Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 11 Apr 1902, p. 4

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lriJ sfffUf 1 APRIL Rheumatism Mo Ottftt Ma or tea tt produces lameness painful so bad to end neglected J Txeowo had of grip Ho It MWil ibt r rip fiorn Bandy Boo Conn- was laid with it ia not dm himself to SISW Other a or Hoods acidity blood dcpetKU build le LEGAL Thos J Barrister a Public Street aflOo to Loan on good Farm Solicitor Notary bile etc 0ml Oat Division Court Newmar ket Ontario Barrister Conveyancers doors South of rice Sewtuarket Of- T Lennox Aurora will on and Solicitors for J Co Banker din Ontario Aurora font S Barrister to loan f Neuron Bloc Main Barrister Reformer Block to Loan A Host Office opposite the Satisfaction Guaranteed DR to Dr Opposite GkAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TABLE CO f U CO a- p to on CO PI a a p CO a a a 3 a it I a if a- p I CO a P a CO a 4 CI CO to to a a I w a cm a it to to a a a a t si It Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET as CO fr- jo iO in CI CO to a CI to Acton Free always bright and cheeriat is more its new dress A public meeting to be addressed by Hon Davis others will be held at Hall Sutton on the evening of Friday April IS Mr Lennox or on his is invited to be present and address meeting Arrangements are made lor the holding of a grand Liberal mass meeting at Aurora at the speeches at the Whitney meeting on the will be fully discussed by the Commissioner of Crown Lands and other speakers The date of this meeting will be announced later A meeting to he addressed by Hon J Davis J Lib eral Candidate in North Ontario Mr- Duncan Marshall and others will be held at Mount Albert on the evening of Thursday April 17 Mr Lennox the Whitney candidate is in vited to be present and address meeting The rumor is again revived at Ot tawa that the will shorten the distance between Toronto and Ottawa by a branch line from Carl ton Place to Lake thus do ing away with the necessity of run ning to Smiths Falls and a saving in distance of about twenty miles If this is done it will leave the Towns pi Perth and Smiths Falls out of the run The Ontario Educational Associa tion Convention held in Toronto last week again tbe ques tion of Bible in schools Two resoultions were passed the flTst dis approving of the use of tbe Bible as a textbook and the second approv ing of sekctkwis from the Bible lor use in teaching ehies hist cry and literature The opponents of Godless public schorls will le Fere is a pointer lor Newmarket niton The Telegram out that the Bell Telephone Co is of and says No is too small to win a a victory from the Bell Telephone Co if it can threaten that corporation of a new Telephone sys tem in brought the Bell Telephone Company down with an of fer of better terms to the Council of that Town Spring Depression PEOPLE- FEEL EASILY TIRED OUT OF SORTS You Must Assist Nature In Overcom ing This Peeling Before tbe Hot Weather Months Arrive It is important that you should healthy in the Spring hot sum mer is coming on and -you- beep strength vigor and vitality to re sist it The feeling of weakness de pression and feebleness which you sut- from in spring is debilitating and You have been indoors a good deal through the winter months havent taken tbe usual amount exercise perhaps your Wood is slug gish and impure and you need a renovation of the entire system In other words you need a thoro course of Dr Williams Pink Pills If you try them you will be surprised to note how vigorous you begin to feel how the dull lassitude disappears yoirr step become elastic eye brightens and a feeling of new strength takes the place of all previous feelings Thousands have proved the truth of these words and renewed health through the use of these pills in toe spring time- One the many is Miss Way of Ont who says A few years ago was cured of a very severe and prolonged of dyspepsia through the use of Williams Pink PiUs after all other medicines I had failed Since that time I have pills the spring as a tonic and bloodbuild er and the best medicine know of for purpose People who feel rundown at this time of the year will make no mistake in using Dr Williams Pink Pills These pills are not a purgative med icine and do not weaken as ail They are a tonte in nature ard strengthen from the firs dose to the last are the best in the world for sciatica nervous troubles neuralgia indigestion anaemia heart troubles scrofula and humors in the blood etc The genuine are sold only in boxes the wrapper around which beats tbe fell name lc Williams Pink Pills for Pale People Sold by all deal ers in medicine or sent postpaid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Toronto papers report that in ac cordance with the suggestion of Hon Mr a committee has been among the members ol the High School and College sections of the Ontario Educational Association to promote the introduction man ual and domestic science into the hoots and to aid the Educational Department- in giving information and advice to those interested n ihei estab lishment of courses in these subjects in new centres IE S3 Excursion Kite every Saturday afternoon Ellis Architect and Adelaide Hi Toronto end made lor ljlldlafcs Our Eastern Ontario exchanges last week reported that the same king 2 counterfeit bills which recently made their appearance in Toronto are being distributed in the neighborhood of Ottawa counterfeit is bill showing the bust of King Edward and fishing scene vignettes The words Dominion Canada on the face of the note do not show up as clearly as on the genuine and it has a greasy appearance The ink too has a slightly purplish hue Premier Ross accompanied by sev eral members of bis To on Tuesday evening on a trip to Marie On the way they will address several meetings j rum the train and North Turks rep resentative Hon J address a public meeting at on Wednesday evening and a number of other later Hit of the Government will Friday inspect the new steel plant of the which will turn out steel rails lor the new Govern ment railway to the North Sir John the popular of the House Commons at Ottawa had an accident last week which came near resulting fatally He went lo take and picked up the bottle which thought contained He took a large dose and drank it down lie dis covered that it was iodine Dr was called and arrived a few minutes after He treated Sir John and at midnight was out of danger though he consider ably from burning The iodine was in a bottle exactly the same size as that he had been accustomed to take medicine from The had been moved around on the shelf and misplaced A press despatch from Ottawa says that the total number of Canadians who nave died In South Africa since the of the war is It would appear from the detail that the first contingent auDered a heavier than any of the other The first Canadian contin ent of lost men wounds and disease the second pon- of mounted arid artillery 47 Strath- Canadian South Constabulary Second Canadian Hirer Canadians in otter South Africa fl- total Edward Laurin was sentenced at fourteen years in Peniten tiary for killing his fathers colored coachman Premier of New Zealand in announcing that the cystous ie- for the year was in excess of the estimate said his Gov ernment contemplated a rebate of duties on goods manufactured Great Britain Crowded out last yveex Premier Roblibo Position It must surely the average reader to understand by of reasoning Premier ar rives at the that the Manitoba liquor act is no prohibition bill but is sfmpry a bill providmg fox free without any trol of the which any man in the Province can get at hour and in all- quantities be feay desire The Ontario act is idebfical that and sections 151 ant following of that act that No person slrall by his clerk servairt agent- expose or beep for sale directly or indirectly or upon any- pretence or device- sell barter or in consideration of the purchase or transfer of any property or thing or at the time of the any- property or thing give to other person any liquor without bving first obtained a druggists wholesale license or a druggists re tail license under this Act authoriz ing him to do so and then as authorized by such license and pre scribed by this Act are debarred from using bar tering or selling liquor nor may any lodging houses or boarding houses- have use give or sell it Liquor may not consumed on any licensed premises or in any distillery or brewery Failure to keep record of all sales on the part of licensees shall be deem ed prima facia evidence illegnt sale Penalties range from to and imprisonment from three to months are provided for In the face of all these provisions how can anyone say the Government- has no control Premier has shown by his actions that he is not at all in sym pathy with this Bill brought in by his own party and which has been heralded all over the country as a proof that the Hon Hugh bad amply redeemed his pledges to the prohibitionists of Manitoba to bring in a prohibition Why did that Government carry their appeal to the Privy Council if it was the poor sub terfuge the present leader stamps it The publication of this letter at the eleenth hour when there was no tinre to give it consideration or de nial before the taking of the Refer endum in Manitoba cannot be too strongly condemned by fairminded people whaticr in favor of prohibition or otherwise It is simply a roor back to deter people from going to the polls on April to support the bill voters not be taken in by tactics when their chance comes M A the the arid QUESTION ANSWERED Yea August Flower still has largest sale of any medicine in civilized world Your mothers grandmothers never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Dili- Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of Appendicitis Nervous Prostration or Heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fer mentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver- stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys tem and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headache and other aches You few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the with you You can get Dr it ecus reliable remedies at Q Berlin April The Telcgrajh de partment of the Imperial posts hat decided to adopt the Rowland inven tion by which four telegrams can hi sent simultaneously in direction at a speed of from to words per minute instead of as at present The apparatus will be immediately employed in arid Hamburg A CARD We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money a bot tle of Greenes Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls to cure your cough or cold We also guarantee a 2Bcent bottle to prove satisfactory ox refunded J all J It pays to In the Era eldest son of ex- President and twentyfour 0 the same name have taken the oath of allegiance to Great Britain Two noted crooks and Louis were fn Harris on Wednesday to five years in tlie Kingston Penitentiary the Roman Church last Wednesday week waa a deputation in Otta wa on Thursday from Parry Sound ask the Government for repair work and additions to Parry Sound docks at an estimated cost of and also for a better to that town YOU that the of sprains strains incidents of active outdoor life in drawn St tin bodlen by Perry Painkiller a magnet draws from TO CURB A COM IS ORB DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure 25c W Groves signature is on eaoh box The Standard Bank of Canada are taking over the business of Co who have for many years con ducted a private bank at Mr will have the manage ment TO CRIP IN TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause Groves signature on every box Price cents Special Colonist me TO- CALIFORNIA WASHINGTON BRITISH OR KG ON UTAH IDAHO MINNESOTA NORTH SOUTH points Through fast traina daily i lose eonncetioiiH limited to continuous passage in each directjon For further particulars apply to Agents Grand Trunk Railway System A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket DICKSON District Agent TEEM from our thru 1st continues Into Summer Session and August in all of our Splendid April Special July Departments School The There are no vacAifons and may enter at any ttme arid continue for any desired term A dozen Teachers Typewrit ing Machines and a dally Roll Call of members this month indicate the character and repu tation of our College if mi A Principal Write for circular Toronto THE J J Couaeil COMPANY toboHtq CANADA Cor Victoria Sis A COX President Paidup Capital Bind Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable dn days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Director TREASURERS For Taxes in the County of York OF By Virtue of a Warrant 1aue the Warden of County ol TO WIT Ninth day of December One housand Hundred a id One a to cuiiaanilln 10 proceed with th6VJJectIon of the Arrears or Tares on the act forth together with ex- I notice that a arrears of a hereon on at iba to the lands or a- much as may be sufficient to the earn arrears of and charge ALL THE FOLLOWING LAND ARE PATENTED EXCEPTING LOT CON NORTH UHY DISTRICT SALE TO BE HELD ON MONDAY DAY OF APRIL of oclock In the Court House Adelaide St Toronto MUNICIPALITY OF WB3TON Street Acres Main Description Assessed to Clayton pt Taxes Total DISTRICT NO Comprising and Village of Sale to be held on TUESDAY DAY OP APRIL am In HALL Arnold Street Village of RICHMOND OF Description Lot Con Acres toThod part 1 10 Pari 12 HI 2I MUNICIPALITY OP Con Acres Taxes Aeseeaed 10 part MUNICIPALITY OF LAO Description Assessed I It to Miller It to Hen to It Mm well to Henry Pennington Lot A li A ores Church Main Pi to Win Drown to Rerthft Miller Main Kongo Kongo Ho J or in an Robinson I 21 l5ih Taxes Hi 1T M IM 21 A 2 a tcea Kxpa 34 I i 5 I 136 Total Total 4 482 aw NO Comprising and Landing Salt to bo Lei J Jon TUESDAY 22ND DAY OF APRIL at the hour or i- pm In the TOWN HALT AURORA MUNICIPALITY OP Lot Con Acred Jobr part to Geo part part 8 MUNICIPALITY OP WHITCHURCH Lot Con to f to Philander Rpnrt 27 MUNICIPALITY OF HOLLAND A Lot Street part in W8 I Si 5 to Mrs Donne Wof Hirer part Rich of lot IWIu 1st en Bradford in Lot part or If J 6 6 part of lit a 1 5 3 Taxes Per I Rxpa 4 Total DISTRICT NO Comprising North will I and of Button hold on THURSDAY DAY OK APRIL am In HALL Village or SUTTON MUNICIPALITY OP Description Lot Part of and part part Centre 8 part 20 part 22 part part- Port Bolster OT Gardner at Acrea 32 MUNICIPALITY OK NORTH Ixit Con Not J to John part I at rUwlck it isq Kiawlck 23 37 Keawlek MUNICIPALITY OP OF Plan Lot Block Aeroa to Huntley TO Co of York Wl First Published 36 136 36 I iU 136 IK Total I HOT Total IBM 204 J PAGE METAL GATES no can wooden yet enough tad while ho swToga either way and good that la low In for farm Poultry Pagt Tbe third regular meeting the King Township Council for the cur rent year Was held at Harris on Saturday March Members all present Tftttip in of vjous adopted of the iter Legge in Cominitteo rose and reported the following bills which were to be paid Report received and adopted by the OoUDPlHiv- y Eli Braund and sborel 160 Williams snow shovelling Wesfey snow shovelJLng Steels posting- vaccination notices J repairing road planer knives 120 William Har ris for boarding and lodging one Thompson an indigent 1375 repairs to road at J attending one Thompson an indigent 51500 J Stokes postage ex press telephoning etc shovelling Bat enow Proctor for plank WnHiamson putting in culvert Con Lot William rent of hall for nomination Davis snow shovelling Robert Armour snow shovelU ing William Walker snow shovelling north John snow shovelling Joseph Billings- one months salary March 3000 George Clark snow shoveliing RESOLUTIONS the lowing sheep claims be paid being twothirds value of the same Leon ard Hutchintob Thomas 332 Williamson SB Carried That Leonard the sum 400 for killing dog while in ttie act of worrying sheep Carried LeggeRogprs That the Reeve l and he is hereby instructed to issue his in favor of the Toronto sew- pipe company in payment for one cat sewer the arrival of the same at Kjng Station Carried Phillips That the Reeve and Councilor be a committee to examine the hill on which the traction engine of Mr J was damaged so as to ascertain the liability this Council for the same Carried That the report of trie committee reported to inter view Mrs Cutting re road allowance on gamble road be accepted and the that this Council purchase the road allowance lor the sum of he adopted by this Council and that the Reeve he and he is hereby instructed to issue an or der for the amount on Mrs Cutting making a satisfactory deed of the same Carried That a special grant of be made to repair the Marsh Road North Townline that John and Nelson be commissioners Carried Rogers in view of the unsatisfactory system now in vogue of arriving at tiie valuation of sheep killed or worried by dogs the Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to pre pare a bylaw for the appointment of one valuator in each polling subdi vision in the Township whose duty it shall he to value all sheep or lambs killed or worried by dogs and report to this Council or some members thereof in writing Said valuator t6 be by this Council at the rate ten cents per mile travelled one way and to hold office the same length of time as highway overseers and fence viewers and that their names be post ed with the names of overseers arid fenceviewers Carrie A That the Council pay Albert sum in settlement of his claims against is municipality for damages sus tained to grain separator by being ni sei in the public highway the same to be paid in full settlement of nil claims of any kind whatsoever on ac count of such accident COMMUNICATIONS The following communications were received and laid over for future con sideration namely From J Mo Galium re damages sustained to his traction engine on public highway application to operate the road machine in the southern division of this From Thomas Davis making applica tion to be appointed to operate the road machine in the northern division of this township From the Sawyer Company of Hamilton re good roads machinery A communication was also received from the Crown Lairds ro the survey of Holland River marsh recently petitioned for by this Coun cil tills- communication after being read was accepted as satisfactory Bylaw No a bonus of cents per rod for erection of wire fences on the boundaries pub lic highways received its read- and was pasvod The Reeve and Clerk signed the same Council ad journed to meet at Hull on Saturday day of Afcrll 1902 In Cape Town on Thursday all the buildings were in black and all business suspended during the fu neral of the late Cecil Rhodes Children Cry for CASTOR I A

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