I Weeks toeal Seals yaiT A of House y ffm has purchased f Mr Kirton house He takes possession 1st Of Ma to Aurora As a free ride to Aurora on Metropolitan was announced lor Wed- evening two cars were packed people who were anxious to bear bit Mr Wh bad- to sa The Store ffiU be closed on Friday of this for the purpose of turning the stock over to Hunter Bros who have purchased the business Hunter Bros he Saturday at Come for best roods at cheapest prices- to the fi Hunter Bios Church Sunday morning young wore received into the church pastor conducting a very appro priate service Both sermons last Sunday by the Dr were appreciated Kelt Sunday Dr Cade will con tinue his sermons on Living Ques tions- fa The To buy is You get il at BinnK Hardware Remembep The Church of England Friday the April at be performed a fairy kindergarten cantata entitled Five Oclock Tea al so a Romance in teal life entitled Box and Cox For further par ticulars see posters Owing- no doubt to tbe wet weather there was only- a small attendance at Easter meeting of the Womens Missionary Society in connection Method last amounted to of meeting served cake arid cocoa ladies greatly appreciated Sec Out Of coal and wood cook stoves- and ranges tor money Hardware Assault m On Friday evening a nian nam ed Jacob employed at the Office Specially Works assaulted elec tric the latter was attending to his duties by strik ing him on the head with an iron He was arrested brought County Councillor Laded guilty and fined 55 rncl ding costs and strong that peace would be very ideal with Social Considering the very unfavorable weather the Pancake Social schoolroom of Christian on Wednesday night was a great suc cess Mr and Mrs Clifton took charge of the pancakes and they were served beautifully while the maple syrup was After everybody had- been fully saiislied a short program was rendered comprising instrumen tal music by Mrs solo by Miss Maude Adams recitation by Marshall Seniles reading by Pearl Millard An apprentice to learn Drug business J Popular On Monday last Mr Walter Eves hogs to the largest made from here for a long time The price paid was 56 per live weight Mr Eves is growing rapidly in- favor with the and is turning over a lot of fctock on a small margin During the past three months he has shipped no less than hogs South candidate for West York Mr J candidate for East Messrs J Woodcock J A and J McKay Newmarket J dy Bradford- and John Moore Albert The- Bat Band was also present and Conservatives pro nounced it a splendid meeting WORRY When Kldheyft fail to their functions the te oh on the health cable too treat arid to cad a halt i and 26 gal Milk cans for factory use- The strongest heaviest and best made Can at A Tl County and the Inspector at this institution dn April 1st to audit the previous and open tenders for supplies Tbe accounts amounted to Tenders lor supplies were awarded as follows Aurora dry Newmarket Starr Newmarket bread QucensvUle meat Everything In with the Home was in firstclass order religious service last Sunday was conducted by Rev Dr Cade at Toronto He was delighted at the respectful attention given and spoke in wannest of the excellent provision made by the County of York for their indigent and deserving poor Division The annual report the Inspector of Courts lor as to the late wsnion of the is at hand Table friiihes a return of business in the respective Division Coirls or the year throughout Table a list of Division fourt their the Co or district number of in which their courts are sit furnishes a of vision Court Bailiffs and their potjfi addreftsrs It next gives of the JAveral Division Courts in the respective Counties of the Province their the names of County Court Judgs and Clerks the Peace It gives a schedule of the Di vision Court Tariff showing fees to be received by the several Clerks Dailffls Apprairs etc- afUr 1st of July are Division Court districts in York and Toronto Newmarket During the nurnber of new fcitfc entered for trial in this Division was total amount of claims of claims by of judgements courts number of sumrrHnJs of trials amount to Jurors clerks return of bailiffs return of There is one thing us in return and that Isthe name of appears as one of of Newmarket tSiB although he has been years The of A and appear as rf this court Coriric8 curtains cheap at Hard On Monday last a man who was stopping at the Dominion Hotel was J coming down stairs and taught his foot on the edge of a step and forwards to the bottom striking bis head on the hardwood with such force as to cut the scalp about inches long Dr Scott- was called in and dressed the wound putting in stitches The skull was not frac tured The unfortunate man has since gone to his home in Toronto At latest accounts he progress ing favorably One Of will thoroughly disinfect all the dirty soot about the place- per package at The steady rain on Wednesday gave the ground great soaking and made the roads very slushy- Mir Bert is justly proud of a Patriot Boy colt that arrived at his place on Monday The sparrows chirp of spring and they and the other birds are good judges April is here and April is full of hope and sweetness She has a rainbow in her showers and a of flowers as the poet says The lawns have a decided vernal tint Soon the fawn mowers will be clicking again Novelty Social The Royal Templars are arranging for something new next Friday night April it is called a Novelty lady will take provis ions for two persons done up in some kind of novel shape or enclosure These parcels will be numbered as they go in The gentlemen pay a mall fee and give their votes to the numbers which they think are the most novel packages The lady taking the parcel that gels the mot votes will receive a After refreshments arc served there will be games and a musical program invited The Town Hall at Aurora was p on Wednesdaynight meeting or hi the Conservatives Farm Feb Mayor occupied the chair and Dear Patents Brothers and Sisters given by Mr T a short note- Lennox Rev Peter Camp bell of to catch tlie mail goes Pte and- Mr J P TOitcey leader of out in short time Just to let you Opposition There were also on I am still OK this will find you all well at home I have not had any mail from home only two Eras I received to day- is at the next Troop Well mother I told you in my last letter we would- have the Boers at us before I wrote again and sure enough we bad one man kilted and one dangerously wounded last week It happened on the post next to ours The two men went out in the morn- to some kraals in front of their post to- do lookout duty The Boers laid the kraals which they bad loopholed during the night They let our men approach to within five yards of a when one scouted bands up to one of our fellows repKed to go to fax with you and up and fired at the who immediately fired and shot a fellow named Jones of Toronto right thru the heart Killing him in stantly The other fellow who is a Lee Corp by the name Kearns from Beeton turned and ran behind some stones and kept firing but some Boers who were bid in the long grass moved him from there He then ran in the direction of blockhouse- He got four bullets into him One enter ed just below the heart one thru the lung and two in the leg He is get ting along nicely solar and he may get along ail right There are thirty of our Troop in Hospital Most of them have enteric fever and some of them will never get over it We- will be here yet for some time unless we are taken in by bur Troop being so low in strength on account of so much sickness was over close tor a Boer laager a few days ago and could see lots of Boers Since I captured my own horse my chum and I- are out- roam ing around some limes and happen to see some queer places- Of course it is dangerous but it is just lively to get down among the Boers see am enjoying myself immensley Well I have no more time for writ ing at present so will close From vour affect ion ale son Will- On every Dollar you buy from us you save Listen CURTAIN South Kidney Cure eases put them to righs when It is medi cine tees a kidhry because it turn an form of Kidney disease a Kidney Thousands have tested and their to it It rtlees in six W Sold W Lehman Several buildings at P were destroyed or damaged by fire By the collapse of a si and durmf a big- at Glasgow persons- were killed and Mrs Robert Holmes of while under the influence of an anaes thetic in a dentists chair died at w noon on Sunday She leaves a hi and several small children yds Long Tape Border regular for yds Long Tape Border regular for 50c Long Tape Border double thread 1 Tor 75c PRINTS m 2 wick Duck best goods made rfgular for Fancy Delaines and Mercerized very Newest Fabrics Recfived this week Tin Choice Pink Salmon Raisins per lb New Prunes Cooking Figs per Sardines per 4c Tomato Catsup per tin 5c Canned Appes joc Pigs Washing Soda pet lb per lb ROliLtHR Best Standard complete W BRUNTONS NONE AS BAKING DISTRICT OF THK NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Board Li cence Commissioners of the above District will be held at the Inspect ors Office in the Village Sharon on April at hour of am for the pur pose of considering applications and granting Licenses for the License year AH deposit receipts must be in the hands the Inspect or on or before the above date A J- HUGHES Inspectors Office License Inspector Sharon April 2nd Assessors Assessments The Globe yesterday calls special attention to certain changes in the law of assessment It developed that municipal assessors tbrougbot llw Province began their sea oils work over a fortnight ago without a knowledge of the aiMuomerits to the act made at the last fctssjon of tbe legis lature- is the duly of to he of the latent amend ments to the Jaw but suits have shown that many assessors are still of radical alter ation made in the act by the a few weeks ago The assess ments made the old act will probably not be accepted The amendments to the act provide tht land shall be assessed in municipality in which it lies that the assessment of lands of water light heat power and other companies shall he made in the municipality in which the lands are situated and the rails wires gas mains conduits and other properties ol such com panies shall be at their cash value as the same would be appraised uion a sale to anotber company similar powers The following named persons have applied lor Licenses the above District for the year commenting May 1st KING TOWNSHIP Tavern J Harris John Sut ton J P Miller Robert Watson Frank Isaac Francis Agnes Jane TOIITOHURCH TOWNSHIP TavernKd McQuillan Tavern John Wesley Nichols John J NORTH Tavern McDonald Wizabeih Kaale beer and wine Tavern Crittenden Darius new but premises now licensed SUTTON Tavern A McDonald six months HOLLAND LANDING Tavern Jane VILLI Tavern Miller Martin Flanagan IMward Luke Shoo Frank Stewart AURORA Tavern Watte Richard Wells George Rheumatism Is really a in the and where there la poison theres disaster In a lesser or greater degree but theres a cure South Rheumatic the blood in relieves at once the cure a more surely When disease of only few rears standing not more than tine to days time is required lo effect a com plete cure When it has been present in the sys tem for or Ihc acid poison has In such cases relief at once but a core cannot be secured under two or three weeks Sold by Lehman Stock The prices cattle have an upward tendency As high as was paid lor exporters on Tuesday but the was 10 575 liven butchering cattle went up to 35u to and common 3 to Dry cows to The lor feeders was strong and high prices were paid Good heavy feeders to lbs to and good stock brought to Jersey as usual fetched lower prices to Hulls sold at to 50 Calves were strong at to Milch cows were in exceptionally brisk demand Ordinary ones fetched to but really good ones were hard to get at to Good sheen fetched to bucks to and yearlings to Slight drop in Selects 5610 lights and fats to I Newmarket April per barrel 53 a White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush a per bush a a Barley per a Oats per bush a per bush 75 a per hush a Butter a 11 a Sheep Pelts a Wool per lb a Hay per ton a Bran per ton a Shorts ton OK a Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair a Ducks a Geese per lb a Turkeys 1 Toronto SI 32 70 fill GO 1 GO 22 Blue Grey Ladies Cloth Silk Lined for Grey Tweed Italian Lining 51200 for Black Serge Italian Lining for Navy Blue Ladies Cloth Italian Lining for Green Ladies Cloth Italian Lining tor Black Frieze Italian Lining for IZE 34 Green Venetian Cloth Silk Lined 51200 for Blue Grey Venetian Cloth Silk for Green Homespun Silk Lined for Navy Blue Homespun for Dark Green Homespun Silk Lining for Black Homespun Italian Lining for Homespun Satin Lining 51800 for Black and Blue Check Tweed Italian Lining for Blue Ladies Cloth Italian Lining or Navy Melton Cloth Unlined tor 5900 St 75 April lThe execu tors of the late J will have a cash sale of furniture etc on premiss Kewwick Licenses issued for current year Shop 1 Applications tor License year 190203 Taverns Shop Any petitions against the granting of a License to any or hind premises must be filed with the Chickens per pair- Toronto April Red Wheat per bush a 50 White Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per a Barley per bosh a Oats per bush a per a bush a per dor a Butter roll 0 a Hay per ton a Potatoes per bag 00 a Sheepskins a per 0 a Hogs per 50 a on 5900 00 Beef fore SS5Ti bouse arid lot will also be sold Kavanafjh Auctioneer Perry drop- wbtte walking street i t i for Board meeting All perIOeese wns will govern tbemseVes License Inspector TlmotbySeedwi 425 a a a a a a 10 a a a 70 22 25 SIZE 36 Fawn Ladies Cloth Plaid Silk Lin ing for Fawn Ladies Silk Lined 52500 for Green Ladies Italian Lined lor 450 Fawn Ladies Cloth Silk Lined 51500 for and White Check Italian Lined for Fawn Ladies Satin Lined 51000 for Black Ladles Cloth Unlined for Fawn Ladies Silk Lined for Fawn Ladies Satin Lined for Fawn Ladies Cloth 51500 for SIZE 36 Navy Blue Homespun for 51000 Black Homespun for Fawn Broadcloth Silk Lined for 52000 Navy Blue Broadcloth Silk Lined 5500 for Fawn Broadcloth Silk Lined for 52250 Black Serge for Black Serge Italian Lined lor Green Venetian Cloth for Brown Tweed Italian Lined for Fawn Tweed Silk Lined 51850 for Navy Blue Mellon Italian Lined for Navy Blue Melton Unlined for Grey Homespun Italian Lined for SIZE 38 Black Broadcloth Italian Lined 5 for Black Homespun Silk Lined 51800 for 5900 Navy Blue Broadcloth Silk Lined for Black Serge 5 for Blue Grey Venetian Silk Lined for Navy Unlined for Navy Blue Frieze for Black Homespun for Black Serge for Navy for IZE 40 Black Serge Italian Lined for 5400 Navy Melton AM for Mixed Blue Cloth Italian Lined lor SIZE Blue Grey Homespun Italian Lined for Black Serge Unlined for anford oche Newmarket Out I rf