father bad master Thence the enlistment of little child of regiment J bis filled with sad de sire as he fitted the fiute to lips and breathed out a familiar air ttie Suddenly he started forji tenor voice bad taken up the atraiu Turning around he saw the standing by his aide Together nJsM TeBe 9 a Then the man laid hand on the I bear that have been breaking ail roles while The boys glanced In de nial without the need of compromising words- cried the chaplain al most angrily dont lie dont lie to today for It may laat pme I may ever talk to your la voice at the last words He held out hi delicate hand The boy took It eagerly if any one In the world could Influence him it waa the chaplain Tonight we will be In To morrow I be In the front where the men need me you in the rear with the nurse No cried the boy passionately How can they march without muster The colonel ordered it and you must obey Bnt lad are the promises you made me op think have not heard aave have hidden yon away because worse for Yon gamble erery chance get j even sky- oh you4on play faced him I dont like the beer- It make me sick And dont care for the money when am gambling lfcen why do you your fathers rnemory snd hurt your best most a sob as he said slowly Because and I wantto It Im tired of Ty all men I beat ttouffc theyll btrj go and orders eyes glowed why Im here he lain said Id hevrf the company buglers rang out Forward double time Mortal At a run the gotten A thronghthe and seemed to burst Immediately over his bead Three in dropping their guns For a moment he thought of the resir safety Then grizzled In Indian wars stepped out Steady my men Theyll never hit as like that twice They dont know how voice led theansweriDg cheer He ran forward grabbed a gun and cartridge from one of in dead soldiers and pushed himself Into the rooks beside Nobby The veteran took a moment to give him a hug Good for yon my beauty youve do business here but keep to me mad soldier I A And obeyed him ran dropped fired It was a dogged ad vance under Are In straggling groups through tangled underbrush a snag beset stream the men charged Ban Juan At last Bones sank down by a little group of panting men A despairing corporal looked up the ridge where the flag still flaunted and down the burst the stragglers Ifa no use boys said he we can never make It I say we can cried the madden ed child of the regiment An Inspi ration came to Drawing out his flute be pieced It together and put it to his lips erect his fair head gleaming In the sun blue eyes glared at the flag on the ridge while Yankee Doodle rang out bravely above the noise of musketry From below came a great shout and hundreds of came on with a run advanced with them head well back triumph In bis air There was a rush him The red and flag fell at last Bone threw up aria cheer Some thing the last shot of a retreating foe struck him in the chest He fell grasping his flute There was a crowd about him and hla bend ura In the chaplain lap Bones looked up tape aint be whispered Tea my said chaplain VAC An Ottawa fie dzujAcmm Birr School hem lis I 1- v r f Life Was to Me Could Describe My Sufferings I A THREE BOTTLES OF THE TEN TO MEN Golden Shalt as July 20 S I Wrought a Glorious and Happy Cure That Astonished a Com munity INTRODUCTION We turn the dutk man to God to mans duties to bis fellow By keeping the law we cannot earn heaven but- by breaking it we bring penalty and remorse thy father and mother is at the basis of the family relation in prohibition of stealing and of false testimony are our to our controlled The tenth is the only one which directly commands of heart We are not even to In toe ranks of sick and diseased I wish for that which is our many men and women have An inordinate love of sell makes it become hopeless because of toe fail- of physicians- and their medicines impossible us love others have all such dejected and 5 as we do desponding mortals take comfort this vl jw n When is the centre of our itfo very day We wouM impress upon j them the blessed truth that Fames Celery Compound is abundantly able with ot to save and cure A multitude of people saved from disease death tombed hare given strong and inconvertible testimony that Celery Com- Johnstown Pa Jury can save even at the eleventh town has again been visited by an ap- Mr Ottawa Out palling disaster It is only less fright tells of his terrible condition and of than the awful calamity of May his wonderful cure by Celery in cost of life but it has Compound he writes thus brought sorrow to hundreds of home For four years I endured terrible made desolate by a mine explosion agony and misery owing to pains took place in the Cambria my head and chest Life was a Steel Company Rolling Mill Mine un burden to me and no mortal could ffestntount Hill at oclock describe my sufferings I was treatthis afternoon by doctors and used many patent ft may take several days to but nothing gave me relief mine but it is believed that used your Celery Com- at least are entombed pound I thank God for the day it was brought to my notice in the Ot tawa papers- have taken three hot- Deafness Cannot be Cured tics of the and today I can truly say I feel like a new man I local applications as they cannot will recomniend the remedy whenever the diseased portion the ear I have the opportunity as it is the There is only one way lo cure deaf- best ever given to s and that is by constitutional Canadas Waste and that is remedies Deafness is caused by condition of the mucous of the Tne money annually expended for ibiii inflamed you have a straighten up I strong drink in the Dominion of Can- ambling sound or imperfect hearing iroved It am Then averages about forty million dol- l s If to this amount we add the l result and unless the in- r be i- entailed upon us by intempiir- can be out and this ance Including the of the pro- to its normal con- The one great sight In power to our workers the hearing will be destroyed for- and the most famous thing In Java are of time pauper and criminal ln the botanical gardens the finest In the expenses the amount will be which is nothing hut world says of the than doubled condition of the Kansas City Taking consideration The started In 1817 Qnl Hundred ad- rink consurned andfoliowing a line any case of Deafness caused and plants a no together from all the world and the following startling conclusion arranged with skill and money annually expended for taste plant tree and Tine In strong drink in Canada would ihe garden la plainly labeled s everything detailed helow to every one of five thousand and following a line any case of recently taken up by catarrh that cannot be cured by days something may your friends will be call- fag around an old photo of you ted will be willing to pay any price copy of it Save them this by baring a by J SMITH Corner of Main Newmarket Grocery and Provision fcr Applet ft for Jato fc a for 1 it tan loo o Wad on as yon have 50f but a disgrace to the regt j Bone turned away it could hate seen tfl tear In bis might hive added A comforting word boys heart awning with day me be promised Moles men sod were crowded In bear rutted rood which tangled front earn the of bear from tenche and where and yellow flag still flat- tered A regiment of regulars swing- along With them inarched the A slender came op The sergeant who was file closing ran up with in oath brought you here you Do you think we are on Get back ambulance you belong Sergeant Boll boy an toinred sir The doctor id know lb toe Told me to go to t flVril I cams to JotL Boots said the with a grlfcu do you think tell one of your lies io back to the about III I can shoot as straight the youre no Ill take gun youre WUfcd are great laboratories and work hops though no hothouses are needed It Is in fact a combination of work of nature and of man carried to a point of perfection beyond which the Imagi nation fails to carry one The magnif icent trees vines the superb palms the graceful the giant water flowers the beautiful flow ering shrubs and the curious orchids arouse an ever Increasing Interest and for one whole morning wandered abbot from one scene of beauty to an other until at last we emerged by a of canary covered giant creeper some one variety bearing blossoms at one time and returned regretfully to our hotel Tim were walking through the wllda of New Jersey bound Tor New Tim a wildcat crouched the of a ear road Clotcbtng compan ion by the arm and pointing excitedly to the beast he Clancy do yet see toot Mal tese cat a for Stand ye jUersow an go op an shake her dune All have to do to tier- Clancy did as he wa told and Tim went up shook and shook till the cat did absolutely tumble grabbed camera mo- lull Id cyclone of fur and Clancy dost -sod- stubs woo- Bering Tim looking oh from above calleddowo come don an Gome doner gasped Come dune an help let her K New York Time Clears farm of acres dwelling house barn stables etc Team of horses Cows at each 300 Sheep at each Pigs at each 1 Harvester Wagon 1 Sleigh P J CO O Sold by all druggists Halls Family pills are the best Scotch Cart Scotch Plow Set Harrows I Set team harness Schplow harness Set Cart harness Cooking stove furnished Carpet ii 131 Heeding coal looter Carpet I set I fled room set Parlor set Book case Volumes standard works at Mb A working capital for each family of a i PI I ftfl 40 00 30 00 I Varioos pi nations bate been giv en of the origin of the- grey hound some authors claiming that the taken from meaning others that It great say has to color of mat in no other of too blue or- color so preys and consequently last mentioned Is a story I heard In A quarrel place si a fair and a culprit was being sentenced for man slaughter The doctor however bed to show that the vie- if be any- soy for himself replied honor but would ak Warn thai Total for family THE SIGHT OF IT WHETS APPETITE Malt Breakfast Food ALWAYS A WELCOME THE Many Use It Twice a Bay in the Hot Weather a for a to go Malt Breakfast Food la a blessing to In hot weather Anting those toil with and muscle a proportion weak and tail ing appetites and wore It not lor a dish of delicious Malt Break- last the duties and labors the day could not properly met Malt Breakfast Food weary appetite is always a welcomed at the morning meal Many with great advantage use it for sup per and breakfast In toe hot weather Try It foraweck and note your ain In Your Grocer the moo Says ij It appears that love laughs at fire men as well as at locksmiths An Ohio man arrested for setting fire to a paper mill confessed the hut pleaded that Cupid prompted him to commit it He was employed at the mill and Was put on the night shift so could no longer ftp end his evenings courting girl he loved who consequently began to look upon Mm coldly To remedy this In- tolerable state of affairs by getting rid of the necessity of working nights he burned down the It also ap pears that he burned another mill a couple of months ago but probably he was at that time in love with an other girl He is likely to spend a number of years isolated in the afforded by cell ardent lovers be Inclined to with this Inflammable swain but they should consider that a man in whom the Ares of love aiii contagiously cannot safely be allowed to be at large and that It Is a matter of common know ledge that there la no law in this country to prevent a man from Quit ting a job whenever he feels Ilk it at ways a of C When save the aChlW cried the toafalxwldr In six weeks all the grading mi the Central Hudson Hay Hallway will I completed A The back draft following the ting oft of the steam forced the Ore- box open on the engine of the fast express from and flames 1 mi Are to the cab and the disabled I til t A SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES- GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU J EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J ALLAH GO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE I oi all Summer Goods commencing I June TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE J I I IOO 4 r CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES FRESH AND CLEAN Following are a few lines Rice lbs for Yeast 3c package package St Lawrence Cornstarch pkg lb Otter Brand Salmon tins 25c Lettuce Brand Salmon tins tor Pure Lard Evaporated Teaches lb Apricots Ilk Try our Victor Japan lea Bulk Teas in Green and Black to Fresh Confectionery Chocolates to lb Honey Suckles Quakers and Kissed lb Try our Maple Cream ft A CALL LYONS DAVISONS OLD r MAIN ST t ft r The Cans Sons Mfg Co of Limited Have with and In fu ture will be known as United Factories All accounts previous to Dec are and payable by THE SONS MFG CO Any having will kindly tend them in at once as the Company it closing It books and will shortly apply for a return of Its charter FPjTSALE Two Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND Docker op ABATORS Full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at 6fi0 THOUBPSOfl