J AND r as to fo to above ill liferty No piper cent outside of North York unless paid lijedvasci No Mir j Newmarket iS J TERMS in Why does everlast ingly tooting his horn about this win- Williams The answer is very simple The largest sale of Mixed Paint we ever had previous to this season was gallons from April to November We in short months May and June livered to our customers close on to A Tort Farmer Robbed of in Cash We are more than pleased with the result and better still everyone who has used of its covering quality We realize we have a it speaks highly and good gloss good thing and intend to push it along GENERAL Bar Iron and Steel Carriage Plumbing and Tin smithing L NEWMARKET ONT I Paris Green Green AT DRUG STORE per Pound PATENT a few our prices on Patent Medicines the regular Regular Our lliibt for PUb IK lie LOO Our Price Mr of Toronto was while ball at St Cat tar mis Rev Powell of the King St east who was to by Ate Toronto Conference Will remain of a church until end of Au gust when he may go to the United States- The charge will be filled by the Rev Herbert Lee of Sutton The Sutton Vacancy has not yet been filled Harry a young roan em ployed by the Canada Foundry Com pany of Toronto Junction ell 34 ft to ground from the roof of a building on was working arid both arms Not during all the seventy odd years since the Orange Older has been es tablished in Toronto leading Orange men state there been so siicds- a ft turned on Saturday to commemorate the and anniver sary of the Rattle of the From ail pari i city sions gay with banners bands and all the pomp and circumstances inci dental to Orange demonstrations started out early in the morning alt marching to the rendezvous at Queens Park until some members of the various lodges were there ready to start on the march sides the Orangemen a of Blues in the visited and Centre Island on Sat urday Last of Toronto Junction was absent from home at a some one entered his dwelling and carried oft in cash and two suits of clothes- Another car load of black bass was sent up to last week via Tey were from Brie I J The to the Falls and Victoria last week grtt Herman tor throwing stones at police on the last day of the Street Car strike was fined and costs Two and twenty pupils passed the High entrance ex aminations in the South York in at the exams The fjfceme for laundries at by way of discouraging the has fallen thru City Solici tor being of opinion that a by law of such discriminating character would be quashed on the ground of illegality The recent decision of the Courts in the suit of the public school Board against Hie City Council makes the civic to the school Hoard in the Wfl Of this turn is for repairs and furniture both of which Herns were cut from this years estimate The remaining last year The principle this decis ion affirms is that Council can not levying for any legitimate purpose the school Hoard request but the Trustees cannot tin funds for any purpose than in the estimates Campbell of this city who went to SouUi Africa the Canadian Scouts is In a special Mftil swindliog which was worked in Ontario in the neighborhood of was per petrated in the month of ifay on Mr Silas Toole of the Township of Whit church Mr is one of the wealthiest and bestknown farmers the vicinity of Newmarket his wealth is estimated at anywhere from to 100000 His reputation for frugality is proverbial and that he should have been made the victim of a confidence game is the occasion of much surprise among his neighbors Mr Toole is of Quaker stock and is now more than seventy years of age although he looks much younger- Ha is very tall and lanky and even at his advanced age has a full crop of red whiskers he has gamed reputation for what thV Scotch de note as nearness re is also noted for his honesty He lives on lot- con of the Township of Whitchurch by a of industry has acquired possession of some of the best arm properties in his district He is a widower and resides with two un married daughters on the old property which he owns His only son fives on the farm one of the noted estates in North York It is sard that the Col expended upwards of one hundred thousand dollars in lay ing out Italian gardens and establish ing a manor house on a magnificent scale The ball room alone is long In addition Mr Toole owns the another famous property in the annals of York and has this under lease to Mr Inasmuch as he has been ablet ac quire these properties in dustry as a farmer and is possessed of a substantial bank account Ixodes it is all the more remarkable in opinion of the people of North York that be should have- become the victim of a particularly unscrupulous pair of crooks Kept Silent Many Weeks The swindle occurred in May but Mr Toole many weeks and only when it became clear that there was no reasonable proba bility of detecting the criminals did he reveal the matter 01 how he came to be relieved of 5000 of hon estly earned money the exact facts will never be known for he himself stated that it was obtained while he was suffering from very word which ho has in dented to describe the state of a man who has been without his own consent hypnotized into doing which in his ordinary of mind be preposterous The swindle happened previous to the day which took place on May at that time pres ence of strangers in the riding of North York bad so familiar tbatjt passed without notice The Old Game purchasers ready- for him- When the was counted into the tili gentleman from Alabama discov ered that he money and found that had left his wallet with Mrs at whose sumsner residence he was supposed to be staying His partner magnanimously tame forward with the amount The par ties left for Toronto with Mr- Toole the satchel which coil- the money As they were the gentle man from Alabama discovered that they had neglected to lift valise containing the money from the buggy and lifted it from the rig It was then Mr- Toole believes that the cli max of the fraud took place A du plicate valise was handed to him that he thought contained put up by all parties The following day however with the natural caution of a selfmade man he went to Newmarket and as certained who were the relatives of Hon No Mr figured in the list and Toole be came suspicious The matter was further investigated with no better result and Mr- daughters per suaded him to open the Satchel that was supposed to contain such wealth It was found to contain two stones and a block of wood on which was written words Youre fooled this time Mr Toole youll never our faces again Crown authorities realized some time ago that it was too late to take action Karly in June Mr Toole consulted Inspector Stark of the To ronto detective force who informed him that nothing be done to catch the crooks and regain his mon ey It is a noteworthy fact that scoundrels whoever they were- djd not proceed from but a conveyance all probability in Toronto- they themselves Big in Toronto Buried in the Ruins The As our soldier boys marched our streets- and sailed- away At oclock on Thursday morning Quebec of Halifax the triumphant of last week the most disastrous hre was one of trust and confidence so far as the loss of human life was a iibteVof deep has occurred in pathos ofr te many years in Toronto broke out of the huge whok sale Jour and storage v of P Mcintosh Son the southwest corner of Front and George Streets The origin of the fire is a- complete mystery but those who noticed the condition of affairs when the first alarm was sent in to the firemen state that the whole of the building seemed to be and that smobe was oozing out of every window At any rate in half an hour there was a tremendous spread of fire and destruction the big eastern wall fell suddenly and the lives of three of the firemen were snuffed out in an instant- The west ern wall also and two more firemen disappeared The northerly wind carried a- shower of sparks and fire brands across railway tracks fully feet to the big ice house of was impossible not to think brave the lonely graves in tKo yiapsvall and not to sigh for of hand and the sound of a vbicfc than still There were sad hearts amid the rejoicing multitudes whose feelings are tenderly expressed in Miss poem which 5 we print herewith There were that could not for dimming tears there were ears on which ihe joy bolls grated jangling out of tune for they seemed to ring the knell of departed hopes Mother- shall I closo shutters for the soldier nigh Tfiiok of how I love y while inarching feet go by Are they tramping oer your the Knickerbocker Company and destroyed it flames also led easterly across ihc way to the east Mother mother do not cry I side of George street and wholesale hay and straw building went up in smoke Mrs Mitchells hoarding house to the south was gutted Estimated Losses and Insurance Toronto Railway Co owners of the Mcintosh large building loss with insurance P Mcintosh Son contents of the two buildings estimated loss about with at least In surance Knickerbocker Ice Company loss insurance Brown Love large sheds and beyond detection in York cutting machinery totally de- Mr Toole does not expect to regain his money hut is anxious to let the Canadian public what it is to to deal with such commercial insurance probably l5ftft hay and sheds loss Mitchell boarding House loss trifl ing perhaps Total loss about total in surance not definitely knoAvn The Cause Keep Little Ones Weil During The fnspector Copper thinks Babys Tablets- Hot Weather Months- the collapse of wafts of the Mc- which resulted in the death of five firemen was due to the Dr Thomas Oil Burdock Blood Golden I Favorite Pre- LOO If you want to keep your little ones hearty rosy and full J life during e F Matter give them Baby Own AVZl Tablets the moment they show reached out of order in any way This medicine cures aH te tbc death Ave stomach and bowel troubles which J ofl so many little ones dust had accumuafed summer months it is the best f tweep the floors thing In the world tor sleeplessness h Mcintosh and there- nervousness irritation wlcn teething wbCn It is just the tor hot weather troubles first imam it aL jj ways docs good and wcoird because it can never do any Ruaraivtcttl j Funeral free from opiates Has- J In of a Kingston aysibe- remains of the five using Own Tablets when firemen who died at their my little girl was about three months posts on Thursday morning were laid old At that lime she had indigo each within his narrow in lion badly she was vomiting and beautiful cemetery of Mount Plea- overture Was made to Mr- had diarrhoea constantly and It was a funeral in keeping Hide your face here on iny shoulder till the music dies away Just a year ago he left us and it seems but yesterday With what cheers the people greet them Mother try Oh try pray Do not so wildly dearest or heart will surely break- r lie has stayed to beep the country that his valour helped take With him is a mighty army that r0 mains for salse the angels beat your en above the ringing cheers And I think a wondrous rainbow up in heaven today appears Gods look of pity shining on bereaved womens cars You and I arc dear mother foe the soldiers safe return for all the happy whore the- fires of welcome burn Lot Us join the great- and Will that music play his comrades inarching by Ohi our darling how loved hiitt we loved him you and I Put your arms around me mother I must weep I will die Klfie I in by an Individual who said his was McOoe and that be vas a bro therinlaw to came to Mr Toole and said that he wished to purchase a farm in district and with him looked over the properties which ho owned Mr Toole on that occasion refused n of properties consulting bin son to whom he had promised a been chosen to the at the Coronation Young ic and for some has six months I y irw Scouts and eleven with Kitcheners in AH at Cut J It The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO for Dye We pay ezpresB wy on all good to be dyed Residence for Bale WILL BELL AND 9 Jewels candy flowers man Is the order of a womans preferences Jewels magnet of pow er to the average woman Eton the j greatest of jewels health Is ruined in the strenuous to wake or save rrimey to purchase them 11 woman will risk her health to a coveted gem then let the negotiator returned with friend whom he said came from Alabama and renewed proposals Mr Toole to wll the farm occupied by tenant Mr Mm ton which is said she bad an ravenous heroic conduct of the men in petite her food did her and whose honor it was All that a she was very thin Nothing helped city could do to show its rc- her until we began giving her for the of these bravo Own Tablets Irtit after giving her Wen was done and it is doubtful if it tliese vomiting and diarrhoea Has ever been surpassed by any and she began to improve almost in this country After an Impressive service in St James Cathedral procession amid the tolling of bells the at once I used the Tab lets for other and have found them alt that can he desired they a re the best medicine I have ever used wound its way to Mount a to the solemn strains of the These Tablets are readily taken March in as played by all and can given to the the bands On aide smallest weakest Infant crushing streets banked with them to a Sold at drug and eyes betokened fc tt f stores or you can get them For hours men and women worth at ordinary prices at ents a box by lr the route of For this farm lie two the Dr Williams Medicine Co the procession which took three- 0K Mr Jumed at the They had in the meantime induced him to get In- the in were seat ed There Mr Toole thinks he hypnotized Each man was to put up deal arid Mr produce an tier fortify against the as an evidence gor1 property or Ave High vpM by Mr Bewitttol Twine rub- AuKt bridges At the Bank to will you in- Mef rivera wHch had over- a W v or tend your fi wt a but he I lOn his return Ire of coughs colds and bronchial affections by regular use or Dr ft will consumption in its early and heal the aRecb- and and drive dread disease from the system It is not a cureall but It a cer tain cure for and all bronchial You can get this remedy or Schenectady an ho imk point and over there was a hush the old of Mr of Hamilton bad k broken In the wheel of his fathers Kitchener expects to reach London on Saturday faith whole surn was to he placed in a valise which Mr Toole was hold the key which the strangers were to retain possession Mr Toole drove Newmarket and drew from the Ontario there in which ho is a denoHiU or ft is an evidence of the the swindlers that did not in ay ML At the Hank Mr Toole was asked marked On Saturday at a named ftttenTted to jump Saturday readied on and was accorded a a mcrrygoround while in motion welcome and was so badly injured that lw Is Two young men dressed as farm- not to recover carrying revolvers and hailing A farmer named Ilobt from Niagara Kails flimflanymed a Johnston was accidentally killed jeweler of three watches on Thursday last by fall- but were arrested a beam in his barn Mr Johnston was yearn of kc 5yearold son of A barrister of greatly On Sunday Michael a younj escaped drowning lat Sturgeon farmer was while bathing at Point Thursday morTiinK White play Manitoba On Sunday on a boa thorn platform be fell boy Herbert Bruce acd Into foe lake of p insisted on the each drowned while bathing in was the supposed River at Winnipeg in time to save the boys life The Coronation contingent is ex pected at Quebec on Friday Favorable reports continue to reach Winnipeg- to the weather lor growing tA number robberies were report in during the progress of the Sells circus Prince and Princess of Wales entertained over Colonial visitors at St James Palace last week diaries a young English man from was drowned while bathing Octroi River Campbell was sent down for three month at Hamilton lor forging a name to an order tor A stable belonging Lewis a valuable horse and a quantity of furniture were destroyed at London by Arc Charles Pellctier and operator at Pont station killed while unloading a car lumber According to an American Company will hujM many new industries on the side to escape the on material The Salvation has received official notice that Qofthwlii make another tour of Can- fllUl VS It five of eight cars each to the West Farmers Institute Excursionists to on Friday last and every ar was loaded one hundred tick ets Were sold Tlie manoeuvres of French have had to be owing to the nreValencc of intense heat There have bocn 120 sunstroke among the troops and of these Ijave been fatal j Montreal July A fierce Are early this morning caused damage to Potts at Queen and ftVlllngton Streets adjoin- fog buildings of the Empire Box Co ind the- Canadian Butter saved by lire walls but of the latter building Er nest and his son had har row escape from suffocation by The oil tanks In the basement untouched as Are worked up