ii Torpid Liver a- tea difficult potion that What headache conrtlpatlc What despondency It is understood that the Government has closed a contract wilt Allan to carry the coronation contingent from Montreal to Liverpool on Paris- after leaving Montreal cm rtomj In Jce Mid forth to ma tfaa tt rot fern l torpid la of Jones Philadelphia Pa- who was a Her La her rear of It is announced Ottawa that a cablegram from War Office in Englanri received by the Ca nadian Minister of Militia HEART THE SYMPTOMS ARE OFTEN MISUNDERSTOOD BY THE SUFFERER THE fl fiig J It Is proposed to try an experiment in Way cooling the air at the irtz that the request of Dominion for period of office of MajorGeneral Ltodfiay Warder owned Hughes tells Mr Whitney plainly that it is totally opposed stand be taken and oannot Hon J Davis held two support it as he believes the meetings during the last at referendum fe means Albert and Sutton- Never in ascertaining the peoples will on the tloa we the conduct of his various campaigns of Equally at has greater interest been variance is the Conservative 1 in the discussion of the affairs d in Huron who baa pledged of the Prentice This course himself to support a prohibitory law The Trouble at all Times an Extreme- very gratifying to He has also pledged to Dangerous One T ol Crown Lands and is all the convention- to support Promptly Relieve It I significant in view the claim of the Opposition candidate that be ready won the contest and it is now with his leader on question Ms and bare a Wtntal Woods acta farti djfpepna an tad ajdfita are many forms of heart merely a question of majority The bonuses to railway Mr ease some of which manifest them- meeting at Mount Albert developed selves by symptoms which are fact that the candidate by the and ascribed does not even totend to keep the to indigestion or somei similar cause promises he makes to his friends ri the heart is affected The When he his meeting command of the militia of j until June next Mary Public o l SO mo- to fiolldtorHotAxy Public etc Money l Court Building o door of door Geo Ceo New in will on Saturday and Court J A Co tad Ontario Aurora in p S Harriet r to ill- V Loan ft I Hollingshead Office Block opposite the Church attafatlon DR J CUflRK fiuoceeaor to Lund GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TIME TABLE if a 4 a av ah o St o CO a in hi- isr I o ftO i a to 4 ex a to I Sri to a jll sly Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET to a W bl v a a SO CO to a a a to n a J a a- CO r 0 a l3 a a 4- a M Public Works Department has been furnished with a profile of the Railway from North Bay to the bead of Lake Tte work has been performed by en gineer A profile has also been received for the first twenty miles of the westerly or alternative route and it is expected that the pro file of the remainder of this route with the estimates of its cost as compared with the cost of route by way of Trout Lake will be received in a few days As soon as the easterly or westerly route is upon tenders be called for for clearing the of way A press despatch from Ottawa states that Hon William in regard to railway labor disputes seeks to provide for the settlement of strikes and lockouts on railways in suoh a way that recourse to these ex treme measures will be unnecessary Provision will probably for boards of arbitration selected by the companies the employees and with ample to deal with all railway disputes The measure is somewhat novel in its features and this rea on because of the Im portance of the subject it is ex pected that the hill will pass into raw this session but be made public and over let consideration by all concerned The progressive policy of develop ment projected by the Ontario is making things lively in the newer pa of the Fri days Globe says The spring rtsh of settlers to the region promises this year to surpass all pre vious records air South- worth of Colonization says he has received a very large number of applications for certificates navigation on Lake will not until about May 1 are seven or eight surveyed town ships open for settlement at the head of the lake and Mr John Armstrong Grown Agent reports that a recent tour of inspection showed that the land in those townships was as good as in those aljeady taken up When this group of about town ships in all is occupied there will still be land in that region to he surveyed before out into the great clay belt beyond the height of land in Mount siighest derangement of this Albert he announced with a organ is extremely- dangerous If of trumpets that be intended to be at times the action of ibe is present at the meeting to be held in too rapid and the heart beats viojMr Davis interests and rrake resulting in a feel- answer certain To or if the heart seems fresh his memory Mr Davis caused an ature during the Is by drawing down cool currents from an altitude or feet above the ground and flooding the grounds with air from ten to fifteen degrees cooler than the surface temperature The plan comprehends the construction of an aerial tower or stand pipe of the aforesaid height with lower termina tion about fifty feet above the ground to such- bonuses but Mr- Fas is not The Road to Success Mr Whitney Then we have Mr in West Victoria taking a stop beating pulse- becomes slow and you feel a faint sensation should take the best coirrse in the world and that is to take Dr Wil liams Pink Pills for Pale People You will find that the symptoms promptly disappear and that the heart all times acts nor mally Ma- Lavoie St Pa- come Que bears strong testimony to the value of these pills in cases of trouble He says near ly three years I was greatly troubled with a weak heart and in constant fear that my would come at any time I placed myself under a good doctor but did not get the desired re lief In fact I grew worse the least exertion would overcome me and fi nally I had to discontinue work in this condition a neighbor visfd me to try Dr Williams and I procured a supply simplv worked wonders in my case and when I had used six boxes I was again good health I have bad no sign of since arw I can cheerfully rtcorrrntnd the pills to similar sufferer Brood troubles of all kbits are also invitation to be specially to the Whitney candidate on the bills an nouncing meeting Mr John Moore the president of the Conser vative organiration for the riding with a larger faith in the promise of his candidate he now has was early on the scene but looked in vain for the appearance of bis friends Lib- and Conservatives alike in Ine neighborhood are now discussbg later phase of the situation and plac ing their own constructions it- After this they will be able to esti mate tbe Whitney candidates bom bast at its value so opposed when there is a chance to foster a railway for West Victoria Truly the Conservatives of the Provi are a happy and fam ily Trie Company were plaintiffs in an action in the Non jury Assizes Toronto in which they sought an injunction to prevent Jones fe Company of Toronto from for sale their Vapour put up in such a form as to peo ple to believe that it was the same as that offered by the Vapor Company Judge Street order- til that a perpetual inpjnctirn Jones Co to for the lam en- in question in a manner as to I to that that they were those sold Co srtiil Uarinirrg from putting tie goods in packages of a nature to lead public into error as to of the goods Jones So Co were so ordered to pay plaintiffs costs if derrranded by plaintiff to sub mit to an examination in Chancery of the profits made by them upon the of articles in order that it might be wlrat they to he to nay over to the ViMWrCresoIefe Kwsurfey a- A Bills AcchUftct Kehyjtr xd lor off all Council has rrade a move towards torn pell the Tete- Co to the authority of the Municipal Dur ing the week were several poles on Huron tar En Street without asking Council ordered Us solici tor to notify Company to discon tinue any more until an was made with the and the Company in future a required Although the Hell Til phone Co has a Dominion charter it dot not give thcrn upon streets or highway of a municipality any more than a railway charter cm- powers a railway company to expro priate a of way full and ample to owners of Indeed as Hon rights are concerned Mr JuBtfce Street decided that each controls arid of the public domain are to free ajAorititfj cannot grant foreta involving dlsVjrh- or of of Confederation are to and authority cured by these famous pills f from headaches dizzincs boils or skin diseases of any kind your blood is in an impure and Dr Pink are need These nils arc not a and therefore do not weaken like medicines of that are tonic their nature and make new rich red with every dose thus restoring health and strength to hopeless sufferers But you must get the gen uine has always the full name Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on every box Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for ad dressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co filled a Winnipeg April 19At Cypress Paver Bruce Campbell killed a wild cat or lynx on his farm It appears that thejuwnal was on a not far from the house by Mr Camp bells little hoy Who not knowing what it was began to throw sticks and stones at it A dog then appear ed on the scene and the- cafcV took to a tree Campbell hearing of the animals presence came across with a gun Although it getting dank Mr Campbell brought the wild cat down with the first shot It proved to be about five feet in length and weighted about fifty pounds It was probably a good thing that dog appeared when it did as the lit- boy did not realize any danger am a Dyes The Only Kind Bought and Used By Wise and Prudent Women The only pure harmless and un adulterated package dyes for are the Diamond Dyes package colors from ore to pounds of according to depth of color and character of fabric The full and explicit directions on package of Diamond Dyes are so that even i child can under stand them and easily match any tired shade Diamond Dyes make old jwrb look new You can color old and fad ed dresses skirts suits blouses jack ets silks hosiery feathers and other any desired malmg them look as Rood as new Diamond Dyes give the and strongest washing or sunlight You are always safe when you use thorn no or failures When you go to your druggist or dealer to buy dyes do not but the Diamond they are the only guaranteed package dyes lor home use a hotel em ployee at St Marys ed by coal gas is Children Dry for CAST One thing the Whitney did to the Mt Albert meeting how ever and that was his to ac cept Liberal invitation to hold joint meetings throughout the rid ing He based his refusal on the grounds that he had to do bis work without the assLsfcanceoJ organizes and therefore he i cold not spare the time at Everybody of course Whitney candidate has been for months perfecting his organization while Mr Davis hands were tied with legislative and departmental duties A as for paid it is equal ly well known that the Wnitney can didate has been able to the es of the Chief Conservative Or ganiser of the Province both in con nection with his organization meet ings and in the furtherance of his newspaper propaganda The Whit ney candidate in concluding his letter of refusal intimates later on he will be to invite Mr Davis to his meetings The situation there fore seems to be that the Whitney candidate refuses to hold joint meetings he has declined to at tend a meeting which he had promised to attend and to which he was speci ally invited and his proposition is to invite Mr Davis to attend meetings when it suits his the Whit ney candidates convenience No he is building on the supposi tion that later on Mr Da via be busily engaged the general vincial campaign and may not be able to spare the time to attend meetings which will be set to suit the conven ience of the Whitney candidate and the inconvenience of the Commission er of Crown Lands The general will see the fairness of such a course Under the heading Small Polities the Windsor Record says A Mr Herbert is the can didate in North York He is the op ponent of the Hon Mr Davis MMs- ter of Crown Lands Mr blames the Hon- Mr Davis for no the for North instead of letting it go to the county of If Mr Whitney gels into power says legislator I will e he sends the reformatory to North or Aurora I stand li pretty well with Mr Whitney and will do almost anything I wish he knows I would not do any thing that was not rijf If at Mr Davis had represented thv for fourteen years and nothing for it He asked the to make a clange Inhere are some people and they do not all reside in York believe a mans uiicfuhithS in parliament in In proportion to number appoint he can secure tor tire and the amount of be can have spent in It is a mighty and limited view to take of the duties and responsibilities of a of since aviurnptton of of Hue Mr Whit ney has tried aloud that the Liberal have stolen his It Is fore to adopting the existing Literal pol icy with regard- to the liquor of the Province that of gradual reduc tion of Hit number of IlcenJJcn A glance at following tabic will In dicate how the Lilieral government been carrying out this policy No of Rev Peter Campbell and other Tory who are Hon Ross for not hold ing the referendum on the same day as the municipal election will please remember that Mr Whitney voted against that propositi when it was made by Mr has long been known as an extremist A lew years ago he was denouncing Liberals for spending money in connection the Agricultural College and de manding that he spent upon it what it actually earned in a commercial way Now Mr Whit ney proposes seven agricultural col leges for the Province He displays the of the average late repent ant Another matter that Mr Whitney gas front on his endeavor attain power is atti tude towards corporations He and his newspaper allies have until quite recently been loudly charging tint the Ontario was he friend of did this eve af ter the Government had imposed a tax on their alleged whin in into Ike treas ury Now Mr Whitney antiouici that if he attains power he the statute book this lax a large financial concern he does not Jay In wnild get the money from replace this large amount and it is significant that the Mail is suppressor yr refer ence editorially to Mr Whitneys at titude in this connection Tie is evidently to discover to the Conservatives of the Province that their leader is the friend ill the and not the as has all been allied Mr Whitney is angling for he vote Here are two independent concerning the Ontario Government air or thirty miles an hour to a pumping capacity of half a million cubic feet of air per minute This volume of air will cover an acre ten feet deep in am hour sixty acres and hours 360 acres It is expect ed that the action of the suns rays will be counterbal anced and neutralized by the con stancy of the during the day time After sundown the tempera ture it is claimed can be held below eighty degrees Fahrenheit The fans are to be started at four oclock am when tbe air is coolest By ten o clock buildings and grounds be filled with fresh air and so main- during the day Children for i Ticket Please The conductor was one of those gifted men who remember where each passenger got aboard can look thru at the conscience of a traveller and find out if a ticket is still due the railroad He stopped says the De troit by a seat in whi was a small kneeling of course so that his shoes were soiling the plush of the scat nd a woman whose face was de taxation of She handed the man in brass but tons a pink trip slip then folded her hands as if her duty was done But the conductor was not satisfed His official glance took measure of the boy whose back was turned to the aisle and who was staring at the land- scare thru fingermarks with he had the window I shall have to ask vou for a tick- is easy for those who are equip ped for the proper transaction of affairs Those who their education where attention is giv en to correct details and simple methods will have the advantage over others You will get Urn kind of education in the BRITISH AMBRrCAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Students may at any time No vacations TORONTO ONT David Hoskins Principal House Lot For sale Apply to Albert Thomp son Newmarket Sous Property for Sale The cottage of the late John Lewis situate on the comer of and Court Streets and the double houses situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable in tending purchasers can inspect the premises For particulars apply io T Lloyd Solicitor for Executors Draft an independent journal published at Ottawa says Wile it may have imperfections the Liberal party has given the people of this province more than a quarter ot a century of the all round government the world has ever seen The London News independent also says Make a careful examine and a strict honest comparison and you will find that the of the best state in union is corrupt anil vile compared with the administration in Ontario further that in all Canada in all America there is no other state city or Prov ince where public affairs are as clean as in our Province At the evangelical conference at Cues ley on the 1st it was re- take action to roll up as a majority as possible for the referendum on Dec IWi Candidates for the Legislature at tire election true to temperance he supported A cablegram dated London April says the touting Toronto Team defeated and Mid dlesex by goals to Very great success has been the record of the team up to this date After the above the Toronto were dined at the MidSurrey Golf Clubhouse Mr J J formerly of Toronto was one of the members of the team Mr Davis was to speak at Holland landing last aho County Council lor Cane of Newmarket and Mr I A rousing meeting is to take place at Aurora his Friday evening by Hon J Mr Mr Hart- man of Clarksburg Mayor Cane of Newmarket and others Special cars on the trolley for Newmarket and HI Hill at ttie close of the meeting Year 1884-85- fljjiO lit in also given a rrtunlclpal option law and I has further empowered to reduce the number of licences by by- lav each year IN KNOTS all suffer ings that no man pan cor J bo thiols victim a Do yon lKi a no matter ho acuta or bow ton aUndlnf lhat American Cora will cot cure on a tytttta Is quickly and and no bid afur It dor not ail but do euro for that boy maam I think not Hes too old to travel free Thats all rich We occupies a whole seat and the car is crowded Thats the fault of the road and not mine And there are people standing up Well thats not my affair See here maam I havent time to arpue the matter It wouldnt do you any good to argue it with me Youll have to pay for that boy I never yet and Im not go ing to begin now Dont you expect to begin some time Thats not the now If you havent to pay for him youve been mighty lucky or else you dont do much travelling Oh yes I travel about six months a year Youll have to pay for him maam or I shall be obliged to put him off That help you to get any money out of me You know what the rules of the road arc No I never read them How old is that toy i dont know I Jaw 1im Youd better ask the old gentle man whos asleep three seats up They got on together at Anus Campbell a moulder was killed by a heavy piece of n falling on his GOOD OPINIONS EVERYWHERE American Norvlno that hackneyed trial will convince you rlM with It no doooptlon applied to cut of An Influent l Join the thousands who have wen benefited American their good opinion it It to me by one bc had been cured by It tried It and am cured and I heartily good along won to shattered and an lent tonic to Bold by Lehman A couple of smart boys to years of age for light work in finiih- department at good wages Abo a couple Men experienced curriers given preference Apply to A DAVIS Lowell Tannery King Ontario i WILL SELL BXWPXN0- Red Star feet to lb Manilla feet to the It Beautiful Twine will you patronize Canadian In dustries or your money to the United States Farm on Townline part No 1 Young Horse Buggy and Harness Storehouse on Huron Street Houses and 2 Stores on Main Street houses on Ontario Street Houses on Queen Street Newmarket FOR BALE The handsome and fully located residence of Mr H E Maddock on Main St Newmarket For particulars enquire of 12 Newmarket Auction Sale of Hotel AJTO A Acre Farm IN Under Power of sale contained in mortgage there will be lor salo by Public Auction by Kava- Auctioneer at the Hewitt in Newmarket 10th of May at oclock forenoon the following tics That portion of lot Con known as the Man sion House ami premise in connec tion therewith at fully de scribed in said mortgage This is one of the most desirable Hotel pro perties in has a full hotel license and is at rented can be obtained by purchaser in two months as pro vided foe in lease Hotel is sit uate about miles from on the main road leading to Lake That 200 acre farm lot Con known as the John There is a fine brick house on it and fair out- Situate about miles from Newmarket Fences are good is water on a ljusjf the forming one of tho bent farms In the County of York The farm la rented for current for and will be sold subject to this lease Terms of per cent cash at time of sale and balance within days For particulars and condi tions of sale apply to Vendors Newmarket- Carpet Reaving Having purchased an uptodate Amrican Loom I am now prepared to give the very beat satisfaction to all customers both in workmanship and price A secondhand loom lor sale ISAAC LUNDY Second St Newmarket OLD JiaWBPAFBBS SALE AT ERA OFFICE