Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 16 May 1902, p. 7

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gtfwrtment CHINA Keeks MM ra coma oh a Provincial Nominations Dont forget to Thursday and bear the speeches No there will be a big crowd in Town Coronation Yea We have made special arrangements I with the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal to club that paper with the Era to new subscribers for tee balance at This will Include the coronation pictures of King- Edward and Queen Alexandra I were lots of potatoes on the Market last and sold by the wagon load from a bag About the usual quantity of butter and eggs offered Butter was to go lower and eggs higher Most of the butter was sold at and most of the eggs at Fresh rhubarb sold at a bunch There never was a better chance in Newmarket to secure lovely carpets beautiful parlor diningroom and bed room furniture curtains and fixtures than at the sale next Saturday of the household effects of Mr H E at his former residence Main St North commencing at oclock Dont miss it or you will regret it York Count Liberals will elect the following gentlemen to help Hon J Davis North York Mr John Richardson East York Mr Hill West York Only two weeks election day Look out for Opposition Even Hon Geo Foster one of Sir Mackenzie BoweUs nest of traitors is lecturing on political corruption AN A meeting of the Committee of the Junior District No A was held at J Smiths on day afternoon Delegates were we are selling oil for want of from Aurora Bradford and New- room Last week we sold a lot and market The district is composed of no wonder as we sell at prices lower Bradford Young Canadians Aurora than other dealers pay for them be tides you get better goods Good Solid Stock Last week we laid out one unusual ly good snap bargain at pair for shoes sold regular at from to sold fast others will follow Along the same lines and of Newmarket The following schedule was drawn June Aurora at Bradford- June Newmarket at Aurora June Bradford at Newmarket July Bradford at Aurora July at Bradford July Aurora at Newmarket Grocery The Baseball Club A very enthusiastic meeting was held in the Machine Shop on Tuesday evening by the employees of the Unit ed Factories here and a BaseBall Club was organized with the follow ing officers lion- President Mr Cane Tench 1st ViceE Cane 2nd ViceR H W Cane Captain J Kennedy Manager A Ex Committee Fred Doyle J as John Warren How ard Roy and Manager Vote for Davis And good government Choice Figs worth lb at pounds for for cooking Choice Prunes worth lb at lb for a snap while they last Bargains in DINGER AND SOTS The Leading Reliable TENDERS FOB COAL Sealed tenders addressed the Provincial Secretary Province On tario Parliament Buildings Toronto and marked Tenders for Coal will he received up to noon on MONDAY for the delivery of Coal in the sheds of the institutions named helow on or before the loth of July next except as regards the coal for London Hamilton and Asylums and Central Prison as noted Asylum for Insane Toronto Hard coal tons large egg size tons stove she 100 tons nut size Soft coal 500 tons lump tons soft screenings Asylum for Insane London Hard coal tons small egg size 250 tons stove tons chestnut size Soft coal tons for yrates Of the 2950 tons may not be required till January Asylum for Insane Kingston Hard coal tons large egg si2e 260 tons small egg size tons chestnut size 500 tons screen ings 500 terns soft screenings tons stove size hard Asylum for Insane Hamilton Chester towards building the new King St Bait ftKthodistChurb A large number of prominent citi zens went down to Kingston on Tues day to attend the funeral of Rev Principal Grant The number of prisoners in the city jail for the week ending May 10 was Of these 80 were men and women The striking carpenters and are all hack at work this week the differences between the bosses and the men having been arranged The Toronto Conference the Me thodist Church which opens oh June will hold its sessions in the Metropolitan Church The Station ing Committee will meet on May and will hold daily sessions until the Conference meets Zoo has received the ad dition of an elephant and two lions this week The will go to Aurora on Saturday and play the Aurora Junior Club an exhibition game The Criminal Assizes has been ad journed until May when the case of Fred Lee for the murder of Constable Boyd will be heard and his celebrated band will play at Hall next Wednesday evening Park will be opened for the season with an entertainment on May The Sessions opened fcefore His Honor Judge on Tuesday The Grand Jury were instructed to inquire into questions of lunatics at the jail In tbe Criminal Assizes on Tuesday Bertha Moore was found guilty of causing the death- of her infant child and was given one months imprison ment This was the only case on the docket and the Grand Jury were illustrated Globe and Star promise of more than in- Rode the Goat Hard coal 3575 tons small egg size tons stove tons nest Saturday chestnut sue coal for grates tons The Temperance Aliiancev so it for pumphouse tons soft slack whispered was being worked by wTthVthe the above quantity Ions may and tern afterwards formations a The house is And mystery profound We do not dare to run about Or make the slightest sound We leave the big piano shut Attd dare hot strike a note The doctors been her seven times Since Father rode the goat m He joined the lodge a week ago- Got in at am And sixteen brethren him home Though he says he them His wrist was sprained and one big rip Had rent his Sunday coat There must have been a lively time When father rode the goat Hes resting the conch today And practising the The hailing signal working grip And other monkey shines He mutteis pass words his breath And other things hell- quote They surely had an evenings work When father rode the goat He has a gorgeous uniform AH gold and red and blue A hat with plumes and yellow braid And golden badges too But somehow When we mention it He wears a look so grim We wonder if he rede the goat Or if the goat rode him For the Era Gardens fche Sea BY A BANKER Although the bugged rock formed cliffs which mostly constitute the di viding line between sea and land in so many parts of the world are not so attractive or beautiful as the lofty snow white chalk cliffs which are such a striking feature or the coast line of Old England yet a ramble on the shore at low tide at the base of a range of granitic or serpentine cliffs is replete with intense interest to the observant eye and affords spectacles of marine beauty such as axe but com- OF CANADA Capital Subsepibed Capital 1300000 HEAD OFFICE No King Seet Manning Arcade H HOLT BOARD OP DIRECTORS PRESIDENT MONTREAL JajmaTT may account for the strewn toK oriq third candidate forts to bring out in North York great masses hard jagged rock February Asylum for Insane i a by some tremendous convulsion Hard tons large of nature have been lorn from Ihe size size tons soft stove tons chestnut tons soft screen ings cords green Asylum for Idiots Soft coal screenings or run of mine lump tons tons hard 1 stove size size lc from Ottawa oeo Report SNOWBALL PUBLIC SCHOOL Pearl Lapp Ida Storey tons bard coal grate Kniily Patrick Arthur Reynolds parenl mass and lie scattered in a wild confusion the attention is al most always arrested by a number of those lovely gardens of tie sea ver dure clad rockpools and tiny ponds hewn by nature out of the rock filled to the brim with clear water RANDOLPH Toronto JAMES Montreal VicePresidents A A ALLAN Toronto ARCH Toronto Junction HON PETER MCLAREN Perth JOHN Toronto HON Alexandria Oat HENRY WILSON New York GENERAL MANAGER RANCH AT MONTGOMERYS OLD STORE T CURRENT ACCOUNT OPENED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE POSITS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD- BANKING BUSINESS Danish Sugar Beet Seed lb Imperial Giant Half Sugar Beet Seed per lb Mammoth Long Prize Mangold Seed per lb 15e Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold 15c Special Price in 10 lb lots Hungarian Manitoba Flour the Best Flour imported from Manitoba In bags and half bags Asylum for Insane Hard coal tons size tons stove size Reynolds Olive Ethel Alston of varied form the homes of numerous varieties little of the deep which dart laree Clarence Apleton Stella tons HI Elgin Evans George small egg Of the above quantity I Laura Casey and thither n pursuit their mm- tons may not he required until Johnston to or of those mobile marine The Era will not be printed till Friday morning next week and the January and March Asylum for Female Patients Hard coal tons large size tons eg size tons stove size Central Prison Toronto Hard coal tons small egg size Soft coal tons soft coal after on account of the dec- of mine lump The soft Telephone Story In tor teg I tjrcg it to tin at BUM Va The eyes at assistance Who you jsage reading lor becomes an exertion end glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained are experts in this line examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction GRADUATE OPTICIAN tions The Hospital for Sick Children To ronto acknowledge this week the re ceipt proceeds Bachelor and Benedict Hockey Match in a couple of months ago Mr Andrew has a gang of at work this week on the foundation walls for a new barn ft for the Davis Bros on the line of The section men on the got a raise in wages on Monday There were lots of farmers in Town Saturday and when their ftess was transacted they gathered in little knots on ttie talked got pretty hot over it Plum trees are almost in full bloom As Hie sun gets up early theedays wideawake people also get a move on Prom the attention Mr Is giving to his front lawn one would think he is preparing to enter for competition at the Flower Last Sunday evening the pastor A the an- that he had been by Dr the mission secre tary to take up foreign work He had not accepted the invitation Irit ft waft his serious considera tion The annovneernent was receiv ed with a feeling of regret by the congregation as Mr is popular and the is making steady progress nlr will to decide mat ter vithin the next two Next week lie will vfftit his borne at Port in Bruce Co his work will bo In China f he no prayer at the week but a service will be conducted at oclock FViday evening preparatory to the ion rvie which will be held next morning In Hit- evening will a ftketcb of the life of Dr Grant the late principal Queen University On May a rally of the Ho- of the central of To ronto Presbytery will be In church here The fact that It P McKay and Mr be llje cldef speakers Interest and guarantees a nolds Ben Rush Thomas Cutting Charlie Casey Irene Reynolds Chester Ward Stella Edwards Wib- field Rush Jessie Monte Ira Ferguson Frank Kdward Amy Kexiah Edwin creatures which pass their unevent ful lives chained down for the whole term of their existence to one fixed spot And truly these parterres of the sea when lit up by the rays the sun arc a spectacle of surpassing to he delivered monthly as re quired Institution for Deaf and Dumb Belleville Hard tons egg size tons small egg size tons stove tons nut size Institute for Hardcoal tons egg tons stove size tons iheslnut for boys tons egg size tons store tons nut sie tons sort coal or of mine lump De livered at institution dock Mercer Reformatory Toronto coal screening or run of mine lump tons stove coal tons Tenders are to specify the mine or mines from which the coal will be supplied and the quality of same and must alio furnish satisfactory evidence Meat the coal delivered is true to name mined and in every respect equal in quality to the grades of coal known to the trade Delivery is to he made in a manner satisfactory to the Prisons and Public Charities And the said Inspectors may require additional amounts not exceeding per cent of tlie specified for the above mention ed institutions to be delivered there at at the contract prices at any time up to the July 1903 Tenders will be received for the whole quantity above specified or for the quantities required in Insti tution An accepted to the order the Hon the Provincial Secretary must he furn ished by each tenderer a guarantee of his bona fides arid two sufficient surMles will be for the hue fulfil each contract and forms and conditions tenders be obtained front Inspec tors of Prisons and Public Charities Parliament Toronto or from the of the respective in stitutions The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepts this with out from the Department will not be paid for It J Provincial Parliament Buildings Toront May Edna Andrews Myrtle Kade Average attendance Elmer Richardson- Teacher No 3 VW Chapman Lake Woods J J Sinclair A Cameron Tomlinson S Statton III Ira Woods It Cora Jr Ill- Stella Slier- wood David Lake Chapman A Kay Teacher QOOOl The C P station at Man was burned Wednesday Honor the man with a in community and FOR DA VIS Lord Kitcheners weekly report shows that Boers wore captured others are accounted lor- and Mr Geo killed at Perry Station by the bursting of a bolter in Mr Walter sawmill The Saskatchewan Land Co with a capital of bus been or ganised to purchase aires of land in the valley men composing the corporation are Minneapolis DuluUi and ago cap italists Underwood a negro who boasted that be bad killed two ana threatened Ward Storey Around the rosepink sides grow a of leather beauties the deep some like miniature palm trees their waving fronds a brilliant purple or crimson violet some a vi vid shining emerald green their in numerable gently moving to and as the breeze slightly agi tates the still water while some the handsome and graceful delicate blue- pink corallines appear to he devoid ol any motion or life and remain fix ed and immovable but for the rapid motion of the numerous living organ isms which make them their home Here and there tightly grasping tie rock may be seen sow nuns of those lowers of the ocean seaanemones some a resplendent gold and orange with innumerable violet pink tentacles which are ever waving about in search of food some rove red with I or ambercolor warty excrescences having thick pow erful tentacles with which they seize the shrimp or young prawn which in cautiously too near and con vey the struggling crustacean into their capacious Interior while others resting after a heavy repast appear dormant and quiescent like in animate cones of burnished jasper or cornelian From time to time small wrasse belted with various hues orange and blue and amber play and gambol from side to side ungainly little crabs crawl sideways the bob- torn of the pool and semitransparent dart hither and thither with a motion so rapid the eye can scarce follow Space forbids further description of these evervarying natural aquaria In lbs Fresh Ginger Snaps for 25c lbs Rolled Wheat for lbs Wheaten for 25c 8 lbs Gritz for 4 lbs New Prunes for The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly which arc gathered together so many men of grace and beauty thethot to kill two prominent must cross the mind that if presidents at the first Creator such loveliness was lynched at Decatur Counj obscurity how ty on Sunday must be the home lie has Dont you are cut out for prepared for those who love Him and a teacher merely because Him in this and who by lavc a in your eye pleading the sufferings and merits of An Item floating about the state the Saviour as loll and complete press declares that Is the most Justification become of that in- unfortunate letter in the al phabet because It a never in cash al ways In debt and never out of danger men who to But It should not bo forgotten that accepted form will the aforesaid is never in war but like present always In peace It Is in the begin- of some I of fur existence the jhaved down until surface is ns of ease arid the end of trouble With as a blanket like the furry out It there la no meat no bread no which worn by our life no gospel no no heaven grandfathers of glory SHAPES in bats the latent Spring are a leading feature in our stock Our stock of Derby and Alpine styles for possess the distinction of almost a charm appreciated by who don t want what everybndy else wears Nothing in our quality keeps pace with fashion Kerr A ftccnis to have been inaugurated be tween the popular down collar and the equally popular scarf When you want to get a neck scarf to stand the strain all men know what that means try the we as beat fitted for nice ly without torn to ribbons TT Cor Main Timothy Marquis Li eldest son and heir the late Chang Is dead at the age of leaving a son to Inherit the title and great wealth of the first MarouK Tuesday spfntaneous com bustion caused a fire in the Haling Companys storehouse St Johns Quo with pressed hay which was all destroyed About three hundred iron coremakers helpers and appren tices employed In the Canadian fio Kail way foundry went on strike at on Wednesday because their demands for a minimum rate of of a day had not been granted It The Era Ideal I County Weekly It Covers York

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