Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1902, p. 6

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ighest Market Fries Paid For Kioto Grain Seeds- etc SALT ALWAYS OK HAND JOHN ALBERT a ALE MANAGER to Both private and aides money at and per cent DAVIDSON Notary Public Albert THE MARKET There was usual good turnout at the market on Tuesday Pi ices were as follows Butter to eggs to lie- chickens to sheep skins to 70c I Our stock ibi this season has arrived We have all kinds of Field and Garden Seeds in hulk and package which we will at elove prices Fepslatle Powder will kill on cattle titki heep Forrests Drug Store ALBERT FURNITURE REMEMBER ROSS We are receiving orders for a life- size lileJike portrait of the Hon- Ross recently issued by the To ronto Lithographing Go Call and see it at Albert branch PROPOSED BANK Mr J Stark of StouSville was in town on Monday and is consider ing ability of a branch of the Sovereign bank in our thriving village It is to he hoped that Mr Stark will receive every -en- as a bank is badly need ed Jr John Morgan Donald Shields Dorothy Hunter Barrett Myrtle Graham Brooks Fred Grose Watts 314 Oliver Sibley Bert- Har old Hayes Nettie Miller A Teacher at SHAKOS Mr is in Toronto this week attending the three horses among them his celebrat ed stallion Sherlock We hope be may return with tickets Mr and Mrs return Monday after i pleasant -us- among relatives the J holidays Mir Cole commenced to OFF THE SIDEWALK Many of our young men still con tinue to ride their bicycles on the sidewalks This is in direct opposi tion to Ihe bylaws and tenders the riders liable to a foe They should also remember that pe destrians have some rights in the matter and not be selfish Knights father still continues veiy Mrs and sons moved You save money y your at lit Bluett Furniture a STOCK EVER OP Parlor Ext and Parlor Tobies Lounge Conch af Fancy We ore Pillow Shsm e Carpel ftirecber ft delivered free of charge ordered ALLAN THEAKER- MARRIKO The many friends and former sdiool mates of Mr Mann will be to learn- of his marriage on March last to Miss Alice Minnie His sister Miss Etta was also married oh- the following day to Mr John Wynne All the parlies reside- in Bay City MrichUj Easier holidays where Mr J Mann and family have lived leaving Mount Albert about twelve years ago WOOL I PUBLIC A meeting for the discussion of On tario public questions will be held in the town halt Albert on Thurs day April nth at oclock pm to addressed by Hon J Davis Commissioner of Lands Mr J Kester Liberal candidate for North Ontario Mr Duncan Marshall and others- Mr H Lennox the Whitney candidate is invited to be present and address the meeting Seats be reserved for ladies welcome SUTTON The ladies of church hold a sale of useful articles in St Mr family are Hall today Tea also be served during the P r Mr Frank siijd hi Mann is about to enlarge his business and to that end will of He was into the Sibbald j rI l former PO building We understand at hill the premises at present occupied by Mr- Maim will be fitted up for a ls At the vestry meeting at James Church last week Messrs J Graham and G Tremavue were village elected Wardens Mr was are pleased to see- our delegate to the Synod being occupied The family bellringers pave a in Victoria Hall last I There was a good attend- ance The Pancake Social held in the Dr Greenwood spent Monday and Presbyterian Hall on Tuesday evening Tuesday lastin the city last was financially and socially a Amos Kay spent Easter in the Revs ary of Newmarket of MrPugsley cattle buyer is erect- Sutton were present and gave two cattle sheds at the depot short interesting speeches The Mr ttm Henry of Toronto was here of the program was given by last Sunday week to visit parents choir Miss Pegg and Miss Mrs Geo the guest of son Arthur during are raging in tbis j Quite a number of children Miss Cameron who has been School account of this employment in BufTalo is home the summer Morton who has been under Mr Roadway is enlarging care for some time is imploring his dwelling house much in health Her The inspector of weights and tUe comp was here on duty this week Two gentlemen from Port Perry intends opening a here last Saturday with the view suctess of ascertaining what prospect- there I new enterprise was of establishing an agency of are anxiously awaiting A large number of our tended the Reform Mass at- at Shoplifting in the big departmental stores of our cities is assuming such proportions as to be an almost hour ly occurrence The perpetrators usually are young women who in the desire to keep up appearances with- the more wealthy class hesitate not- even at appropriating the property of others to accomplish their ends It does not seem to deter them even when they think of the awful humili ation of a public appearance in the dock before the Beak there to en dure the critical gaze of spectator who do- not soon forget When poor class steal it is termed shopliftr when the upper crust peculate is termed klip toinania Its all same though Mr and Chapman spent Saturday Sunday with relatives at Roachs Point leaving Glen and Bertram to keep Bertram Chapman is one of our cleverest schoolboys Its not often a boy who will show a preference for dry history- but Bertram just revels in it He comes by it honestly as his pa is a well read man in history had a of cous ins daughters the late Philip visiting him last week Mrs Will Ego was away last week on a visit you wish a good sermon on how to live riant none can preach- one to fill the bill more acceptably than one of our town fathers If you wish a practical demonstration of the sermon you must elsewhere Im glad to see that the incorpora tion of the Newmarket Beet Sugar Co gives it a more business tone for that means dollars to North Yorkers Little Stella Sherwood her sister Sherwood to the city at Easter vacation Her childish in was aroused by a couple of little black coons with black face eves curly hair and crooked nose Shed never seen any colored previously Mr Artie spent Easter holidays at Deer Park Yes he saw Oils Whiting the new wall coating Brushes of all Carpet Sweepers Wrioger etc MOUNT Before Buying Your SEE OUR STOCK ALL QUALITIES FROM The est THE RAiyiSDEN ALBERT Western Rank in No definite j time but a handsome one cap- Take WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices Gash Full stock Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also good assortment of fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons SPRING STOCK Newmarket last Friday A well attended meeting of the by Church arrangements were made Herbert Kemp of was here over Sunday Mr- Frank Cuttle spent last Monday in Cole arrived heme from last Friday after a two weeks visit with her sister Mrs Rev French Arrangements are being speedily for the erection of a on the Club was held on Tuesday Miss Wallaces Millinery Opening on Tuesday was well attended The weather these days is about as uncertain as Two of our young men went to Newmarket on Saturday to buy a horse at the sale but the horses were too and funds too low to suit the intending purchasers Read Mr J Cooks new adv this week OF- Dry Goods Boots and Shoes in Arriving Daily end to make room are Belling the Balance our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE Bee our prices for Lad lea Coats property near Jacksons Point Mr Hugh having very kindly and generously donated a lot on which to nlae it is expected to he ready for occupation by the 1st of July the date of the There will he a School in connection therewith will he conducted principally city min isters Mr arid Mrs M drove li Port Perry last week to see Mr Alex Rao who is very poorly at present The Sutton and North Agricultural Society had a business meeting in the village last Saturday Mr Daly had recent news from his son in South Africa who is well but has seen hot work he having pass ed thru an engagement unscathed but saw his comrade shot down beside him Mr Win Henry who hasbeen in poor health or a considerable time has been confined- to bed for several days past Mrs Mark Kay one our is quite ill at present A the Sovereign Hank was in the village this week for the purpose of canvassing with a view of establishing a in Sutton Mrs Hands of New York here on a visit with parents Mr and Mrs A The WCTU met this week at the home of Mrs J Mr and Mrs Alex Graham of ridge were visiting at the home of her sister Mrs John French on Sun day Mr Sam Johnston is visiting at the home of his Masters Hoy and Karl Cook spent Easter with friends at Miss Cook enjoyed an Raster visit with friends at Vivian Miss Thirsk spent her Kasler vacation at the home of her friend Miss Phillips in Brougham Miss Annie Smith of was the guest of Miss Case of Holt for a few days East week Mrfra Morton has secured a posi tion in Mr and Mrs J Elliott of Good wood were in town on Sunday Mr and Mrs Card of Sand- ford were visiting friends in town on Sunday of was in town on a visit to friends and rains do improve seed Mr A T was in St Cathar ines this week attending the funeral of his uncle Mr was in Toron to a couple last week Considerable Excitement in Town on Tuesday evening last Master Lewis was but he was found af ter a time at his grandfathers in Newmarket He had started to New market to meet his father but he did not find him so he went to his grand fathers to rest until his father went after him- Mr Henry was visiting his daughter in last week Judge Happy Farmers Wives WANT Buckets Sap Spouts Milk Pans Cream Cans Oil A Leader Churn CALL ON J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL class Total Jessie Flora Morgan Arnolt Tool Alex Wallace Asa Jew ell CHI Hoy Cook Ml Hunter Ayiward Por ter Jennings JIG Inward flu Miller 25t I If class Geo f32 Austin Alice Case Wesley Jewell Alta French Harry Smart Vera Hogg US- Jr HI Moore Mary Morgan Frank Walls Vandy water Millard Steeper John Burnt Floyd Herman Barrett Rot Frank Rams- den Sao Myrtle Rear Woodcock L Tea her Jr PL Moore Howard Jennings and Pearl Graham Woodrock McLaughlin Buggies The highest grade of iMfcgles Call sec them Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert Use RICHARDSON BUTTER from year to year it gives the must satisfactory results In every part of Canada richly fla vored golden tinted butler is seen on every fanners tabic butter that is good enough for royalty COLOR docs the Ask your dealer for it Re fuse substitutes i- somewhere in the wilds of West- toe land- for em Ontario Little Johnnie and the little school man are reported to have passed thru Owl town on a pleasure drive on Sun day May make a fine little I regret to record the decease of Russell an aged and respect ed resident in near was well known lor his upright character Funeral Monday An inspection of the mill inery at is evidence enough that Miss Ahan is an expert at the business She has already had ladies in to inspect her work Five marriages and two deaths have occurred in the Snooks family circle in the short space of less than seven months The happy day is drawing near for some of our lovesick swains Next week the nuptial knot will be tied last week thresh ed twentyfive bags red clover seed from seventeen loads for Thos Yates Scott is not a braggart but he is proud of the record of his machine and disna care who knows it Butter hen fruit and chickens were the only marketable products at our market Monday Prices dull The Owl ALBERT DRUG STORES A CHOICE STOCK OK Field Garden Seeds Arrived Carrot Sugar Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We also carry a full line of Pa tent Medicines thero and Cure Family receive attention or night TLLOYD- Ha and Cliff took in the big Reform Demonstration at Newmarket They report that the speakers acquit ted themselves with credit John Miller has got settled in his own house Arnold is investing in a new model of cream separator It is a Yankee get up I Is agent It seems to he very nigh per fection A lady from the W Terri tories has been visiting at Mr Mrs Agnes spent with her brother and her daughter Miss Aggie in Toronto She had on enjoyable lime The hoys says Im a coon simply because I inspected the new millinery and tried to be sociable Hut theres nothing like it A model little woman A friend and had a hearty laugh at how one of our women dressed down her hus band for coming home drunk She is a very little woman but as as a cat She kicked him she tutted hint she pounded him till all tuckered out and kicked all night long It had a good Mis spent a couple of days in Sutton last week enjoying a sociable chat with some of the good dames of that burg Next to good women I admire books of course I am not adverse to pretty pictures In them so when a good friend sent me a large boodle magazines you may rest assured I en joyed a least of literary hash spent Kaster at home and made tire welkin ring with songs Mr Percy a big pull In his maple grove last Saturday afternoon which was by a large number of people Percy Is a popular young fellow Ask any of our young BROKEN STOMACHS Fermentation Is first of nod force Dr VonHtan Tablets Trace trouhle toil source In a merit phyii vtteuk is tlifnu ftinl VorStnns precursor of trouble hey they keep well they stimulate the diges tive organs If youre threatened brnien down stomach one dose will give relief tablets ascents Sold by Lehman Newmarket frame and lot In Mount Albert formerly by the late Jos good triable well and one acre of land in good cultivation A number good fruit Raring trees and small Immediate posKeslon Apply to IT 3w0 First to our cuHtoroera in Materia in And with Work- NOW 18 KELLERS Tailor Albert We have been watching the markets and are pleas ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a much better Assortment and at much better prices PRINTS AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS DENIMS c c Our wide cannot be beat for weight of cloth and washing Qualities I BOOTS AND SHOES THE J King Co a Goods Speak Our Groceries are New and Fresh Speak for Themselves 3 lbs Raisins for 3 Cleaned Currants for Bars Comfort Soap for Bars Imperial Soap for Bars Cameo Soap for 25c Cans Pink Salmon for lbs Fresh Figs for fur EUUcofiidl lbs Rolled for 25c Wheat lor Malt Pood Prunes up Dried Apples sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU J QUEENSVILLE For Sale Two Jersey Bulls St Lambert years old Also Fresh Milch Cow Jersey Grade STOKES Mount Albert- Tlie Liverpool Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available HEAD OFFICE CANADA PDAltD OlltRCTORB J Buchanan tilth Accepted Current fates DAVIDSON SMITH MtAtbcrl thief Audit for HEISES New Storey Baldwin NEW GOODS I Now the We fall line of Prints Art etc NEW LACE CURTAINS WINDOW POLES We have a line collection of Wall on hand at to Everyone hand a larger Parlor tension Parlor Tables Couches Dining Room and boards Give as a to Telephone THE LEADING HI HON GENTLEMEN We are prexxred to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh KEN YON

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