the jxjuy end ngly ever time It bunch io lis figures the membrane wtriieajije ens the bones poorer of and capacity for recovery and develops con- sumption my fiesjjr from toaeool for I giving Hoods tJIcIf5 lb torts to no J ifcaDfirWcoJtoci Hoods W ft ttaneritiy ft rid LEGAL J Ac to q I Building Iicncrox South Of Of fice- Jtwinwkri Herbert will beat on AturiAyi Court J A CO- Ontario Bank Ft arts W lUrrifttr Block to A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing I louse J fl for Lift Moat to Loan at Current fl fl Ramsay Fire Kate on Farm and Isolated To wo Property Over Shoo GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TABLE I ft tB CO MM A 4 on a CI tA In a w i A O a i8i A sa tf I i 5 qOOOO Metropolitan Co S3 ill IS WM- aelay WK AT 5HB Princess Siisette theatiy By SABBT a CABS IKtt bo fl- Median Com f v There a Sash run the hli saber Incalbtetb the Her highness had away from her and peeking curiously into great world beyond the gate The children of the making mud plea In thtj creek the The wished that the too might make mud pies The fijuh from the aeatry saber caught her eye The medlUtiTely sucked one pink thumb and Mm round eyed wonder He looked and ter rible on great gray troop What makes you do that Inquired for the long at was with little hot flaabea light Because you are a the sentry briefly A wave of discontent swept the face of the Princess dont want to be a walled They let you do when you are a princess The sentry gat In frozen silence The of the princess wandere4 back to the making mud plea the creek wish I could make mud plea her The Princess came timidly out from the gateway and touched the sentrys boot with a tiny dim pled hand Air Soldier she said softly wish could make mud pies The orders are that nobody can pais the the senary The sweet If pa of the Princess sett quivered a ad the big blue eyes of the Princes fiusette Oiled with tears w Mr Soldier she sobbed a lonely little I I bad some on to The heart of the Princess overflowed with woe Her highness leaned heavily the shoulder of the big war horse and wept bitter tears on the saber taebe of the sentxj boot of the sentry was streaked with royal tears and the black from the sen trys stirrup strap begrimed the face of the princess The sentry glared straight but to the front and center through a strange mist that dimmed the outlines of the gate post opposite The gray troop horse bent bis head and softly tbe plQrap bearing boulders of the unhappy Prin ces The light of an inspiration came Into the tear stained face of the sat down In the middle of the road and peeled off her shoes and stockings barelegged maid to stiff white lawn presented a queer figure of a princess as her highness paddled back to thesentry Mr she began tentatively but the speech died on her lips had Just discovered that making fig ures In the dost with ones bare toe la the most fascinating Amusement In world was recalled from her absorbing occupation by the distant rattle of pony hoofs Her nurse In pursuit The princes looked up eagerly at the sentry Mr she said The sentry looked straight out to tha front and center and paid no heed Mr In a breathless panic sentry woo Id not look so aha gave Ms leg a vicious pinch sentrys eater flashed again to present Can go asked the Princess Hobody can pass said the sentry gruffly The princes looked up at him Iyly Mr Soldier wouldnt Jet me go barefooted because sbe said only went barefoot Im no body And the Prince held her shoes stocking for him to see the sentry could hear avowing louder and torodgb pie caught a pony cart driven hard On the the splash of water and the happy shoot of children Up of th lonely titUs princes were to Again the sentrys saber tfased a it rote M sentry The Prijew down nd shyly made he tha lodgrrr children fit sentry of ify corner of his to the Iff of him he called after the Prince a dam the creek more no than task lia mod fiasnlng op In hot haste with a groom and a th sentry without a of In face Was at gatepost opposite Where the Prince the white faced The sentry tat la stem silence It was against order to talk la the ftntteT de manded fir i on Hie but a treble ouso Prince era shrieking alight over her first med pie The grabbed lines from groom and urged the pony forward by jerking the lints backward after the toanaf of women- horse moved majestically from the gate post aid Get out of the way ordered furiously Ton cannot tbe I want the Princess cried I T jerked the ponys head and tried by the fieatry but a great I gauntlet caught bridle and held- it in a vise The by the whip behind 1 plunge and groom had to his l distracted nurse from the cart and ran with fljlng to ward the gate but the gray troop horse felt dig of Sharp spurs and plunged desperately out to head off Crowded into by the pal ace gate the nurse the groom to drive on and get the Princes The troop horse wheeled and the whipped out a gleaming pistol from his saddle holster Haiti he thundered and the order rang in the ears of groom like a pistol shot The pistol looked big- and black and gaunt soldier by the with his bearskin bazaar cap and the scarlet dolman over his shoulder was terrible to look upon The groom stunk back and wept In despair It was beat time the Princess ever bad Id whole life When she came hair Straggled down into highness there wa si smudge paud across the Mr htehn little Her highness stock wet a were slung around highness neck In a lovely way that the children bad shown her The princess carried one shoe In- hand the other had floated off down the stream after a tempestuous career as an ocean liner plying across creek and carrying The princess sniffled with a In her the heart of the princess wis glad The nurse oh tbe verge of hysterics waited on the other side of the sentry line like a football player ready to tackle But the Prince turned back entryv Mr Soldier Tbe sentry wa Blaring fixedly at the gatepost Mr ah tugging at big boot fr Soldier I fink I would like to yon The looked flown of corner of eye at tbe sweet little Mushed fce The sentry hi drawn saber with a The reached down bis two big gauntlets to Princes I The nurse and the gTOom were horri fied at the spectacle DITORIflk i J For p A BANKER What more delightful or enjoyable in la the York Election protest a was bled ball on ffffr the whole- range mundane plexites a on broad ever SJ t the between Washington and other American to article on Th Capital of Our Democracy The Century Henry Kelson says fit Washington la not like the typ ical American city how then can be city of America on city above all others in land wher stranger can most satisfactorily study national traits If people not bubbling over with boiling enefgyj with the national and ague one day burning with tb heat of a boom day with th chill of a panic if most Of It men not struggling for mon ey all day and rushing heme to per and rest at evening tbe wives and daughters of many of the successful of these hunter for wealth are not vain seeker after Unction if tha American nobility Is not dominating as it Is In our other American cities why In American Because It is all America on even footing America in repose with tlra to be it America not engaged la making It InarorlUfortunel n The SoYereiftn Ban Ml are many anecdote and rem Inlscence of author of Home Sweet Home but nothing better than following Payne speat some time in th south form of a woman like others of ses about that kept an album to friends were course ftak- contribute Payne was appiled tond this what he your Bams ir iiatritood tour to a you from Good it to The man who wa asked to fill opposite page happened to be be u of Lamar afterward president of the ihite Star Republic of Texas And this was bis am rtth Good To aim at would be But If lb hum ot Payne Aa the flrat roan to frame famous Image of man of ft new standing ruins of that which know today be wrote traveler Capital- OFFIOE TOHONT Holt Randolph MdonaMj Toronto James A A- Allan Toronto bell Toronto Hon Peter- Perth John fcd J McMillan Alexandria ekn Pelade to a to weal to- Aienrnm torn votiDg Henry Wilson New Yolk perhaps she is at Or when the has laded away It may not be generally known and lullorbed queen of night the close of the war in South risen in her tranquil spleador gives to Great Britain an undisputed and has flooded tbe gently agitated title to square miles of new Waters in a scintillating territory an area square molten silver which glistens and greater than twice that of in a very fairy vision Africa the British perhaps too in this peaceful Farm for fa tzi of the 3rd brick WcIIb on lot joii in excellent stats cultivation JOHN LEAHY and spheres now aggregate more square miles and mood she almost equally attractive Or again when the freshening breeze exceed tbe area the United States has raised long rolling other European nations France crests snow white foam contrast- has claims about as vast but some with deep blue of the curling square miles her territory Surge and the good ship gallantly are in desert Sahara and her cleaves her way now climbing sovereignty over this sandy waste is established Germany and Por tugal have each about miles and so has Belgium if Con go Free State be off that country A yils some square miles Italian Africa which is tributary to Turkey comes near to square miles British territory in Africa includes a greater of that continent which is hab itable for white men than is held by any other power and includes also fbe greatest diamond and gold regions in the world TO CURB TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause Groves signature on every box Price cento Resorts watery ridges now sliding down their undulating steeps while the bright sun and invigorating breeze all unite in creating a of exhilara tion such as is seldom attainable land then perhaps to those who love Jier is the glorious rolling- deep in gladdest mood animating the who perhaps is seeking and rest from a spell of weary brain work with a thrill of real pleas ure exquisite t jiiivst ecstatic But at times when the old sea is in angry mood when a hurricane is tearing her in and rage and cleaving mighty mountains or wrath ful waters which threaten to engulf the vessel which has the to venture into that tornado of boiling surge then even the hardiest voyag anxiously await tbe passing of the storm For truly it is a scene al most of terror when the vials wrath of angered Nature poured out on great ocean when the flat has gone forth and she is torn into a very paroxysm of frenzied rage Bach mighty blow front those towering up heaved masses- foaming water Savings Bank Department Interest Allowed on Deposits Credits Issued Ex change Bought and Sold Travel lers Letters of credit available all the world General Banking business Special attention paid to Col lection of Sale Notes and Money ad vanced on the same- Office Millard Block Branches have been at To ronto St- Catharines Amr Mount Albert StouEcille Newmarket Exeter and Montreal LLOYD Manager Town Property for Sale House Lot on Charles Street in vicinity o Canes Factory property of Mrs Bell Enquire at the Era Office LOOT Two little books of the illustrated folder tyre have been sued by the Grant Trunk Railway system one entitled Songs of and the Giber The causes the straining ship to tremble Coast of Lake The from stfan to stern Now sbe is la- illustrations are very numerous are climbing up the aqueous all sizes and are scattered thru rolling mountain now descending pages to elucidate the text and yawning gull down down as appear to eye just as story she would plunge into lowest told in the letter does to tbcdeptbs of the watery abyss The prevailing nolo in rounded and imprisoned as though little works upon which ball hour within the valley of shadow may be profitably spent by the And now tbo raging is is the craving lor and playing- with the quivering can he no doubt that mm Boat after boat is violently women who live in the stress and the torn from the davits and hurled oil strain of today and feel the throbs into sea hundreds of tons of advanced jter are dashing to and fro across tion do require changecomplete decks carrying everything before it change for mind and body The and rendering it impossible for the haunts described here minister to the drenched sailors to stand while the intellectual as well as the physical roar of the tempest fearing through health of the jaded dwellers in cities the cordage is weird and physical exercise that can be able But at length the hurricane obtained among the woods and wa- parses away the tempestuous billows create and promote a perfectly arc assuaged and the bright morning sound bodily condition while tbe sun enlivens the scon and the ttfarious Jifc that can be found of that awesome night arc tor- stimulates the intellectual faculties gotten and prompt inquiry and And so too with some of us We into Natures ways as arc re- are torn and rent in a sea of doubt vealed in flora and fauna The and unbelief Our grip of the Holy maps are in these pamphlets is loosened and our faith is enable the visitor to the wilds to re- quavering and tottering But if we ftliw bis bearings at whatever plead atonement of the Redeemer he may be and the general informa tion given enables him to economize bis time and spend it to the best ad vantage may be on to Agent at strike at Chicago men Robert was given six months for Ms of Toronto has purchased the Curtis hotel at Oak Ridges The old fort at Halifax being by men sent out by the Imperial Government Mr Henry Sharp of Miller an man of was killed while he walking on the Railway- 1 Children for smimnA T k in Hamilton on that It tn and by the smoke at Ilia it la an In not to J l re by an Horace aays in on traveler and thy of to the Alnriity for mercy In Name and live a godly life flic stornrwaveK cease beat and are siKiteded fey a glad sunlight joy lasting and enduring Saved by HiQltantny manners have always been as a valuable help to living a story told by Andrew Lang who declares that it from a of giCn the that they also may on occasion the on ly way of living at all Roderick a Riant no less than six feet four in height had been arrested lor trea son and was on his way to the Tow er when the procession was tempor arily blockaded A lady looking out of a window called to the victim You tall rebel I You will soon be by a head By falling from a load of lumber Roderick took off his hat and made at Hull George Riley broke his neck obeisance eruption of P took place Wednesday evenly John mistake for the deer the two Then retorted bad corralled at Mountain on Wednesday in I captivated aensi- T1 Canadian Northern Is bllitles of the lady that she made an still unsettled There was a riot immediate appeal for clemency to the the yards at Winnipeg on Thursday jrefKnlng monarch George and In which the companys property Mr Lang declares that he saw atoned by strike pardon beautifully engrossed A fire the border on the departmental in Hamilton on Children tor wall of descendants study A novqUat would married the lady to the gallant Roderick but seem to have been some objec tions to this romantic conclusion TO Conn A DAY Take Laxative- Tab- All druggists refund money If It to cure- Groves signature on each box Red white old strayed from lot King or about June Information leading to recovery will be suitably rewarded F SMTH 3w3I Newmarket PO Contractor erected a new building on Prospect Ave Newmarket North End I am fitting it up with suita ble machinery to do all kinds Repairs to Iron fork will be ready for business Prompt attention and satis faction guaranteed A THOMPSON Practical Machinist Wanted Immediately A couple of smart to years of age for light work in finish ing department at good wages Also a couple of Men experienced curriers given preference Apply to I A DAVIS SON Lowell Tannery King Ontario Mr Michael Berry had twelve steers killed lightning The vistims of the Johnstown mining disaster number la now in a position to take coo- tracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates Given at SfaopL Notice and satisfaction guaranteed SETTING GRANOLITHIC CONCRETE SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC ROOFS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to coDtnlt A HUNTER St Box Newmarket SUMMER COURSE From July 7th next will be held In connection the ulur work of each depart- the TORONTO Special in A Accounting Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship Eto Etc No Vacation Students may for a full or partial at any time Principal Write for circular Toronto r Greatest Aid You can give tho local in your Job Printing If you do not feel alilo to run an you can to give tbo your Bill and to print JL JLJ-t- Newspaper Man it and it him to pay tho printer for putting in type the and he you and tiio town Era will you nice work and tho price will compare favorably with any place in country Try Us