Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 May 1902, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET E FRIDAY 9 CHINA WHAT la OH IN Shop The Dominion Parliament has ap proved the Government the Oracle A Thompson wbo for to collect a duty of per cent many years was mechanical ships enter- tendent at Canes Factory is just Elevator at Hi we were halted darkriigbt On April 30 a meeting was on a road by a masked held in half at pm- a and askedtbe for the purpose of talking aver the Won thing more than idea of building an elevator either at Hon empowering tbe of has furnished a theme for Sutton or Mr Gilpin Dr recovering nicely alter an illness of 13 weeks and on the advice of bis The New Shoe Licensed Victuallers Associa- have taicen a leaf out the physician will have- to give up bis Temperance Alliance mode of cam- old situation However Mr and formulated five has decided to go into business to be asked candidates for the for himself- He has purchased a lot Legislature They are asking for assumption that we were on Prospect Ave a short distance compensation in ease the referendum with apis- project Moved by Donald poets and painters we would an- was voted into the chair and Dreams At least we think we Greenwood for Secretary would although on such short and A letter read from Mr of the sudden notice we might find T saying that he could lease unprepared to say anything Per- a site at the Sutton Station Mr haps mature reflection might suggest David Draper Mr Scott a better answer but as we want to Donald McDonald Mar- write about dreams we will proceed tin Francis and held Mr spoke favorably for the toggptafo OF CANADA Authorized Capital Subscribed Capital 2000000 1300000 south of- Huron St where he will caries December erect a suitable building and he hopes in the course of a couple of The Hon Mr Davis Commissioner months he will be ready for business of Crown Lands addressed a Mr Thompson is a firstclass gathering of the free and and we have no doubt that he will at Parry Sound the beginning of get all the work he can attend to week in the interest of Mr the Liberal nominee When Mr Da vis called for questions only asked complaining that the las on SOME MORE TALK ABOUT OUR AND A band of gypsies are camped in the Green Lane East The mornings seem to be getting up earlier of late Tfce men who make the most fuss about cleaning house are the ones who stay at home the least after it is cleaned The hot wave is moving In a lit tle while the shirt waist will gladden the eyes of the moving multitude store is decorated with a new awning Messrs Cooke Bros have rented Mr residence Mrs has got both elec tric and domestic water in her residence Somebody left a parasol in the Market last Saturday companies and corporations was not high enough would you do if Mr Whitney was elected asked Mr Davis Some of the Temperance people in Toronto who were disappointed in the conditions of the leferendum have been trying to stir up opposition to Hon J Davis but that gentle mans principles so well known the city lie getting very little sympathy in his move The name of Mr a former merchant of Town is suggested in this connection Tem perance people have nothing to gain by suxh a move and that we retained sufficient and seconded by Martin control of our wits and powers of that the elevator be built in Sutton to enable us to give the Carried unanimously Mr Cole then above addressed the meeting Moved by No poet is worthy of the name who David Draper seconded by Root not published on at least that Messrs P half a dozen kinds of dreams and a Morton Scott painter might as well try to achieve McDonald Summer P imperishable fame without first jut- Cole Draper Wm and ting on canvass his conception of Evans be a committee to draw up Loves Young Dream as an actress necessary papers etc Carried might hope to become truly great committee agreed to meet on less in her school days she had reeit- Friday evening May 2nd in the room at a church social Shall Not Ring Tonight Were it not HEAD OFFICE No King Street MONTREAL 16- we are selling for want of room Last week we sold a lot and to wonder as we sell at prices lower than other dealers pay for them De rides you get better goods Good Solid Stock Last week we laid out one unusual ly good snap bargain at pair for regular at from to Ittj sold fast others will follow along the same lines Burnt to A sad was narrowly averted shortly after eight oclock last Monday rooming at the residence includes the of In New Ontario region over acres of agricultural lands have been surveyed and rang ers estimate that there is an area of over acres The region denominated New Ontario of Mrs on Queen St She had down stairs to see breakfast was ready leaving the three Aloma Bay and Rainy Riv er and the Lake of on the west or about west a long long time ago even be fore the New York subway was be little girls in the bedroom to finish and to Lake tte was without form and void Jo seph it will be remcmteied the artistic and literary genius most ordinary mortals would a very limited idea of the wonderful variety of dreams They picture for us the beautiful sweet peaceful tea- dreams that can come onry a tranquil conscience and stomach It gocd to know that there are reams of such delightful nature for the ma joiity of vis spend our sleep in dodg ing creditors in fleeing from a hide ous ogre attended by ton thousand little devils or the compulsry upon the high carnival of the skeletons of a churchyard does not say who it was that originated the custom of dream ing thus a moans of liveli hood to poets and painters but the art seems to have hod a state of development in one Joseph connection with it The over harness shop May 2nd Minutes of Committee meeting in connection with the grain elevator Tie anpointed at gen eral meeting held in hall on April met as per an nouncement on the above date for transaction of business committed to them Members present McDon ald P Cole David Draper and D Silver in the chair Mr Martin was elected Secrctaiy The first step to be taken was to ascertain if the site for the proposed elevator could be procured horn the T at Sutton The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr Tiffin of the to make arrange- BOARD OF DIRECTORS S HOLT PRESIDENT RANDOLPH Toronto J- CARRUTHERS Montreal A A ALLAN Toronto ARCH CAMPBELL MP Toronto Junction HON PETER Perth JOHN PUGSLEY Toronto HON Alexandria Oat HENRY WILSON New York STEWART GENERAL MANAGER BRANCH AT NEWMARKET MONTGOMERYS OLD STORE CURRENT ACCOUNT OPENED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE POSITS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS dressing and her It was on the east North ly a few minutes after when the Southern of smallest girl out to her mother district that Joy one of the twins about j years old bad lit a match ward became famous as chief and bottlewasher to having meeting then adjourned to meet at the call of the chair Sutton Council The Council met at the usual hour was passing a number cartoon in JJJjIJ Wife if IS arising from unrequited affect ion Joseph acquired the habit of dream ing early in life and at the of seveineen two bad Premier visited New Ontario ran see two successive nights which nearly at once darted upstairs is not so had a Hit by any means and was in time to save the lives It can be read in two ways Those of her children and the bouse from who swallowed the Mails being in flame The childs clothing the Grit party luxuriance when the was fire the other two were standing tains were in close With great presence of mind seized a blanket the bed where they expected even and smothered the flames but not arms reception is portrayed first of accounts as the raiment of the golfer him into a pit and finally fore the childs clothing was oil Mr gathering faggots to keep sold him to some travelers for twenty on one side and her hair singed the pot boiling at an open campfire standard weight and The children had often been caution- Whitney is holding his under jaw like As il this was not sufficient warning about not touching the matches one having the toothache jto ail future the historian and it is supposed that after lighting i jnext describes fate it Joy it under her arm to hide lt out by the Depart- Clt obliged to have it or to put it out as that is where h head cut off because in a careless the clothing is burnt thru causing a Government will not likely run ljXanwnt e what was going to large blister on her side The an excursion to this terrjbIe cape from serious trouble was applications have been Grocery Choice Table Figs worth lb at pounds for Cheap for cooking Choke Prunes worth lb at lb for a while they last Bargains in DINNER TOILET SETS ASMITH The Leading Reliable Grocer Telephone made by intending settlers than can said street Councillor then introduc ed a resolution of with the movement to establish a grain eleva tor in Sutton and this to extend every encouragement and was prepared to submit to the ratepayers to extend financial assistance in the form of taking Hock in proposed elevator if necessary Danish Sugar Beet Seed lb Imperial Half Sugar Beet Seed per lb Mammoth Long Prize Red Mangold Seed per lb 15c Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold 15c Special Price in 10 lb lots showing the necessity lor ted bis j greatest caution in selecting Our that there was be properly be accommodated said to dreams before going to sleep the l be the result last years excursion unheeded and people wake Council should idctor to to such as the Stuff in Wilh from struggles the hideous mon- Hungarian Manitoba Flour the Best Flour imported from Manitoba In bags and half bags From Paralysis the Grown Lands A wellknown figure around Town Department stated this week that for many years will be seen no Governments stipulation respect in the person of Mr Penrose time limit for commencing the the pumpmaker He has been keep- development of a lot by settlers will batch lately arid was in the habit to be waived simply because it of calling at Mr Martin Robinsons impossible for some applicants shop every day or two Not to get to their land in that time He having seen lam since Saturday Mr thought the Government would spend of dreamland In some unaccountable way while Sutton were equally interested the farmers in this project Mr Johnston then brought a resol ution before the Council that steps the dreams of the night ace generally j should be taken with the Councils of Nor Mi and to The eyes at req lire assistance he you are is age rg or becomes exertion glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should are experts in this line We examine free of charge 2nd GRADUATE OPTICIAN Robinson began to wonder at noon on Tuesday he was sick- Taking a friend with him they proceeded to his residence which was all shut up and everything quiet As none of the neighbors had seen him il was decided to force an entrance into the hoi On doing so it was that Penrose was in bed lying in an unconscious condition Being a of the word was to the Lodge officials and two do tors summoned It was iiAxttd that he was paralysed in his light side He was removed at once to table quartets in home of Mr a few doors north and every assistance rendered but he died at oclock on Wednesday morning without regaining consciousness has been a of Newmarket for about years but the family have all moved away messages were sent to riiernbcrs when his illness came also at his death Deceased was last on Sunday night at the resi dence of Mr M Vis where he was also a caller The remains removed to Mil lards Undertaking Parlors on Wed nesday morning where the funeral wrvicc was conducted yesterday af ternoon by Or and the Workman attended in a tody Deceased was the son of the late Vainold and Mary Penrose arid was born Oct in the con of King He leaves a wire in Winning two fioiiK and three also two brothers Joseph and In Mariposa Mrs of Owen Bound one of the daughter Mr Ceo- Penrose of one the the funeral yesterday Deceased was the the A in Newmarket after the charter was granted took a interest in Order He the of with credit to the Lodge lie one of Wc in on the laws of or this season in op ening up new roads as far as the new settlers have gone in On Tuesday last the Court of Ap peal gave a decision of much interest to hunters It was held that the Act does not give a War den the right to arrest without war rant a person having skins in his pos session The decision was given in the case of Hood vs resides in and defendant lives at is likewise a 11 and a game wanden Plairtifl plearled that he was arrested uider a warrant issued by the game warden without any in formation charging plaintiff with hav ing deerskins in his possession con trary to law The case came before the of Appeal on an by against judgment by Mr Street who awarded Hood damages for false and assault the oft in 1 fajtlsYflW SHARON SCHOOL Ill- Evelyn Parr Parr Eugene Jr HI Nellie Wesley Ruth Haines Bella Black Wat son Lilian Lilian J A Petcrman Frank Jr IL Milton Peter man Black- Pt IL Viva Cole Gordon I John Gladys Park er Willie Black PI Jr Lewis Hcrhie Hughes Those were in attend ance half time or more Present day Kltely Watson Haines Wesley V Cole J J Barker Average On roll two of whom were present ftrtt My W Teacher The Presbyterians of will set about thc building of a at once The lieaverion to close at six oclock two In week horrible and adverse daydreams are always agreeable and roseate What a delicious thing it is to some quiet spot and surrender ourselves the fancies of the mind What diffi culties are overcome what fortunes are made what glories are won The intensely practical and unimaginative man who lives only in the realm actual loses an immense of enjoyment A little daydreaming does hi harm It lifts a man out his troubles makes him forget his cares and gives him hope and strength when he returns to temporal material things Hot the mistake is made in indulg ing too freely in this luxury is an error common to many agents They dream of the big oases they are going to write they build magnifi cent air castles with the commissi lis are going to receive they io- themselves in the elegant manag ers office arc going to But they do than dream Dreaming never actually did any thing only dreamers who re ceive Came re somnambulists their reward is a three- inch obituary notice If an agent row led upon to close an ap plication Rip Van Winkles slumber record would be knocked endwise and lite agent would a public charge Thc confirmed dreamer is an idler The visionary never suc ceeds Combine your Imagination with sound practical horse Dont give tip your occasional reverie you will not become too mean or sordid but dont let it become chronic There is more money in a real application than In a vi sion of one for The Insur ance Press wait on the T officials that we be favored with a better train service He also a hope that thc Council would endeavor to have a branch Rank established here I lis wishes were viewed with favor by the Council The meeting then adjourned to meet on the firfit Tuesday in June at usual hour Another priest is reported missing from Chen Tcng in the Province of China AgiSto Brazilian aeronaut had a successful trial with his air ship at Paris NOTICE Messrs T Hunter and A Hunter Ii a dissolved partnership as con tractors and builders and in future will continue to do business separate ly P A- Newmarket 4 lbs Fresh Ginger Snaps for 9 lbs Rolled Wheat for 8 lbs Wheaten for 25c lbs Gritz for 25c 4 lbs New Prunes for The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly rriGH SHAPES in hats very latest Spring styles are a leading feature in our Our stock of Derby and Alpine styles for possess the distinction of ex- ilusivcness almost nidi a charm appreciated by hum who don want what everybody else wears Nothing commonplace in our stock quality keeps pace with fashion here NDREW HUNTER GENERAL Builder Contractor A STANDUP FIGHT seems to have been inaugurated be tween popular standupturn down collar ami the popular scarf When you want to get a neck scarf to stand the strain all men know what that means try as fitted for without torn to ribbons News comes of a serious political disturbance in Portugal as a against bad gverrunent Fire smoke and water did con siderable damage to W Wursters genera store Preston on Saturday morning The follingWHiod dry dock will be enlarged to a length of f2f feet mak ing It the largest fresh water dry dock In the world The Farmers Sun predicts within live years the prices of horns will as low again an were three or four ago Is now in a position to take con tra ts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates at Short Notice and satisfaction guaranteed AND SIDEWALKS HOOKS FOR HUHDINGS Intending builders will well to consult A HUNTER St- Newmarket Cor Main Timothy A Touin the S00 Porter of North a pa tient at Sanitarium while bathing in lake Ten thousand acres of farming Marie May It lands In Assiniboia were sold to an in that Mr new American capitalist last week residence will coat Work The Western Implement ac ta being actively pushed on excava- Winnipeg at and in fixing up the grounds has applied for a charter and is the name fljialy decided to have mar- tor a new near upon tteel works The International Lumber Co has cloud a contract with the Japan to it with chests to be made at the ve neering factory here From injuries received from a fall ing crushed Mm while dic ing in a lent a mail named foreman in Dauphin Man is tin camp at

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