l IMF JUNE 90 Houses for Bale On St Newmarket sad good gardens Artesian weM one of tie lots Terms reasonable- ply to Barry Farm to Bent acres Lot 2nd Concession of Whitchurch near Aurora f Good clay loam For particulars apply to A Aurora or to A m Ave Toronto All persons holding accounts against Hon J Davis are requested to immediately forward the same to bis financial agent Dr J Norman Aurora of J desire to return my very sincere thanks to the many neighbors Ed friends who rendered such valuable as sistance and sympathy during the ill- Bess of my mother and in connection Tilth the funeral arrangements FRANK S MORTON Wanted PRIVATE RESIDENCE In Newmarket Will lease for two years with option of purchase Must be In good location aid uptodate Nice grounds and stable preferred Address A J Scott St To ronto A r Never LeU Up J andneUet Each Issue All Dona at Home The CI J I an no Could Hot During the past months electors of North York were in re- of more or less attention so tip North week on his holidays Miss Jennie Howe of Toronto was Mends in Town over Sun day Mr and Mrs Fred Saxtoo have gone to Orchard Beach for a month Rcuiard for Vti soil Will be received by the Toronto Gen eral Trusts Corporation of Toronto for the purchase of trfe premises known as the lot east side of Main Street in the Town of Newmar ket on which is erected a store occu pied by Mr Lehman Tbe pro perty is said to have a frontage on the east side of Main Street of feet by a depth of feet more or lees Address The Toronto General Trusts Corporation Toronto NOT This is to certify that Hon J Davis in pursuance of Section 197 of Ontario Election Act has ap pointed Dr T J Norman of Aurora as Financial Agent for York Newmarket May JAS PEARSON Renaming Officer tbe Man who Could Not Lose He was infallible had never been beaten bad always wasnt agoing to be beaten by J Davis But went a fall and loud- boasting and selfconceit do hot make much of a net to break the descent as the Man who Could Not Lose no doubt now realizes In his campaign the Man who Not Lose broke a number of records He broke bis selfasserted record of success However it was perhaps necessary to declare to the public that be always won as his pub lic career has been so exceedingly limited that otherwise they would not have been aware that bo ever ac complished anything He broke record also for unfairness and to make that feature all the more con spicuous added a canting hypocrisy to it all At every meeting be loud ly asserted his desire to eschew all personalities even going to far as to call on his friends to do likewise no matter what was said or done by Mr Davis or bis supporters Yet in the face of this at no meeting did he ever do other than abuse his op ponent and slander Mm by misrepre sentation and perversion of the truth The discussion of these personal ities by the who Could Not Lose and his friends was the fea ture of the campaign Public issues were ignored or made the butt of ridicule or cheap sarcasm instead of the campaign proving of educational value along tha plane of higher poht- i discussion the Man who Could Not Lose preferred to make it sim ply a School for Scandal He sys tematically avoided even at the al nomination any discussion of questions and if he had any kind of a case at all is there any lawyer living who would not have gladly availed himself of such oppor tunities The electors of North York the Jury in the present instance have by their recent verdict decided the Man who Not Lose had no case to conceal the fact Mr Stouter of spent Sunday in Town with his son Mr A Stoufter A Caldwell of New York Jute of leader A J Balfour- presented message from King Edward as tot to Majesty taking consider ation the eminent services rendered Lord Kitchener and being desirous in of such cervices to con fer on him some signal mark bis favor recommends that be the King should be enabled to grant Lord Kitchener Pretoria Transvaal June The ballot of the Boers at suited in fiftyfour votes in favor- of surrender and si against it Preparations are being made here The Cash awl One Price Store The Reliable Store spent Saturday afternoon last with the surrender of the Boer com mands which will take place on the race course the Boers are allow ed freedom There be a thanksgiving service Sunday June on the church square The women in concentration camps ate anxious to return to their immediately but this will be impos sible until a system of supply depots for the outlying districts is establish ed General BadenPowell is arranging for the distribution of mounted con stabulary in various districts Trio police railroads and telegraphs will he banded over to the civil authori ties as soon as possible and the re strictions of martial law will be grad ually relaxed The departure of Boer comrQand- from for their various districts was marked remarkable scenes of The trains conveying the Boers started late and the night being extremely ccld sentries along the railroad track lit bonfires round which groups of Boers and Britons gathered forming a highly scene The late opponents joined in Such songs as Hard times come again no more and Old folks at home the British soldiers arid the burghers one another in their demonstrations of joy brief the scenes with the departure of the trains resembled no thing so much as the starting of picnic parties The same signs of re joicing were witnesses thruout the Rand Flags were displayed every where and thanksgiving sen ices were held in all the towns his invalid father Postmaster Sanders of and exReeve of Whitchurch was- in Town on Tuesday Coombs returned from Rich mond Hill on Wednesday alter a three weeks visit Lyman of Toronto is spending a few- days with his son Mr Mr Arthur Legge left on Satur day for Ste Marie where he will spend the summer Mrs Pearson of Toronto was in Town last Friday on her way to visit friends in East Miss Allan of Concord formerly of was visiting Mrs A Watson a couple of days this week A number of young people enjoy ed themselves at residence of Mr Richard Osborne on Wednesday night Rev Dr Workman of Toronto was in town last Saturday visiting bis sister and calling on other Mr Frank Penrose of is spending a week or two with friends in Newmarket and vicinity Conductor Jonathan Rogers and of Toronto were visiting her eer Miss in Town this Mr and Mrs Urquharfc are away for a week or two visiting their daughter Mrs John MacdonaM To ronto Mr Lewis and Miss Stela spent over in Pick ering with her sister Miss Anna airs Morton of Ashtabula Ohio is over on a visit with friends in North York and spent Sunday at Mr Mr David Fletcher wife and daughter from Jackson Mich have been visiting with Mrs John son for the past week The Goods purchased In Montreal have arrived That there is a loads doubt Every dollars must be sold once three weeks The prices will move these desirable lines very fast COM Shop early for your advantage or them no person who saw must go out of our AND LOOK We never urge Sale GOOD J Rose of andhiscourse was laid in paying his subscription to writes Am always very glad j the old home paper Dr Richardson and his two sis- tera on 1 Fitzgerald of That consolation banquet to Mr spent Tuesday night with Mrs Geo Herbert Lennox at Sutton on Partridge She has to the Era since it was started Win Armitage and bis slater Mrs Wilson came up from the city on Monday to attend tbe surprise party at Mr Ellas Mrs Dr A Russell of Fulton after an absence of thirteen -AT- Special Seed Sale Prices Lehmans Drug Store ONTARIO Freemason FOR Properties IN TUB TOWNSHIP OF KING ftx Toronto Trusts Cor poration of the bate of John late of the of in County of York decearf of tot the of the following belonging to vw PARCEL and Mm ftojtti A Lot in the of the of King containing about area fliers are erected on a frame Ivjw with attacked bam with table its drive fcked etc West of Lot IS in of the Town- fcMp of Kir acrci more or lea On thh property are treated a brick lyEe with bam fctaMe drive further fcle ipply to Ik Toronto Corporation St Torontso Hay day night could hardly be a with tbe Minister Educa tion J absent A despatch under the date of from Ottawa states that nlr Princtpal of the Pro vincial Wodel School die4 that even ing at the age of years He was one of the prominent educationists of years visited Newmarket on Monday Eastern Ontario arid an enthusiastic I accompanied by Miss Murphy of Ber nard Ave Toronto Dr Russell of Buffalo and another old boy of eighties Mr Frank Murphy of To ronto were looking up as sociates in Newmarket on Rev A Mrs Belfry arid baby arrived from Parry Sound on Monday evening will ten days at Iter old home The Bowery while Mr Belfry Conference Mrs mother of the Dr went to the city week to viKit for a few days On she took very Dr was telephon ed for He drove to the city at once and relumed next day with the word that his mother was better Alderman J K Hughes leaves to day for San to Imperial Council of the in connection with as a representative of the To ronto Temple He expects to be gone about three weeks- His mother is going to to Visit during his aoo- The New Ontario edition of the To ronto Daily Star is one the beat things of tbe kind a Canadian It with all tle neatness possible the and development now going on in what has to be call ed New Ontario the To ronto Star it carries thru in the very best way this last evidence of its enterprise is another proof of the growing strength of that uptodate paper Yesterdays Globe has this particu lar item of news respecting North York Some of the Conservative journals are endeavor it appear irregularities occurred at the last election for which tlie Liber- are to blame and are still lerping on old cry corruption ft has perhaps their notice that so anxious were the Comervativet to defeat the Hon Mr Davis that two cases of personation In North York and action for of the offenders has already been taken by man was the exclamation of that iran in I he Town Hall on Monday night of last week He the notion have no freedom of ttiouyt all woId give fancy but Jack is Just as as his master in regard to po litical or civil liberty It of Canadians and is I of the slrvjryies it Literals j of York xs I Iff dav One by vl tie in fair In a dispute In a room Angus Mcleod down with a cue may not A man once took a piece of white cloth to a dyer to have it dyed black He was pleased with the result that he went bade to the dyer with a piece of black cloth and asked to have It dyed white The dyer an swered A piece of cloth Is like a mans recitation It can be dyed black but It cannot be made white ff Old Ancient writers mention tut of lead sod graphite for ruling papyrus pencils rather crudely in tin of now used lo the sixteenth century from the mine Clirontelv llnl not recover and real lull Vow see our liuiieri I In that It of li Sehool Report No Glad stone Norman and Cook equal Jr Lee Morton Russell Wesley Cook IllsIsaac Maorritt dy Norman Cook Teacher volcano in Cau casia has been in eruption and a number of shepherds with their flocks were burned up The iron at Que and four small wooden bridges were washed away during a stoxm The loss is of St Catharines was working in a trench when the earth caved in He died soon after being taken out C The Tomb In on Thursday May Mr Geo from residence of her fa ther Mr Porter ML Albert Albert Cemetery BROOKS In Mount Albert on Mon day June 2nd leloved wile of Brooks in her year Interment Wed nesday in Mount Albert Cemetery HODGES At Holland Landing on June 2nd Sarah wile W V Hodge aged yearn has been troubled with asthma for a long time The funer al on Wednesday was largely attend ed Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor Suites offered for 30 days before stork taking at prices that art simply amazing Now is the time to fit up your home with elegant furniture at least cost Come and ace John Mil lard Opposite Hotel and Embalming A SPECIALTY cents 10 10 13 18c 11 i WASH POINTS fast colored Prints a good assortment of patterns worth per yd for yds lovely patterned fastcolprs desirable worth ppr yd for VICTORIA LAWN 500 yds fine goods wide worth per yd for yds fine wide width worth per yd for yds only of the very best Lawn worth per yd for A yds patterns fine quality cheap at per yd for very wide striped patterns heavy weight regular per yd tor yds beautiful Flannelette extra heavy checks and striped pat terns Cheap at pec yd for yds spot and flowered pat terns Just tbe thing for house dresses and childrens wear fast colors worth per yd for DROSS MUSLINS yds of the seasons choicest goods new patterns and lovely odors a bargain worth per yd for LADIES CASHMERE HOSE all wool Cashmere Hose black ribbed goods and plain tan a wonderful bargain to for CHILDRENS CASHMERE STOCKINGS all wool Ribbed sires from to a bargain of a life time all sizes per pair LACE CURTAINS pair white Curtains yds long new pattern and wide worth fi ner pair only pair only latest design yds long wide and good worth per pair for DRESS yds Scotch the very best choice patterns and splendid assortment worth 25c per yd for GINGHAMS yds striped and checked Ginghams best made worth for ZEPHYRS yds Imported American Zephyrs a very large assortment of choice patterns worth for FEATHER TICKING yds heavy Ticking choice patterns worth 28Cv per yd for 13 c 10 13 MENS UNDERCLOTHING 10 only Mens Shirts and Drawers floe thread finished drawers worth for Mens Wool Shirts and Drawers made by the cele brated firm of Penman Co all sizes to in worth from to for c 10 worth from 10 18 15 100 MENS TOP SHIRTS Mens Shirts made of import ed Oxford goods fast colors good wearers and lookers worth tor Mens Moleskin the best working shirt cheap ab for imported black and white striped and plain Sateen Shirts a nice dress shirt worth 73c for doz Mens Soft Summer Shirts sizes to only fast colors regular price from to special at BOYS SHIRTS only Boys Shirts made of Oxford shirting collar attached very scarce goods this lot at just half price worth 50c for SUSPENDERS dor heavy wellmade Suspenders suitable for Monday or Sunday regular per pair lor c 25 c 17 The Above are only a few of the lines we are ottering at of prices Successors to The Cash Buyers and The Cradle In Mount Albert on Mon day May to Mr and Mrs Johnson a daughter I I MALLOYIn King on May to Mr and Mrs Daniel a daughter The futon Elgin 111 on the of May by Rev pastor of Church Mr John Y to Mm Annie holm formerly North York MOKFATT LENNOX- At on May by Rev Tlmrrtpoh Mr Edward Moffatt son of late Alex to Miss Maggie Lennox sister of Mrs Walter Clifton alt At the resi dence of the brides parents on Juno by Rev J Mr Duncan A Mun- ol Newmarket to Miss daughter of Mr of the Whitchurch MORTON MI At Sutton June Mr Howard Mor ton general merchant to Mil Georgia Milne Sutton West A Trinity CI Bradford on Wednesday June to Pearl Gertrude Winifred only daughter Mr and Mrs James Wood residence the brides rattier Sharon on June by Rev A Newmarket Walter Toronto to Miss Theresa Fruit Sets Tea Sets Berry Bowls and Individual Dishes Glass Water Pitchers Plain and Fringed Low Priced Once Tiled Always Used J In Great Variety AN MAIN ST NORTH AU Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention tea CENTRAL TELEPHONE TARR- I