isr THE A MAY ytwa In every town and village may be had the that makes your horses glad You May PainXiUeY rot Cuts Sums Cramps Diarrhoea All Bowel Complaints I remedy There PAIN-KILLER- Two uA Kc ASSURANCE CO The Company has now upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over 56046921 Bonuses Already Declared 535000000 During year Policies were issued tot 510527000 Deposit Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions of Dollars J A Agent JAMBS CLARKE District inspector SPEED STYLE COMFORT Carriage Tires A Sola Rotter and Pneumatic Tire for Cycles Autos and Carriages Let us tell Von how little it cost to the best by letter and catalogue CO TORONTO fly HORSES around the Chat reliable TO Mr Wilson Newmarket moved into Mrs Hopes Mrs J Thompson Mrs S Bond- Miss Velnia Bond and Mr and Mrs A were all visiting at City last week Mr and his daughter Ceil are visiting at for a week or two Mr Miller of the Mansion House has moved to Mr Jennings house and there is no Hotel keeper now W has an tree in full bloom It is a We called upon to chronicle the death of one of the settlers in this in the person of Mi John which tr place on the line en the morning of the deceased gentleman being ill for only a little a week the news of his death came as a great shock to many of his friends Mr has spent tfce greater part of his life on the farm where he died having come to this part when a mere boy Two valuable cows belonging to Harvey Snider managed to reach some green tbe other day and as a result both are TOe worth League in connection with the Methodist Church here axe making preparations for a tea and conert to be held on May The English church is to have a new preacher in the near future last Sunday being the last for Rev Bath- stone- been made with Cowan KC Dominion for- Essex to address the grand mass meeting of the electors to held at on Thursday May Mr Cowan is one of the cleverest speakers Ontario and his name was mentioned in connection the position SolicitorGeneral for Canada Efforts are also being made secure of Nova Scotia Watch for the posters and hand bills The deepest sympathy of the entire community is being expressed for Mr and Mrs Renfrew in sore bereavement Their promising young daughter Laura aged three years- took suddenly and seriously ill on Sat urday last from a malignant form of scarlet fever passed away on Sun day afternoon physicians fceing un able to alord any relief What- makes more painful trying for the afflicted parents is that but about four months ago they were bereft of their only son The interior of the Stark Bank at is being entirely changed and fitted up in the latest city style prior to the of the new char tered Sovereign Dank here KESWICK On Friday evening last Mr Lennox had an organisation meeting at Kes wick The meeting was not a press despatch Ottawa last tised as a public meeting but there Monday says Mr Justice Bur- was a representation from all bridge judgment for in over the township were the petition of right by Messrs Mac- given by Mr of against the the Whitney candidate from on account of the failure of the ora Mr H was Senate to ratify the contract tor the pointed ohairrnan of the meeting Mr construction of the Stikeen River a long time in trying The original claim was for to prove that Sir Davis had done no- but this was reduced by the amounts A has got a lot of useful little mares for and one nice cow to calve now And mutt be told toon or be so poor you wont want them at all White a sick of bin haid on tooth arid had a narrow from death by Heave pJm In It It vA fcf bit in Co It is estimated that the recent will cost the town the sum assessment fur this year shows a gain over of year by ilUJJ- lhe total aetftjnciit of the town is There is certainly money in hogs and farmers who have for sale have a gold mine itr Knowles last week purchased from Mr Lloyd of hogs for wbieti he paid Mr Lloyd the sum of An independent prohibition has lcen here at the re quest of Councillor Austin Most of the Aurora Royal Templars are on the committee and arrange ments arc being mlc for a prohibi tion mass meeting to he held here on evening May John of Aurora died on last leaving an estate in value to consisting largely of real estate including two farms in Whitchurch valued at and property in this district Albert chief of police of Town of Aurora Geo Powell and Fetch are named as executors of will George gets a small farm in Whitchurch lour sisters get Albert Ietrh gets and the balance with the exception of some minor and charges got- lo the widow of the deceased While returning from visiting a pa tient near on Saturday even ing fir Stevenson an ex citing time up the bill west of Sir he met a rig which in the darkness did not give roadway end the wheel of the rigs vith the re sult that the doctors horse broke tie and him over the While they were trying to get matters straightened out two other along of which in attempting to ran into the the horse getting and the tig turning over on top of it A light was procured and they syrxccJ in getting their rigs Into the and started for home fortunately no much the the thing for the riding which he repre sented He be would not say anything personal and then proceed ed to ridicule Mr Davis religious ana temperance principles He criticised very strongly the Governments pol icy of giving pulp concessions but from giving of the Opposition Throughout his speech the audience was very en thusiastic Mr- Lennox proceeded on the same line Incidentally remarked in the first part of his speech when referring to lome of the things that some of the Government memte had said that a man who told only half a truth was than a liar For his own sake he should have left that out- He went to criticize the of the in giving concessions to pulp companies To prove how the were being cheated he took for exam ple the Sturgeon Falls pulp company He stated that the Government had atually given this company large limits pulpwood and then this Co bad deliberately turned round sold it to an old firm known as tfce Win Co tor a tremen dous amount of cash Mr Lennox failed to tell it all Was he ignorant of the facts or did he wish to mislead the people Does he know to what extent the Sturgeon FaUs Co had improved the plant They had in their employment upwards of three hundred men working on it for over a year A pulp mill was built was in running order Foundations were all laid for one Of the largest mills in America Warehouses were and one of them was full of machinery lor the new paper mill Saw mills were in running order at that place A number of steam der ricks were on the grounds Every thing was in the best shape For going on and building Besides this there was a seasons cutting of pulp logs in the river These are some the truths that the candidate omitted so very carefully in his kind of would work- all right where the people did not have any knowledge of public affairs Mr certainly threw a slur on his audience if he thought they would be lieve any such trash This is only a of some of the- half truth statements that Mr Lennox an de spises but is using in cam paign- The meeting closed with cheers for the King and Mr Lennox who was spoken of as the coming Premier of Ontario Hats The of are about to spend enlarging and improving their church A Portage merchant named A was arrested in Winni peg on the charge of having defraud ed the Bank of Ottawa of the sum of Mrs John trick jumped out of a skiff at Westmeath Her hus band went after and saved her but the boat with Misses Minnie and went thru the I tap ids and both were drowned Five girls were killed and more than a score injured during a panic at a cigar factory in Philadelphia last week The company employs oyer girls At the noon hour a employed in the building was slightly injured by being caught in an elevator Some person cried Fire and immediately there was a rush for the stairway of the building The crush was great that many of the girls turned back and rushed for the windows lie fore they could be re strained from jumping a score or more had hurled to the street several being crushed to death realised from the sale of horses rails and materials The for the total vote on the referendum in Manitoba were given out last week showing that persons voted Of voted Yes and said No making a majority of against the Liquor act Total per sons entitled to vote as near as can he estimated thus showing that did not go to the polls- being within of half the total vote of the Province According to the Hamilton there is every probability West Ham ilton will have a threecornered Mr K Colqu- houn the late member for this con stituency was defeated in the Con servative convention by Mayor as the Conservative candidate but Mr declares his in tention of running all the same With- two in the field the Lib eral nominee will have an easy vic tory It appears the Department Agri culture in the United States is about to try a novel experiment to get rid of the San Jose Scale namely in troducing the Chinese lady bug The Insect feeds on the sale and it is believed that when introduced into the country in sufficient numbers it- will exterminate the pest ex periment will be watched with inter est by the Ontario Agricultural offi cials and if it proves a success the Jwg will- be introduced into Ontario Very views are entertain ed by Mr respecting the future of Marie Speak before the Korah Township Coun cil last week he expressed confidence that there would be a city of inhabitants on the Canadian side of the river in a few years that the steel works would employ men and would he the largest steel plant in one location in America that the proposed tube works would employ an other men eventually and that in his judgment men would be needed to operate industries owned by the allied companies or attracted there by them If one would only confess it in nine cases out of ten the command to a to obey is not based upon that which is reasonable but comes from some whim or caprice of the parent A child should always be imprest with the reason ess of the for obedience before he is thrown into a state of rebellion and revolt and as the weaker party is forced to surrender The article by fir Murray to the June upon the Disobedient Child will open a new line of thought to perplexed fathers and mothers may be in clined to believe that the whole fault lies the children The Opposition organ at Toronto is now faulting tire Ontario Government for not sending out experts by the score to ascertain where mines are located and their value before grant ing concessions to or any other man or company hut the past record of that journal reveals the that whenever the Government did the very thing it now clamors fort a hul labaloo was raised that the Ministry were providing lor their friends at the expense of the country etc etc The fact is the Opposition press is bound to find fault no matter what course the Government pursues Any thing to beat is their game IV Georgia Nellie Hodge Jr IM Fred Johnston Smith- Florence Leslie Smith Ada Smith Roy Sweet Clarence Flora Hodge Anthony Crouch Clarence Mary Mary Moulds Norman Hodge Smith Gertie Nelson John Mc Donald Flossie Sanderson Pearl Donald Jr I Richman San derson Garnet- TabletMelville- Sanderson Stan ton Flossie Watson Eva Hodge Howard Smith Ethel Shep Elmer Willie Moulds Present every day Georgia arid Florence Fred Johnston Ernest Flora Donald Johnny Mabel Sanderson- Garnet Melville Sanderson Stan ton Coleman Ross Teacher The general meeting of the Boer leaders at which a final decision on the subject of peace is expected will take at Vereeniging Transvaal May 15 i Nov that Boring come round again xA fields grow- hazy that tired feeling grows on men and them good and lay Childrens Thats a good name for Scotts Emulsion Children are like young plants Some will grow in ordinary soil Others need fertilizers The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil dren grow right if treated right All they need is a little fer tilizer a little extra richness Scotts Emulsion is the right treatment Fertilizers make Thats just what Scotts Emul sion does It makes children grow in flesh grow in strength grow rich blood grow in mind grow happy Thats what we make it for Send for free sample Toronto PUBLIC SCHOOL Class total May John Lodge Laura Class total Doyle Gertie Lonsdale Hobble Street Lodge 174 Class total Florence Weir Lodge Myrtle Lloyd Wilfred Doyle 732 Hazel Vanhorne Lib- hie Horace Rolling Harold Lennox WIS Stanley If Olas toUl Bond Strict Street Oswald Reynolds Mary I Class total Willie Anew Street John Wilson Jr total Pearl Aubrey II an Ion Gladstone Class Jr A total Una Deacon John Herman Street Charlie John lfl A Howard Teacher Infants and dolt EXPERT TEACHING New methods in business are called for when you contrast conditions today those of past century In a school a young idea is taught how to but in this college he is taught how to shoot in other words he is equipped to do busi ness Parents and guardians will lay a solid foundation success for their sons and daugh ters if heed this instruc tion and have those in their care enrolled in this college Students may at any time No vacations BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO David Principal The Adjourned For Taxes in the County of York will held in tho Town Hall Aurora the of MAY at pm for District No and for District No at Hall Sutton West OK THURSDAY the MAY at am Co or York Toronto April J K MACDONAID I RAILWAY THE Royal Lakes CANADA Fine Cuisine Beautiful Surroundings 1000FUT ABOVE Most IN AMERICA For further il lustrated rates maps and all informal apply to I TORONTO A Toain fell jeajmaFket Friday 1902 PART I 1 Part Song Bridal Chorus from the Rose Maiden THE CHOIR 2 Vocal a Land Frances Allien MR Comic Song Calculations MB JAMES PAX T instrumental Peace Forever THE BANJO AND GUITAR CLUB Vocal Delight- MISS EMILY Lullaby and Low- j THE CHOIR Reading Scene from The Last of Pompeii MR Vocal Son6 You and I Liza Lehman MISS BERTHA ROGERS Instrumental Simple Avcu MISSES LENNOX GREGG AND MR Vocal Death of Nelson MR CHARLES E CLARKE II I Part Song Little Tommy Went aFishm J Mac THE WESTMINSTER CHOIR Comic Song An Old Pedlar im am JAKyss fax Banjo Solo Selected MR GEORGE A m Vocal The Swallows F MRS Reading His Unbiased Opinion MR H Vocal Jock MISS BLAKE Duett The Two Beggars Lane Wilson MR AND MR CLARKE Instrumental Spanish Silhouettes THE BANJO MANDOLIN GUITAR CLUB Comic Song A Lovely Dream MR JAMES FAX Part Song Song of the Vikings Eaton THE WESTMINSTER CHOIR GOD SAVE THE KING ARTHUR OLIVER MISS JESSIE DICKSON Conductor Accompanist PRISON J of raettare of as a though they were the bars Many hire forged their own chains by the of early exposure to contagious of manhood They feel they are not men they ought to be or to be and vitality of are lacking At you tired in the morning to force through the work yon little arid energy are you irritable and excitable depressed and haggard looking poor and brain fagged bare you freak back dreams and losses it night deposit In turine weak yon Nervous Debility mud Seminal Weakness Oar MEW METHOD to I or No Pay a Bank J Security of quacks Consnlt old reliable physicians Books Free write for Blank for Home Treatment MICH KAKKKlKKKK Right at Your Fingers End J This is where you could find any paper required if you used any of our various filing I devices Save your time and thereby your money and your temper by purchasing an uptodate Filing System that would meet your require ments Systematic Business Is The most Economical IF Desks and Tables the School and Home The Ote Specialty Mfg FACTORIES NEWMARKET Bay Street YEARS EXPERIENCE Write for our Interesting books and How you ere swindled Send us a rough or model of your In vention we opinion to whether It Is often en successfully prosecuted by us We conduct 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