Ti TU ARKE-l- J- i Weeks i ffHAt 13 OS MOOT Regular meeting Monday even ing- Missionary Evening- Report fro Missionary The annual picnic Ibe Presbyter- Mr man was laid up twoor days of a nail running Into bis loot while bathing Sutton Stage bad a on the fiats on Monday and bad to borrow a rig to complete journey Frank son of Mr A For Era of BY A BANKER I notice by tba Era is Decoration Day in Newmarket and that the A are to take a prominent part- It has been the Circling the vast and vault the starry heavens as with a prodigious ring of subdued light the custom among the fraternal Milky Way is veritably a strange societies in Newmarket their friends and striking object whoa viewed from and citizens in general in while at Roachs to make this an annual occurrence Point a naii into his foot butj to have numerous friends pleased to Bay he is getting all to the those silent occupants of the grave right again coruscating rays of quivering light with whom whilst in the body en i 4 School is to take place at showers ever glitter from joyed social and fraternal intercourse lB hi a few thrills sympathy stelJar which will never j mem- ears will reave here at Bond next Friday Special oclock one Hcorsion The bills are out for the Firemens to the wich will in Newmarket and Aurora The from Newmarket is Though not to tho unaided and Mr Editor with your kind The Presbyterian Mission the wondrous diversities of permission I will say a few words on a quilting bee at the residence of Mrs Walter on Tuesday afternoon followed by tea on the lawn Cherries are selling in Town at a pail and red raspberries a rate Falls on the 5th of be a Civic Holiday box The last trolley car coming in Saturday night ran into a cow side of Aurora and doubled it into the ditch An attractive sign on the old American property tells the public Gooseberries Mr of Pine Orch ard brought us a sample tt omenta It only to weigh a pound if heat It we to j body tear from him t Bond The open air concert given by the Citizens Band on the Primary School lawn last Friday quite a crowd who were greatly the program rendered evening the bald is scheduled to play on int law Binder Blue feet to the pound He per lb at Roche Departmental Store For this time of mar ine premises when completed Messrs Roche Co- are getting ready to change the front of their store of many the nearer stars the a subject which no v of various tints of which from this some at reflection to position add so much to the the numerous patrons of your paper glory of the midnight scene the scar- there is one thing more than et vermilion of Eta in Perseus that will arouse to action our brilliant gold amber Gamma in toots arid reflections it is the act of with its near attendant a vivid entering a place of interment lniE the azure blue of delta in in front of a marble slab Serpent or that beautiful double the name of a dear friend and star in the constellation of the Ship brother a relative in I one a brilliant rosepink the pose long departed we gaze our feet an ocean green yet the subdued seem as if to the spot all luniinosity of this shining ring of the scenes witnessed during his life blazing suns alt apparently mingled appear vividly before us- and with one yard3 Factory Cotton Remnants from to yds in i piece regular Cloth wide fine even made Sold in uncut pieces at yard Wood Furnaces Co intend to use coal the coming winter and offer for telescope this girdled galaxy of stars in one mighty circling fire- great effort we turn again to the cloud forcibly impresses the mind world to seek friendships anew with majesty and immensity of no will be the thoughts of and the diminutive minuteness of all things terrestrial But when viewed thru a powerful yards Fine Soft Finish Flannelette at per yard We wont guarantee iht price for more than this week lbs Heat Granulated Sugar for lbs Brown Sugar for We are Out when you want Whats Advertised- T NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER sale wood furnaces is a spectacle of infinite grandeur and For the entire nebu lous array is resolved into myriads great scintillating suns apparent- known y so thickly strewn together though of course countless millions ot miles apart it is fairly that our sun is one of the stars the Change of in Old England The Marquis- of Salisbury Resigns Milky Way that they appear July The Marquis of lively to be almost in contact with Salisbury who has been Prime Minis- other millions of vast burning individual lives the record of the since June has resigned that i and still millions upon millions iings and experiences of the years as many of Ihe participants shedding a silent tear to their memory and per haps while we engage in silent pray er and sacred devotion who can gain say that the souls the departed may not mingle with us in spirit and then floating forth into the great celestial which God grant when that silent messen ger shall summon us hence to show the white parchment of good engrossed with golden characters we may be permitted to enter us ever hear in that as an office He will be succeeded in the Premiership by the Right Hon Ar iel last Saturday a good one Butler was and sold from Balfour at present First Lord to lGc per lb eggs 14 to of the Treasury and Government potatoes per peck and old leader in- the House of Commons potatoes per bag was per Beets onions at an rhubarb per bunch Lettuce and radishes two for 5c Dress ed chickens per- pair dressed ducks 0e- per pair was ten- audience which he had with King last Friday right hack to the remotest depths of they pass go to the in the tlft dark abyss of never- J archives of the great Court above on and whose pages neither invite nor admit ending space And on and Dont Concerning the swindle which perpetrated in the Township a Silas Toole informs us that he is positive he was made the victim This being the fact it shows that the public should not encourage this of science which makes people do what they would not do in their ordinary senses and should be a warn against dealing directly with rangers especially where a large sum of money is In Great Last Monday Mr Rohan this Town in company with Mr Johnston of Co and Messrs K Johnston A got a from Mr Cornwall at the mouth of tlte Black River and to Island where in hauling in black bass run ning from lbs to ft- the actual of parly is loud in praise to Mr and Mrs Cornwall who entertained them at supper- their return There was only a small vote in the Township of Whitchurch on Monday the total being less than in in ordinary January election but Mr leathers was elected Councillor over Mr by 130 majority The following was the vote in several polling divisions l 2V W m on plunged yet deeper and still deep- of revision What we have written in the eternal void these on the pages of the past we have myriads of mighty flaming suns each j written what we have in the sun doubtless surrounded with its years of the past we have done and system revolving planets each j we can neither remove nor terday Mr Balfour visited the King planet perhaps attended by its light- This however we can do and ought and accepted the Premiership The following communication was is sued from Downing Street this even- reflecting to do to retrospect in that spirit of The boundless immensity and that will neither exaggerate powering infinity of this sublime successes nor depreciate our fail- ray of flashing celestial spheres in the past but will give to each appalling that a sense of positive that wise consideration in which both ing On Friday last the Marquis of Sal isbury had an audience with the King and amazed awe must course thru the and tendered his resignation which of even the most callous be- future therefore was graciously accepted by His Ma- holder as he realizes the astounding should be to spend our life is His Majesty subsequently com with Mr Arthur who forthwith had an interview with Mr Mr Balfour hav ing then consulted with tire other members of Ministry was receiv ed by the King on Saturday at Palace and accepted the post of Prime Minister vacated by Lord Saishry and stupendous vastness of this end less starrfilled space But how must a pledge and a prophecy of a more our aim in doing good The world never misses a negative that awe and amazement be a char When he dies there is no intensified when he remem bers that this minute and insignifi cant planet was chosen by the Great Creator of all that host worlds to be the one honored world on which resigning for a time His Majesty and leaving the glories of Before and during the pulling out of the front of the building we will sell a larce amount of goods at prices below what the goods cost Its no now experience for us to sell goods at less than we paid for them We are doing it every day but for some weeks to come we will do a lot it as wo are bound to clear out many lots we have Its your Chance to Save Money Ask for Goods Ribbons Muslins Fancy Hose 25c Lisle Thread Hose Fancy Art Silk Taffeta Silk Wool Delaines Millinery Skirts White Pi que Skirts and other odd lines London July King Edward and the worship of angels and Mr Balfour in Audience today j archangels to live a despised human at Buckingham Palace and delivered life to suffer and to die once for to him seals of bis office and the all in order to provide an atonement for all who will accept of it not on ly of this earth but of all the worlds privy seal Resigns Perhaps has a charge Premiership been with little disJoUttM A either Jfte Word of God to tell us of Sc or private as accompany the lMs transfer of the als office Srf to A J Balfour The I to whom the recital is made occurrence bad no whatever on J either by angel or by inspired pro- the Stock Exchange The only y X must fail to the Be er rhangein the Cabinet thus far an- j i i neeraer s love with that vividness we nounced is the Chancellorship of ie r 7 1 experience at the knowledge that He others are foreshad ft died on our own earth in order that owed Mr Balfour in addressing we if we only will may live eternal- first meeting of his followers of the foreign offiri llay informed them that he could not count count on the muffled bell tolling to tell a commun ities loss He is hut one of ten thousand each the counterpart of the other but when a man strong in dividuality of strong characteristic of pure life passes into That country from whose bourne THE DEPARTMENTAL STOKE ran at 5S5 with a few to 550 fair to good going at while a lot of middling to inferior ran around Dry cows fetched no traveller eer returns they leave from to per a vacancy that can scarcely he filled I Calves were a little tetter and sold an influence that can be to per mated Thus my friends at our The ordinary run of milkers were places of worship social gatherings brisk demand even at to and political circles we miss but good were scarce at to their accustomed places those who 0 Messrs Whitesell and Bradley Wish to that having purchased Business of Mr Lehman they are preparing to carry on in the old magnetic greeting of the outstretched lights and fats from to stand putting in a complete stock of Toilet Articles have for years labored with us as our helpers and teachers No more the terser expression of the eye and the Sheep sold at to bucks to and lambs at to d each Hogs remain steady at 725 for se- they are from us forever on this side of the grave Let us cherish their memory ami emulate their virtues May tfeir departure remind us of the uncertainty of this life and lead Orchard J Vivian continued assistance of Si but could count tho good wih 30 People A special committee of the Ham ilton Hoard of will recom mend the abolition of the system of vertical writing July During the thunderstorm that over this yesterday afternoon St Petersburg July 15 Thirty barn stable and sheds of A were drowned by the LeUftnc Tiny were destroy braking of a small passenger sk-arn- by fire All the hay grain and on the Luge River near Implements were consumed The on the Warav Railroad horses were and out near the The disaster was by over- but were not hurt Coronation route will be iden tical with that arranged for June 20 to thoughtfully l I our duties Perfumes etc jfjihle the caused by the postponement of the Coronation us question Are our daily lives practising the principles we pro fess and deserving sincere and heart felt acknowledgement from the poor and needy the widow and orphan tho riwoUtfl oppressed for encourage Newmarket July for awl help or are we a record or f barrel Jd a and deceit by the principles l lit When we are called from this life Whea per bush to They intend making old- motto of store BEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES Mm in every respect care and attention will bo given to Prescriptions All patent medicines at popular prices on The Methodist Sunday School Was favored with a delightful day for recursion to Point on occurred to roar the of the The only was so about the first In twenty that the did pay iecofrimodalion at Bradford vary poor and the had a time getting started but wan good ard the crew the dM everything they could to make the trip a pleasant one fixe on the River espe cially on tte return in the cairn of was delightful Park at wtll At A very for The proprietor continually making lm- pfofTfjrnn and are in for neat fteaon- arrived home after eight and all Were wJJ with the crowding Only hose of the insured who were on the upper deck es caped A severe- hailstorm broke a lot In the Woodstock district- of will our friends for us as de fenders of the Faith upon whom they per bush per if i Met in Fatal Although the medicine Vila- July One fa- oil be carried on with the tallty an act of and utmost of erable property damage accomp to a severe wind and rain storm night Vlncera a retired Jeweler of Waukesha and He- ford a farmer refuge in the barn when the storm broke and the vas struck by lightning Vincent fell dead was stunned and partly paralysed by shryck hot dragged the body Vincent out of the burning build- Ing and crawling on his hands and thru the barn and liber- forty cattle Just the roof tell to Mrs was and by lightning and then as today the unfortunate fact la that In no there much hum bug and deception The of the Hi iif are traded upon In manner iDipcui- premised many vortblcta and re to health a consequence all proprietary remedies with auapidon by many oecplcj end the good for the bad these that our ore lie principal Eggs do Wool per lb Hay per ton could sclent if trust Or will our places become vacancie and we be soon forgotten My friends St Is for us to choose the positions we oc cupy in hearts of r leave us then seriously consider the re- ton resting and lin earnestly engage in the performance per hag of every duty Chickens per pair In conclusion let me add that it Is Ducks for us to choose whether- the tome of our dally in I lelcio In the frozen North of a spark ling dew drop In the South Thanking you most Mr tor for the space extended to I am Yours truly j A Vancouver July rely for the faithful and Peas per bush discharge of every duty or ftS Butter roll per lb a a a a a a a a I CO IB WHITESELL BRADLEY ml Geese per lb Turkeys a a a a 0 a a l HIRAM WALKER SOWS will we me be an ample guarantee of the truth of repre sentation concerning lolera is In Manila and other the a prisoner who trying to escape Jailer of W thermometer collapsed died to in the fcu time from congestion of IRONOX TABLETS Ironox Ltd ij This week prices of cattle in To ronto are slightly weaker From SB to MB Is the bluest paid for Fair good sold at lo and export bulls at 5 to potatoes per bag feeders R00 pounds up to at up 325 to and Toronto Toronto July Itcd Wheat per 75 a White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush ft j Barley per bush a J Oats per bush SO Peas per bush a 00 Rye per bush a per 15 a flutter roll per lb a illay per ton a no Potatoes per hush Wool lb 0 Dressed per fore PRETTY AS are new pretty styles In trimmed hits that wo are showing In all the light flufry airy effects that will bo bo popular this Summer before have you seen such an and effects in millinery as you will see this week at our a a a a a 1 1 SUMMER OXFORD8 in most exclusive styles giving that touch elegance to the loot found In very footwear who a shapely shoe as yell as one Riving a great degree com fort will be entirely pleased and sat isfied with Ibis line J Cor Main Tlraolhy Sis at Beef hind with Jersey and HojtMn to per pair lots of butchering cattle were per pair rather scarce The of the otter Turkeys per lb a a a JO Subscribe for the Era and get all the Home News