J THE M geiu A young Bull fit lor service Grade Also a small boy to herd cattle and sheep Smith York WANT A good smart young man to learn the Hardware business J A ALLAN CO House to Let She A Neve Let Up Brighter and Better Issue Type Set Newmarket Printing Done at Home central and comfortable bouse belonging to J Caldwell on Street west of the market- For particulars apply to M Aurora for Sale Situate at the South end of the Town on the west side of St Good garden small and apples Apply to J Thompson New market REGISTERED CARRIAGE STALLION at the Jackson House New market during the season except on Wednesday when he will be at Reynolds lot Con Good stock horse Manag OUR PLATFORM Is to deliver pure springwater ice put into your Refrigerator Icebos or Washtub at a mighty small price Please call at the Office and see us or telephone No and you will us ail glad A The Ice Man Court of Revision The first sitting of the Court of Re vision for the Town of Newmarket will be held at the Council Chamber June 1902 at oclock am DAVID LLOYD May 1902 Town Clerk whitcHORCH Court of Revision first sitting of the Court Re vision for the Township of Whitchurch will be In Hills Hail On at a J LUNDY Clerk Ac Ottawa Press despatch states that the Government Que bec and Prince Edward accepted the invitation to take part eries inference- at Ottawa on 20tli This Is the way Mr- talks to the electors of North Toronto am pleased if some are opposed to me Mate your accusations and if I cant dispose of vote against me Thats Mr Matter dont stand on ceremonies The Dominion Parliament voted 000 for the relief of sufferers from the Martinique disaster The Toronto Star toe obser vation that Up in New Ontario Mr Whitney will be beaten to pulp The Dominion Parliament was pro rogued yesterday afternoon with usual ceremonies Bills which pass ed both Houses during the session re ceived the royal assent Advices from are to toe efiect that Mr Williams having declined the Liberal nomination re formers will not place a candidate in the field at election hut will largely support the Independent can didate running in opposition to a The Mail makes much ado over what it is pleased to term the action of the Machine at the Liberal meeting at Ottawa but who regard to the action of the Conser vative machine nearer home both in North Toronto and at West Hamilton it is as dumb as the proverbial oys ter The World manager got his ear to the again and now announces that King ordered the Master of the Horse to have a place in the Coronation Procession for the Hon James P of Ontario Like fun he This is a duplicate of the groimd- story about the Mayoralty of Toronto last election The telegram of Tuesday remarks Dr Parkin principal of Upper Can ada College is mentioned as a possi ble successor to the late Rev Grant as Principal of Queens Univer sity at Kingston Dr Parkin is an Anglican and a layman but Queens status has been changed lately It will be looked upon as a nonsectar ian institution in the future though of course the department of theology will remain very much Presbyterian in complexion The rumored resignation of Lord as Canadian High Com missioner at London is Wholly In this connection the rumor named Hon Sir as Lord successor A from Ottawa denies the whole thing Says Mr Tarte not only ridi cules the whole thing but says he has his alma mater and in the no desire to to London It is degree of was conferred It is announced that a contract has been made by the Federal Govern ment of Canada with the Halifax and West India Steamship Company which holds good till Dec to have tie Steamer Beta of tons register make monthly trips be tween Halifax and Jamaica Company receives a subsidy of per annum an average of per trip The leaders of the Opposition ought to compare notes and get somewhere Within gunshot in their platform ut terances At the Fores ter reports Mr- Crawford as having toM the electors in the present of Mr Whitney that the Governments claim to a surplus was a delusion that instead of a surplus the was burdened with a heavy debt aggregating anywhere in the neighbor hood of Up at Mr Mr Whit ney on the same platform corrected a former statement made in rid ing and admitted the Government surplus was One speak er states the Province is heavily bur dened with debt and another that the Province has a surplus of An eminent man in public life of Canada Rev Principal Grant of Queens University passed over to the majority on Saturday last The funeral took place on Tues daythe remains being interred in Cemetery Kingston his wife who died about a year ago Deceased was a native of Nova Sco tia torn Dr Grant was ordained as a Presbyterian Min ister in and in the next year took the i of a mission in tou County In 1863 he enter ed upon his sixteen years of pastoral work in connection with St Mat thews Church Halifax and in became principal of Queens Univer sity Kingston In literary as well as educational work Dr Grant ex celled In Dr Grant was en as moderator of the General As sembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and has held many other of fices in societies He was president of the Imperial Federation league in Kingston in He re ceived the degree of in from I SEEDS -AT- Seed Sale Prices Lehmans Drug Store NEWMARKET ONTARIO also stated on authority that the Government has no intimation that Lord desires to re sign According to an enactment over in New York State which passed into law March all loose stones laying in the beaten track of every highway must be removed once every month from April 1st to December of yeax Just such a law as this would contribute amazingly to the comfort of travelling tried and But lie in Ontario Why cant our standing that they were Councils make this a nothing could be shown that the tion governing overseers of Government was in collusion with ways It would be a move in the right direction on him by University fax wife formerly Miss Jes sie belonged to Halifax The Difference At byeelections in West Elgin and North Waterloo a number of men working in the interests of Liber al candidates did corrupt acts and were denounced by the Government The people of Ontario are down on Lite Government which wastes their money in building up the Port Arthur to make a few more Grit members of the Legis lature says Hamilton Specta tor A couple of days before Spectator made its statement Mr Whitney and Mr- were the electors beyond Port Arthur that they were prepared to go one bet ter thai the floss Government in building up the sea of rocks The these men yet Mr and his supporters continue to try to discred it the Reform party on account of West and North Waterloo A Tory Government was never Known to even make an to furnish an offender against the elec tion law On the other hand a man who had done improper things to as sist a Conservative candidate would hale a strong claim for preferment for office Mi Whitney so far as we have noticed has never teen known to utter a word of disapproval of Tory corruption and it is not that he never bad the Victoria Day may 24th RETURN TICKETS I WILL BE ISSUED AT SINGLE FARE all Stations In Canada all Hamilton organ appears to he play- a different tune from its leaden I He might find ample from any of the following The leading editorial in Mondays j The Pacific of Mail with the following sen- where Sir Hugh Allan contributed tenet The speeches of the Ontario for the benefit of the Tory Ministers make the a good deal party clearer we know what these I The effort made by the hraw- lor better Ulan wo ling brood of bribery to buy up the did when the campaign opened This Legislature of Ontario in 1884 is a pretty candid ard ill ftie expenditure by Oar on is to be hoped a broader and in the and a letter understand ing the Opposition will no have courage it convictions and withdraw misstatements it his in regard to the Premier his Point Pond t that be spent a lew all fttatfoTiH In Canada to but in an experiment from Rock wiWi unworthy of Kails arid from Our to- temporary very properly adds or of in the Province Quebec amounting to over drawn from cmtrarHoa The opening of the ballotboxes after the elections in South Grey in and the of forg ed ballots for the ballots actually he small bore of the Post electors oi his with automobiles is by which J A fraud- marked In favor of Graham The wholesale frauds practiced in tbe City of London by which Mr of rejected or ballots amount ed to Tbe by a Tory at Mir John ttryen hi South Ontario in THE- CASH STORE t BEST STORE THE STORE i Miss is home again Mr Geo Stark was up from To ronto over Sunday Mrs of Aurora spent Mon day it The Bowery Mrs Thomas and baby of were visiting here over Sunday Mrs Parker of was vis iting with Mrs Fornan last week Mrs is speeding a week with her parents at J- Findlay of Norwood was a guest at over Sun day Mr J Thompson of spent Tuesday last with his mother here Mr Clarence of Port trurn is visiting relatives in Town Mr J of has moved to Newmarket- on Onta rio Street Miss Wilson of Toronto a former public school teacher here spent Fri day night with Miss Oliver Mr Walter Armitage who has been in Manitoba over two years is coming home in a few days Miss Thompson of Toron to is spending a week the guest of Miss Thompson Mr bad a of friends in on Wednesday to commem orate his birthday Among toem was Mr of Michigan Mr Collins of Toronto an em ployee in the Registry Office here years ago visited the town last Fri day and was pleased to see the many evidences of prosperity in V Mrs McCuljoch and the baby left on Tuesday to spend a couple of months at Lindsay and Miss Inez accompanied them to Port Perry will spend the holidays with her uncle Miss Nellie took the twins with her to spend a couple months at her home in Manchester near Whitby Mr J of Toronto was in Town on Wednesday solicit ing subscriptions in aid of the YfM work among the Canadian sol diers in South Africa and the Cana dian Camps The organi zation has a membership of In Ontario and Quebec and is doing a good work among young men in the cities arid larger towns ooo- R Comparison as to Cost of Education OUR is emphatically not conducted by watching what other houses are doing prices are as low as is cordis tent making a reasonable profit We dont cut down our prices on one line because another house happens to be selling lower than we are for the time YOU KNOW and we know that the price is cut down on on it is going to be raised on This scheme does not enter our business at all if you are low price you are getting proportionately value Houses thai do business only by competition and in whom toe public have no confidence are compelled to sell very stuff in order to make profit con- their materials are poor Let toe that claim to compete with adopt same course of A firm that fixes its prices without regard for value of the goods but altogether in view of the price of another firm is obviously not dealing honestly WE KNOW our prices are right and we do not tea mark them in plain figures You can read our prices just as well as our salesmen can The cost per pupil for a public school education in the States Massachusetts Michigan New In and Wales board schools In England and Wales 1900 voluntary schools IN ONTARIO Average for cities in Ontario The earthquakes in Martinique de stroyed the town of Pierre Al most immediately a J its inhabitants of were killed The shipping was wrecked and the Quebec Steam- skip Companys steamer with all on board BUT TO FIT n Every Walk of Life Our Clothes are worn and distinguished for the- faultless manner i they ate made They are more popular day by day with GoodClothes Wearing Public learn and appreciate the fact that at least they can obtain neat tasty perfectfitting garments compare favorably with those q by tbe best merchant tailors and for a nominal price and with every there is guarantee of absolute satisfaction or your money back as YOU In Your TO COME OUT Finery This big store is helping hundreds of women to solve the of becoming attire without extravagant expenditure This seasons produo of novelties tor spring wear are tie prettiest most and sensible that have ever been shown We append a few suggestions Gloves Hosiery Dress Goods Veilings Parasols Belts Ties Corsets etc Heres Comfort Satisfaction One of the most complete shoe stocks in Newmarket certainly the largest and best too styles correct qualities right One price to all and that lowest price possible consistent with the goodness Our emy comfort 0 and Value WE PAY THE HIGHEST for TRY OUR FAMOUS Butter SUCCESSORS TO HADDOCK 25a TEA The Cradle 1 Town on the Ittli of May Jo Mr and Mrs Gardner a son and heir MCDONALD In Town on May to Mr arid Mrs John A McDonald a daughter late Principal Grant left life insurance to Univer sity OrilHa ttay David a widower from and Mrs Jessie McDonald a widow residing in the same neighborhood came to on Monday and were married While returning to their future home at night the rig upset In a ditch two miles out on the road and the occupants were thrown out The rig was thrown over on top of Mr who had been pitched by the fall into the ditch and Mrs and daughter failed to find him Af ter searching all round the vehicle for over hour tlie body was finally found but life was extinct designs In on from destination lefore May Ticket and all iutoiuaXltn Railway ltd District A It would have the fWdtof Hon if he flyman was dq rived of his seat for a full herrn The Instructions given to Tory in Manitoba to switch and deface ballots In tlie interests of- party in the election grven the a chance to to P Alia S we In wt they have u well as Manitoba the It 1 S a ballots were under We Liberal party the numW -v- v in ber of whole of the whole TO the Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor offered for days before stock at axe simply Now Is the time to fit up your home with elegant furniture at coat Come and John Millard Opposite Royal Hotel and A The Altar In on by Rev W Clark rector of Dr K of to Miss Annie Katb- daughter of Mr and Mrs Hcndoron of The Tomb King TV- on May Nancy widow die and of late ard Ruth aged months The funeral will take place on Meet at the homo at o clock and interment at Cemetery City on May J W reeve of King Township aged years GOULD Town May infant daughter of and La- villa Gould Oak St aged Borders Ceilings to match Some cheap ones at 3c and up to per Tried Always Used Great Variety Of- MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention and Vegetables LEMONS BANANAS RHUBARB ONIONS Fresh for Saturday QUICK LUNCH W STARR CENTRAL TELEPHONE