Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 2 May 1902, p. 1

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The Era gives every week than any two other in i NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Give me the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty A No outside of North York unless paid In advance LI No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday May 2 per annum if paid in advance SherwinWilliams Paint More than up for the slight extra cost in its Covering Qualities The Paint Brush or The Scrubbing Brush Which day of the flrurty carpet the dirty floor and la waning A nig can bo in a pain floor can cleaned with a duster VJ The SherwinWilliams Inside Floor Paint la prepared for floors It quickly It gives a hard- finish It represents the between the light and the dark side of The Paint Brush or The Scrubbing Brush Big Meetko at Aurora SOLD A HARDWARE Bicycles and Sporting Goods ONT PLUMBING Only the Freshest and Best A BRQUGHTONS DRUG s Compare few our prices on Patent Medicines with the regular price Regular Our Price Price Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Pills Kidney Pills Ghees Nerve food Vives Pills Little Liver Pills Oil 25 Blood Bitters Ayera Hoods Celery Com pound Pierces Favorite Pierces Golden Medical Discovery I It The Leading Druggist for NEWMARKET ONTARIO Parkers Dye Works pay express charges one way on all goods to be cleaned or dyed Public Telephone Stations the facilities of the Telephone at the of every one Are convenient for the of House a Lo for On St quire on the premise AHMITAOI0 cor Church and Tim othy Work taken in and the day lvil for The of Canada Manager In condition fttted with a new pair of tires also new chain and sprocket at this office OLD BALK AT Kit A Aurora It rained heavily tonight but enthusiasm of the of Hon J Davis would not dampen and the meeting held in his interests was one of the largest ever seen in Aurora A temporary gallery was erected in the rear of the hall and every other available foot of space was in demand The building was profusely decorated with bunting fiags and mottoes and the platform presented the of a tahle conservatory of flowers A fea ture of the meeting was the presence cm the platform of the leading manu facturers of the riding who also spoke in favor of a of We Ross Administration mentioning the fact tht largely because in creased business incident upon the de velopment of new Ontario their fac tories had been working overtime for some months past of Aurora pres ident of the North York Reform As sociation occupied the chair and on the platform with him were the fol lowing gentlemen AuroraMessTs Fred William Linton J Walton Davis Johnston James George Mr Walter Yule A Taylor Thomas Lloyd Andrews Harry Thomas Poole Webster Frank Ryan Frank Hoover Newmarket Mayor Cane Cane H Lloyd Dr Richardson Col Lloyd King Thomas Ferguson Phillips Steel David and Lundy Sharon James Newton Hill and Mr Clayton of Clarksburg Manufacturers Testimony Mayor in opening drew reference to the faot that Mr Whit ney although he followed Mr Len nox on the platform at the recent CaDservative meeting did not in any way endorse foe promise of a reformatory for the riding Jn reply to the question What had Mr Da vis done for the riding Mr that apart from the political situation altogether was it nothing that Mr Davis had been paying out in wages in the riding for many many years hundreds of dollars per week in money brought from out side and dispersed throughout the rid ing Was it nothing that five or ten of the SO or men employed at tannery at King resided in the town of Aurora Did not that bene- fit Aurora some iron Mr Davis had had the carrying out of the pro gressive policy of the Ross Govern ment re New Ontario the results of which were being felt in increased or ders in every factory in North York We have never employed so many men in our factory or paW in wages as we have in the past two months and I can say all fairness to Mr- Davis that a consid erable portion of that trade is due to the opening up of new Ontario Mayor Cane of Newmarket the audience that more enthusiasm was manifested in the campaign in Newmarket than in any campaign for many years past Prem ier as an able man and Hen Mr Da is as one of ablest Speaking as a politi cian but as a business man and one had watched of Hon Mr Davis for the last of a Cntury he thought the riding of North York judged and chose wisely in their representative He thought Mr fennox should lhsh shoine to ask what had Mr Da vis done for North York Surely the opposition candidates memory was not so short that he could- not anything Mr Davis had done North York Speaking for the Town of Newmarket Ye could name almost any number of things Mr Davis had done for North York He had always been willing to take- up heir work ad carry it thru e hem Mr Cone the of the Special ty iUimnany as one Mr- Influence with the fcW of to North York and in other of and in the matter of Sugar Beet tests and In the to a beet sugar factory Mr Davis had done a Jfat deal aHist He referred to the great of time and oerfiorral re by close attcn- to the affairs of the Province of Hon Mr Dayis as rnlFdoner of Crown Lands There no doubt Mr Davis would ft was a of majority Applause Mr Fred Underiiill of the firm of Underbill and Aurora said that he had not intended to talte an active part in the politics of the rid ing but was forced to declare himself because of stories which were being circulated to the eCect that he was not only not supporting Mr Davis but was actively engaged on behalf of Mr Lennox He did not charge that Lennox had personally circulated that charge hut he wished to say that on the 29th of May he would go out and his vote for Mr Davis as would he had no doubt a great ma jority of the people of the riding He personally felt they could not keep a good Government in power too long and as or his employees he felt on election day they would show to the world that John estimate of the supremacy of the intellect of the shoe maker still held good Applause The tirade of abuse heaped upon the members of the Government by Mr Whitney and the Mail was sufficient in the speakers estimation to mem who thought anything of their party or country to declare them selves with no uncertain sound Ap plause We have said Mr Under bill been running overtime ever since we have been in Aurora have not been able to keep up with our orders and the jobbers and middlemen tell us that the great bulk of these goods are going into new Ontario When here Mr Whitney had said that his policy to new Ontario was prac tically the same as that of the Gov ernment but Mr Undexhill as a man ufacturer was afraid Mr Whitneys sameness might not be the same By returning Mr Davis said Mr Under bill in conclusion you will not only be doing what is right by him but you will be doing justice to yourselves Applause Mr Hartman of Clarks burg son of the late Mr Joseph who represented North York in the old Parliament of Upper Canada made a capital address which carried many of the older Lib erals present back to former times He wished to add his tribute of ap proval to the political work of their representative Hon K J Davis Who had faithfully served not only his own constituency bui the whole Province and who had made a name throughout the country as one of the ablest and most honest and courteous administrators that had ever sat in the Legislature every contest of late years the- Opposition had select ed one member of the Government for defeat by fair means or foul and this it was evident Hon Mr turn for attention They had before them the two candidates the one who has been tried and the one who wants to be elected and he did not think the sturdy yeomen of North York were going to caught by any such claptrap as was being made use of to secure their votes And they a of the men Mr surrounded himself with in the exRev Peter Campbell Laugh ter who for a while graced Mr Dart of the country Hon K J Davis Hon Mr Davis who was given a re raid it was a pleasure for him to have the pri vilege of addressing the electors of the town of and he was espe cially delighted to see the number of ladies present He also o the representative cilitns who had been kind enough to come upon his platform and for him and the of Ik was a mem ber He went on to at Borne length to department faking ex mention to Mr Whitneys chaw that the veterans never received heir land He- Mr Whitney said that the grant was valueless anyway On other it was complained that the at one dollar an was worth million and giving away of this amount shame Mr Davis that rnanv of the would have received their certificates this but the applicants everywhere whie to be treated alike it vafi their wishes should he rpsrecjed as far as possible Many other mat tes his re garding new Ontario were torched by Mr Davis and in the course of a reference to his opponent he out that eight years ago Mr the riding him the ground it was a shame thai any titan a former fthciuM I he agricultural conit of North York Mr Davis In lion to being a manufacturer I a farmer on an his orfioithl who Ik a now had nothing to flay about farmer representative Referring to Mr Lennoxs object to being called The Whitney Mr Davis said I thought highest tribute Tliat be paid to candidate selected in rid ing or any other on the Opposition side would be to call him The Whit ney Candidate after the leader would not say of another what I would not be willing that another should say of me And I want to say to this large meeting that nothing will afford me a greater pleasure nothing can be said that will esteem a higher honor than to have my opponent or any of his friends speak of me throughout this riding in this campaign as the Ross Candidate am proud of my I am proud of his pol icy proud of his record He is one of the noble men of the Province of Ontario And if my opponent is a little ashamed of his leader and does not care to be sjoken of as his follower in that way then out of re spect to his feelings I will avoid do ing so as far as possible in the fu ture Laughter and Mtt Davis also referred to the charge of his opponent that he was responsible for the rates on the Met ropolitan being so high In one breath his opponent said that he Mr Davis was no good and had no in fluence whatever and in the next he says he is powerful enough to cause the Metropolitan to alter its rates By simply raising his little finger Laughter Mr Davis pointed out that- the County Council had an agree ment with the Metropolitan with re- to rates and many other mat ters and the county controlled the Metropolitan Railway just as the city controlled the Toronto Street railway The Government did not interfere in the city because it was felt that the local municipalities un derstood local conditions better and if his opponent had thought for a moment he would have seen that he was criticising the County Council and not the Commissioner of Crown Lands Mr Lennox for some years about the time the road was built was a member of the Aurora Coun cil and feeling as he no doubt did the terrible tyranny this road why did he not ask the council to request the county council to have the rates reduced or apply to the Government as a council to compel the company to make a change On looking over the records Mr Davis did cot find that his opponent had ever made any such effort and he liked men to be consistent App Mr Rowel I followed speak ing for over an Hour on the pulp pol icy of the Government to a most at tentive audience Probably his most telling point was his demonstration the fact that the opposition voted for every pulp policy when only a cord was demanded as dues and voted against every con in which was demanded by the Gov ernment It had been chargjed that Mr was personally interested in a pulp concession the His first connection with the conces sion was some years alter it was unanimously granted by the house when as solicitor for the company he applied to the Government for an ex tension of time and the extension was granted only on the company tormenting to pay double the price paid for the wood and to other re- Although Mr and his friends concurred in the ori ginal agreement cents they de nounced the amended agreement at 11 cents as a gigantic steal Laugh ter Howells name was con nected with the Nipegon Company p4 as Mr Whitneys name was ion- nected Anthony Lumber Company as solicitor for his clients Mr out that the in vestment of capital and the employ ment of labor was basis the right to cut arote and the average expenditure from the companies in the erection and equipment of plants and works is over each and the average number of men required to be continually employed in connec tion with each mill is over The industry must he located in the dis tricts adjacent to the sup ply and all wood cut mist manufactured into pulp at the com panys own mill Further the agree ment expressly provided that no right to the soil should pass to tie essionalrea hut that the land should as free and open for and location as if the agreements had not been made this had already teen acted on In connection with at one of the concessions as settlers were going in and locating on the lairds covered by it All the coiicslonaires really Is or mis of the Government IHat if he will Invest his money In establish ing an industry the Government will f si- sell him wood to keep this industry running for a period of years provided the concessionaire- can find a sufficient quantity within the area defined it the agreement- at a price not fixed by the concession aire not subject to agreement or ar bitration between the parties but at such a price as the Government may choose to fix and determine The people secure the benefit of any in crease in value but if the present pol icy the Opposition had been in force when the original concessions were at cents and the pitfp- disposed of the same as pine in limits then the Government for all time or until the pulpwood in cluded in the agreement was exhaust ed would only receive cents in stead of cents as at present It had been suggested by some the Conservative papers that the Globe is in some way mixed up in the trans action the reason given being that Mr was a director of the Globe But the concession was granted and ratified by House years before he became director of tfic Globe or ever owned a cent of stock in the Globe company Globe had no more interest in it than the Mail and Kmpirc certainly did not take nearly so much Mr had Invested a portion of his limited capital in the pulp concession hut had so far received no return Whatever He was afraid that even if he deposited any little money he had in the Government Savings Hank the Mail would accuse the Literal Government at Ottawa of political favoritism In paying him per cent interest on his deposit Laughter Tlie meeting closed with the cus tomary cheers Two cars to Aurora from here they were packed with enthusiastic supported of Mr Davis It was after midnight they re turned Ottawa April Mory A Stewart of was yesterday awarded damages against of Kirkhill for breach of promise parties from and it appears that Mac married another girl after he made all arrangements for the wed ding with Miss Stewart April 25 Albert Edward son of James A Rider was accidentally drowned under ex tremely pathetic circumstances Some ago Mr who lives on tho farm in the eastern limits of the town dug several post holes for erecting frames for grape vines of these was filled with water and was allowed to remain uncovered let the water soak away In some manner cfliild must have into it licadfirst and when discovered by Its mother he was quite dead The hock to the mother was so severe condition since has been ser ious April King Edwaril witnessed the lacrosse match between visiting Canadian team and the of Argylls the royal box at Londs crioket ground af- The game resulted in a easy victory for the Canadians by ten goals to three There was a large attendance including many ladies Among the spectators were tho Prince of Wales the Princess Beatrice the Canadian High Commissioner Lord and Mount Royal the Earl of Aberdeen the Duke and Duchess of and Sir Charles Rivers Wilson president of the Grand railway of Canada The King manifested much interest in the game great crowd at todays match the Torontos returning to Canada with a surplus after paying all expenditures of the trip The attendance at other matches has been large but todays gate receipts will boost the finances away up The receipts of the match today will close upon Babys Otrjn Tablets Mothers Help When Her Little Ones are Ailing livery needs at some time a medicine for her little ones and Babys Own Tablet are the best med icine in the for constipation sour stomach indigestion diarrhoea colic simple fevers and the troubles of teething children The Tablets have been in use for years and thous ands of mothers say that nothing else acts so quickly and relieves and cures little o so surely Mrs La Hue Mountain simply voices- the experience of other mothers when says I can recommend Babys Tablets to all mothers who have or delicate children I do not how I could get along without them I Children take these Tablets as read ily as candy and if crushed to a powder they can be given with abso lute safety to the tiniest weakest ba bies is a cure every Tablet and they are guaranteed to contain no opiate or other harmful drug You can get the Tablets from any dealer in medicine or they will he sent post paid at cents a box by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- villo AbulWJng in wa blown down by tho gale on Wednes day seriously Injuring John Wattu The two new P at Fort William will give employment to six or seven hundred additional laborers

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