Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 25 Apr 1902, p. 3

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fc leeks J To relieve the anxiety about Town over got sawmill days the wood question Mr Dan cars of slabs from up North and has delivered cords within the past lew The Commissioners met at Sharon fct Friday and duly considered applications As some matters reported on by the Inspector Deeded attention the board adjourned till to morrow t complete their w jicoimarket Depot week ending April a active one at the depot as wii be seen from the following inwards Mcrcbadise cars coal bolts lumber 1 bottles machinery I vinegar erupt barrels flout slabs and pram cars Outwards Feed Canes wooden- screen doors and windows furniture and vault work bot tled pickles stock timber 3 household effects merchandise total 1 cars on I pMq fori Tbe Bishop of Toronto bold in St Pauls on Thursday May 1st at oclock Still Another Sals Mr Kirton has purchased the Kelly house on Second Street not far from the High School and in tends fitting it up to reside him self Special Wasting A- special meeting of the Town Council was called cm Wednesday even ing to meet the Metropolitan people Mr stated that the engineer bad completed bis report but be was not permitted to give any informa tion till it was submitted to the di rectors and he asked for a further ad journment Request granted of May Beware of a Spectacle pedlar who is travelling about offering to sell on the installment plan The season is again at hand when your neighbors chickens frequent your garden and back yard are the proper place for chickens especially in the Towns arid villages Public school teachers ate now plan ning for arbor day- exercises on May 2nd novelty social last Friday even ing was not- very largely attecdedi but those present report -a- did time Mrs- Abe won the for taking refreshments done up in the most novel maimer m Co for the past two weeks have had in the Toronto Morning firstclass dress maker to take charge of Department We learn they have Just engaged Miss Webster of Aurora to come and open the department for them on Monday May Miss Webster is highly recommended by a number of ladies who know what good dressmaking is 3 The officers elected for the ensuing year are Pre- i dent J- VicePres Miss M Hoover 2d Qliss Hughes 3rd Mass Munroe jib Miss Sec Russell Cor Sec Verne Neil Dyke League Miss Rich ardson Assistants Miss- Belfry Rich ardson Millard and Jones Auditors Dr and pleiw Architect Ellis of Toronto was in Town on arid staked out the residence for of which entirely by home men Mr Andrew Hunter has the contract for work Mr the contract for carpenter work Factory will supply all the dressed A Bihns has the roofing andrrnetal work and Mr Bolt Hewitt painting The library will be fitted up by the Office Specialty Co structure will be a neat com fortable solid with modern con veniences without any attempt at attorn David Millard will superintend the excavating this week and the ma sons will the foundation oh Monday Child Found Deed great sor row was to Parkins Street it was discovered that their little babe was iniiealh child was not six months old and had been very delicate ever since- its birth week it took cold which made it more fretful than usual and cor respondingly increased the anxiety of its mother who slept alone with the babe Afcout four oclock Sunday morning Mrs Parkins was wakened by the child crying and as it was be ing raised on warmed milk and her daughter then dropped off to sleep again When she in he morning her little one Was dead beside her person started the report that the child was smothered hut this is entirely untrue Dr Wesley was sum moned as soon as the was i covered ard as there is no ground for such assertions they add the distress of the bereaved parents of respect to his- memory from Toronto Among these was a teachers the School- a wreath fromtfe Session and managing boari tfiiurch of which the deceased was an a heart from the flu dents of the High Schools a wreath from his Class Sowers from Mrs Clemens Toronto roses and carnations from his class- at Toronto University A valued was a basket of wild flowers gathered by little of the schools Miss who went to England last- summer with friends starts this week on return jour ney home We wish safe voy age mil i J a 1 rf iff yd yd led in A flipping from an Erie pa per of April tells of acciden tal death of an old Newmarket boy Mr Irwin follows Irwin Wellknown this city as a passenger em ployed by the Railroad Company was killed yesterday in collision Coverts Pa giie attached to a pasfnger train and met a work train in a headop collision He was killed by the For many years in fact the greater rutrtof his life he in The time family man who doesni fcnowhow to beat carpets may have a chance to learn The street sprinkler was into requisition on Tuesday morning The illuminated sign over the en trance to Davis Committee is very attractive at fine drug store is still further improved by a new floor this week Eves shipped another carload of bogs to Collingwood on Monday Five of six water services are now on order with the corporation and four electric contracts Mr Davis arid others will address the electors of- King at on Saturday night Sunday School The annual meeting took place on Wednesday evening wlien the reports presented were most gratifying The of scholars on the roll is average attendance last year Teachers on the roll 25 average at tendance Practically an average attendance at Sunday School of eluding officers- Largest attend ance at any regular school session 303 During the year over worth of new books have been added to the li brary consequently the receipts fall short of meeting the expenses and grants for missionary purposes by election of officers resulted as follows Superintendent Jackson Assist Supt John Cane AssistSecyLouis librarian Assistants Smith J Warren Treasurer J Hughes Organist Miss Cane Assistant Miss Louie Richardson Orchestra McDonald The appointment of teachers by the was It was decided to bold annual excursion the third Wednesday in July The trip will include the T to Bradford Bridge down the Holland River on the Steamer call at Roachs Point and Morton Park and picnic at Jacksons Band We would again remind our readers of the annual grand concert to be giv en in the Town Hall on Friday even ing May Nothing as extensive has ever been attempted in Newmarket before as the boys are bringing over sixty performers Toronto who will give an entertainment of which Is- not the cities The Westminister thirty- five voices will unaxomparied sing under the direction of Mr Arthur Oliver Toronto University and College Music Banjo Mandolin and Guitar Club of twentyfive young gentlemen under their leader will play some fine ensemble An string is also promised a solo by Mr vocal soloists are all Well KING CITY Mr Harrison who was on his way to the station to meet a party the up train left bis horse in the Metropolitan Hotel shed while he transacted some business The horse getting impatient at the delay broke loose and started to the station on its own account In its eagerness to be on time it left the cart hung up on Mrs barb wire fence and part of the was disposed of before it reached its destination r m Mr All Lloyd while cutting shing les last week received a very severe cut behind trie ear from a shingle bolt that had got loose and caught- the saw sending the piece of wood with force against of the as to break it On Friday evening April the home of Mr Walter J Knightley was the scene of a surprise party on the eve of their departure from King City to take up their abode in Alt Albert where Mr Knight- ley has a bakery business Mrs was the recipient of a handsome set of China dishes and Jardinere accompanied by the follow ing address read by Mrs J Cross- ley Dear Mrs Knightley you are about to leave us and take up your abode in another place we take this opportunity of express ing the regret that we feel at losing you from our midst For many years now you have gone in and out among us and it will be with a feeling loss that we notice your absence We ask you to accept this set of dishes as a small token of our appreciation of you and sincerely trust that suc cess and prosperity may attend you in your new sphere of life and sincere ly trust that wherever your lot may be cast you will the same in terest in the Masters work has characterized you here We bid you a temporary goodbye trusting at some future time we may have you with us again and renew the relations which have so pleasant in the past Signed on behalf of the ladies of King City by Mrs Mrs who is afraid of earning his wages isnt in tig city on West Eleventh street He known comprise Miss a member of the First Miss Blake moved to Miss Bertha Rogers Mrs a of years ago Since that time had lived there The funeral will held after noon at oclock from the of Erie where the will be burled What makes the case particularly the that Mr well- city as a teacher in the public is very ill of typhoid fever at the family borne In Her very dovbibjl Tut sympathy of a wide tircle of will be by particulars surrounding the in this Mr Irwin many friend to of Ms lie was and wiAwell Hied dale Mr Millard Mr Clark Mr the Toronto College of the of A Ox predion will he the elo cutionist of the evening and equal Ik not to be found Fax vocalist and will be glad engaged Mayor will owing the of the program the will at In order to give all parties desiring an equal opportunity of securing them the plan of the ball Will not May at ts will 1 on hate at drug Prices at Beats general go and toe Band Hon J Davis held a very successful political meeting here last Friday evening Victoria Hall was packed to overflowing with an enthus iastic audience The political tbeis of the day were ably presented by Mr Davis and Mr Marshall Mr Martin was elected chair man and the best of order prevailed Mr Davis opponent is very courage ous behind his back but why does be shirk meeting him on the platform Rev in the city all last week on business and has not at this writing returned Mr J Cunningham a student of Knox College filled Mr here Sunday Mrs Rev has gone to Port Dover for a visit with her parents The worth League of the Metho dist church here will hold an enter tainment in Victoria Friday evening entitled Breach of Promise Trial j Who may be the owner of the ti des left in the lane behind Mr ani others The are liable to be stolen and it In tainly a great temptation to to leave thera so exposed Mr and Mrs John Ward of Toron to came up to Sutton last Monday to look after their property here and become of our village aga Dr of field Hip last Monday to see his aunt Miss Co rner who is seriously 111 with pleur isy The Government at Ottawa before voting away the money for a foolish in North Pole should take a This week it falls to our lot to re cord the death of Mr Alexander of Port Perry who passed away on Thursday the 17th Mr Raos Hie work has been thai tcaoh ing He taught and Brock Townships but for in Port Perry 1M re mains by Mrs Uae is son and and near re latives were brought here last by train the home of his John Jlne funeral took next day Cemetery Lake Shore lip- vice at the ma conducted by Mr J Cunningham College at the grave by Rev A Rutherford One derj many of the high esteem In the deceased was by many In Port Perry was A roan more than hundred miles of iron fencing material to reinforce tb barted wire fences hasbeen shipped to SouthAf rica by the The thirty inch mam in the Ham ilton waterworks burst near at the and lor a the city without water When a young man accompanied by his best girl appeared at a church door one evening at a union meeting he found it crowded and in reply to the question asked one of the ushers can we squeeze in here was in formed that they might but they had better wait till they got home Mrs an old Lady years of age who resides about a mile south of was milking a cow last Saturday when she was knocked down and stepped on by the cow Both bones of the leg were broken between the and the an kle o Stock Market Last Friday in Toronto of best export cattle went up as high as On Tuesday they are just a little easier than this but still the regular quotations are running from to for the best exporters and of course a small premium can always be obtained above the regular quotations for something extra fancy Exporters not so good are at to Export bulls are going at from to 5 Butchering cattle are also selling some of the best selling at to while some not quite so good sold at about and poorer Ones down as low as Dry cows are going at about to 50 Feeders are and hard to get even at to Heavy weighing to pounds are go ing at to and lighter ones Offcolors Jerseys and arc going at to Calves are easy to get at about to Milkers are scarce and to being readily obtained for good animals Sheep are going at about to with bucks at and yearlings at to A slight advance has taken place during the past week in the price of hogs in Toronto prices here are still a gout ileal lower than they arc in Buffalo and a trifle below Montreal quotations In Toronto select hogs are quoted at to heavies and lights at SO Art Sateens Fast Color Fancy Cretonnes yard Fast Color Grey Cloth Suiting In Light Dark and Medium Shades 56 inches wide regular 100 for cents Ladies fast Black Cotton per pair Pure Sulphur per pound v v iV Epsom Saks per gountlJ Icing Sugar per pound Imported Catbtip quart bottles ic Raisins per New Fresh Finest Figs per Good Cooking Figs per Laundry Soap cakes Try Red Cross JeJlyPovyderritis the Best t r CORNER T 7 V NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING LEADING SINCE 1867 Clipped from Globe of Teftubte Trolley flceident Two Men Killed and One Lost An Arm at Halifax Press Despatch Halifax April Two men were billed and one is dying as a result of an accident on the street railway this evening J A Scott and Peter drove out with a team by Scott for a day in the country On their way home two rjiilrfrom the city they picked up At the comer of North Street ami Windsor their wagon came in collision with the car of the street railway The were thrown to the street and the car wheels passed over them severing the bodies of Git- toy and and cutting Mr Scotts left arm The conductor and of the motor car were ar rested and released on bail Do you want the lectric Gar on Main Street If you are not quite sure ask the farm- er who uses the street the most A t Dockets Newmarket April Flour per barrel a White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush CO Buckwheat Barley per bush Oats per hush Peas per hush per hush Butter i Wool lb Hay per ton ft yran per ton Shorts ton 21 00 Potatoes per hag Chickens per pair Ducks Geese per lb Turkeys 12 a a a a a a a a 52 a a a a a a 20 a a a a a a ardware ens ear am Toronto Apri Red Wheat per a Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per hush a Goose Wheat per bush a Barley per bush a Oats per bush a Peas per bush a bush a Kgga per doj a Butter roll per ft a Hay per too a Potatoes per bag 70 a Wool per lb a Dressed Hogs per a fi Beef fore a Beef Chickens per pair Ducks per per Red Clover Seed Timothy Seed a a a a a a a 8 22 Hand Saw in Warranted Cast Steel regular price This week Carpet Beaters regular This week Tack Hammer wd Lifter Magnetic head cents Market baskets end handles this week 10c Butter Moulds lb Octagon shape this week Daisy Revolving Chums Improved Steel Stand this week No gals No gals Quart Tin Pails this week for Milk Cans Iron Clad gals this week Creamery Can Improved Heavy Tin with Deep and Strainer this week Manure Forks this week Boards kind week Clothes Pins per dozen Best Crucible Steel reg 75c this week Mixed Paints Brand Ladies Sailor Hats for Mens Shirts for Mens Colored Shirts in Pink and Blue stripes and checks regular price this week COLLARS for Straight and Point to only price 15c this week 3 for Mens Waterproofs lor Fawn Wool Tweed nglish Ladies Sailor Hats for Ladles and Sailor Hats new spring shapes full range of regular price 50c this week 25 cents each Another lot CJhitys regular for Mens Umbrellas Steel Rod Special Mens Patent leather Laoo Boots New Spring Special 275 Mens Heavy Plough Boots in Lace and Buckle perial at Mens Fedora Hats In Black and Greys at and Mens Black Hard Hats best fur felt latest style Special Mens ilarxf quality of epeclal at Out

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