Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1902, p. 8

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MMy MU I i Idle tf Canadians Rifled till TO Wounded waiittjafSpB It ha I Uont Mrs J P I Story of puttie cay that them with I AURORA After Work or Exercise Boot re more Use of comfort and Dont take the weak watery preparations represented to the Mine Ponds Extract which easily oor generally contain wood alcohol Crowded out last week Murray Steel of Marfcham spent Ottawa April The news the of Canadians until all were Easter with relatives this vicinity hart last man Miss Martin spent Raster yj 2nd Mounted lost se- although mortally the parental- roof lately caused great excitement in anaohers dl and family have moved to The notification of toe finerrty ana ihen riiie Street near Richmond Hill Canadian casualties tame in the The fighting was severe and general of a cablegram from the Casualty for fully three hours but after Cape Town reading as British baa entrenched and tte guns lows action is having considerable Following and determined attacks mane in getting his new electric Harts River 31st March 2nd the personal exhortations toe light plant to properly and the j merit Canadian Mounted fc5c- towards mgt ihe lire lights been out three or four verely wounded Ryan fore- gradually ceased awl in McKay slightly iie incn wkgapned lor A pretty wedding toe place in in hand and farther entrenched their Trinity Church on Wednesday aim J- for ana to await the ing when Miss Myrtle Viola eldest J Loudon wounded in shoulder arrival of Kitchener But the commissioned officers and men killed made no attempt to attack Walter Brown wed any him good Own woaM not be wrlhoat found Own Mr Fox Orange Man- I be them in the They are truly a comfort to baby and The Mrs Ottawa Hare used Own Tablet mud find them just the thing for baby Only defory mother of endna bar rtnd of all ofiBrtfiTa3aabH the tody With book we will free of medicine in world of paper and add The ja fodnd Own Tattota a my little ones writes lira Conway atreet Montreal and I think 0 of them that I advise to keep in thejibtue all I am Mr John of Out bare had Co two and I can ay I have anything to equal Own Tablets are in iho thing for A Car for Many ones Are with it is- a Mrs ttylvau Valley been troubled with and I have never found any to equal Own aoon all Oat iy5 My little baby try aick jrave him Babys Own id lo find lb vry aick I jrave him Bab find toe the made In Mm a few hour 1 keep the in or Vim was united in marriage to Mr John Rice assistant teacher in the High School here late for last week CORNERS Town Regular meeting last Monday event mils Hall ASSURANCE GO The Company hits now enter ed upon its The following figures testify to its STABILITY P Accumulated Funds Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid 598000000 During year Policies were issued lor Govt over 4000000 STANDARD has investmenU in Canada amounting to eves Millions Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector COAL WOOD Nut Stove and Egg d FLOUR FEED TIMOTHY SEED for fall sowing J Main Timothy St Farm for Sale Welcome Spring Warm weather has come at last The following are on the sick list Mr Smith Mr and We hope for their imuiediate recovery On Monday J ton was aroused someone making a disturbance in his lane He went out and found a man who was a few years ago of East leading men He was and did not his whereabouts Mr him to turn ad started him lor home However his horse and rig wee found next morning about forty rods from where Mr Kellington bad left him the before No traces to be seen of the occupant The horse and rig were home and the family informed Although all the neighbors turned out and a search was kept up yet at the time of writing he had hot been found Anyone wishing to see a firstclass woodshed can do so by having a look at the one Mr Albert Watson put up at the schoolhouse at No It is a standing testimonial Mr- Watsons skill and enterprise The trustees are justly proud of it were pleased to see the of a former belle of this place last Sun day I to the little dressmaker from Keswick Bunker Hill and Corners arc names used to one and the same place but one thing peculiar afloat Bunker items in another local paper is that they arc composed almost entirely of misleading state ments Now I would like to tell a little story illustrative of the danger of writing anything but the truth Last fall a young man from this burg went around with his cap pulled well down over his eyes to hide a pair of colored optics indirect cause was writing items to the newspaper that were not facts Moral It isnt wisdom little man write things to the newspaper Of roursc il you are foot high and weigh one hundred arid seventy you neednt care cot yet re ceived I The action occurred at the House rose at 6 Oclock a few miles south of toe scene of Dr of General Delareys defeat of General read the casualty list many foe were of sorrow by the members liy Generals Kemp and Borden Besides the Oanaoian the British may he allowed to aad that while included two of is news there is litis Col and to be taicn out of it and mounted under Col the re- they have already earned in Oat- of eleven gallant fellows who South and that they gave up their seen came from prefer death to surrender the remainder two are applause one Que- London April Kitchener tec and one ihat the train wreck near The following is the casualty Transvaal Ontario in the death of Perry Corporal nie soldiers was accidental The Alfred train was descending a seep grade London Evans when the engine and live trucks jump- London P the tach Reported by released engineer lost control ottfie train on as Corporal Knis- down and for three miles ley Toronto Pre B Day it went at the rate eighty miles Severely wounded John an hour engine jumped tbe rails London Field Hospital at a sham curve with five trucks Total so far Members all present Following passed P J Anderson postage taking hooks to WW WW Fardy snow cleaning to lots drying hose snow cleaning snow cleaning to lots Rowland snow cleaning to lots Ward snow cleaning work at power house Duty on coal freight on J A Collins drawing Jacob Buck drawing coal Atlantic Refining Co oil Bell Telephone Co rent United JR April 2nd All members present were received from Baker re cedars growing on Con line opposite lot No Bills were presented by J Mil- shovelling snow on south Francis March shovel ling snow i A Davidson portioning Clergy R F interest Mo 05 113 Councillor Between lots 16 Con 575 Between lots Opposite lot 21 Con 3Reeve Commissioner The following changes were made in Road Overseers Dennis in lieu of Mills A J Smith in lieu J Foekler lieu of Law John A Rose in lieu of Albert Rose and son Pound Keeper in lieu of Wesley Tooled l H was filled with soldiers A terrific smash- The summary of losses s upVfpUowed and toiler 61 the ported is as follows one severely John cleaning gutter Pay Sheet R So killed dogs J Wilson a Z was instructed to cuivert jot hall for Nomination Stephens Repairs to bridge and a wire fence between lots and on Icon Cane Sons 1400 bridge bolts 75 shovelling snow John Gray shovelling snow E shovelling Herbert Foot shovelling soow J Broolis l5ClS shovelling snotty J Brooks fill- washout Con lot The was instructed to pay bills presented and to Jno being twothirds value of one road Councillor empowered to cut down the trees on the east side of the Con line at lot No if he thinks it advisable Council adjourned to meet at Hills- Hall on the day of May as a Court of Revision arid other business Yokohama reports forty vessels missing since the storm Thursday last Mr and Sirs James a following appropriation were asphyxiated The report inspection of Boiler the roads at Hamilton by gas Irom the engine exploded The engineer and Ontario Seven tilled fireman were Wiled- wounded General term as died from wounds one commandant of the militia will ex- dangerously wounded on June Lord 1 Manitoba died from wounds and will assume the command on July severely wounded three slightly 1 wounded London April There was severe Territories Three fighting all daylong on March 31 in verely wounded the neighborhood of Hafts River British Columbia Two killed two the southwestern extremity of the dangerously wounded one severely Transvaal between part dl General wounded three slightly force and the forces of New Brunswick One severely wound Generals and Kemp in the repulse of the Boers after Nova Scotia Two slightly wound- heavy losses on both sides The nadian Rifles especially distinguished London- April 9Tbe one party commanded by of The Standard at Lieutenant holding I Transvaal has cabled a its post till every man was Killed or wounded Kkrksdorp Transvaal Colony Details received of the battle at graphic account the battle at Harts March in which trie British lost three and men and had sixteen ofliccis Clay and In wen watered Good The kind farm to money n from the Aral BO Aurora Mrs Baylys School Will on the 1st of April ENGLISH FRENCH MUSIC A FIELD got a lot of good useful little for talc and one nice big cow due to calve now And must be cold or they will no poor you wont want them at all A young while playing sister three in her head off a farmer was struck by a a crowing In He and team were killed Children Cry for CASTOR I A School Report SCHOOL Harold Winch Irene Mahoney Noah Draper King Maud Frances Culver well Delia Hartley Smith I V Maud New burn tor Draper Dora Aimer New- burn Nelson Feme Richard Culver well Prosper Stanley III Adelle Winch Winnie Will- ought Stanley Sedore Jr III Gertie Gilpin Dra per Willie Vivian Datt King Harold Ivan King Delia Mahoney Nelson Uriel Annie King Norman Donald Phillips Gladys Morton Stanley Draper Hector Gerald A Teacher j from Portage Ja Pra irie state that the new municipal bridge crossing the AsMnaboine River south of the Town was wrecked by the floating ice Tuesday evening Two spariK and piers were washed having only one pier intact Tne bridge was erected by be year at a tost of Portage la Prairie with a rich farming of town The railway bridges are still but great dan ger fit being washed out men killed and and wounded while the- Boers had men killed or wounded show that quite two thousand Boers opened a strong attack different points three guns and a pom- pom This attack was made at a moment when the British had lefttiieir baggage in a laager in charge of Canadian contingent and were galloping across the open plain with the intention of Farm March in which and men wounded while the the British had three officers and Boers had men Wiled or wounded -o- sml forced Canadians and mounted infantry the correspondent says were opposed by their number Six hundred Boers charged confidently calling upon trxo to sur render Lieut of the Canadians sprang to his feet and exclaiming that he would not surrender foremost Boer with his revolver at a distance of fifteen paces The a Boer convoy which had had no cover except the short been discovered live miles ahead The retired steadily and having dismounled opened a return on the Boers While the baggage in charge of the Canadians was sent for the British formed a ramp and started digging trenches The shelling the Boers stainpeded the mules carrying provisions and caused confusion but otherwise it was not very effective many shells explode The Canadian front was attacked in strong numbers but they gallantly reellid every attempt made by the Boers to break through One party Heave if Sip i Co placed on trial on nuihdy in on a of diamonds valuod at into the Stated from Canada Children for CASTOR I A Oil fog the Children Give them oil codliver oil Its curious to see the result Give it to the peevish fret ful child and laughs Give it to the pale anaemic child and his face becomes rosy and full of health Take aflat- chested child or a child that has stopped growing give him the oil and he will grow big and strong like the rest This is not a new scheme It has been done for years Of course you must use the right oil Scotts Emulsion is the one Scotts Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so cartful in making it pleasant to take Bend for free sample SCOTT fcO Wit CroOa Lying prone upon the ground trey fired steadily and forced the Boers to seek the shelter of a screen of trees Many of- the Boers climbed these trees and fired down on the Ca nadians The latter kept the enemy at bay for two hours all but fifteen of the British troops were killed or wounded the Boers ventured another rush and cap tured handful of survivors ZElH Mr ihotnas left for North Dakota Tuesday lie says that wages Arc to 35 a month there Mr John Walton moved to Mount Albert on Monday Mr Walton has been a resident of this place for yearn and was very highly respected by every one as Also were the fam ily They took a prominent part in the Methodist church and choir thousand troops arid a number of Krupp guns have been despatched to southern- Mongolia where the people are in revolt again st tire severe indemnity taxation A tramp went into a printing ice and said that a man had just swallowed twofoot rule and was dying by inches The fatar fed out to learn the particular of the death and meeting a doctor told him the case He said that was nothing that he once had a patient that Bowed a and died by A couple standerti then chipped in one ald It reminded him of a fellow down in who swallowed a pistol and went eafy The other he had had a friend In Jersey who swallow ed a pint of applejack and went oft in good spirits We once heard of a man who ate some horKc meat and died of We asked an old German bis son who had a tape measure died by Inches and he replied that his won vent in the ally and died by the yard Durvlop Detachable Tires First in Foremost ever since To have been first merely proves antiquity To remained proves merit No was placed on file The report of tie Fire and Com a hew schedule off rates was adopted to come into force the 1st of The ByLaw Com was instructed to Councillor Commissioner introduce an amendment to the Mar ket Bylaw at next meeting making certain changes regarding butcher shops in St Andrews Ward The application of John Robertson- to he sent to the Hospital for treat ment was granted provided the Co Council take care of his wife and fam ily while he is away the to pay per week to tie Hospital till further orders and buy him a ticket to Toronto Mr was heard in reference to advertising Town in a new Metropolitan Timetable but the proposition was not entertained Col Lloyd gave notice to rhove at the next meeting of the Council that the Second Monday in August each and every yearbe the Civic Holiday for the Town Council adjourned The Messrs Walker oRer to erect a new Anglican church at as a of the late Hiram Walker Big Four train was wrecked at Cleveland Tuesday night The engin eer and fireman were killed and sever al passengers injured Ernest Kevins a lineman w thrown to the ground by the break ing of a telephone pole and fatally injured Lieut Howard Avery adjutant 1st Battalion Regiment and Second Lieut were drown- in the Detroit River on Thursday evening Between lots Con and their recovery is extremely doubt- Opposite lots Con- 20 Between lots Con It is reported that farmers of Opposite lot Coo- Township teen fieeced Between lots Con by two men representing themselves as travellers for a Toronto steel range Opposite lot Con concern induced them to sign Opposite lot Con what they thought was a simple agree- Opposite lots 32 Con to drive the traveller through Between lots Con the township at a day but Councillor Clark Commissioner which turned out to be agreements to Between lots Con 1 a 60 range 100 DINNER AND TEA SET A 40 PIECES SILVERWARE W4 I ar It HJ 11 J1 Our Ifliito tor mn 4ci lo will wnnwto wxt4 lit ad6nttlKpKrScttiUweg jfiUw tin or If We I CO to CO B doctor BRISTOLS Pills For Torpid Liver Flatulence Constipation Biliousness and Sjck Headache TAKE Safe Mild Quickacting Painless do not weaken and always give satisfaction A most Medicine can be taken at any by or Children All mil CO TORONTO Right at Your Fingers End This is where you could find any paper required if you any of out various devices J Save your time and thereby your money and your temper by purchasing an uptodate Filing System that would meet your require- A Systematic Business Is The most Economical Desks and Tables the Office School and The Office Specialty Mfg ft ted Bay Street Toronto FREES OPPORTUNITY WATCHES COT 4k 4iwinifc4rtUMlwpviin r f to nil iiM ai7iU u VU M la fili T tt uA JiU liu ha U ffaTBl rxx mm Vifit4 itt ttot rut Toronto

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