Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 9 May 1902, p. 6

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Market- Price For Kinds of Grain Seeds etc SALT ALWAYS ON HAND MOORE- MOUNT ALBERT v 2 to Bote money it and per a DAVIDSON Notary Public Mount Albert V fitrvk season all of en Seeds in bulk ckaee which we sell at- prices Powder will kill lice on cattle and ticks on sheep- Forrests Drag Store If MOUNT ALBERT You can save money by buying your store A LARGER STOCK AN OP Bedroom Parlor Extension and Parlor and Fancy Chain We are also agents for Pillow Sham Holders celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Pick are Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN HEAKER WOOL MARKET Take your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Gash Full stock oh Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also good assortment of Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex- change for goods Geo Sons STOCK IT ill Jilt TINSDALE r ROOM A Liberal Committee Room was op ened last week in the building former ly known Bonavista Rest- Mi Terry is in charge CARD OF THANKS Mrs and family Of Holt to express their grateful thanks to the friends and neighbors who were so kind and helpful during the and death of her husband Mr M THE STATION Mr Vanderwater weightmaster the following shipments of live stock from the R Station here during the Month of April hogs cattle 5 sheep and calves The Shippers were Messrs J Shields and Robert Hayes CHOP STOLEN Three bags of chop were stolen from the barn of Mr J A Hopkins on Saturday night The thief came with a horse and rig the tracks of the animals feet being plainly visible in the lane on the following morning Constable- Steeper into the matter A MYSTERY the report of the meeting of trie Lawn Tennis club in last Era the names of J A Hopkins J Moore and appear as Hon Presidents As these gentlemens names sent in from this of fice we are curious to know how they got there especially as no such ap pointments were made at the meet ing A GOOD ONE The Wilkes bred trotting station the property of the Mount Albert Horse Breeders Association will he or the road again this season in charge of Mi of Newmar ket He has made a record during the past three seasons of which the Association feels justly proud His colts not only the highest market prie but many of the owners will not sell at any figure- See cards and posters or write to the secretary Mr STRUCK THE WRONG PI4ACE Mr Walter organizer for the Union Campaign Committee composed of the Royal of Temperance and- the Womens Chris tian Union came to A Iter Tuesday evening under the impres sion that a mass meeting was being held for the purpose of nominating a prohibition candidate in opposition to the Hon J Davis On being in formed that no such meeting had been tell of Mr Fessey came to the conclusion that he had come by mis- take to the wrong town and left on Wednesday PERSONAL 1 Mr and Mrs Norman Bain a visit to her grandparents Mr and Mrs Porter on Sunday Mr Win of Newmarket spent Sunday with friends Town Mr Theodore of Woodstock was in Town on Sunday calling on old friends Mr Thomas Newell has been ill with pneumonia at the home of Mr but- is nowro- covering Messrs Marshall and Eu gene Cane were in Town last week and favored us with a call Mrs Geo Leek of Hertford was in town this on a visit to friends Goods Boots and Shoes la Arriving Daily and to make room tit ate Selling the Balance Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE our prices for Ladles Furs 9G YOU WANT Sap Buckets Sap Spouts Pans Cream Cans OH A- Leader Churn CALL OK J D ROWLAND I Mount Albert Dont forget the social Wednes day evening under the the in the Lodge Room An ex cellent program given refreshments will served- admission fee will he charged At a held in the school room on Saturday evening a Tcnnii Club was organized and following officers elected Hon Pears- on President J Power 1st VfooRcv J Simpson 2nd VioRev M Wight It Managing Com Mortou A Mackenzie J D Fogg Pearson A meeting of the is called for Saturday evening AH members are requested to he present at oclock feharp on the new stor the town hall is lacing ruilcd to comple tion we hope it will be in near future as we arc bally in need of a town hull Mr J has not bis stock of tinware on hand and is now ready for trim or der and you never regret it Mr in Thornton on last Quite from here intend going to the Band Concert in New market in trying to regain the reins Which bad broken in holding his at crossing a young farmer fell from Ms rig almost instantly ed BALDWIN BREEZES a man I care he is begins to use language which- polite ness requires to be expressed may take it for granted he is getting the worst of the addressed a fair audience representative of both political par ties at Egypt on Thursday night last He received a patient hearing except ing by one smart Alec to whom he administered a severe and wellmerit ed rebuke Herb is quick at repar tee Mitchell a resident of Mi gan is vi his sister Mrs So phia and relatives in this In our schoolboy days of some 40 years ago we had a rough game some what resembling the hazing at col leges- or the goat or initia tion into societies It was Known as going thru tie mill Perchance a new scholar hove and immediately a ring was formed by trie sophomores atd the unlucky freshman was and tossed from one side to the other till in a daedand state he was released If he stood the bravely he was voted a chump but if he squealed he was called sop or baby A nuniber of our were recently put thru the mill and ran the gauntlet of angry wo mens tongues and I tell they cut but a sorry spectacle Theyd kick if their Sanies were made public think from late observations it is very advisable when about a horse trade for every rnan to con sult his wifes judgment no matter if the knows anything about or not Of course if ones spouse is subservient to bis will he may do without consulting her but as a gen eral rule its a good to ask the missis Then if badly squeezed thcrH There has a full hotel license granted to Crittenden- There are great improvements go ing on at our hotel It is being newly papered throughout A din ing room is to be built and made much more commodious Some of our Conservative Method ist friends in arid no doubt are listening to and taking in the political claptrap and election promises of the Whitney candidate and forgetting that Mr Davis has been a lifelong temperance worker and an honored and reputed member in Methodist circles yet refuse to support him They I believe you re member were not slow to accept his contribution to their But I try to convert a Tory from the error of his ways Its hopeless The Ethiopian cannot change his col or nor can the leopard change his spots What butter is to bread Sutton news is to the Era We could do without either but wed awfully like to have to Miss Clara Cameron is the happy possessor of a new piano When I know of a good thing I usually want others to benefit by it There are a thousand and one edies for a cold but the best have ever tried is Laxative Tablets Its a sure cure Owing to our proximity to the bad place Little Hell it is not at all surprising that we occasionally have explosions and earthquakes To the tenderfoot this is very alarming but us old settlers dont fieeni to mind it weve become callous to such things There are rumblings heard that seem lo indicate we are about to have an explosion Owing to personal dislike to one of Mr Davis local friends a number of threatening to vote Tory Wouldnt that I a idea One is almost bewildered when they note the number of orders there are in the world Borne men act as if they wished to be members of The best benevolent institu tion to unite with Is the church of If a man has then any surplus energy left after fulfilling all the ob ligations and rules of the church let him become a jincr The mean unprincipled fasehoods being circulated as to Mr Davis methods of canvassing are the work of a relentless enemy Mr Davis dont resort to such methods to fur ther his cause because he dont have to He can win without dishonorable methods If aiiy one can prove that our honorable in- any way dishonorable ft his campaign they can catch many Grit votes But theres no danger pi them doing sci So many bafri raisings this summer will necessitate many- jolly gatherings and the fun will soon begin expects to open the ball Walter who in a low wet unhealthy locality last week lost one of his two children The mate is ill also Quarterly services were held at the Egypt church on Sabbath A number from other congregations also were in They have a handsome communion service of which they take great care Keen business rivalry is a benefit to a but when it approaches dead lyenmity it is time to a halt Great profanity was inuolfed in re- as the result of such around Lennoxes meeting here will on Monday We hope he will have an Orderly hearing false promises please but legitimate argument is what wcWant troup will hold forth in our burg this week We trust theyre itiore than the German Medical fake Ive heard a great many socalled Scottish vocalists but Ive yet to hear one that can expression and trtfering as does Mrs Johnnie nee She seems to be rigt in touch with the composers theme My its a grand treat to hear her sing the favor ites And yet she modestly claims no merit It puzzles those to know how I find out what is supposed to be kept mum The secret is that recital noon a concert in the evening which was well attended anil highly appreciated showed care- fur training arid proficiency Mr of Toronto is de- photo enlargements in this lj a ha RON Mrs presented her husband with a daughter on Sunday Rev J Simpson on afternoon preached another eloquent enthusing sermon from these words Sanctify yourselves for to- morrow Lord will do wonders you A meeting in the interests of J Davis was held in the Temper ance on Thursday evening the results of which will be made later Both to win but Mr not feel so siire by the evening of the New choir in Methodist church on Sunday A pleasant change vSl Arbor day was well observed at the school A general cleaning up and plantation Oils Whiting the new coang Brushes of all HARDWAH Before Buying Your tL j Mr Elijah of Marietta has been spending a few weeks among old friends and relatives ft is thirtysix years since be left East to make his home in Minnesota On present visit be finds a great many changes particu larly among the older residents the greater number haying passed away There was a double christening in St- James Church last week Rev little son and Mr daughter Canon of St Matthews Toronto- officiated a secret Friday last being day it was known by more than one will observed in the Public school the If tel Try em and see for yourself son of Donald Riddel died be nobody to early Monday morning He was about eighteen years of age and lor many years subject to epileptic fits He had an unusually bad attack last winter which was a severe tax on his vitality After returning from church Sunday evening he was seized by a series of fits from the of which he died before morning He was very popular amongst our peo ple Interment on Tuesday A very busy day at the market on Monday Discussing politics to heat the hand Thousands of dollars to bet on Davis we hear An amateur kodak fiend took our on Monday Oh were a handsome lot Hi hard Young and wife and Jacob Smith Union St were here on Mon day The Owl SUTTON teacher and scholars planting a num ber of trees and cleaning up the ground generally iv On Mr Ben going to his barnyard one morning lately he found to his surprise twin colts But- one lived only a few days Mrs Thorpe is spending the week alone her sister Mrs being on a visit to her brother on Second Street Mr J Stevenson who has been suf fering with a strained back is wc are pleased lo say able to be out again The election is the chief topic of conversation agents of candi dates doing their for their party We are anxious to hear of the election of J Kester for North Ontario who is an old Sharon hoy and well deserving of the tion Mrs Knight has been having a visit of a few days from her sister of Whit church A Large Range of 1 New Imported English Worsted Suitings to hand Perfect Goods CALL KELLERS The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert Mrs Towidey returned borne to the city last Thursday week At the meeting held last week for trie purpose of considering the advisability of erecting grain eleva tor either at Sutton or it was decided to endeavor to form a Joint Stock Co and a committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions to secure the erection of an elevator in Sutton Mr Lennox was here last Friday it is reported inaugurating a Ijousc to house Another old and highly esteemed citizen of this village passed away last Friday in the person of Miss Comer in the eightieth year her age Deceased was a person of clear and vigorous intellect endowed with wonderful powers of memory her mind being almost a complete register of- past events She was a devoted member of the Church The funeral took place from her late resi dence last Monday to St Georges Cemetery Lake Shore Mr Walter Bailey a Sutton boy who has been in Winnipeg for some time has enlisted to go as a soldier to South Africa enrol of Sutton and Cameron of Mb Albert exchanged pul pits last Sunday Mis baker has moved Into the house owned by Mr Carey on High Street The Opposition in this county may fairly claim the distinguished honor starting one Industry already in North York viz a Bureau of Scur rility Slander and Misrepresentation of the Hon J Davis Some Conservatives arc much griev ed about the injustice of the referend um and as a remedy to drown that grief drink all the whiskey they can Mr Lennoxs view of the duty of a representative to be to grab all that he can for the constituency he represents irrespective of the of other jlacea A trim re presentative take a wider more unselfish and patriotic view and consider What is best for the Province as a whole and act accord ingly Mr Leonard son of Mr Donald died last Monday Ills remains were laid lo rest In Briar Hill Cemetery on Tuesday af ternoon Tfie took drove 20head of cattle thru the village Tuesday on way to their farm on Victoria to dur ing the summer Miss OBrien music teacher held a Allan Cow- Jim Guy Carrie HI Howard Lloyd Ralph Mabel Rose Amy Pollock Vera Smith Ft Myrtle McDonald John Smith Lome Burrows L Lulu Angus Willie Martha Burrows Jr I Mildred Nellie Smith Nellie Rose Gordon McDonald Present every day Gertie Howard Ralph Myrtle Mc Donald Lloyd Gordon Angus Lulu ieson Nellie Rose Mildred A I Irwin Teacher Nominations for the Northwest Legislature take on Saturday next A fire- occurred in the Union Stock yards Toronto week In which about BOO tohirof hay and several buildings were destroyed The loss is about ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE OF pield and Seeds Just Carrot Sugar Mangel fie Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We also carry a full line Pa tent Medicines among them Cos- groves Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions Family receive personal attention day or night LLOYD DRUOGIST 1 STOKES MOUNT ALBERT Breeder of Jersey Cattle Some choice young lor sale now al so a young bull SEE OUR STOCK ALL QUALITIES FROM my Cheapest v rf1l jZ SPRING J m V We have been watching the markets pleas- to say have been- well rewarded- for so doing with a much better Assortment aim at much better prices PRINTS AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS GINGHAMS denims e Our be beat for weight of cloth and washing Qualities BOOTS AND SHOES THE J King Cos Speak for Themselves Our Groceries 25c Cleaned lor Bars Comfort Soap for 25c flTir for Bars Cameo Soap lor 3 Cans Pink Salmon lor lbs Fresh for 25c RrAaVfnafr Its for for Rolled Wheat J Breakfast Food Prunes from up Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE t TO DO BUSINESS WITH- YOU J MCFArlLAND QUEENSVILLE Buggies The highest grade of buggies Call and see tbem moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Assets Balance of Capital Total CANADA Andrew Em Chairman Went- worth J a Chair- map Bam ton Blr Alex Accepted at Current Ratet CWDAVIDSON Albert THE LEADING HOUSE GENTLEMEN PO SMITH Chief Agent for Dominion HEISES Hew Stv Baldwin NEW GOODS Now the time to We rooeived a oil line of Cottooadea flhambrae Ginghams Art NEW LACK WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES We have a tine collection of Wall Pa pers on band at Prices to suit Everyone We on hand a larger than ever and Parlor and Parlor Tables Dining Room and Side boards Give as a to BY BARREL Telephone Baldwin L SHARON We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES I Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh H h

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