a iiTL FRIDAY APRIL i 2 CAPITAL BEST Total BRANCH- A General Banking Business rest Allowed on Deposits it CTTBBiBT BATES DRAFTS At an American INSURANCE J fl Agent for tfir and Life Loan interest at Current Bates the Poet OSOKeirpirkftt Ramsay Fire insurance Agent on Farm and Isolated Property Shop IS OS Last Sunday rooming Dr Cads re ceived five new members into the church by profession of faith three by letter Sold and family who re sided on Ontario Street have moved to Hamilton Mr house tney were in and has since it to Mr who is now occupying it The scarcity of bouses to rent in compelling people to purchase Feasible Route Engineer was in Town on Saturday and in company with the members of the Town Council went over the proposed route for the trol ley between the and St and so far as the grade is concerned the engineer said the route was feas ible The decision of the Metroplos- Co has not yet been communicat ed Tils Bay Is tarfsnt 0 UT Simpson and prank AUCTIONEER Newmarket Practical Painter and House Lane RsernzKceComer of MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket private at private If J MARRIAGE LICENSES NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATBflT and Head Stones Before fe Allan IN THE NEGATIVE When we jJnt ibe We to tke nttfWjvfc If where or twsf a lies We Mi and and will ct a J Social in the School Room tonight At the very earliest possible mom ent our citizens shouM get their prem ises cleaned up There is which adds to the general appearance of a so much as a neat and yard new form of order issu ed at the contains a re ceipt end which tfcp remitter tears keeps as a voucher Ttie farmer will soon be the busiest man on earth The Tnqueat Detective Greer of Toronto was in Town Saturday He made a thorough investigation of the prem ises where body of the old man was and toe missing bones were picked up a short distance from where the body laid apparently car ried away by the action of the water in the creek Detective Greer believes that Fow ler ater leaving bis home on the of 21 wandered into the marsh and being partially was unable to find his way out is years since bad any title to the property now occupied by his brother sister nephew and niece cm the of Bast Hie of the inquest was decided upon in order that the case may be carefully investigated by the authorities before further evidence is taken and in Justice to all parties concerned Baseball Club A large and enthusiastic represen tation of the employees the Office Specialty Mfg Co met at the on Monday evening and organized a local ball team for the coming season The officers and players are to be en tirely of the employees of thfe above firm and to be known as ITie Office- Specialty following oficers were elected Hon J Mr A J 1st VicePres Mr J 2nd VioePres Mr P Morgan 3rd VicePres Mr A J Deans dler Howard SecTress The Club desire to assure the that they Irave the to serve op fast clean ball sone interesting games may be Politic alphabet KNOWL Grocery Proylsion ft tin tor Pall Hi Jar 10c tta for tec I WC Jar per per can 20c can lc NOW IS THE TIME To Meyers Poultry Spice mi in tt at STORK Koue cation iome Postal Rales Unused postage stamps no longer redeemable by tire not now be used of until sums of money Pit- notes been Introduced for that purpose All ncwfpaperM Hooks Printed Matter aid Patterns posted hal an hour before the clos ing of the mail can be ted new charge for postage to and in Postal Union Letters on ordinary post should be Toronto not to T as occasional delay may arise in dealing with the subject matter of letters personally addressed fitters or regJstraUon be an before tie mail closes A letter once ported trie of the person to it Is addressed must be forwarded ao- to lis direction On no appli cation however urgent ran it be hack to tl writer or to any person Public cautioned do- book packets In notched at ends or corners the be attached to both wrapper con ten of a book packet be so tied or up a to per mit withdrawn bearing stamps or soiled a7d to Guarantees a Freedom From bis ease and Sickness INDIFFERENCE CARELESS NESS LEAD TO PHYSICAL SHIPWRECK THE The weak ailing and diseased have now more ever before un der their control their physical con dition They are free al most wholly responsible for their fu ture When the brain is not affected and the mind can discern between the right and wrong a duty to therrv their friends and country loud ly demands a narked decision- prompt determined action when health is and life is in dan ger It is toe part of wisdom that true decision be made today tomorrow may be too late In thousands of cases the checking and banishment of disease depends upon Instant- action an hour lost frequently means the a Miffing out of some- precious life Few people in our country arc with- out some knowledge at the wonderous lifegiving virtues of Paynes Celery Compound a medicine guarant iees- release from the diseases common to life What will your decision be today poor sxrfSerer Will you give Celery Compound the fair and honest testing that others are giving itwith certain reward of strength vigor and happiness or will you re main indifferent and earless content to pass your few days or weeks in misery agony and wretchedness until dark grave claims you as its vic tim It is needless to enumerate the blessed results that flow from Celery Compound when taken promptly in springtime as you and your friends have a knowledge of them Of this you may be assured the seeds of di ease are banished the system is fortified the is made red and pure the neves braced di gestion regulated headaches side- and backaches forever dispelled and sweet restful sleep tafces treilace of His Friends Could Tell Him Rev Peter Campbell at Aurora Sir the Liberal Government the Literal party moored New On tario to Old Ontario so that it not get away and if it had not been for their moorings arid it would have gone away where it would have gone I do not know Any of the Rev Peters friends might whisper in his ear and tell him where Sir A MacdonaM New Ontario already parcelled out among his political handymen at 55 per square mile that vast territory which ever since has sup- lied the bulk of the revenues of the Province and will now supply employment arid homes to of Ontarios citi zens It is well that Sir Oliver did moor New Ontario to OH On tario with strong enough to withstand the hands of the Tory spoil ANSYYKRKD Yes Auguht Flower still has of in world Your an grandmothers never thought of anything che for Indigestion or and they seldom heard of Appendicitis Prostration or Heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fer mentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem and that is all they took whet feeling bad with headaches and cubes You only heed a few doses of Greens August Flower liquid to make you satisfied there nothing serious matter with you You can get Dr reliable remedies at Scotts Pharmacy Trie Owl inahe role as of Science a- About of the Gen eral electric Company struck at on Saturday but returned to work The Colombian Government force have captured the Town of del The Amerian naval have Come now all ye wouldbe And I will teach you your A is for a laddie Familiarly known in Essex as Dad dy B is for a ProBoer of great note Hed regain his lost status by his coat also for Billy of the East York would be OK if into he were hurled also for Mackenzie a terrible scold By bis ungrateful colleagues now left out in cold is for to his friends known as Bobby his hobby Spouting and talking horse sense is B also for sterling good worth A gentleman by manners and also by birth is for the great finan cier In political economy he has seldom peer also a concieted Long since by his party turned out to grass is for Davis Com of Crown Lands In Parliamentary terms he can boast of clean bands is for Ontario Speaker On the stump for Grit principles may bis e neer grow weaker is For Fielding a Minister of state As a cracker of chestnuts his record is great also for Foster a pugilistic old Tory He wallows in figures alone in hit glory is for Gar row from Hurons bleak shore A dyed in the wool Grit faith what could you ask more for Col Gibson fighting man of the House roars in his rage all are a- mute as a mouse H is for Hughes Col Sam whose of self esteem is so great As to almost envelop bis wonderful pate also for Sir John A would be Premier to suei ridiculous nonsense the Tories turn a I is for Isaac Gould of Ontario West Amongst true blue Grits hes one of the best I also for Ingram from Bast of fame The corrupfin of which caufce the Torjes to cry shame J for the trio of Johnstons members for the All clever in my humble opin ion for the Kidds Geo Nelson and Ed On Government pap no doubt theyve been fed L is for the knight With true plut he fights for the right L also for Lennox our wouldbe M PP But alas poor Herbert must sing fid- is for revered by North York As polished a statesman as the mem ber for Cork M also for Mtnto a peer of the realm The proxy of King Ed with hand at the helm also for Hugh John a known young With- a nose the cut of hi dad M ills for Mi lAiOd Monte aid Kay I reckon theyre gentlemen after way is for unknown to fame like all the rest hes onto is for Oliver wVro sits on the throne In the Literal ranks a patriarch hes grown also for who winks blinks and looks wise And hes smashed all for sam pling pies for Patterson by held in esteem No doubt to be Premier has been his fond also for a man of renown He is the editor of Oxfords losi- town J is for who day may be A rednosed P Is for Ontarios Premier He no doubt finds the of state cranky to Ib for wholl have truck with a Ik- As a trueblue Grit Jimmlels to glory also for Seagram a trader In fast horses arid wblsley To love muefi Is exceeding ly risky la for and Toodlc is for young cub Who- is into- politics right up to the ft is for Whinteny Tories big shoots oft bis -tfie- bow they For mighty be the big ban are for minor during long dettes rest their chins on their HE IfitSFiiatloDdl Sunday School Lessor GENTILES RECEIVED INTO THE Golden Whosoever in Him shall receive remission of sins Acts 11 April INTRODUCTION Peters departure in dealing with the nonJewish world created a sensation The circumcision is were griev ed and offended by what seemed Pe ters apostasy hut the innovation was notorious and they brought charges against the apostle SUGGESTIONS It is possible to rule at borne with a loving tact that all fol low their strong yet gentle leader is colled to in Church of God on ms cf equality wit the chosen peo ple i Factional charges are often made in the spirit of bitterness Bitterness must met with sweet ness Patience must im patience Controversy must be shun ned God perfectly trust him out question and the Spirit will come to you 0 NEVER IS TRIE more precious than when some member of the family is attacked by colic dysentry or any bowel trouble The doctor is distant but if Perry Davis Painkiller is near all danger is soon ended Call We op I Play The Hamilton Times After being edified by an evenings intimate asso ciation with Mr in Ham ilton Mr Whitney went to North York and held a meeting at Aurora The Conservative candidate chosen to oppose Hon Mr Davis in that riding is Mr Herbert Lennox who be gan his speech by objecting to being ailed the Whitney candidate and to a bribe to the elec tors to vote for him He blamed Mr Davis for not having the Provincial Reformatory moved from ishenc to North York instead of to Oxford If Mr Whitney is returned to power said Mr Lennox and becomes Premier of this Province I will see that he sends it to North York Newmarket or Aurora I stand in pretty well with Mr Whitney and he will do almost anything I wish because ire knows I would not ask to do anything that was not right By the time Mr Whitney gets homo lie will begin to wonder why he is vailed leader of the party and Lennox evidently have no idea of led TO GRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause Groves signature on every box Price cents honest Confession is Good the Sou SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALL AN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE J OF- THIS WEEK o And Special Linen Sale -AT- TORONTO JOBBING HOU in DEALER IN Goal Wood Lime Cement OFFICE One door east of Dennis You kin bet yer sweet life they for the boodle but Dr Von ntaaV p also Sir Charles Hlb- and of of his loyalty to the Empire most as fiayllgtit j he blows And a all da It to ATil like a true knight seeks for impatient of y her foes a make It tor i for Uriah Wilson a rising star clerks to dedde have g and rive of so eccentric an orbit been before or not 1e rent to a to remind one of the PostrnaiAerGtntrai for Ids Jim Soli fc at the following conic re the 9 Bonus Now it is Tie that was no men- it in by he Opposition and I am free to ad mit that at the time I made that state men I was under the ion that cents a ton was incor porated in that amen- would more refreshing did iVtj come TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if It Tails to cure Groves signature Is on each box Fredrick house near was burned and Mrs and two little children perched in lire flames Chinese bandits at lacked a Rus sian post at silling one Russian officer and tour privates PUT OUT THE FIRE Dr Agnava Ointment will re lieve and akin It rati noldloro Kryalpafaa tha flrot application Lieut National Home la Giant Count Indian had a acuta attack of HI and In tor ment With burning and Itching A recommended quickest relief and cure lie bought a box found It aa good at It and a few applications to JU words put Out Ibofiro and test thaa a box cured me eta if COOK BROS Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT GRAIN SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket The Cane Sods Mfg Co of Nowmarkot Limited Have amalgamated with and in fix ture will be known as the- United Factories imm All accounts previous to Dec are due and payable by THE CANE SONS MKL CO Any person having such will kindly them in at once as Company la closing bookstand will shortly apply for a return Its from April 1st continues into our Special Summer thru July and August in all Departments of our Splendid School The There are no and mem bers may enter at any time and continue for any desired term A down Teachers Typewrit ing Machines and a dally Roll Call members this month indicate the character and repu tation of our College AW Principal Write for circular Toronto Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO op Boy Wanted At once at this Oka about years of age who has attended School I And belt Your choice of Full Rig for 40000 lour years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON