J -qap- Kits ivK Wily ta r INTBLLIGENCEE AND ADVERTISES liberty to tony paper outside North York unless No Stilus Copies Each a Newmarket Ont Friday May per wmuui if paid In advance For the Era fin Appeal to Voters SW 1 Everybody knows Its success Is in the air It gains fame for itself with every gallon on a house Uniform good quality has given it a popularity greater than any other paint oh the market When you want to paint a build- inside or but- side will do it better and more than any other It will wear longer look better and cover more surface Its a paint with a reputation found ed on merit Ask us for color cards Our Toronto tetter SOLD BY HARDWAR m Bicycles and Sporting NEWMARKET PLUMBING S Only the Freshest and Best A T- DRUG o us turn from disappointments work that lies at band And suppress our protestations Gainst the rulers of land Vain has been the trust confided reeds to our cause God for aid relying work and pause As the plan has been accepted scheme Waste no time in vain regretting may prove not what they seem With a spirit well becoming Those who battle for the right Using every point of vantage That our cause may win the fight Take the scheme that has been grant- And with earnest work Though twas not what was expected Greater need that none should shirk Others failures will not free us Votes not words must be the test- Een more culpable the voters If they fall to their best In their hands the power is vested With the franchise they may free Homes and from rums From the traffics cruelty All political opinions At this crucial blend Waving paltry party precepts Prohibition to extend A A Other questions though Have no grave import as this Which demands united effort To bring peace and happiness Naught compared in good resulting From a faithful earless course As we contemplate the future Prohibition laws in force Could we see the help surrpunding As the prophet of W When the curtain was uplifted Horse and chariots to behold Thus Gods servants are encompassed He will surely lead the van- Will impart the inspiration What is best to do and plan But no means must be neglected Which is right and good and true for God and home you battle He you strength to do Choosing men who will not waver Who will represent our cause Who will pilot it in safety Pressing prohibition laws Many eyes are keenly watching Unseen hosts the conflict see Many hearts with hope are throbbing Wait the juncture anxiously Up then bravely do your duty Fear no foe who eer he be Hoist your banners March to con quer And you will gain the victory P GRANT Richmond Hill April The of America The petition of the city of Toronto asking tor a reduction on the rate on drop letters from two to one cent has been presented at Ottawa Mr probably think twice be fore making the reduction as his de partment has to pay an army of let tercarriers to deliver city mail mat There is also an appropria tion in years estimates as pre scnted to the House last week the sum of 5000 for maintenance of To ronto postoffice locomobiles touring the past month there were deaths marriages and births registered in the city On Friday a departmental store took in a counterfeit bill and turn ed it over to the police Some smart Aleck will nabbed some of these days on a charge of shoving the queer Miss Ellen Stone the ransomed missionary so long held in captivity cheese For the Era- for Cheose Factories BY COOKE The patrons of a cheese factory have a direct financial interest in supply ing good milk free from taints or bad flavors The greatest amount of care and Skill with which the may do his work will not enable him to make a super ior quality of cheese or to secure the largest yield of it from milk which is not in good condition Generally the patrons suppose that they do not furnish good milk for the simple reason that they are not able to detect anything wrong with it themselves and are not willing al ways to accept the judgement of those who are specially trained in examin ing or handling it to judge milk like anything else very largely by comparison so that the patron who handles only his own milk is not able to decide as to its suitability for the making of the PA Compare a tew prices on Patent Medicines with the regular price Regular Our Price Price Williams Kidney Pills Nerve food Liver Pills Oil Burdock lOQ 35 Regular Our Price Price Hoods Celery Com pound Pierces Favorite Pro scription Discovery J The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET ONTARIO Agents for Parkers Dye Works We pay express charges one way on all goods to be cleaned or Ayf Public Telephone Stations and Lot for On Eagle St Newmarket quire on the lands Lake above caption is highly appro- to the region in the Ontario known as the of Hays dlntrict it is with natural beauty loveli ness and comprises some of the most beautiful water stretches and landscapes for which the local ity An becoming so famous with the ever increasing army of tourists The scenic grandeur of hill mountain the placid beauty of the lakes the lovely rivers are not surpassed in any country One thousand feet atAc the sea level No hay fever ab sence of flies splendid speckled trout fishing and good bathing and boating assured Handsome illustrated criptive matter giving full particulars can be had for the asking by apply ing to J McDonald District Pass enger Agent Grand Trunk System Toronto will lecture in Hall tomor row Saturday evening- A crowded ball may expected The Toronto Company of the field Engineer Force are in camp on Garri son Common outside of Stanley Bar racks About students are writing l the annual examinations in arts and medicine at the University of Toron to They began Friday last and will continue until May The gentler sex is being largely represented there being a big percentage of girls in all the years School Inspector Hughes ten dered his resignation at the Board meeting last week to take eftect on Aug It was a surprise A hur riedly prepared petition was presented signed by 135 teachers of the city praying the Board to endeavor to in duce Mr Hughes to withdraw his re signation The Ontario Court of appeal on the 1st refused the Town of Aurora leave to appeal to it from a Division al decision quashing a bylaw passed by it granting a tonus to a shoe factory The factory in ques tion was to move from to Aurora on receipt of a bonus of The Toronto Ferry Company will inaugurate special excursions on their steamers this season Tickets will be issued for 15c giving the holder permission to ride on the boats all afternoon A large number of people are al ready down at the beaches mk most of the summer residents will he there within two weeks The summer season at Park will open May and the manage ment announce that this tainnient will be superior thing previously given on An agreement has been reached be tween the Corporation of North To ronto and the County Commissioners as to amount payable by North To ronto for criminal justice county pur poses courthouse etc The result will be reported in the June session of York County Council On Harold Grey a boy residing in East York carelessly handled a snobgun and it was dis charged A hole in the fleshy part of his arm was the result The Hi Highlanders strong including recruits engaged hi com pany and battalion drill last Friday night under MacDonald meeting of officers was held afterward at which was arranged the trip to Windsor should extend over three days May and The regi ment leave Toronto on Friday night May and return on Monday May Mr Rouse of London who has been appointed chief clerk in the dis trict passenger office of the Grand Trunk Railway In city entered upon his new duties- on Saturday Aid the Ross candi date in West Toronto is meeting a factory who daily compares many different sampled A great deal of stress is laid upon the importance of presenting patrons from delivering milk which has been watered and from which taken yet it is safe to say that for every which is lost to the honest patrons through such dishon esty there are a hundred dollars lost as a result of some patrons furnishing milk which can neither be made into the finest quality or the largest quan tity of fine cheese per fts of milk The maker in charge is within his rights and is protecting the in terests of the patrons when he rejects all milk which in his judg ment is not fit to make cheese of the highest quality Unfortunately this The Garden the BY A BANKER Amongst the most beautiful and the fairest of all the many natureadorn ed spots upon this fair earth that somewhat recently acquired appanage of the British Crownthe in lands starcs perhaps first- And truly nature has with a free hand lavished her bountiful gifts upon these welHavored islands With the per fection of a climate with scenery both and exquisite and with a wealth of bloom alto gether startling may well be termed the garden of the world The coast scenery of these subtro pical islands is of extreme beauty and loveliness Fringed with a row of the tall and graceful palm their pendant waving in the sea breeze while beneath their shade flourish of shrubs clad in a mantle of bright scarlet or mauve forming a startling contrast to the white glistening beach upon which the long Pacific foamcrested rollers continuously breaking crescent shaped bays present a picture of evervarying beauty such as perhaps can be seen in but few other parts of the world Adjacent to the shore banks grow clumps of that priceless food the breadfruit with bananas sago palms and many another valuable tree and shrub while natural parterres of brilliant floriage of every hue and form bloom in luxuriant profusion But though nature had so prodigal ly embellished this Eden of the sea with many of her most attractive adornments yet until recent times the inhabitants were saturated thru and thru with every savage abomina tion and were perhaps the crudest practice if pushed to its full extent and most rampant canibals upon the would at present curtail the supply face of the earth It is related that at many factories when an these savages would make a raid into competition induces the an adjoining island in order to cap ers to accept without question a herd of human prey who were milk which comes to them from the then and there slaughtered and roast- area served by a neighboring factory a savage ensuing at which at which it may have been refused the drunken barbarians gorged with cause of its tainted condition If their hideous repast soon lie helpless the patrons supporting a factory amidst the ghastly remains of their realized that anyone who joins them half devoured fellow creatures under those conditions is very likely j But within the past half century all to cause them serious loss it is quite this has now changed Those naked certain that this sort of thing would canibals are now a decent well-oth- educated race living in pretty villas and cottages surrounded with soon be stopped Feed Unsuitable For Milking Cows Milk may become tainted from in- wellkept flower gardens and flocking feeding an impure water in crowds men women and children supply want of salt by the a every Sunday to Church or chapel sorption of odors the germs which the women and girls on these get into the milk during and after decking themselves in their best and milking If turnips or rape wealing wreaths of orchids or other even in limited quantities to flowers on their heads The whole cows there is a likelihood of imparl- race is now transformed from the Some foods if fed alone priests are an extinct class and to excess will cause indigestion or arc transformed into Christian and thus affect the milk ministers or ordained clergy and all One example of this kind is found in their old heathen customs have been clover relegated to the limbo of the forgot- Cows should have access to The Liberal Government created a Department of Agriculture admin Ish in turn by successive farmers it has expended on Agri culture since It has expended oh culture sime It has handed over to Agricultural and Horticultural since It has assisted the Fruit Growers Dairymens Horse Sheep and Swine Breeders Poultry Beekeepers and Associations and the Ontario Experimental Union to the extent of during the same period It has carried on the most success ful Agricultural College in America with an attendance of during the College term September to April 19o2 Seventy percent of its graduates so far as traeed arc en gaged in agriculture The College has carried on an ex tensive series of field and feeding ex periments Travelling dairies were sent through the Province lor several years- Three dairy schools have since been established attended thus far by persons Fifteen Fruit Experimental Stations are being maintained Practical instruction in fruit spray ing has been widely given Valuable bulletins have been issued twelve reports arc issued annually It collects and publishes valuable statistics agricultural and municipal attended meetings and of Farmers and Womens Institutes It provided cheap money for tile drainage by fanners It established a pioneer farm in the Rainy River District which has been a great It has fostered the dairy industry- until the value of the cheese produced in reached and of creamery butter nearly it is assisting in the of Fall Fairs by providing funds for expert judges It has assisted in developing a pro fitable trade with other provinces in Purebred stock It has set apart to aid the sugar beet industry It started the most successful Farmers Fair in America the Stock Show at Ontario won a large share of the chief prizes in live stock horticulture beekeeping and poultry at the Pan- American No less than fortyfive important acts affecting agricultural and kin dred interests have been placed on the statute books since Mr- Whitney and his party hay op posed many of the importing steps proposed by the agricultural Depart ment for the improvement of our On tario agriculture And yet the Mail and Empire stat ed March has pottered in the Agricultural effect water and salt daily for with jut pure water and salt the cow will give ten past i The result of all this is that these islands on which fifty or sixty years as large a quantity of milk nor as ago if a white man set foot it was high a of butterfat The at the peril of being cooked and de- milk will sour more quickly jvourcd are now the centres of from a fresh cow should not trade and the home of largo be sent to a cheese factory until after numbers of British And the one the eighth milking came wich has produced this change is that at the peril of their lives missionaries have happily been the means of converting those savages to- Christianity so that now practically the whole the many thousands of inhabitants realising that the Saviour of the world suffer ed in their stead and bore the pun ishment due to them have numbered Only milk from healthy cows be sent to the factory Cows should never be driven fast afd it pays to treat them with in variable kindness Cows should be milked with clean dry hands and only the udders have been washed or brushed clean Tin pails on should he with very encouraging tokens of sue- jn cess As an answer to the criticism H lt owner and that the Ontario Government had no thc cals washed been fair to Toronto Aid caW6d a that during Its thirty years Ail milk should be strained i mined- themselves amongst His servants awl lately after it is drawn with as elsewhere exceptions now All milk should he aired immediate- live consistent well conducted after it is strained and cooled to lives a temperature of GO degrees order that the that the milk contains not grow If whey is drawn from the factory Place the vat of the Telephone at the of every one Are convenient for the of Pry or cor Church and Tim othy Work taken In and rowing toy the day Solo The editor of thc Whitby Chroni cle is for the following fusion In the beginning God power the had expend ed the heavens and the earth and this city then the editor and liberal advertiser Hon Mr Davis was at last and prompt paying subscriberwhich and Is billed to be at Heaver- was all very good Next day it ton this Friday evening snowed and He created the man who dont believe in advertising another who does not take his home paper- then He rented Then devil got into the moulding room and created The use of Wireless Telegraphy for the man who takes paper for commercial is no longer a years and fails to pay for it After matter of speculation and it is Wifeless Telegraphy It Soon Tastes Strong When buttermakers unfortunately use any of the common butter colors now on market they soon find out that their butter becomes rancid and strong WHIRLS COW COLOR never causes the butter to become the contrary it OOfl A Calcutta May A tornado has devastated the city of Dacca and ad joining towns Four hundred and sixteen persons were killed Crops were ruined throughout the district Dacca a city In Bengal is miles northeast of Calcutta Bell Telephone Co or Canada In good condition fitted with a new pair of tires also new chain had completed that Job arid to learn that one of our flavor the butter for ana sprocket Enquire at this Starr HALE AT ERA and gives it the golden June that all admire Druggists ard Kettles his subixrirjtion by telling the position to Instruction in everywhere to mark his paper very important subject n4vff- In this Tafrrtage left ratepayers have carried a bylaw to for sewers Manila May 5 prisoners under guard made an at tempt to escape today At a pro- concerted signal they got between the soldiers forming the ami a com pany at dinner The realiz ing what had happened fired on puriAied the killing of them and capturing other fugitives escaped The Bloom of Health- I To Keep Little Ones Bright Ac- live and Healthy livery mother Knows that children need very careful attention but they do not need strong When baby is peevish cross or un well it is an unfortunate fact that too many mothers dose them with so called soothing medicines and put the little one into an unnatural sleep but do not remove the cause of the trouble la want ed to make the little one bright cheer hi I and well is Babys Own Tablets which will promptly cure colio sour stomach Indigestion constipation diarrhoea simple fevers and teething troubles They give children sound refreshing sleep because they remove the cause of the trouble These tab lets arc guaranteed to contain no or other harmful drug Mrs J Found Valenlia says Be fore I got Babys Own Tablets my baby was very pale and delicate and so peevish that had to walk door with him day and first tablet I gave helped htm and that night he slept soundly Since then the tablets have made him perfectly well ami he Is now a fine healthy looking baby and is getting fat I would not be without the tablets if they cost a dollar a box Babys Own Tablets are good for children of all ages and arc taken as readily as carrdy Crushed to a they can be given with absolute safety to thc youngest weakest baby Sold by all druggists or sent post paid at 25c a box by addressing tho Dr Medicine Co